- /**
- * HandVu - a library for computer vision-based hand gesture
- * recognition.
- * Copyright (C) 2004 Mathias Kolsch, matz@cs.ucsb.edu
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- *
- * $Id: OpticalFlow.cpp,v 1.20 2005/08/16 00:09:55 matz Exp $
- **/
- #include "Common.h"
- #include "Skincolor.h"
- #include "OpticalFlow.h"
- #include "Exceptions.h"
- #include <time.h>
- #ifdef HAVE_FLOAT_H
- #include <float.h>
- #endif
- #if defined(WIN32) && defined(DEBUG)
- //#include <streams.h>
- #endif
- //
- // Constructor
- //
- OpticalFlow::OpticalFlow()
- : m_num_features_tracked(0),
- m_recent_max_rdv(0),
- m_recent_max_rdv_decay(0),
- m_condens_is_tracking(false),
- m_pConDens(NULL),
- m_num_features_lost(0),
- m_winsize_width(-1),
- m_winsize_height(-1),
- m_min_distance(-1),
- m_pProbDistrProvider(NULL),
- m_num_pyramid_levels(3),
- m_target_num_features(-1),
- m_saved_prev_indx(-1),
- m_saved_curr_indx(-1),
- m_max_feature_error(-1),
- m_prev_buf_meaningful(false),
- m_prepared(false)
- {
- m_pyramids[0] = NULL;
- m_pyramids[1] = NULL;
- m_tmpEVImage[0] = NULL;
- m_tmpEVImage[1] = NULL;
- m_mean_feature_pos.x = -1;
- m_mean_feature_pos.y = -1;
- srand((unsigned) time(NULL));
- } // (Constructor)
- OpticalFlow::~OpticalFlow()
- {
- cvReleaseImage(&m_pyramids[0]);
- cvReleaseImage(&m_pyramids[1]);
- cvReleaseImage(&m_tmpEVImage[0]);
- cvReleaseImage(&m_tmpEVImage[1]);
- if (m_pConDens) {
- cvReleaseConDensation(&m_pConDens);
- m_pConDens = NULL;
- }
- }
- void OpticalFlow::Initialize(int width, int height)
- {
- CvSize imgsize = cvSize(width, height);
- cvReleaseImage(&m_pyramids[0]);
- cvReleaseImage(&m_pyramids[1]);
- m_pyramids[0] = cvCreateImage(imgsize, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
- m_pyramids[1] = cvCreateImage(imgsize, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
- cvReleaseImage(&m_tmpEVImage[0]);
- cvReleaseImage(&m_tmpEVImage[1]);
- m_tmpEVImage[0] = cvCreateImage(imgsize, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1);
- m_tmpEVImage[1] = cvCreateImage(imgsize, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1);
- }
- #pragma warning (disable:4786)
- void OpticalFlow::PrepareTracking(IplImage* rgbImage,
- IplImage* currGrayImage, int curr_indx,
- ProbDistrProvider* pProbProv,
- const CuScanMatch& match,
- ConstMaskIt mask,
- int target_num_features,
- int winsize_width,
- int winsize_height,
- double min_distance,
- double max_feature_error)
- {
- m_pProbDistrProvider = pProbProv;
- m_target_num_features = target_num_features;
- m_num_features_tracked = 0;
- m_prev_buf_meaningful = false;
- m_winsize_width = winsize_width;
- m_winsize_height = winsize_height;
- m_min_distance = min_distance;
- m_max_feature_error = max_feature_error;
- // first find a big set of features that sits on corners
- int num_corners = m_target_num_features*3;
- CPointVector corners;
- corners.resize(num_corners);
- CRect bbox(match);
- FindGoodFeatures(currGrayImage, bbox, corners);
- // then play with the color probability distribution to pick
