- /*_############################################################################
- _##
- _## octet.cpp
- _##
- _## SNMP++v3.2.21
- _## -----------------------------------------------
- _## Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Jochen Katz, Frank Fock
- _##
- _## This software is based on SNMP++2.6 from Hewlett Packard:
- _##
- _## Copyright (c) 1996
- _## Hewlett-Packard Company
- _##
- _## Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and/or sell this software
- _## and/or its documentation is hereby granted without fee. User agrees
- _## to display the above copyright notice and this license notice in all
- _## copies of the software and any documentation of the software. User
- _## agrees to assume all liability for the use of the software;
- _## Hewlett-Packard and Jochen Katz make no representations about the
- _## suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided
- _## "AS-IS" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. User
- _## hereby grants a royalty-free license to any and all derivatives based
- _## upon this software code base.
- _##
- _## Stuttgart, Germany, Fri Jun 16 17:48:57 CEST 2006
- _##
- _##########################################################################*/
- /*===================================================================
- Copyright (c) 1999
- Hewlett-Packard Company
- Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and/or sell this software
- and/or its documentation is hereby granted without fee. User agrees
- to display the above copyright notice and this license notice in all
- copies of the software and any documentation of the software. User
- agrees to assume all liability for the use of the software; Hewlett-Packard
- makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any
- purpose. It is provided "AS-IS" without warranty of any kind,either express
- or implied. User hereby grants a royalty-free license to any and all
- derivatives based upon this software code base.
- O C T E T . C P P
- DESIGN + AUTHOR: Peter E Mellquist
- This class is fully contained and does not rely on or any other
- SNMP libraries. This class is portable across any platform
- which supports C++.
- =====================================================================*/
- char octet_cpp_version[]="@(#) SNMP++ $Id: octet.cpp,v 1.12 2006/03/25 11:46:19 katz Exp $";
- #include "snmp_pp/octet.h" // include definition for octet class
- #include <ctype.h> // for isprint() used by get_printable()
- #include <stdio.h> // for sprintf() used by get_printable_hex()
- #include <string.h> // for strlen() and memcpy()
- namespace Snmp_pp {
- #endif
- enum OctetStr::OutputType OctetStr::hex_output_type
- = OctetStr::OutputHexAndClear;
- char OctetStr::nonprintable_char = '.';
- #ifdef __unix
- char OctetStr::linefeed_chars[3] = "n";
- #else
- char OctetStr::linefeed_chars[3] = "rn";
- #endif // __unix
- //============[ constructor using no arguments ]======================
- OctetStr::OctetStr()
- : output_buffer(0), output_buffer_len(0), m_changed(true), validity(true)
- {
- smival.syntax = sNMP_SYNTAX_OCTETS;
- smival.value.string.ptr = 0;
- smival.value.string.len = 0;
- }
- //============[ constructor using a string ]=========================
- OctetStr::OctetStr(const char *str)
- : output_buffer(0), output_buffer_len(0), m_changed(true), validity(true)
- {
- smival.syntax = sNMP_SYNTAX_OCTETS;
- smival.value.string.ptr = 0;
- smival.value.string.len = 0;
- size_t z;
- // check for null string
- if (!str || !(z = strlen(str)))
- return;
- // get mem needed
- smival.value.string.ptr = (SmiLPBYTE) new unsigned char[z];
- if (smival.value.string.ptr)
- {
- MEMCPY(smival.value.string.ptr, str, z);
- smival.value.string.len = SAFE_INT_CAST(z);
- }
- else
- validity = false;
- }
- //============[ constructor using an unsigned char * ]================
- OctetStr::OctetStr(const unsigned char *str, unsigned long len)
