- /*_############################################################################
- _##
- _## collect2.h
- _##
- _## SNMP++v3.2.21
- _## -----------------------------------------------
- _## Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Jochen Katz, Frank Fock
- _##
- _## This software is based on SNMP++2.6 from Hewlett Packard:
- _##
- _## Copyright (c) 1996
- _## Hewlett-Packard Company
- _##
- _## Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and/or sell this software
- _## and/or its documentation is hereby granted without fee. User agrees
- _## to display the above copyright notice and this license notice in all
- _## copies of the software and any documentation of the software. User
- _## agrees to assume all liability for the use of the software;
- _## Hewlett-Packard and Jochen Katz make no representations about the
- _## suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided
- _## "AS-IS" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. User
- _## hereby grants a royalty-free license to any and all derivatives based
- _## upon this software code base.
- _##
- _## Stuttgart, Germany, Fri Jun 16 17:48:57 CEST 2006
- _##
- _##########################################################################*/
- // $Id: collect2.h,v 1.4 2004/03/11 20:13:40 katz Exp $
- namespace Snmp_pp {
- #endif
- template <class T> class SnmpCollection
- {
- class cBlock
- {
- public:
- cBlock(cBlock *p, cBlock *n) : prev(p), next(n) {};
- T *item[MAXT];
- cBlock *prev;
- cBlock *next;
- };
- public:
- /**
- * Create an empty collection.
- */
- SnmpCollection();
- /**
- * Create a collection using a single template object.
- */
- SnmpCollection(const T &t);
- /**
- * Create a collection with another collection (copy constructor).
- */
- SnmpCollection(const SnmpCollection<T> &c);
- /**
- * Destroy the collection.
- */
- ~SnmpCollection();
- /**
- * Get the size of the collection.
- */
- int size() const;
- /**
- * Append an item to the collection.
- */
- SnmpCollection& operator +=( const T &i);
- /**
- * Assign one collection to another.
- */
- SnmpCollection & operator = ( const SnmpCollection<T> &c);
- /**
- * Access an element in the collection.
- *
- * @return The requestet element or an empty element if out of bounds.
- */
- T operator[](const int p) const;
- /**
- * Set an element in the collection.
- *
- * @return 0 on success and -1 on failure.
- */
- int set_element( const T& i, const int p);
- /**
- * Get an element in the collection.
- *
- * @return 0 on success and -1 on failure.
- */
- int get_element(T& t, const int p) const;
- /**
- * Get a pointer to an element in the collection.
- *
- * @return 0 on success and -1 on failure.
- */
- int get_element(T *&t, const int p) const;
- /**
- * Apply an function to the entire collection, iterator.
- */
- void apply( void f( T&));
- /**
- * Looks for an element in the collection.
- *
- * @return TRUE if found.
- */
- int find( const T& i,int &pos) const;
- /**
- * Delete an element in the collection.
- */
- int remove( const T& i);
- /**
- * Delete all elements within the collection.
- */
- void clear();
- private:
- int count;
- cBlock data;
- };
- namespace Snmp_pp {
- #endif