- // the ones that are on skin color, or if those aren't enough,
- // pick some additional ones on skin colored pixels
- m_features[0].resize(m_target_num_features);
- m_features[1].resize(m_target_num_features);
- m_feature_status.resize(m_target_num_features);
- m_errors.resize(m_target_num_features);
- PickSkinColoredFeatures(rgbImage, corners, m_features[curr_indx], match, mask);
- // fine-tune feature locations
- cvFindCornerSubPix(currGrayImage,
- (CvPoint2D32f*) &m_features[curr_indx][0],
- m_target_num_features,
- cvSize(5,5), cvSize(-1,-1),
- cvTermCriteria( CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 10, 0.1f ));
- // set status right for these features
- for (int i=0; i<m_target_num_features; i++) {
- m_feature_status[i] = 1;
- }
- GetAverage(m_features[curr_indx], m_mean_feature_pos);
- m_condens_is_tracking = false;
- m_condens_init_rect = CRect(match);
- m_prepared = true;
- }
- #pragma warning (default:4786)
- int OpticalFlow::Track(IplImage* rgbImage,
- IplImage* prevImage, IplImage* currImage,
- int prev_indx, int curr_indx,
- int last_width, int last_height,
- bool flock, bool use_prob_distr)
- {
- ASSERT(m_prepared);
- m_prev_buf_meaningful = true;
- LKPyramids(prevImage, currImage, prev_indx, curr_indx);
- #if 0
- if (todo) {
- /* track a number of KLT features with an n-stage pyramid
- * and globally optimize their positions with Condensation
- */
- const int condens_num_samples = 128;
- if (!m_condens_is_tracking) {
- InitCondensation(condens_num_samples);
- ASSERT(m_pConDens->SamplesNum==condens_num_samples);
- m_condens_is_tracking = true;
- }
- UpdateCondensation(rgbImage, prev_indx, curr_indx);
- ASSERT(m_pConDens->SamplesNum==condens_num_samples);
- }
- #endif
- if (flock) {
- ConcentrateFeatures(rgbImage, m_features[curr_indx], m_feature_status,
- last_width, last_height, use_prob_distr);
- } else {
- AddNewFeatures(rgbImage, m_features[curr_indx], m_feature_status,
- last_width, last_height, use_prob_distr);
- }
- GetAverage(m_features[curr_indx], m_mean_feature_pos);
- m_saved_prev_indx = prev_indx;
- m_saved_curr_indx = curr_indx;
- return m_num_features_tracked;
- } // Track
- void OpticalFlow::DrawOverlay(IplImage* iplImage, int overlay_level)
- {
- DrawFeaturesStatistics(iplImage, overlay_level);
- }
- void OpticalFlow::GetMeanFeaturePos(CvPoint2D32f& mean)
- {
- mean = m_mean_feature_pos;
- }
- /* track a number of KLT features with an n-stage pyramid
- */
- void OpticalFlow::LKPyramids(IplImage* prevImage, IplImage* currImage,
- int prev_indx, int curr_indx)
- {
- CvTermCriteria criteria =
- cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER|CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 20, 0.03);
- int flags = 0;
- if (m_num_features_tracked>0) {
- }
- /* note: m_num_pyramid_levels can only be changed before the
- * playback is started. To release this restriction, the m_pyramids
- * must be re-initialized, that is pyr0_ready set appropriately.
- */
- // in last frame, and possibly during Get/SetFeatures, how many of
- // them were lost?