- : output_buffer(0), output_buffer_len(0), m_changed(true), validity(true)
- {
- smival.syntax = sNMP_SYNTAX_OCTETS;
- smival.value.string.ptr = 0;
- smival.value.string.len = 0;
- if (!str || !len) return; // check for zero len
- // get the mem needed
- smival.value.string.ptr = (SmiLPBYTE) new unsigned char[len];
- if (smival.value.string.ptr)
- {
- MEMCPY(smival.value.string.ptr, str, (size_t) len);
- smival.value.string.len = len;
- }
- else
- validity = false;
- }
- //============[ constructor using another octet object ]==============
- OctetStr::OctetStr (const OctetStr &octet)
- : output_buffer(0), output_buffer_len(0), m_changed(true), validity(true)
- {
- smival.syntax = sNMP_SYNTAX_OCTETS;
- smival.value.string.ptr = 0;
- smival.value.string.len = 0;
- if (octet.smival.value.string.len == 0) return; // check for zero len case
- // must be a valid object
- if (!octet.validity)
- {
- validity = false;
- return;
- }
- // get the mem needed
- smival.value.string.ptr = (SmiLPBYTE) new unsigned char[octet.smival.value.string.len];
- if (smival.value.string.ptr)
- {
- MEMCPY(smival.value.string.ptr,
- octet.smival.value.string.ptr,
- (size_t) octet.smival.value.string.len);
- smival.value.string.len = octet.smival.value.string.len;
- }
- else
- validity = false;
- }
- //=============[ destructor ]=========================================
- OctetStr::~OctetStr()
- {
- // if not empty, free it up
- if (smival.value.string.ptr) delete [] smival.value.string.ptr;
- smival.value.string.len = 0;
- smival.value.string.ptr = 0;
- if (output_buffer) delete [] output_buffer;
- output_buffer = 0;
- output_buffer_len = 0;
- }
- //============[ set the data on an already constructed Octet ]============
- void OctetStr::set_data(const unsigned char *str, unsigned long len)
- {
- // free up already used space
- if (smival.value.string.ptr)
- {
- delete [] smival.value.string.ptr;
- smival.value.string.ptr = 0;
- }
- smival.value.string.len = 0;
- m_changed = true;
- // check for zero len
- if (!str || !len)
- {
- validity = true;
- return;
- }
- // get the mem needed
- smival.value.string.ptr = (SmiLPBYTE) new unsigned char[len];
- if (smival.value.string.ptr)
- {
- MEMCPY(smival.value.string.ptr, str, len);
- smival.value.string.len = len;
- validity = true;
- }
- else
- validity = false;
- }
- //=============[ assignment to a string operator overloaded ]=========
- OctetStr& OctetStr::operator=(const char *str)
- {
- size_t nz;
- // free up previous memory if needed
- if (smival.value.string.ptr)
- {
- delete [] smival.value.string.ptr;
- smival.value.string.ptr = 0;
- smival.value.string.len = 0;
- }
- m_changed = true;
- // if empty then we are done; get the string size
- if (!str || !(nz = strlen(str)))
- {
- validity = true;
- return *this;
- }
- // get memory needed
- smival.value.string.ptr = (SmiLPBYTE) new unsigned char[nz];
- if (smival.value.string.ptr)
- {
- MEMCPY(smival.value.string.ptr, str, nz);
- smival.value.string.len = SAFE_INT_CAST(nz);
- validity = true;
- }
- else
- validity = false;
- return *this; // return self reference
- }
- //=============[ assignment to another oid object overloaded ]========
- OctetStr& OctetStr::operator=(const OctetStr &octet)
- {
- if (this == &octet) return *this; // protect against assignment from self
- if (!octet.validity) return *this; // don't assign from invalid objs
- set_data(octet.smival.value.string.ptr, octet.smival.value.string.len);
- return *this; // return self reference
- }
- //==============[ equivlence operator overloaded ]====================
- int operator==(const OctetStr &lhs, const OctetStr &rhs)
- {
- if (lhs.smival.value.string.len != rhs.smival.value.string.len)
- return false;
- return (lhs.nCompare(rhs.smival.value.string.len, rhs) == 0);
- }
- //==============[ not equivlence operator overloaded ]================
- int operator!=(const OctetStr &lhs, const OctetStr &rhs)
- {
- if (lhs.smival.value.string.len != rhs.smival.value.string.len)
- return true;
- return (lhs.nCompare(rhs.smival.value.string.len, rhs) != 0);
- }
- //==============[ less than < overloaded ]============================
- int operator<(const OctetStr &lhs, const OctetStr &rhs)
- {
- int maxlen = lhs.smival.value.string.len > rhs.smival.value.string.len
- ? lhs.smival.value.string.len : rhs.smival.value.string.len;
- return (lhs.nCompare(maxlen, rhs) < 0);
- }
- //==============[ less than <= overloaded ]===========================
- int operator<=(const OctetStr &lhs, const OctetStr &rhs)
- {
- int maxlen = lhs.smival.value.string.len > rhs.smival.value.string.len
- ? lhs.smival.value.string.len : rhs.smival.value.string.len;
- return (lhs.nCompare(maxlen, rhs) <= 0);
- }
- //===============[ greater than > overloaded ]========================
- int operator>(const OctetStr &lhs, const OctetStr &rhs)
- {
- int maxlen = lhs.smival.value.string.len > rhs.smival.value.string.len
- ? lhs.smival.value.string.len : rhs.smival.value.string.len;
- return (lhs.nCompare(maxlen, rhs) > 0);
- }
- //===============[ greater than >= overloaded ]=======================
- int operator>=(const OctetStr &lhs, const OctetStr &rhs)
- {
- int maxlen = lhs.smival.value.string.len > rhs.smival.value.string.len
- ? lhs.smival.value.string.len : rhs.smival.value.string.len;
- return (lhs.nCompare(maxlen, rhs) >=0);
- }
- //===============[ equivlence operator overloaded ]===================
- int operator==(const OctetStr &lhs, const char *rhs)
- {
- OctetStr to(rhs);
- if (lhs.smival.value.string.len != to.smival.value.string.len)
- return false;
- return (lhs.nCompare(to.smival.value.string.len, to) == 0);
- }
- //===============[ not equivlence operator overloaded ]===============
- int operator!=(const OctetStr &lhs, const char *rhs)
- {
- OctetStr to(rhs);
- if (lhs.smival.value.string.len != to.smival.value.string.len)
- return true;
- return (lhs.nCompare(to.smival.value.string.len, to) != 0);
- }
- //===============[ less than < operator overloaded ]==================
- int operator<(const OctetStr &lhs, const char *rhs)
- {
- OctetStr to(rhs);
- int maxlen = lhs.smival.value.string.len > to.smival.value.string.len
- ? lhs.smival.value.string.len : to.smival.value.string.len;
- return (lhs.nCompare(maxlen,to) < 0);
- }
- //===============[ less than <= operator overloaded ]=================
- int operator<=(const OctetStr &lhs, const char *rhs)
- {
- OctetStr to(rhs);
- int maxlen = lhs.smival.value.string.len > to.smival.value.string.len
- ? lhs.smival.value.string.len : to.smival.value.string.len;
- return (lhs.nCompare(maxlen, to) <= 0);
- }
- //===============[ greater than > operator overloaded ]===============
- int operator>(const OctetStr &lhs, const char *rhs)
- {
- OctetStr to(rhs);
- int maxlen = lhs.smival.value.string.len > to.smival.value.string.len
- ? lhs.smival.value.string.len : to.smival.value.string.len;
- return (lhs.nCompare(maxlen, to) > 0);
- }
- //===============[ greater than >= operator overloaded ]==============
- int operator>=(const OctetStr &lhs, const char *rhs)
- {
- OctetStr to(rhs);
- int maxlen = lhs.smival.value.string.len > to.smival.value.string.len
- ? lhs.smival.value.string.len : to.smival.value.string.len;
- return (lhs.nCompare(maxlen, to) >= 0);
- }
- //===============[ append operator, appends a string ]================
- OctetStr& OctetStr::operator+=(const char *a)
- {
- unsigned char *tmp;
- size_t slen, nlen;
- // get len of string
- if (!a || ((slen = strlen(a)) == 0))
- return *this;
- nlen = slen + (size_t) smival.value.string.len; // total len of new octet
- tmp = (SmiLPBYTE) new unsigned char[nlen]; // get mem needed
- if (tmp)
- {
- // copy in the original 1st
- MEMCPY(tmp, smival.value.string.ptr, smival.value.string.len);
- // copy in the string
- MEMCPY(tmp + smival.value.string.len, a, slen);
- // delete the original
- if (smival.value.string.ptr)
- delete [] smival.value.string.ptr;
- // point to the new one
- smival.value.string.ptr = tmp;
- smival.value.string.len = SAFE_INT_CAST(nlen);
- m_changed = true;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- //================[ append one OctetStr to another ]==================
- OctetStr& OctetStr::operator+=(const OctetStr& octet)
- {
- unsigned char *tmp;
- size_t slen, nlen;
- if (!octet.validity || !(slen = (size_t)octet.len()))
- return *this;
- nlen = slen + (size_t) smival.value.string.len; // total len of new octet
- tmp = (SmiLPBYTE) new unsigned char[nlen]; // get mem needed
- if (tmp)
- {
- // copy in the original 1st
- MEMCPY(tmp, smival.value.string.ptr, smival.value.string.len);
- // copy in the string
- MEMCPY(tmp + smival.value.string.len, octet.data(), slen);
- // delete the original
- if (smival.value.string.ptr )
- delete [] smival.value.string.ptr;
- // point to the new one
- smival.value.string.ptr = tmp;
- smival.value.string.len = SAFE_INT_CAST(nlen);
- m_changed = true;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- //================[ appends a char ]==================================
- OctetStr& OctetStr::operator+=(const unsigned char c)
- {
- unsigned char *tmp;
- // get the memory needed plus one extra byte
- tmp = (SmiLPBYTE) new unsigned char[smival.value.string.len + 1];
- if (tmp)
- {
- MEMCPY(tmp, smival.value.string.ptr, smival.value.string.len);
- tmp[smival.value.string.len] = c; // assign in new byte
- if (smival.value.string.ptr) // delete the original
- delete [] smival.value.string.ptr;
- smival.value.string.ptr = tmp; // point to new one
- smival.value.string.len++; // up the len
- m_changed = true;
- }
- return *this; // return self reference
- }
- //================[ compare n elements of an Octet ]==================
- int OctetStr::nCompare(const unsigned long n, const OctetStr &o) const
- {
- unsigned long n_max;
- unsigned long w,str_len;
- if (n == 0) return 0; // Nothing to compare, strings are equal
- // both are empty, they are equal
- if ((smival.value.string.len == 0) && (o.smival.value.string.len == 0))
- return 0; // equal
- // self is empty and param has something
- if ((smival.value.string.len == 0) && (o.smival.value.string.len > 0))
- return -1;
- // self has something and param has nothing
- if ((smival.value.string.len > 0) && (o.smival.value.string.len == 0))
- return 1;
- // now: n > 0; this.len > 0; o.len > 0 !!!
- // pick the Min of n, this and the param len
- // this is the maximum # to iterate a search
- str_len = smival.value.string.len < o.smival.value.string.len
- ? smival.value.string.len : o.smival.value.string.len;
- w = (n <= str_len) ? n : str_len;
- unsigned long z = 0;
- while (z < w)
- {
- if (smival.value.string.ptr[z] < o.smival.value.string.ptr[z])
- return -1; // less than
- if (smival.value.string.ptr[z] > o.smival.value.string.ptr[z])
- return 1; // greater than
- z++;
- }
- // now: z == w > 0
- // set n_max to min(n, max(len of strings))
- n_max = smival.value.string.len > o.smival.value.string.len
- ? smival.value.string.len : o.smival.value.string.len;
- if (n< n_max) n_max = n;
- if (w < n_max) // ==> we have compared too few bytes
- {
- if (smival.value.string.len < o.smival.value.string.len)
- return -1;
- else
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- //================[ ASCII format return ]=============================
- const char *OctetStr::get_printable() const
- {
- if ((m_changed == false) &&
- (output_last_function == OutputFunctionDefault))
- return output_buffer;
- for (unsigned long i=0; i < smival.value.string.len; i++)
- {
- if ((smival.value.string.ptr[i] != 'r')&&
- (smival.value.string.ptr[i] != 'n')&&
- (isprint((int) (smival.value.string.ptr[i]))==0))
- switch (hex_output_type)
- {
- case OutputClear: return get_printable_clear();
- case OutputHexAndClear:
- case OutputHex:
- default: return get_printable_hex();
- }
- }
- OctetStr *ncthis = PP_CONST_CAST(OctetStr*, this);
- if (output_buffer_len < smival.value.string.len + 1)
- {
