- /**
- * HandVu - a library for computer vision-based hand gesture
- * recognition.
- * Copyright (C) 2004 Mathias Kolsch, matz@cs.ucsb.edu
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- *
- * $Id: OpticalFlowPredict.cpp,v 1.10 2005/08/16 00:09:55 matz Exp $
- **/
- #include "Common.h"
- #include "Skincolor.h"
- #include "OpticalFlow.h"
- #include "Exceptions.h"
- /** Initialize the Condensation data structure and state dynamics
- */
- void OpticalFlow::InitCondensation(int condens_num_samples)
- {
- // initialize Condensation data structure and set the
- // system dynamics
- m_sample_confidences.resize(condens_num_samples);
- if (m_pConDens) {
- cvReleaseConDensation(&m_pConDens);
- }
- m_pConDens = cvCreateConDensation(OF_CONDENS_DIMS, OF_CONDENS_DIMS, condens_num_samples);
- CvMat dyn = cvMat(OF_CONDENS_DIMS, OF_CONDENS_DIMS, CV_32FC1, m_pConDens->DynamMatr);
- // CvMat dyn = cvMat(OF_CONDENS_DIMS, OF_CONDENS_DIMS, CV_MAT3x3_32F, m_pConDens->DynamMatr);
- cvmSetIdentity(&dyn);
- cvmSet(&dyn, 0, 1, 0.0);
- cvmSet(&dyn, 2, 3, 0.0);
- // initialize bounds for state
- float lower_bound[OF_CONDENS_DIMS];
- float upper_bound[OF_CONDENS_DIMS];
- // velocity bounds highly depend on the frame rate that we will achieve,
- // increase the factor for lower frame rates;
- // it states how much the center can move in either direction in a single
- // frame, measured in terms of the width or height of the initial match size
- double velocity_factor = .25;
- double cx = (m_condens_init_rect.left+m_condens_init_rect.right)/2.0;
- double cy = (m_condens_init_rect.top+m_condens_init_rect.bottom)/2.0;
- double width = (m_condens_init_rect.right-m_condens_init_rect.left)*velocity_factor;
- double height = (m_condens_init_rect.bottom-m_condens_init_rect.top)*velocity_factor;
- lower_bound[0] = (float) (cx-width);
- upper_bound[0] = (float) (cx+width);
- lower_bound[1] = (float) (-width);
- upper_bound[1] = (float) (+width);
- lower_bound[2] = (float) (cy-height);
- upper_bound[2] = (float) (cy+height);
- lower_bound[3] = (float) (-height);
- upper_bound[3] = (float) (+height);
- lower_bound[4] = (float) (-10.0*velocity_factor*M_PI/180.0);
- upper_bound[4] = (float) (+10.0*velocity_factor*M_PI/180.0);
- CvMat lb = cvMat(OF_CONDENS_DIMS, 1, CV_MAT3x1_32F, lower_bound);
- CvMat ub = cvMat(OF_CONDENS_DIMS, 1, CV_MAT3x1_32F, upper_bound);
- cvConDensInitSampleSet(m_pConDens, &lb, &ub);
- // set the state that will later be computed by condensation to
- // the currently observed state
- m_condens_state.x = cx;
- m_condens_state.y = cy;
- m_condens_state.vx = 0;
- m_condens_state.vy = 0;
- m_condens_state.angle = 0;
- // debugging:
- // DbgSetModuleLevel(LOG_CUSTOM1, 3);
- }
- void OpticalFlow::UpdateCondensation(IplImage* /*rgbImage*/,
- int prev_indx, int curr_indx)
- {
- //VERBOSE5(3, "m_condens_state x %f, y %f, vx %f, vy %f, a %f",
- // m_condens_state.x, m_condens_state.y, m_condens_state.vx, m_condens_state.vy, m_condens_state.angle);
- // for each condensation sample, predict the feature locations,
- // compare to the observed KLT tracking, and check the probmask
- // at each predicted location. The combination of these yields the
- // confidence in this sample's estimate.
- int num_ft = (int) m_features[prev_indx].size();
- CPointVector predicted;
- predicted.resize(num_ft);
- CDoubleVector probs_locations;
- CDoubleVector probs_colors;
- probs_locations.reserve(m_pConDens->SamplesNum);
- probs_colors.reserve(m_pConDens->SamplesNum);
- double sum_probs_locations = 0.0;
- double sum_probs_colors = 0.0;
- CDoubleVector old_lens;
- CDoubleVector old_d_angles;
- // prepare data structures so that prediction based on centroid
- // is fast
- PreparePredictFeatureLocations(m_condens_state, m_features[prev_indx], old_lens, old_d_angles);
- CvPoint2D32f avg_obs, avg_prev;
- GetAverage(m_features[curr_indx], avg_prev);
- // GetAverage(m_features[prev_indx], avg_prev);
- GetAverage(m_features[curr_indx]/*_observation*/, avg_obs);
- double dvx = avg_obs.x - avg_prev.x;
- double dvy = avg_obs.y - avg_prev.y;
- // for each sample
- for (int scnt=0; scnt<m_pConDens->SamplesNum; scnt++) {
- // hack - todo
- if (scnt==m_pConDens->SamplesNum-1) {
- m_pConDens->flSamples[scnt][0] = avg_obs.x;
- m_pConDens->flSamples[scnt][2] = avg_obs.y;
- m_pConDens->flSamples[scnt][1] = (float) dvx;
- m_pConDens->flSamples[scnt][3] = (float) dvy;
- }
- // the Condensation sample's guess:
- CondensState sample_state;
- sample_state.x = m_pConDens->flSamples[scnt][0];
- sample_state.y = m_pConDens->flSamples[scnt][2];
- sample_state.vx = m_pConDens->flSamples[scnt][1];
- sample_state.vy = m_pConDens->flSamples[scnt][3];
- sample_state.angle = 0;//m_pConDens->flSamples[scnt][4];
- ASSERT(!isnan(sample_state.x) && !isnan(sample_state.y) && !isnan(sample_state.angle));
- double fac = (m_condens_init_rect.right-m_condens_init_rect.left)/3.0;
- double dx = avg_obs.x - sample_state.x;
- double dy = avg_obs.y - sample_state.y;
- double probloc = dx*dx+dy*dy;
- probloc = fac/(fac+probloc);
- probs_locations.push_back(probloc);
- sum_probs_locations += probloc;
- #if 0
- PredictFeatureLocations(old_lens, old_d_angles, sample_state, predicted);
- // probability of predicted feature locations given the KLT observation
- int discard_num_distances = (int)(0.15*(double)num_ft);
- double probloc = EstimateProbability(predicted, m_features[curr_indx]/*_observation*/, discard_num_distances);
- probs_locations.push_back(probloc);
- sum_probs_locations += probloc;
- // probability of predicted feature locations given the outside probability map (color)
- double probcol = EstimateProbability(predicted, rgbImage);
- probs_colors.push_back(probcol);
- sum_probs_colors += probcol;
- #endif
- } // end for each sample
- // ASSERT(!isnan(sum_probs_locations) && sum_probs_locations>0);
- //
- // normalize the individual probabilities and set sample confidence
- //
- int best_sample_indx = -1;
- double best_confidence = 0;
- for (int scnt=0; scnt<m_pConDens->SamplesNum; scnt++) {
- double norm_prob_locations = probs_locations[scnt]/sum_probs_locations;
- // double norm_prob_colors = probs_colors[scnt]/sum_probs_colors;
- double confidence;
- if (sum_probs_colors>0) {
- // confidence = norm_prob_locations*norm_prob_colors;
- confidence = norm_prob_locations;
- } else {
- confidence = norm_prob_locations;
- }
- m_pConDens->flConfidence[scnt] = (float) confidence;
- m_sample_confidences[scnt] = confidence;
- if (confidence>best_confidence) {
- best_confidence = confidence;
- best_sample_indx = scnt;
- }
- }
- // for (int scnt=0; scnt<m_pConDens->SamplesNum; scnt++) {
- // VERBOSE2(3, "%d: %f ", scnt, m_sample_confidences[scnt]);
- // }
- ASSERT(best_sample_indx!=-1);
- ASSERT(best_sample_indx==m_pConDens->SamplesNum-1);
- CondensState best_sample_state;
- best_sample_state.x = m_pConDens->flSamples[best_sample_indx][0];
- best_sample_state.y = m_pConDens->flSamples[best_sample_indx][2];
- best_sample_state.vx = m_pConDens->flSamples[best_sample_indx][1];
- best_sample_state.vy = m_pConDens->flSamples[best_sample_indx][3];
- best_sample_state.angle = m_pConDens->flSamples[best_sample_indx][4];
- //VERBOSE3(3, "sample_state %f, %f, %f",
- // sample_state.x, sample_state.y, sample_state.angle);
- // VERBOSE4(3, "sample_state %f, %f, %f, %f"),
- // sample_state.x, sample_state.y, sample_state.vx, sample_state.vy);
- ASSERT(!isnan(best_sample_state.x) && !isnan(best_sample_state.y) && !isnan(best_sample_state.angle));
- // probability of predicted feature locations given the KLT observation
- m_tmp_predicted.resize(m_features[0].size());
- PredictFeatureLocations(old_lens, old_d_angles, best_sample_state, m_tmp_predicted);
