- /**
- * HandVu - a library for computer vision-based hand gesture
- * recognition.
- * Copyright (C) 2004 Mathias Kolsch,
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- *
- * $Id: VisionConductor.cpp,v 1.23 2005/11/03 23:44:10 matz Exp $
- **/
- #include "Common.h"
- #include "VisionConductor.h"
- #include "FileHandling.h"
- #include <fstream>
- #ifdef HAVE_FLOAT_H
- #include <float.h>
- #endif
- #ifdef USE_MFC
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #endif // _DEBUG
- #endif // USE_MFC
- #ifdef WIN32
- #if defined(GetMessage)
- #undef GetMessage
- #endif
- #else // WIN32
- // otherwise declared in Common.h
- void ReplaceAll(string& mangle, const string what, const string with);
- #endif //WIN32
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // VisionConductor
- VisionConductor::VisionConductor()
- : m_is_loaded(false),
- m_camera_calib(""),
- m_adjust_exposure(false),
- // detection:
- m_dt_radius(-1),
- m_dt_cascades_start(-1),
- m_dt_cascades_end(-1),
- m_dt_min_match_duration(-1),
- m_dt_min_color_coverage(-1),
- // tracking
- m_tr_num_KLT_features(-1),
- m_tr_min_KLT_features(-1),
- m_tr_cascades_start(-1),
- m_tr_cascades_end(-1),
- m_tr_winsize_width(-1),
- m_tr_winsize_height(-1),
- m_tr_min_feature_distance(-1),
- m_tr_type(VC_TT_UNDEF),
- // recognition
- m_rc_cascades_start(-1),
- m_rc_cascades_end(-1),
- m_rc_max_scan_width(-1),
- m_rc_max_scan_height(-1),
- m_rc_scale_tolerance(-1)
- {
- }
- VisionConductor::~VisionConductor()
- {
- }
- void VisionConductor::Load(string pathfile)
- {
- // $IT_DATA environmet variable, NULL if not set
- const char *it_data = getenv("IT_DATA");
- string std_it_data;
- if (it_data!=NULL) {
- std_it_data = ConvertPathToStandard(it_data);
- } else {
- std_it_data = "";
- }
- // substitute $IT_DATA environment variable, if requested
- string::size_type pos = pathfile.find("$IT_DATA");
- if (pos!=string::npos) {
- if (it_data==NULL) {
- throw HVEFile(pathfile, "The filename requests the environment variable "
- "$IT_DATA to be set.");
- }
- // substitute "$IT_DATA" for the value of that environment variable
- ReplaceAll(pathfile, "$IT_DATA", std_it_data);
- }
- // all paths in the VisionConductor file "filename" are relative
- // to the path of "filename". so, let's cd to that directory, load
- // all cascades etc., and in the end restore the previous cwd.
- string old_cwd = GetCWD();
- string vc_path, fname;
- SplitPathFile(pathfile, vc_path, fname);
- VERBOSE1(5, "HandVu: loading supplemental conductor files from path %s",
- vc_path.c_str());
- if (old_cwd!=vc_path) {
- SetCWD(vc_path);
- }
- m_masks.clear();
- m_orig_areas.clear();
- try {
- // the actual parsing function
- ParseFromFile(fname);
- } catch (HVException& hve) {
- if (old_cwd!=vc_path) {
- SetCWD(old_cwd);
- }
- throw HVException(hve.GetMessage() + "n" +
- "note: paths in VisionConductor files are relative;n"
- "in this case to " + vc_path);
- }
- if (old_cwd!=vc_path) {
- SetCWD(old_cwd);
- }
- SanityCheckMasks();
- m_is_loaded = true;
- }
- /** parsing function; do not call directly but
- * call "Load" instead
- */
- void VisionConductor::ParseFromFile(const string& filename)
- {
- ifstream file(filename.c_str());
- if (!file) {
- throw HVEFileNotFound(filename);
- }
- // $IT_DATA environmet variable, NULL if not set
- const char *it_data = getenv("IT_DATA");
- string std_it_data;
- if (it_data!=NULL) {
- std_it_data = ConvertPathToStandard(it_data);
- } else {
- std_it_data = "";
- }
- string line;
- do {
- getline(file, line);
- } while (line=="" || line[0]=='#');
- // version 1.5
- do {
- getline(file, line);
- } while (line=="" || line[0]=='#');
- {
- char* buf = new char[line.length()];
- int scanned = sscanf(line.c_str(), "camera calibration: %s", buf);
