- /*_############################################################################
- _##
- _## ctr64.h
- _##
- _## SNMP++v3.2.21
- _## -----------------------------------------------
- _## Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Jochen Katz, Frank Fock
- _##
- _## This software is based on SNMP++2.6 from Hewlett Packard:
- _##
- _## Copyright (c) 1996
- _## Hewlett-Packard Company
- _##
- _## