- /*_############################################################################
- _##
- _## MainWindow.cpp
- _##
- _## SNMP++v3.2.21
- _## -----------------------------------------------
- _## Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Jochen Katz, Frank Fock
- _##
- _## This software is based on SNMP++2.6 from Hewlett Packard:
- _##
- _## Copyright (c) 1996
- _## Hewlett-Packard Company
- _##
- _## Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and/or sell this software
- _## and/or its documentation is hereby granted without fee. User agrees
- _## to display the above copyright notice and this license notice in all
- _## copies of the software and any documentation of the software. User
- _## agrees to assume all liability for the use of the software;
- _## Hewlett-Packard and Jochen Katz make no representations about the
- _## suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided
- _## "AS-IS" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. User
- _## hereby grants a royalty-free license to any and all derivatives based
- _## upon this software code base.
- _##
- _## Stuttgart, Germany, Fri Jun 16 17:48:57 CEST 2006
- _##
- _##########################################################################*/
- #ifndef _MSC_VER
- #include <unistd.h>
- #endif
- #include <iostream>
- #include <qstring.h>
- #include <qlineedit.h>
- #include <qmessagebox.h>
- #include <qtimer.h>
- #include <qtextedit.h>
- #include <qpushbutton.h>
- #include <qcombobox.h>
- #include <qspinbox.h>
- #include <qradiobutton.h>
- #include <MainWindow.h>
- #include <Properties.h>
- #include "snmp_pp/snmp_pp.h"
- #include "snmp_pp/notifyqueue.h"
- #include "snmp_pp/log.h"
- using std::cout;
- using std::cerr;
- using std::endl;
- #define FILE_USERS "usm_users.bin"
- #define FILE_LOCALIZED_USERS "usm_localized_users.bin"
- /// C Callback function for snmp++
- void callback(int reason, Snmp *snmp, Pdu &pdu, SnmpTarget &target, void *cd)
- {
- if (cd)
- {
- // just call the real callback member function...
- ((MainWindow*)cd)->async_callback(reason, snmp, pdu, target);
- }
- }
- void MainWindow::async_callback(int reason, Snmp * /*snmp*/, Pdu &pdu,
- SnmpTarget &target)
- {
- Vb nextVb;
- int pdu_error;
- QString prefix_text;
- QString notify_text;
- push_button_get_next->setEnabled(true);
- // What is the reason for this callback?
- {
- prefix_text = "Trap: ";
- // get the notify id for traps
- Oid id;
- pdu.get_notify_id(id);
- notify_text = QString(" ID: %1 Type %2 -- ").arg(id.get_printable())
- .arg(pdu.get_type());
- }
- else if (reason == SNMP_CLASS_ASYNC_RESPONSE)
- {
- prefix_text = "Response ";
- }
- else if (reason == SNMP_CLASS_TIMEOUT)
- {
- prefix_text = "Timeout ";
- }
- else
- {
- QString err = QString("nDid not receive async response/trap: (%1) %2n")
- .arg(reason).arg(Snmp::error_msg(reason));
- text_edit_output->append(err);
- }
- // Look at the error status of the Pdu
- pdu_error = pdu.get_error_status();
- if (pdu_error)
- {
- QString err = "nResponse contains error:n";
- err += Snmp::error_msg(pdu_error);
- text_edit_output->append(err);
- return;
- }
- // The Pdu must contain at least one Vb
- if (pdu.get_vb_count() == 0)
- {
- QString err = "nPdu is emptyn";
- text_edit_output->append(err);
- return;
- }
- for (int i=0; i<pdu.get_vb_count(); i++)
- {
- // Get the Vb of the Pdu
- pdu.get_vb(nextVb, i);
- // Get Oid and value from the Vb and display it
- line_edit_obj_id->setText(nextVb.get_printable_oid());
- line_edit_value->setText(nextVb.get_printable_value());
- text_edit_output->append(prefix_text +
- target.get_address().get_printable() +
- " -- " +
- notify_text +