- if (output_buffer) delete [] ncthis->output_buffer;
- ncthis->output_buffer = new char[smival.value.string.len + 1];
- if (ncthis->output_buffer)
- ncthis->output_buffer_len = smival.value.string.len + 1;
- }
- if (smival.value.string.len)
- MEMCPY(ncthis->output_buffer,
- smival.value.string.ptr, (unsigned int) smival.value.string.len);
- ncthis->output_buffer[smival.value.string.len] = ' ';
- ncthis->m_changed = false;
- ncthis->output_last_function = OutputFunctionDefault;
- return output_buffer;
- }
- //================[ ASCII format return ]=============================
- const char *OctetStr::get_printable_clear() const
- {
- if ((m_changed == false) &&
- (output_last_np_char == nonprintable_char) &&
- (output_last_function == OutputFunctionClear))
- return output_buffer;
- OctetStr *ncthis = PP_CONST_CAST(OctetStr*, this);
- if (output_buffer_len < smival.value.string.len + 1)
- {
- if (output_buffer) delete [] ncthis->output_buffer;
- ncthis->output_buffer = new char[smival.value.string.len + 1];
- if (ncthis->output_buffer)
- ncthis->output_buffer_len = smival.value.string.len + 1;
- }
- if (smival.value.string.len)
- {
- for (unsigned long i=0; i < smival.value.string.len; i++)
- {
- if (isprint((int) (smival.value.string.ptr[i]))==0)
- ncthis->output_buffer[i] = nonprintable_char;
- else
- ncthis->output_buffer[i] = smival.value.string.ptr[i];
- }
- }
- ncthis->output_buffer[smival.value.string.len] = ' ';
- ncthis->output_last_np_char = nonprintable_char;
- ncthis->m_changed = false;
- ncthis->output_last_function = OutputFunctionClear;
- return output_buffer;
- }
- //================[ general Value = operator ]========================
- SnmpSyntax& OctetStr::operator=(const SnmpSyntax &val)
- {
- if (this == &val) return *this; // protect against assignment from self
- // blow away the old value
- if (smival.value.string.ptr)
- {
- delete [] smival.value.string.ptr;
- smival.value.string.ptr = 0;
- }
- smival.value.string.len = 0;
- validity = false;
- if (val.valid()){
- switch (val.get_syntax()){
- set_data(((OctetStr &)val).smival.value.string.ptr,
- ((OctetStr &)val).smival.value.string.len);
- break;
- }
- }
- m_changed = true;
- return *this;
- }
- #define ATOI(x) if ((x >= 48) && (x <= 57)) x = x-48; /* 0-9 */
- else if ((x >= 65) && (x <= 70)) x = x-55; /* A-F */
- else if ((x >= 97) && (x <=102)) x = x-87; /* a-f */
- else x = 0
- //=======[ create an octet string from a hex string ]===================
- OctetStr OctetStr::from_hex_string(const OctetStr &hex_string)
- {
- OctetStr val;
- unsigned int p = 0;
- unsigned int hex_len = 0;
- // make sure the string has at least one byte
- if (hex_string.len() == 0) return val;
- // allocate max needed space for copy without spaces
- unsigned char *hex, *hex_ptr;
- hex = hex_ptr = new unsigned char[hex_string.len()];
- if (!hex) return val;
- // delete spaces
- const unsigned char *ptr = hex_string.smival.value.string.ptr;
- for (p = hex_string.len(); p > 0; p--)
- {
- unsigned char c = *ptr++;
- if (c != ' ')
- {
- *hex_ptr++ = c;
- ++hex_len;
- }
- }
- // leading 0 may be omitted
- if (hex_len % 2)
- {
- unsigned char c = hex[0];
- ATOI(c);
- val += c;
- p = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- p = 0;
- }
- while (p < hex_len)
- {
- unsigned char c = hex[p++];
- unsigned char d = hex[p++];
- ATOI(c);
- ATOI(d);
- val += (c*16 + d);
- }
- delete[] hex;
- return val;
- }
- #undef ATOI
- //================[ format the output into hex ]========================
- const char *OctetStr::get_printable_hex() const
- {
- if ((m_changed == false) && (output_last_type == hex_output_type) &&
- (output_last_np_char == nonprintable_char) &&
- (output_last_function == OutputFunctionHex))
- return output_buffer;
- int cnt;
- char char_buf[80]; // holds ASCII representation of data
- char *buf_ptr; // pointer into ASCII listing
- char *line_ptr; // pointer into Hex listing
- unsigned int storageNeeded; // how much space do we need ?