- if (scanned!=1) {
- throw HVEFile(filename, string("expected camera calibration file, found: ")+line);
- }
- m_camera_calib = string(buf);
- delete[] buf;
- // substitute $IT_DATA environment variable, if requested
- string::size_type pos = m_camera_calib.find("$IT_DATA");
- if (pos!=string::npos) {
- if (it_data==NULL) {
- throw HVEFile(filename, "The file requests the environment variable "
- "$IT_DATA to be set.");
- }
- // substitute "$IT_DATA" for the value of that environment variable
- ReplaceAll(m_camera_calib, "$IT_DATA", std_it_data);
- }
- if (m_camera_calib!="-") {
- FILE* fp = fopen(m_camera_calib.c_str(), "rb");
- if (!fp) {
- throw HVEFile(filename, string("can not find file: ")+m_camera_calib);
- }
- } else {
- m_camera_calib = "";
- }
- }
- // what sort of camera exposure control is desired
- do {
- getline(file, line);
- } while (line=="" || line[0]=='#');
- {
- char* buf = new char[line.length()];
- int scanned = sscanf(line.c_str(), "camera exposure: %s", buf);
- if (scanned!=1) {
- throw HVEFile(filename, string("expected camera exposure control setting, found: ")+line);
- }
- if (strcmp(buf, "camera")==0) {
- m_adjust_exposure = false;
- } else if (strcmp(buf, "software")==0) {
- m_adjust_exposure = true;
- } else {
- throw HVEFile(filename, string("expected camera exposure control setting ("camera" or "software"), found: ")+line);
- }
- delete[] buf;
- }
- // detection parameters
- do {
- getline(file, line);
- } while (line=="" || line[0]=='#');
- float coverage;
- float radius;
- int scanned = sscanf(line.c_str(), "detection params: coverage %f, duration %d, radius %f",
- &coverage, &m_dt_min_match_duration, &radius);
- if (scanned!=3) {
- throw HVEFile(filename, string("expected detection params, found: ")+line);
- }
- m_dt_min_color_coverage = coverage;
- if (radius>1) {
- HVEFile(filename, "radius must be width-relative");
- }
- m_dt_radius = radius;
- // tracking parameters
- do {
- getline(file, line);
- } while (line=="" || line[0]=='#');
- float min_dist;
- float max_err;
- scanned = sscanf(line.c_str(), "tracking params: num_f %d, min_f %d, win_w %d, win_h %d, min_dist %f, max_err %f",
- &m_tr_num_KLT_features, &m_tr_min_KLT_features, &m_tr_winsize_width, &m_tr_winsize_height, &min_dist, &max_err);
- if (scanned!=6) {
- throw HVEFile(filename, string("expected tracking params, found: ")+line);
- }
- m_tr_min_feature_distance = min_dist;
- if (max_err<=0) {
- m_tr_max_feature_error = DBL_MAX; // DBL_MAX switches this off
- } else {
- m_tr_max_feature_error = max_err;
- }
- // tracking style
- do {
- getline(file, line);
- } while (line=="" || line[0]=='#');
- string::size_type pos = line.find("tracking style: ");
- if (pos==string::npos) {
- throw HVEFile(filename, string("expected tracking style, found: ")+line);
- }
- string style = line.substr(strlen("tracking style: "));
- if (style=="OPTICAL_FLOW_ONLY") {
- m_tr_type = VC_TT_OPTICAL_FLOW_ONLY;
- } else if (style=="OPTICAL_FLOW_COLOR") {
- } else if (style=="OPTICAL_FLOW_FLOCK") {
- } else if (style=="OPTICAL_FLOW_COLORFLOCK") {
- } else if (style=="CAMSHIFT_HSV") {
- m_tr_type = VC_TT_CAMSHIFT_HSV;
- } else if (style=="CAMSHIFT_LEARNED") {
- } else {
- throw HVEFile(filename, string("wrong tracking style: ")+style);
- }
- // recognition params
- do {
- getline(file, line);
- } while (line=="" || line[0]=='#');
- float max_scan_width;
- float max_scan_height;
- scanned = sscanf(line.c_str(), "recognition params: max_scan_width %f, max_scan_height %f",
- &max_scan_width, &max_scan_height);
- if (scanned!=2) {
- throw HVEFile(filename, string("expected recognition params, found: ")+line);
- }
- m_rc_max_scan_width = max_scan_width;
- m_rc_max_scan_height = max_scan_height;
- m_rc_scale_tolerance = 1.75; // magic!
