- Visual C++源码
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- Pascal源码
- Borland C++源码
- Others源码
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- Flash/ActionScript源码
- matlab源码
- PowerBuilder源码
- LabView源码
- Flex源码
- MathCAD源码
- VBA源码
- IDL源码
- Lisp/Scheme源码
- VHDL源码
- Objective-C源码
- Fortran源码
- tcl/tk源码
- QT源码
资源名称:图书管理系统.rar [点击查看]
- document.onmouseover = doOver;
- document.onmouseout = doOut;
- document.onmousedown = doDown;
- document.onmouseup = doUp;
- function doOver() {
- var toEl = getReal(window.event.toElement, "className", "coolButton");
- var fromEl = getReal(window.event.fromElement, "className", "coolButton");
- if (toEl == fromEl) return;
- var el = toEl;
- // alert(el);
- // var cDisabled = el.getAttribute("cDisabled");
- var cDisabled = el.cDisabled;
- // alert(cDisabled);
- cDisabled = (cDisabled != null); // If CDISABLED atribute is present
- if (el.className == "coolButton")
- el.onselectstart = new Function("return false");
- if ((el.className == "coolButton") && !cDisabled) {
- makeRaised(el);
- makeGray(el,false);
- }
- }
- function doOut() {
- var toEl = getReal(window.event.toElement, "className", "coolButton");
- var fromEl = getReal(window.event.fromElement, "className", "coolButton");
- if (toEl == fromEl) return;
- var el = fromEl;
- // var cDisabled = el.getAttribute("cDisabled");
- var cDisabled = el.cDisabled;
- cDisabled = (cDisabled != null); // If CDISABLED atribute is present
- var cToggle = el.cToggle;
- toggle_disabled = (cToggle != null); // If CTOGGLE atribute is present
- if (cToggle && el.value) {
- makePressed(el);
- makeGray(el,true);
- }
- else if ((el.className == "coolButton") && !cDisabled) {
- makeFlat(el);
- makeGray(el,true);
- }
- }
- function doDown() {
- el = getReal(window.event.srcElement, "className", "coolButton");
- var cDisabled = el.cDisabled;
- cDisabled = (cDisabled != null); // If CDISABLED atribute is present
- if ((el.className == "coolButton") && !cDisabled) {
- makePressed(el)
- }
- }
- function doUp() {
- el = getReal(window.event.srcElement, "className", "coolButton");
- var cDisabled = el.cDisabled;
- cDisabled = (cDisabled != null); // If CDISABLED atribute is present
- if ((el.className == "coolButton") && !cDisabled) {
- makeRaised(el);
- }
- }
- function getReal(el, type, value) {
- temp = el;
- while ((temp != null) && (temp.tagName != "BODY")) {
- if (eval("temp." + type) == value) {
- el = temp;
- return el;
- }
- temp = temp.parentElement;
- }
- return el;
- }
- function findChildren(el, type, value) {
- var children = el.children;
- var tmp = new Array();
- var j=0;
- for (var i=0; i<children.length; i++) {
- if (eval("children[i]." + type + "=="" + value + """)) {
- tmp[tmp.length] = children[i];
- }
- tmp = tmp.concat(findChildren(children[i], type, value));
- }
- return tmp;
- }
- function disable(el) {
- if (document.readyState != "complete") {
- window.setTimeout("disable(" + el.id + ")", 100); // If document not finished rendered try later.
- return;
- }
- var cDisabled = el.cDisabled;
- cDisabled = (cDisabled != null); // If CDISABLED atribute is present
- if (!cDisabled) {
- el.cDisabled = true;
- el.innerHTML = '<span style="background: buttonshadow; width: 100%; height: 100%; text-align: center;">' +
- '<span style="filter:Mask(Color=buttonface) DropShadow(Color=buttonhighlight, OffX=1, OffY=1, Positive=0); height: 100%; width: 100%%; text-align: center;">' +
- el.innerHTML +
- '</span>' +
- '</span>';
- if (el.onclick != null) {
- el.cDisabled_onclick = el.onclick;
- el.onclick = null;
- }
- }
- }
- function enable(el) {
- var cDisabled = el.cDisabled;
- cDisabled = (cDisabled != null); // If CDISABLED atribute is present
- if (cDisabled) {
- el.cDisabled = null;
- el.innerHTML = el.children[0].children[0].innerHTML;
- if (el.cDisabled_onclick != null) {
- el.onclick = el.cDisabled_onclick;
- el.cDisabled_onclick = null;
- }
- }
- }
- function addToggle(el) {
- var cDisabled = el.cDisabled;
- cDisabled = (cDisabled != null); // If CDISABLED atribute is present
- var cToggle = el.cToggle;
- cToggle = (cToggle != null); // If CTOGGLE atribute is present
- if (!cToggle && !cDisabled) {
- el.cToggle = true;
- if (el.value == null)
- el.value = 0; // Start as not pressed down
- if (el.onclick != null)
- el.cToggle_onclick = el.onclick; // Backup the onclick
- else
- el.cToggle_onclick = "";
- el.onclick = new Function("toggle(" + el.id +"); " + el.id + ".cToggle_onclick();");
- }
- }
- function removeToggle(el) {
- var cDisabled = el.cDisabled;
- cDisabled = (cDisabled != null); // If CDISABLED atribute is present
- var cToggle = el.cToggle;
- cToggle = (cToggle != null); // If CTOGGLE atribute is present
- if (cToggle && !cDisabled) {
- el.cToggle = null;
- if (el.value) {
- toggle(el);
- }
- makeFlat(el);
- if (el.cToggle_onclick != null) {
- el.onclick = el.cToggle_onclick;
- el.cToggle_onclick = null;
- }
- }
- }
- function toggle(el) {
- el.value = !el.value;
- if (el.value)
- el.style.background = "URL()";
- else
- el.style.backgroundImage = "";
- // doOut(el);
- }
- function makeFlat(el) {
- with (el.style) {
- background = "";
- border = "1px solid buttonface";
- padding = "1px";
- }
- }
- function makeRaised(el) {
- with (el.style) {
- borderLeft = "1px solid buttonhighlight";
- borderRight = "1px solid buttonshadow";
- borderTop = "1px solid buttonhighlight";
- borderBottom = "1px solid buttonshadow";
- padding = "1px";
- }
- }
- function makePressed(el) {
- with (el.style) {
- borderLeft = "1px solid buttonshadow";
- borderRight = "1px solid buttonhighlight";
- borderTop = "1px solid buttonshadow";
- borderBottom = "1px solid buttonhighlight";
- paddingTop = "2px";
- paddingLeft = "2px";
- paddingBottom = "0px";
- paddingRight = "0px";
- }
- }
- function makeGray(el,b) {
- var filtval;
- if (b)
- filtval = "gray()";
- else
- filtval = "";
- var imgs = findChildren(el, "tagName", "IMG");
- for (var i=0; i<imgs.length; i++) {
- imgs[i].style.filter = filtval;
- }
- }
- document.write("<style>");
- document.write(".coolBar {background: buttonface;border-top: 1px solid buttonhighlight; border-left: 1px solid buttonhighlight; border-bottom: 1px solid buttonshadow; border-right: 1px solid buttonshadow; padding: 2px; font: menu;}");
- document.write(".coolButton {border: 1px solid buttonface; padding: 1px; text-align: center; cursor: default;}");
- document.write(".coolButton IMG {filter: gray();}");
- document.write("</style>");