- int local_len = (int) smival.value.string.len;
- unsigned char *bytes = smival.value.string.ptr;
- storageNeeded = (unsigned int) ((smival.value.string.len/16)+1) * 72 + 1;
- OctetStr *ncthis = PP_CONST_CAST(OctetStr*, this);
- if (output_buffer_len < storageNeeded)
- {
- if (output_buffer) delete [] ncthis->output_buffer;
- ncthis->output_buffer = new char[storageNeeded];
- if (ncthis->output_buffer)
- ncthis->output_buffer_len = storageNeeded;
- }
- line_ptr = ncthis->output_buffer;
- /*----------------------------------------*/
- /* processing loop for entire data buffer */
- /*----------------------------------------*/
- while (local_len > 0)
- {
- cnt = 16; /* print 16 bytes per line */
- buf_ptr = char_buf;
- sprintf(line_ptr, " ");
- line_ptr += 2; /* indent */
- /*-----------------------*/
- /* process a single line */
- /*-----------------------*/
- while (cnt-- > 0 && local_len-- > 0)
- {
- sprintf(line_ptr, "%2.2X ", *bytes);
- line_ptr +=3; /* the display of a byte always 3 chars long */
- if (isprint(*bytes))
- *buf_ptr++ = *bytes;
- else
- *buf_ptr++ = nonprintable_char;
- ++bytes;
- }
- ++cnt;
- *buf_ptr = 0; // null terminate string
- /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* this is to make sure that the ASCII displays line up for */
- /* incomplete lines of hex */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
- while (cnt-- > 0)
- {
- *line_ptr++ = ' ';
- *line_ptr++ = ' ';
- *line_ptr++ = ' ';
- }
- /*------------------------------------------*/
- /* append the ASCII display to the Hex line */
- /*------------------------------------------*/
- if (hex_output_type == OutputHex)
- char_buf[0] = 0;
- sprintf(line_ptr," %s%s", char_buf, linefeed_chars);
- line_ptr += 3 + strlen(char_buf) + strlen(linefeed_chars);
- }
- ncthis->output_last_type = hex_output_type;
- ncthis->output_last_np_char = nonprintable_char;
- ncthis->m_changed = false;
- ncthis->output_last_function = OutputFunctionHex;
- return output_buffer;
- }
- //==============[ Null out the contents of the string ]===================
- void OctetStr::clear()
- {
- if (smival.value.string.len > 0)
- {
- memset(smival.value.string.ptr, 0, smival.value.string.len);
- smival.value.string.len = 0;
- }
- if (output_buffer)
- memset(output_buffer, 0, output_buffer_len);
- m_changed = true;
- }
- //============[Return the space needed for serialization]=================
- int OctetStr::get_asn1_length() const
- {
- if (smival.value.string.len < 0x80)
- return smival.value.string.len + 2;
- else if (smival.value.string.len < 0x100)
- return smival.value.string.len + 3;
- else if (smival.value.string.len < 0x10000)
- return smival.value.string.len + 4;
- else if (smival.value.string.len < 0x1000000)
- return smival.value.string.len + 5;
- return smival.value.string.len + 6; // should be safe for some time...
- }
- //========[Set the character for linefeeds in get_printable() functions]====
- bool OctetStr::set_linefeed_chars(const char* lf_chars)
- {
- if (!lf_chars) return false;
- if (strlen(lf_chars) > 2) return false;
- linefeed_chars[2] = 0;
- linefeed_chars[1] = lf_chars[1];
- linefeed_chars[0] = lf_chars[0];
- return true;
- }
- //===============[ append or shorten the data buffer ]================
- bool OctetStr::set_len(const unsigned char new_len)
- {
- unsigned char *tmp;
- if (new_len <= smival.value.string.len)
- {
- smival.value.string.len = new_len;
- m_changed = true;
- if (new_len == 0)
- {
- if (smival.value.string.ptr) delete [] smival.value.string.ptr;
- smival.value.string.ptr = 0;
- }
- return true;
- }
- tmp = (SmiLPBYTE) new unsigned char[new_len]; // get mem needed
- if (!tmp) return false;
- if (smival.value.string.ptr)
- MEMCPY(tmp, smival.value.string.ptr, smival.value.string.len);
- memset(tmp + smival.value.string.len, 0, new_len - smival.value.string.len);
- if (smival.value.string.ptr)
- delete [] smival.value.string.ptr;
- smival.value.string.ptr = tmp;
- smival.value.string.len = new_len;
- m_changed = true;
- return true;
- }
- }; // end of namespace Snmp_pp
- #endif