- //
- // do one condensation step, then get the state prediction from Condensation;
- //
- cvConDensUpdateByTime(m_pConDens);
- #if 0
- if (false) { // todo
- m_condens_state.x = max(0, min(rgbImage->width-1, m_pConDens->State[0]));
- m_condens_state.y = max(0, min(rgbImage->height-1, m_pConDens->State[2]));
- m_condens_state.vx = m_pConDens->State[1];
- m_condens_state.vy = m_pConDens->State[3];
- m_condens_state.angle = m_pConDens->State[4];
- } else
- #endif
- {
- m_condens_state.x = best_sample_state.x;
- m_condens_state.y = best_sample_state.y;
- m_condens_state.vx = best_sample_state.vx;
- m_condens_state.vy = best_sample_state.vy ;
- m_condens_state.angle = best_sample_state.angle;
- }
- ASSERT(!isnan(m_condens_state.x) && !isnan(m_condens_state.y) && !isnan(m_condens_state.angle));
- ASSERT(!isnan(m_condens_state.vx) && !isnan(m_condens_state.vy));
- // now move the current features to where Condensation thinks they should be;
- // the observation is no longer needed
- #if 0
- if (false) { // todo
- PredictFeatureLocations(old_lens, old_d_angles, m_condens_state, m_tmp_predicted);
- FollowObservationForSmallDiffs(m_tmp_predicted, m_features[curr_indx]/*observation*/,
- m_features[curr_indx]/*output*/, 2.0);
- } else
- #endif
- {
- PredictFeatureLocations(old_lens, old_d_angles, m_condens_state, m_features[curr_indx]);
- }
- {
- // initialize bounds for state
- float lower_bound[OF_CONDENS_DIMS];
- float upper_bound[OF_CONDENS_DIMS];
- // velocity bounds highly depend on the frame rate that we will achieve,
- // increase the factor for lower frame rates;
- // it states how much the center can move in either direction in a single
- // frame, measured in terms of the width or height of the initial match size
- double velocity_factor = .25;
- CvPoint2D32f avg;
- GetAverage(m_features[curr_indx]/*_observation*/, avg);
- double cx = avg.x;
- double cy = avg.y;
- double width = (m_condens_init_rect.right-m_condens_init_rect.left)*velocity_factor;
- double height = (m_condens_init_rect.bottom-m_condens_init_rect.top)*velocity_factor;
- lower_bound[0] = (float) (cx-width);
- upper_bound[0] = (float) (cx+width);
- lower_bound[1] = (float) (-width);
- upper_bound[1] = (float) (+width);
- lower_bound[2] = (float) (cy-height);
- upper_bound[2] = (float) (cy+height);
- lower_bound[3] = (float) (-height);
- upper_bound[3] = (float) (+height);
- lower_bound[4] = (float) (-10.0*velocity_factor*M_PI/180.0);
- upper_bound[4] = (float) (+10.0*velocity_factor*M_PI/180.0);
- CvMat lb = cvMat(OF_CONDENS_DIMS, 1, CV_MAT3x1_32F, lower_bound);
- CvMat ub = cvMat(OF_CONDENS_DIMS, 1, CV_MAT3x1_32F, upper_bound);
- cvConDensInitSampleSet(m_pConDens, &lb, &ub);
- }
- }
- /** if the distance between the predicted ("pred") and the observed feature
- * location is smaller than diff, use the observation as "corrected" feature,
- * otherwise use the "pred" location
- */
- void OpticalFlow::FollowObservationForSmallDiffs(const CPointVector& pred,
- const CPointVector& obs,
- CPointVector& corrected,
- double diff)
- {
- int num_ft = (int) obs.size();
- ASSERT(num_ft);
- ASSERT((int)pred.size()==num_ft);
- ASSERT((int)corrected.size()==num_ft);
- for (int ft=0; ft<num_ft; ft++) {
- double dx = pred[ft].x-obs[ft].x;
- double dy = pred[ft].y-obs[ft].y;
- double len = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
- if (len<diff) {
- corrected[ft].x = obs[ft].x;
- corrected[ft].y = obs[ft].y;
- } else {
- corrected[ft].x = pred[ft].x;
- corrected[ft].y = pred[ft].y;
- }
- }
- }
- /* compute and store the relative location of each feature versus
- * the base_state; save it as distance and angle from base_state
- */
- void OpticalFlow::PreparePredictFeatureLocations(const CondensState& base_state,
- const CPointVector& base,
- CDoubleVector& old_lens,
- CDoubleVector& old_d_angles)
- {
- int num_ft = (int) base.size();
- ASSERT(num_ft);
- old_lens.reserve(num_ft);
- old_d_angles.reserve(num_ft);
- for (int ft=0; ft<num_ft; ft++) {
- double old_dx = base[ft].x-base_state.x;
- double old_dy = base[ft].y-base_state.y;
- double old_len = sqrt(old_dx*old_dx+old_dy*old_dy);
- double old_angle = atan(old_dy/old_dx);
- if (old_dx<0) old_angle += M_PI;
- double old_d_angle = old_angle-base_state.angle;
- old_lens.push_back(old_len);
- old_d_angles.push_back(old_d_angle);
- }
- }
- /** given a (predicted) state, where do the features end up?