- ASSERT((int)m_feature_status.size()>=m_target_num_features);
- if (m_target_num_features>0) {
- cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(prevImage, // frame A
- currImage, // frame B
- m_pyramids[prev_indx], // buffer for pyramid for A
- m_pyramids[curr_indx], // buffer for pyramid for B
- // feature points to track in A
- (CvPoint2D32f*) &m_features[prev_indx][0],
- // calculated positions in B
- (CvPoint2D32f*) &m_features[curr_indx][0],
- // number of feature points to track
- m_target_num_features,
- // search window size per pyramid level
- cvSize(m_winsize_width, m_winsize_height),
- // max number of pyramid levels
- m_num_pyramid_levels,
- // array pos will be set to 1 if corresponding
- // feature point was found
- &m_feature_status[0],
- // may be NULL, diff btw old
- // and new area around features
- &m_errors[0],
- criteria, // iteration termination criteria
- flags // todo: put estimate, see Documentation
- );
- int count = m_num_features_tracked = m_target_num_features;
- for (int cnt1=0, k=0; cnt1<count; cnt1++) {
- if (m_feature_status[cnt1] && m_errors[cnt1]<m_max_feature_error) {
- m_features[prev_indx][k] = m_features[prev_indx][cnt1];
- m_features[curr_indx][k] = m_features[curr_indx][cnt1];
- k++;
- } else {
- m_feature_status[cnt1] = 0;
- m_num_features_tracked --;
- }
- }
- }
- m_num_features_lost = m_target_num_features-m_num_features_tracked;
- }
- void OpticalFlow::DrawFeaturesStatistics(IplImage* pImage, int overlay_level)
- {
- #if 0
- // for drawing statistics bars
- double height = (double)pImage->height/2.0;
- int xpos = 0;
- const int width = 20;
- const int space = 5;
- if (overlay_level>=3) {
- // num_features
- double goal = m_target_num_features;
- double rf = (goal-(double)m_num_features_lost)/goal;
- cvRectangle (pImage, cvPoint(xpos, pImage->height),
- cvPoint(xpos+width, pImage->height-(int)height),
- CV_RGB(255,0,0), 1);
- cvRectangle (pImage, cvPoint(xpos, pImage->height),
- cvPoint(xpos+width, pImage->height-(int)(height*rf)),
- CV_RGB(255,0,0), CV_FILLED);
- xpos += width+space;
- }
- #endif
- const CvScalar black = CV_RGB(0, 0, 0);
- const CvScalar blue = CV_RGB(255, 0, 0);
- // const CvScalar green = CV_RGB(0, 255, 0);
- const CvScalar red = CV_RGB(0, 0, 255);
- const CvScalar yellow= CV_RGB(0, 255, 255);
- const CvScalar white = CV_RGB(255, 255, 255);
- if (m_condens_is_tracking && overlay_level>=3) {
- // a circle at each sample location, its size indicating its confidence
- int num_samples = m_pConDens->SamplesNum;
- double min_conf = DBL_MAX;
- double max_conf = DBL_MIN;
- for (int scnt=0; scnt<num_samples; scnt++) {
- min_conf = min(min_conf, m_sample_confidences[scnt]);
- max_conf = max(max_conf, m_sample_confidences[scnt]);
- }
- double size_scale = 10.0/(max_conf-min_conf);
- for (int scnt=0; scnt<num_samples; scnt++) {
- int x = cvRound(m_pConDens->flSamples[scnt][0]);
- int y = cvRound(m_pConDens->flSamples[scnt][2]);
- int size = cvRound(1.0+(m_sample_confidences[scnt]-min_conf)*size_scale);
- cvCircle(pImage, cvPoint(x, y), size, yellow, 1);
- // VERBOSE3(3, "%d: %f -> %d", scnt, m_sample_confidences[scnt], size);
- }
- }
- if (overlay_level>=3) {
- for (int cnt2 = 0; cnt2 < m_num_features_tracked; cnt2 ++) {
- // predicted location - blue
- if ((int)m_tmp_predicted.size()>cnt2) {
- int xp = cvRound(m_tmp_predicted[cnt2].x);
- int yp = cvRound(m_tmp_predicted[cnt2].y);
- cvCircle(pImage, cvPoint(xp, yp), 3, blue, CV_FILLED);
- }
- #if 0
- // old location - white
- if (false && m_prev_buf_meaningful) {
- int xo = cvRound(m_features[m_saved_prev_indx][cnt2].x);
- int yo = cvRound(m_features[m_saved_prev_indx][cnt2].y);
- cvCircle(pImage, cvPoint(xo, yo), 2, white, CV_FILLED);
- }
- #endif
- // observation - red
- if ((int)m_features_observation.size()>cnt2) {
- int xp = cvRound(m_features_observation[cnt2].x);
- int yp = cvRound(m_features_observation[cnt2].y);
- cvCircle(pImage, cvPoint(xp, yp), 2, red, 1);
- }
- }
- }
- if (overlay_level>=2) {
- for (int cnt2 = 0; cnt2 < m_num_features_tracked; cnt2 ++) {
- // new location - green
- int xn = cvRound(m_features[m_saved_curr_indx][cnt2].x);
- int yn = cvRound(m_features[m_saved_curr_indx][cnt2].y);
- cvCircle(pImage, cvPoint(xn, yn), 5, black, CV_FILLED);
- cvCircle(pImage, cvPoint(xn, yn), 3, white, CV_FILLED);
- }
- }
- #if 0
- if (m_prev_buf_meaningful && overlay_level>=3) {
- // also draw rose during following loop
- int rose_x = 100;
- int rose_y = pImage->height-100;
- int len_factor = 2;
- double dx_sum = 0;
- double dy_sum = 0;
- double vel_sqr_sum = 0;
- for (int ft=0; ft<m_num_features_tracked; ft++) {
- // current
- double x1 = m_features[m_saved_curr_indx][ft].x;
- double y1 = m_features[m_saved_curr_indx][ft].y;
- // previous frame
- double x2 = m_features[m_saved_prev_indx][ft].x;
- double y2 = m_features[m_saved_prev_indx][ft].y;
- // velocity
- double dx = x1-x2;
- double dy = y1-y2;
- dx_sum += dx;
- dy_sum += dy;
- double vel = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
- vel_sqr_sum += vel*vel;
- cvLine(pImage,
- cvPoint(rose_x, rose_y),
- cvPoint(rose_x+(int)dx*len_factor, rose_y+(int)dy*len_factor),
- CV_RGB(255,255,255), 2);
- }
- double dx_mean = dx_sum/(double)m_num_features_tracked;
- double dy_mean = dy_sum/(double)m_num_features_tracked;
- double vel_mean = sqrt(dx_mean*dx_mean+dy_mean*dy_mean);
- double dir_mean;
- if (vel_mean>0) {
- dir_mean = atan(dy_mean/dx_mean);
- if (dx_mean<0) dir_mean += M_PI;
- if (dir_mean<0) dir_mean += 2.0*M_PI;
- if (dir_mean>=2.0*M_PI) dir_mean -= 2.0*M_PI;
- } else {
- dir_mean = 0;
- }
- ASSERT(0<=dir_mean && dir_mean<2.0*M_PI);
- double vel_stddev = 0;
- double dir_stddev = 0;
- for (int ft=0; ft<m_num_features_tracked; ft++) {
- // current
- double x1 = m_features[m_saved_curr_indx][ft].x;
- double y1 = m_features[m_saved_curr_indx][ft].y;
- // previous frame
- double x2 = m_features[m_saved_prev_indx][ft].x;
- double y2 = m_features[m_saved_prev_indx][ft].y;
- // velocity
- double dx = x1-x2;
- double dy = y1-y2;
- dx_sum += dx;
- dy_sum += dy;
- double vel = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
- vel_stddev += (vel-vel_mean)*(vel-vel_mean);
- double dir = atan(dy/dx);
- if (dx<0) dir += M_PI;
- if (dir<0) dir += 2.0*M_PI;
- if (dir>=2.0*M_PI) dir -= 2.0*M_PI;