- line_edit_obj_id->text() + " = " +
- line_edit_value->text() + "n");
- }
- // If we received a inform pdu, we have to send a response
- if (pdu.get_type() == sNMP_PDU_INFORM)
- {
- text_edit_output->append("Sending response to inform.n");
- // just change the value of the first vb
- pdu.get_vb(nextVb, 0);
- nextVb.set_value("This is the response.");
- pdu.set_vb(nextVb, 0);
- snmp->response(pdu, target);
- }
- }
- MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl)
- : MainWindowPrivate(parent, name, fl)
- {
- int status;
- #ifndef _NO_LOGGING
- DefaultLog::log()->set_filter(ERROR_LOG, 5);
- DefaultLog::log()->set_filter(WARNING_LOG, 5);
- DefaultLog::log()->set_filter(EVENT_LOG, 5);
- DefaultLog::log()->set_filter(INFO_LOG, 5);
- DefaultLog::log()->set_filter(DEBUG_LOG, 8);
- // Write debug info to a file
- DefaultLog::init(new AgentLogImpl("QtExample.log"));
- #endif
- Snmp::socket_startup(); // Initialize socket subsystem
- connect(&timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(timer_expired()));
- // get the Boot counter (you may use any own method for this)
- char *engineId = "not_needed";
- char *filename = "snmpv3_boot_counter";
- unsigned int snmpEngineBoots = 0;
- status = getBootCounter(filename, engineId, snmpEngineBoots);
- if ((status != SNMPv3_OK) && (status < SNMPv3_FILEOPEN_ERROR))
- {
- QString err = QString("Error loading snmpEngineBoots counter: %1n")
- .arg(status);
- text_edit_output->append(err);
- }
- // increase the boot counter
- snmpEngineBoots++;
- // save the boot counter
- status = saveBootCounter(filename, engineId, snmpEngineBoots);
- if (status != SNMPv3_OK)
- {
- QString err = QString("Error saving snmpEngineBoots counter: %1n")
- .arg(status);
- text_edit_output->append(err);
- }
- // Create our SNMP session object
- snmp = new Snmp(status);
- if (status != SNMP_CLASS_SUCCESS)
- {
- QString err = "nCould not create SNMP++ session:n";
- err += Snmp::error_msg(status);
- text_edit_output->append(err);
- }
- // If _SNMPv3 is enabled we MUST create ONE v3MP object!
- v3mp = new v3MP(engineId, snmpEngineBoots, status);
- if (status != SNMPv3_MP_OK)
- {
- QString err = "nCould not create v3MP object:n";
- err += Snmp::error_msg(status);
- text_edit_output->append(err);
- }
- // The v3MP creates a USM object, get the pointer to it
- USM *usm = v3mp->get_usm();
- // Load the USM users from a file
- if (SNMPv3_USM_OK != usm->load_users(FILE_USERS))
- {
- QString err = "nCould not load users from file.n";
- text_edit_output->append(err);
- }
- #if 0 // Localized users will be created automatically!
- if (SNMPv3_USM_OK != usm->load_localized_users(FILE_LOCALIZED_USERS))
- {
- QString err = "nCould not load localized users from file.n";
- text_edit_output->append(err);
- }
- #endif
- update_combobox_sec_name();
- }
- void MainWindow::update_combobox_sec_name()
- {
- USM *usm = v3mp->get_usm();
- combo_box_sec_name->clear();
- // get all security names
- usm->lock_user_name_table(); // lock table for peek_XXX()
- const struct UsmUserNameTableEntry *user = usm->peek_first_user();
- QStringList names;
- QString initial("initial");
- QString to_add;
- while (user)
- {
- to_add.setAscii((const char*)(user->,
- user->usmUserSecurityName.len());
- if (!names.contains(to_add) && (to_add != initial))
- names += to_add;
- user = usm->peek_next_user(user);
- }
- usm->unlock_user_name_table(); // unlock table
- combo_box_sec_name->insertStringList(names);
- }
- MainWindow::~MainWindow()
- {
- if (snmp)
- {
- delete snmp;
- snmp = 0;
- }
- if (v3mp)
- {
- USM *usm = v3mp->get_usm();
- // Save USM users with their passwords into a file
- // The passwords are not encrypted!