- * This requires that PreparePredict.. has been called before
- * to obtain an intermediate feature representation that is free
- * of the the old state.
- */
- void OpticalFlow::PredictFeatureLocations(const CDoubleVector& old_lens,
- const CDoubleVector& old_d_angles,
- const CondensState& predicted_state,
- CPointVector& prediction)
- {
- int num_ft = (int)prediction.size();
- ASSERT((int)old_lens.size()==num_ft);
- ASSERT((int)old_d_angles.size()==num_ft);
- for (int ft=0; ft<num_ft; ft++) {
- double old_d_angle = old_d_angles[ft];
- double new_angle = predicted_state.angle+old_d_angle;
- double old_len = old_lens[ft];
- double new_dx = old_len*cos(new_angle);
- double new_dy = old_len*sin(new_angle);
- prediction[ft].x = (float) (predicted_state.x+new_dx);
- prediction[ft].y = (float) (predicted_state.y+new_dy);
- // VERBOSE2(3, "predicted %f, %f",
- // prediction[ft].x, prediction[ft].y);
- }
- }
- /* estimate the likelihood that the given prediction is correct,
- * given the observation and discarding the furthest-away features
- */
- double OpticalFlow::EstimateProbability(const CPointVector& prediction,
- const CPointVector& observation,
- int discard_num_furthest)
- {
- int num_ft = (int) prediction.size();
- ASSERT((int)observation.size()==num_ft);
- ASSERT(num_ft>discard_num_furthest);
- vector<double> furthest; // will be sorted highest to smallest
- furthest.resize(discard_num_furthest);
- double cum_dist = 0.0;
- for (int ft=0; ft<num_ft; ft++) {
- double dx = prediction[ft].x-observation[ft].x;
- double dy = prediction[ft].y-observation[ft].y;
- double dist = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
- // check if it's a far-away feature, update "furthest" vector if so.
- // only add the distance if it's not too far away
- for (int f=0; f<discard_num_furthest; f++) {
- if (dist>furthest[f]) {
- // add smallest "furthest" dist to the sum before we kick it out
- // of the vector
- cum_dist += furthest[discard_num_furthest-1];
- for (int s=f; s<discard_num_furthest-1; s++) {
- furthest[s+1] = furthest[s];
- }
- furthest[f] = dist;
- break;
- }
- }
- cum_dist += dist;
- }
- double prob = 1.0/(1.0+cum_dist);
- return prob;
- }
- /** given the locations of features for a predicted state,
- * do they fall on skin-colored pixels?
- */
- double OpticalFlow::EstimateProbability(const CPointVector& prediction,
- IplImage* rgbImage)
- {
- int num_ft = (int) prediction.size();
- ASSERT(num_ft);
- int max_x = rgbImage->width-1;
- int max_y = rgbImage->height-1;
- double prob = 0;
- for (int ft=0; ft<num_ft; ft++) {
- int x = (int) prediction[ft].x;
- int y = (int) prediction[ft].y;
- x = max(0, min(x, max_x));
- y = max(0, min(y, max_y));
- ColorBGR* color;
- GetPixel(rgbImage, x, y, &color);
- double p = m_pProbDistrProvider->LookupProb(*color);
- prob += p;
- }
- prob = prob/(double)num_ft;
- return prob;
- }