- double dirdiff = min(fabs(dir-dir_mean), fabs(dir-2.0*M_PI-dir_mean));
- dirdiff = min(dirdiff, fabs(dir+2.0*M_PI-dir_mean));
- dir_stddev += dirdiff*dirdiff;
- }
- vel_stddev /= (double)m_num_features_tracked;
- vel_stddev = sqrt(vel_stddev);
- dir_stddev /= (double)m_num_features_tracked;
- dir_stddev = sqrt(dir_stddev);
- // mean velocity and direction
- cvLine(pImage,
- cvPoint(rose_x, rose_y),
- cvPoint(rose_x+(int)dx_mean*len_factor,
- rose_y+(int)dy_mean*len_factor),
- CV_RGB(255,0,0), 8);
- // +/- stddev velocity
- double vel_stddev_x = cos(dir_mean)*vel_stddev;
- double vel_stddev_y = sin(dir_mean)*vel_stddev;
- cvLine(pImage,
- cvPoint(rose_x+(int)(dx_mean-vel_stddev_x)*len_factor,
- rose_y+(int)(dy_mean-vel_stddev_y)*len_factor),
- cvPoint(rose_x+(int)(dx_mean+vel_stddev_x)*len_factor,
- rose_y+(int)(dy_mean+vel_stddev_y)*len_factor),
- CV_RGB(255,255,0), 2);
- cvCircle( pImage, cvPoint(rose_x, rose_y), 30, CV_RGB(255,0,0), 1 );
- // bars for direction stddev
- /*
- double rd = dir_stddev/2*M_PI;
- cvRectangle (pImage, cvPoint(xpos, pImage->height),
- cvPoint(xpos+width, pImage->height-(int)height), CV_RGB(0,255,255), 1);
- cvRectangle (pImage, cvPoint(xpos, pImage->height),
- cvPoint(xpos+width, pImage->height-(int)(height*rd)),
- CV_RGB(0,255,255), CV_FILLED);
- xpos += width+space;
- */
- // bars for direction stddev multiplied with velocity
- if (m_recent_max_rdv_decay>0) {
- // draw peak bar
- m_recent_max_rdv_decay--;
- if (m_recent_max_rdv_decay==0) {
- m_recent_max_rdv = 0;
- } else {
- cvRectangle (pImage, cvPoint(xpos, pImage->height),
- cvPoint(xpos+width,
- pImage->height-(int)(height*m_recent_max_rdv)),
- CV_RGB(0,0,255), CV_FILLED);
- }
- }
- double rdv = vel_mean*dir_stddev/(2*M_PI*5);
- if (rdv>m_recent_max_rdv) {
- m_recent_max_rdv = rdv;
- m_recent_max_rdv_decay = 10;
- }
- cvRectangle (pImage, cvPoint(xpos, pImage->height),
- cvPoint(xpos+width, pImage->height-(int)height),
- CV_RGB(0,255,255), 1);
- cvRectangle (pImage, cvPoint(xpos, pImage->height),
- cvPoint(xpos+width, pImage->height-(int)(height*rdv)),
- CV_RGB(0,255,255), CV_FILLED);
- xpos += width+space;
- }
- #endif
- }
- /** find good features to track
- */
- void OpticalFlow::FindGoodFeatures(IplImage* grayImage, const CRect& bbox,
- CPointVector& corners) {
- double quality = 0.1;
- //only those corners are selected, which minimal eigen value is
- //non-less than maximum of minimal eigen values on the image,
- //multiplied by quality_level. For example, quality_level = 0.1
- //means that selected corners must be at least 1/10 as good as
- //the best corner.
- int count = (int) corners.size();
- int width = min(grayImage->width, bbox.right-bbox.left);
- int height = min(grayImage->height, bbox.bottom-bbox.top);
- CvRect cvBox = cvRect(bbox.left, bbox.top, width, height);
- cvSetImageROI(grayImage, cvBox);
- cvSetImageROI(m_tmpEVImage[0], cvBox);
- cvSetImageROI(m_tmpEVImage[1], cvBox);
- cvGoodFeaturesToTrack(grayImage, m_tmpEVImage[0], m_tmpEVImage[1],
- (CvPoint2D32f*) &corners[0], &count, quality, m_min_distance);
- ASSERT(count); // we want at least SOME features!