- if (SNMPv3_USM_OK != usm->save_users(FILE_USERS))
- {
- QString err = "nCould not save users to file file.n";
- text_edit_output->append(err);
- }
- delete v3mp;
- v3mp = 0;
- }
- Snmp::socket_cleanup(); // Shut down socket subsystem
- }
- // issue a GET-NEXT request
- void MainWindow::push_button_get_next_clicked()
- {
- int status;
- if (!snmp)
- return;
- push_button_get_next->setEnabled(false);
- // Create a Oid and a address object from the entered values
- Oid oid(line_edit_obj_id->text());
- UdpAddress address(line_edit_target->text());
- // check if the address is valid
- // One problem here: if a hostname is entered, a blocking DNS lookup
- // is done by the address object.
- if (!address.valid())
- {
- QString err = QString("nInvalid Address or DNS Name: %1n")
- .arg(line_edit_target->text());
- text_edit_output->append(err);
- push_button_get_next->setEnabled(true);
- return;
- }
- Pdu pdu; // empty Pdu
- Vb vb; // empty Vb
- SnmpTarget *target; // will point to a CTarget(v1/v2c) or UTarget (v3)
- // Set the Oid part of the Vb
- vb.set_oid(oid);
- // Add the Vb to the Pdu
- pdu += vb;
- // Get retries and timeout values
- int retries = spin_box_retries->value();
- int timeout = 100 * spin_box_timeout->value();
- if (radio_button_v3->isChecked())
- {
- // For SNMPv3 we need a UTarget object
- UTarget *utarget = new UTarget(address);
- utarget->set_version(version3);
- utarget->set_security_model(SNMP_SECURITY_MODEL_USM);
- utarget->set_security_name(combo_box_sec_name->currentText());
- target = utarget;
- // set the security level to use
- if (combo_box_sec_level->currentText() == "noAuthNoPriv")
- pdu.set_security_level(SNMP_SECURITY_LEVEL_NOAUTH_NOPRIV);
- else if (combo_box_sec_level->currentText() == "authNoPriv")
- pdu.set_security_level(SNMP_SECURITY_LEVEL_AUTH_NOPRIV);
- else
- pdu.set_security_level(SNMP_SECURITY_LEVEL_AUTH_PRIV);
- // Not needed, as snmp++ will set it, if the user does not set it
- pdu.set_context_name(line_edit_context_name->text());
- pdu.set_context_engine_id(line_edit_context_engine_id->text());
- }
- else
- {
- // For SNMPv1/v2c we need a CTarget
- CTarget *ctarget = new CTarget(address);
- if (radio_button_v2->isChecked())
- ctarget->set_version(version2c);
- else
- ctarget->set_version(version1);
- // set the community
- ctarget->set_readcommunity( line_edit_community->text());
- target = ctarget;
- }
- target->set_retry(retries); // set the number of auto retries
- target->set_timeout(timeout); // set timeout
- // Now do an async get_next
- status = snmp->get_next(pdu, *target, callback, this);
- // Could we send it?
- if (status == SNMP_CLASS_SUCCESS)
- {
- timer.start(100);
- }
- else
- {
- QString err = QString("nCould not send async GETNEXT request: %1n")
- .arg(Snmp::error_msg(status));
- text_edit_output->append(err);
- push_button_get_next->setEnabled(true);
- }
- // the target is no longer needed
- delete target;
- }
- void MainWindow::timer_expired()
- {
- // When using async requests or if we are waiting for traps or
- // informs, we must call this member function periodically, as
- // snmp++ does not use an internal thread.