- int num;
- // detection cascades
- m_dt_cascades_start = 0;
- num = ReadScannerData(file, filename, "detection");
- m_dt_cascades_end = m_dt_cascades_start+num;
- // tracking cascades
- m_tr_cascades_start = m_dt_cascades_end;
- num = ReadScannerData(file, filename, "tracking");
- m_tr_cascades_end = m_tr_cascades_start+num;
- // recognition cascades
- m_rc_cascades_start = m_tr_cascades_end;
- num = ReadScannerData(file, filename, "recognition");
- m_rc_cascades_end = m_rc_cascades_start+num;
- //
- // load masks
- //
- do {
- getline(file, line);
- } while (line=="" || line[0]=='#');
- scanned = sscanf(line.c_str(), "%d masks", &num);
- if (scanned!=1) {
- throw HVEFile(filename, string("expected number of masks, found: ")+line);
- }
- for (int mcnt=0; mcnt<num; mcnt++) {
- Mask mask;
- string mask_filename;
- do {
- getline(file, mask_filename);
- } while (mask_filename=="" || mask_filename[0]=='#');
- // substitute $IT_DATA environment variable, if requested
- string::size_type pos = mask_filename.find("$IT_DATA");
- if (pos!=string::npos) {
- if (it_data==NULL) {
- throw HVEFile(filename, "The file requests the environment variable "
- "$IT_DATA to be set.");
- }
- // substitute "$IT_DATA" for the value of that environment variable
- ReplaceAll(mask_filename, "$IT_DATA", std_it_data);
- }
- mask.ParseFrom(ConvertPathToWindows(mask_filename).c_str());
- if (m_masks.find(mask.GetName())!=m_masks.end()) {
- throw HVException(string("mask '")+mask.GetName()+string("' exists already!"));
- }
- m_masks[mask.GetName()] = mask;
- }
- } else {
- throw HVEFile(filename, string("Unknown or no conductor file version: ")+line);
- }
- }
- void VisionConductor::SanityCheckMasks()
- {
- for (int cc=0; cc<m_rc_cascades_end; cc++) {
- CuCascadeProperties cp;
- CuCascadeID id = (CuCascadeID) cc;
- cuGetCascadeProperties(id, cp);
- for (int nm=0; nm<(int)cp.names.size(); nm++) {
- if (m_masks.find(cp.names[nm])==m_masks.end()) {
- throw HVException(string("no mask for cascade '")+cp.names[nm]+string("'."));
- }
- ConstMaskIt mask = m_masks.find(cp.names[nm]);
- if ((*mask).second.GetWidth()!=cp.template_width
- || (*mask).second.GetHeight()!=cp.template_height)
- {
- throw HVException(string("mask size does not match cascade size ('")
- + cp.names[nm] + string("')."));
- }
- double m = (*mask).second.GetImageAreaRatio();
- double c = cp.image_area_ratio;
- if (fabs(m-c)>0.00001)
- {
- throw HVException(string("mask ratio does not match cascade ratio ('")
- + cp.names[nm]+string("')."));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* reads file names C and M and settings from the file, then
- * loads cascade and mask from the file corresponding to C and M;
- * adds the results to m_cascades and m_masks
- */
- int VisionConductor::ReadScannerData(ifstream& file, const string filename, const string type)
- {
- // $IT_DATA environmet variable, NULL if not set
- const char *it_data = getenv("IT_DATA");
- string std_it_data;
- if (it_data!=NULL) {
- std_it_data = ConvertPathToStandard(it_data);
- } else {
- std_it_data = "";
- }
- string line;
- do {
- getline(file, line);
- } while (line=="" || line[0]=='#');
- int num;
- int scanned = sscanf(line.c_str(), (string("%d")
- +type+string(" cascades")).c_str(), &num);
- if (scanned!=1) {