- cvResetImageROI(grayImage);
- cvResetImageROI(m_tmpEVImage[0]);
- cvResetImageROI(m_tmpEVImage[1]);
- corners.resize(count);
- // their locations are relative to the bbox origin - translate them
- for (int cnt=0; cnt<count; cnt++) {
- corners[cnt].x += bbox.left;
- corners[cnt].y += bbox.top;
- }
- }
- /* pick features on foreground color
- */
- #pragma warning (disable:4786)
- void OpticalFlow::PickSkinColoredFeatures(IplImage* rgbImage,
- const CPointVector& corners,
- CPointVector& features,
- const CuScanMatch& match,
- ConstMaskIt mask)
- {
- ASSERT(m_pProbDistrProvider);
- int num_features = (int) features.size();
- int poolsize = (int) corners.size();
- CDoubleVector corner_probs(poolsize);
- int width = match.right-match.left;
- int height = match.bottom-match.top;
- double scale_x = (double)(width-1)/((*mask).second.GetWidth()-1);
- double scale_y = (double)(height-1)/((*mask).second.GetHeight()-1);
- // create a vector with probabilities, combined of observed color and mask
- for (int pp=0; pp<poolsize; pp++) {
- ColorBGR* color;
- GetPixel(rgbImage, (int) corners[pp].x, (int) corners[pp].y, &color);
- double color_prob = m_pProbDistrProvider->LookupProb(*color);
- int m_x = cvRound((corners[pp].x-match.left)/scale_x);
- int m_y = cvRound((corners[pp].y-match.top)/scale_y);
- double loc_prob = (*mask).second.GetProb(m_x, m_y);
- corner_probs[pp] = color_prob*loc_prob;
- }
- // for each feature, find the most skin-colored corner and pick it
- for (int fcnt=0; fcnt<num_features; fcnt++) {
- double max_prob = -DBL_MAX;
- int max_corner_indx = -1;
- for (int pp=0; pp<poolsize; pp++) {
- if (corner_probs[pp]>max_prob) {
- max_prob = corner_probs[pp];
- max_corner_indx = pp;
- }
- }
- ASSERT(max_prob>=.0);
- if (max_prob>=MIN_PROB_FOREGROUND) {
- // found a (the best!) corner with skin color
- features[fcnt].x = (float)corners[max_corner_indx].x;
- features[fcnt].y = (float)corners[max_corner_indx].y;
- corner_probs[max_corner_indx] = .0;
- } else {
- // pick our own random location, somewhere with skin color
- // and far away enough from the other features if possible
- int x, y;
- double prob;
- int cnt = 0;
- bool too_close;
- // try to find a location that was segmented as foreground color
- do {
- x = match.left+(rand()%width);
- y = match.top+(rand()%height);
- x = min(x, rgbImage->width-1);
- y = min(y, rgbImage->height-1);
- x = max(x, 0);
- y = max(y, 0);
- ColorBGR* color;
- GetPixel(rgbImage, x, y, &color);
- double color_prob = m_pProbDistrProvider->LookupProb(*color);
- int m_x = cvRound((double)(x-match.left)/scale_x);
- int m_y = cvRound((double)(y-match.top)/scale_y);
- double loc_prob = (*mask).second.GetProb(m_x, m_y);
- prob = color_prob*loc_prob;
- too_close = TooCloseToOthers(features, fcnt, fcnt);
- cnt++;
- } while ((prob<MIN_PROB_FOREGROUND || too_close) && cnt<20);
- features[fcnt].x = (float)x;
- features[fcnt].y = (float)y;
- }
- }
- }
- #pragma warning (default:4786)
- /*
- * find feature that has the minimum
- * cumulative distance from all other features;
- * will discard the discard_num_furthest distances in the computation
- */
- int OpticalFlow::FindCentroid(const CDoubleMatrix& distances,
- int discard_num_furthest)
- {
- double min_cum_dist = DBL_MAX;
- int min_cum_dist_indx = -1;
- int num_elems = (int)distances.size();
- ASSERT(num_elems>discard_num_furthest);
- vector<double> furthest; // will be sorted highest to smallest
- furthest.resize(discard_num_furthest);
- for (int icnt1=0; icnt1<num_elems; icnt1++) {
- double cum_dist=0;
- for (int f=0; f<discard_num_furthest; f++) furthest[f]=0;
- for (int icnt2=0; icnt2<num_elems; icnt2++) {
- double dist;
- if (icnt1<icnt2) {
- dist = distances[icnt1][icnt2];
- } else if (icnt2<icnt1) {
- dist = distances[icnt2][icnt1];
- } else {
- ASSERT(icnt1==icnt2);
- continue;
- }
- // check if it's a far-away feature, update "furthest" vector if so.