- snmp->eventListHolder->SNMPProcessPendingEvents();
- }
- // Set the properties
- void MainWindow::edit_properties_action_activated()
- {
- Properties p;
- p.set_snmp(snmp);
- p.exec();
- update_combobox_sec_name();
- }
- // Send out a SNMP Broadcast for discovery
- void MainWindow::push_button_broadcast_clicked()
- {
- int status;
- // Create a new SNMP session object, as while waiting for
- // broadcast responses, all other responses are counted as
- // broadcast responses
- Snmp session(status);
- if (status != SNMP_CLASS_SUCCESS)
- {
- QString err = "nCould not create SNMP++ session:n";
- err += Snmp::error_msg(status);
- text_edit_output->append(err);
- }
- // Create a address object from the entered value
- UdpAddress address(line_edit_target->text());
- // check if the address is valid
- // One problem here: if a hostname is entered, a blocking DNS lookup
- // is done by the address object.
- if (!address.valid())
- {
- QString err = QString("nInvalid Address or DNS Name: %1n")
- .arg(line_edit_target->text());
- text_edit_output->append(err);
- return;
- }
- // Get retries, timeout and community
- int retries = spin_box_retries->value();
- int timeout = 100 * spin_box_timeout->value();
- OctetStr community(line_edit_community->text());
- // Get the version
- snmp_version version;
- if (radio_button_v3->isChecked())
- version = version3;
- else if (radio_button_v2->isChecked())
- version = version2c;
- else
- version = version1;
- UdpAddressCollection addresses;
- // Now send the broadcast
- // do multiple loops as requested from "retries"
- for (int loops=1; loops<= retries + 1; ++loops)
- {
- status = session.broadcast_discovery(addresses,
- (timeout + 99) / 100,
- address, version, &community);
- if (status == SNMP_CLASS_SUCCESS)
- {
- QString err = QString("nSuccess sending broadcast %1.n").arg(loops);
- text_edit_output->append(err);
- }
- else
- {
- QString err = QString("nCould not send broadcast: %1n")
- .arg(Snmp::error_msg(status));
- text_edit_output->append(err);
- }
- }
- // filter out duplicates
- UdpAddressCollection filtered_addrs;
- int dummy_pos;
- for (int n=0; n < addresses.size(); ++n)
- if (filtered_addrs.find(addresses[n], dummy_pos) == FALSE)
- filtered_addrs += addresses[n];
- // print out all addressess
- text_edit_output->append(QString("Found %1 agents:n")
- .arg(filtered_addrs.size()));
- for (int m=0; m < filtered_addrs.size(); ++m)
- text_edit_output->append(QString("Answer received from: %1n")
- .arg(filtered_addrs[m].get_printable()));
- }
- // Handle start/stop of traps
- void MainWindow::push_button_traps_toggled(bool isOn)
- {
- if (!snmp)
- return;
- // lock port input field while waiting for traps
- line_edit_trap_port->setEnabled(!isOn);
- if (isOn)
- {
- // Start receiving traps
- // get the port
- int port = line_edit_trap_port->text().toUInt();
- // Set the trap listen port for this Snmp object
- snmp->notify_set_listen_port(port);
- OidCollection oidc;
- TargetCollection targetc;
- text_edit_output->append(
- QString("Trying to register for traps on port %1.n").arg(port));
- int status = snmp->notify_register(oidc, targetc, callback, this);
- if (status != SNMP_CLASS_SUCCESS)
- {
- text_edit_output->append(
- QString("Error register for traps (%1): %2.n").arg(status)
- .arg(snmp->error_msg(status)));
- line_edit_trap_port->setEnabled(true);
- push_button_traps->setOn(false);
- return;
- }
- else
- text_edit_output->append("Registered success.n");
- // Start the timer
- timer.start(100);
- }
- else
- {
- // stop receiving traps
- snmp->notify_unregister();
- text_edit_output->append("Stopped receiving traps.n");
- }
- }