- throw HVEFile(filename, string("expected number of ")
- +type+string(" cascades, found: ")+line);
- }
- for (int cs=0; cs<num; cs++) {
- CuCascadeID cascadeID;
- //
- // load cascade
- //
- {
- string cascade_filename;
- do {
- getline(file, cascade_filename);
- } while (cascade_filename=="" || cascade_filename[0]=='#');
- // substitute $IT_DATA environment variable, if requested
- string::size_type pos = cascade_filename.find("$IT_DATA");
- if (pos!=string::npos) {
- if (it_data==NULL) {
- throw HVEFile(filename, "The file requests the environment variable "
- "$IT_DATA to be set.");
- }
- // substitute "$IT_DATA" for the value of that environment variable
- ReplaceAll(cascade_filename, "$IT_DATA", std_it_data);
- }
- cuLoadCascade(ConvertPathToWindows(cascade_filename).c_str(), &cascadeID);
- }
- //
- // read configuration of scanners
- //
- {
- float left, top, right, bottom;
- do {
- getline(file, line);
- } while (line=="" || line[0]=='#');
- scanned =
- sscanf(line.c_str(), "area: left %f, top %f, right %f, bottom %f",
- &left, &top, &right, &bottom);
- if (scanned!=4) {
- throw HVEFile(filename, string("expected area, found: ")+line);
- }
- if (!(0<=left && left<=1) || !(0<=top && top<=1)
- || !(0<=right && right<=1) || !(0<=bottom && bottom<=1))
- {
- throw HVEFile(filename, "areas must have relative coordinates");
- }
- do {
- getline(file, line);
- } while (line=="" || line[0]=='#');
- float start_scale, stop_scale, scale_inc_factor;
- scanned = sscanf(line.c_str(),
- "params scaling: start %f, stop %f, inc_factor %f",
- &start_scale, &stop_scale, &scale_inc_factor);
- if (scanned!=3) {
- throw HVEFile(filename, string("expected params, found: ")+line);
- }
- float translation_inc_x, translation_inc_y;
- do {
- getline(file, line);
- } while (line=="" || line[0]=='#');
- int post_process;
- scanned = sscanf(line.c_str(),
- "params misc: translation_inc_x %f, translation_inc_y %f, post_process %d",
- &translation_inc_x, &translation_inc_y, &post_process);
- if (scanned!=3) {
- throw HVEFile(filename, string("expected params, found: ")+line);
- }
- CQuadruple orig_area(left, top, right, bottom);
- m_orig_areas.push_back(orig_area);
- CuScannerParameters sp;
- = false;
- sp.left = = sp.right = sp.bottom = -1;
- sp.start_scale = start_scale;
- sp.stop_scale = stop_scale;
- sp.scale_inc_factor = scale_inc_factor;
- sp.translation_inc_x = translation_inc_x;
- sp.translation_inc_y = translation_inc_y;
- sp.post_process = (post_process==1);
- cuSetScannerParameters(cascadeID, sp);
- }
- }
- return num;
- }
- bool VisionConductor::IsLoaded() const
- {
- return m_is_loaded;
- }
- #pragma warning (disable:4786)
- ConstMaskIt VisionConductor::GetMask(const string& name) const
- {
- ConstMaskIt it = m_masks.find(name);
- if (it==m_masks.end()) {
- throw HVException(string("no mask for name ")+name);
- }
- return it;
- }
- #pragma warning (default:4786)
- CRect CQuadruple::toRect(double scale_x, double scale_y) const
- {
- return CRect((int)(left*scale_x),
- (int)(top*scale_y),
- (int)(right*scale_x),
- (int)(bottom*scale_y));
- }
- void CQuadruple::fromRect(const CRect& rect, double scale_x, double scale_y)
- {
- left = (double)rect.left/scale_x;
- top = (double);
- right = (double)rect.right/scale_x;
- bottom = (double)rect.bottom/scale_y;
- }