- // only add the distance if it's not too far away
- for (int f=0; f<discard_num_furthest; f++) {
- if (dist>furthest[f]) {
- // add smallest "furthest" dist to the sum before we kick it out
- // of the vector
- cum_dist += furthest[discard_num_furthest-1];
- for (int s=f; s<discard_num_furthest-1; s++) {
- furthest[s+1] = furthest[s];
- }
- furthest[f] = dist;
- break;
- }
- }
- cum_dist += dist;
- }
- if (cum_dist<min_cum_dist) {
- min_cum_dist = cum_dist;
- min_cum_dist_indx = icnt1;
- }
- }
- return min_cum_dist_indx;
- }
- /*
- * find average of feature locations
- */
- void OpticalFlow::GetAverage(const CPointVector& features, CvPoint2D32f& avg)
- {
- double sum_x = 0;
- double sum_y = 0;
- int num_elems = (int) features.size();
- for (int icnt=0; icnt<num_elems; icnt++) {
- sum_x += features[icnt].x;
- sum_y += features[icnt].y;
- }
- avg.x = (float)(sum_x/(double)num_elems);
- avg.y = (float)(sum_y/(double)num_elems);
- }
- /* fill in half of the matrix with the distance measures;
- * only the upper half is filled in, i.e. if row<col there's a value
- */
- void OpticalFlow::DistanceMatrix(const CPointVector& features,
- CDoubleMatrix& distances)
- {
- int num_features = (int)features.size();
- distances.resize(num_features);
- for (int row=0; row<num_features; row++) {
- distances[row].resize(num_features);
- for (int col=row+1; col<num_features; col++) {
- double dx = features[col].x-features[row].x;
- double dy = features[col].y-features[row].y;
- distances[row][col] = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
- }
- }
- }
- bool OpticalFlow::TooCloseToOthers(const CPointVector& features, int indx, int len)
- {
- for (int fcnt=0; fcnt<len; fcnt++) {
- if (indx==fcnt) continue;
- double dx = features[fcnt].x-features[indx].x;
- double dy = features[fcnt].y-features[indx].y;
- double dist = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
- if (dist<m_min_distance) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- /* randomly re-place one of two points that are too close to each other,
- * move others that are too far from the centroid towards the centroid
- */
- void OpticalFlow::ConcentrateFeatures(IplImage* rgbImage,
- CPointVector& features,
- CStatusVector& status,
- int last_width, int last_height,
- bool use_prob_distr)
- {
- ASSERT(m_pProbDistrProvider);
- int round_or_square = 2; // the area in which we will concentrate the features, 1 is round, 2 is rectangular
- CDoubleMatrix distances;
- DistanceMatrix(features, distances);
- // discard the highest 15percent of distances when computing centroid
- int discard_num_distances = (int)(0.15*(double)distances.size());
- int centroid_index = FindCentroid(distances, discard_num_distances);
- CvPoint2D32f centroid = features[centroid_index];
- double halfwidth = last_width/2.0;
- double halfheight = last_height/2.0;
- double left = centroid.x-halfwidth;
- double right = centroid.x+halfwidth;
- double top = centroid.y-halfheight;
- double bottom = centroid.y+halfheight;
- int num_features = (int)features.size();
- for (int fcnt=0; fcnt<num_features; fcnt++) {
- m_feature_status[fcnt] = 1;
- for (int scnd=fcnt+1; scnd<num_features; scnd++) {
- double dist;
- if (fcnt<scnd) {
- dist = distances[fcnt][scnd];
- } else { // scnd<fcnt
- dist = distances[scnd][fcnt];
- }
- int cnt=0;
- bool too_close = dist<m_min_distance;
- while (too_close && cnt<20) {
- // try to find a location that was segmented as foreground color
- // and one that's far away enough from all other features
- int x, y;
- double prob = 1.0;
- int prob_cnt = 0;
- do {
- x = (int) (centroid.x-last_width/2.0+(rand()%last_width));
- y = (int) (centroid.y-last_height/2.0+(rand()%last_height));
- x = min(x, rgbImage->width-1);
- y = min(y, rgbImage->height-1);
- x = max(x, 0);
- y = max(y, 0);
- ColorBGR* color;
- GetPixel(rgbImage, x, y, &color);
- if (use_prob_distr) {
- prob = m_pProbDistrProvider->LookupProb(*color);
- }
- prob_cnt++;
- } while (prob<MIN_PROB_FOREGROUND && prob_cnt<20);
- features[fcnt].x = (float)x;
- features[fcnt].y = (float)y;
- status[fcnt] = 0;
- too_close = TooCloseToOthers(features, fcnt, (int)features.size());
- cnt++;
- } // end while
- } // end for scnd
- if (centroid_index!=fcnt) {
- if (round_or_square==1) {
- // round
- double dist = -1;
- if (fcnt<centroid_index) {
- dist = distances[fcnt][centroid_index];
- } else if (centroid_index<fcnt) {
- dist = distances[centroid_index][fcnt];
- } else {
- // will not enter the following loop
- }
- while (dist>last_width/2.0) {
- features[fcnt].x = (float)((features[fcnt].x+centroid.x)/2.0);
- features[fcnt].y = (float)((features[fcnt].y+centroid.y)/2.0);
- m_feature_status[fcnt] = 0;
- double dx = features[fcnt].x-centroid.x;
- double dy = features[fcnt].y-centroid.y;
- dist = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);;
- }
- } else {
- // rectangular area
- // move towards horizontal center
- while (features[fcnt].x<left || features[fcnt].x>right) {
- features[fcnt].x = (float)((features[fcnt].x+centroid.x)/2.0);
- status[fcnt] = 0;
- }
- // move towards vertical center
- while (features[fcnt].y<top || features[fcnt].y>bottom) {
- features[fcnt].y = (float)((features[fcnt].y+centroid.y)/2.0);
- status[fcnt] = 0;
- }
- }
- } // end centroid_index!=fcnt
- features[fcnt].x = min(max(features[fcnt].x, .0f), rgbImage->width-1.0f);
- features[fcnt].y = min(max(features[fcnt].y, .0f), rgbImage->height-1.0f);
- }
- }
- /* randomly re-place one of two points that are too close to each other,
- * move others that are too far from the centroid towards the centroid
- */
- void OpticalFlow::AddNewFeatures(IplImage* rgbImage,
- CPointVector& features,
- CStatusVector& status,
- int last_width, int last_height,
- bool use_prob_distr)
- {
- ASSERT(m_pProbDistrProvider);
- CDoubleMatrix distances;
- DistanceMatrix(features, distances);
- // discard the highest 15percent of distances when computing centroid
- int discard_num_distances = (int)(0.15*(double)distances.size());
- int centroid_index = FindCentroid(distances, discard_num_distances);
- CvPoint2D32f centroid = features[centroid_index];
- // double halfwidth = last_width/2.0;
- // double halfheight = last_height/2.0;
- // double left = centroid.x-halfwidth;
- // double right = centroid.x+halfwidth;
- // double top = centroid.y-halfheight;
- // double bottom = centroid.y+halfheight;
- for (int fcnt=m_num_features_tracked; fcnt<m_target_num_features; fcnt++) {
- // try to find a location that was segmented as foreground color
- int x, y;
- double prob = 1.0;
- int prob_cnt = 0;
- do {
- x = (int) (centroid.x-last_width/2.0+(rand()%last_width));
- y = (int) (centroid.y-last_height/2.0+(rand()%last_height));
- x = min(x, rgbImage->width-1);
- y = min(y, rgbImage->height-1);
- x = max(x, 0);
- y = max(y, 0);
- ColorBGR* color;
- GetPixel(rgbImage, x, y, &color);
- if (use_prob_distr) {
- prob = m_pProbDistrProvider->LookupProb(*color);
- }
- prob_cnt++;
- } while (prob<MIN_PROB_FOREGROUND && prob_cnt<20);
- features[fcnt].x = (float)x;
- features[fcnt].y = (float)y;
- status[fcnt] = 0;
- } // end for fcnt
- }
- void OpticalFlow::GetPixel(IplImage* rgbImage, int x, int y, ColorBGR** color)
- {
- ASSERT(rgbImage->nChannels==3);
- *color = (ColorBGR*) cvPtr2D(rgbImage, y, x);
- }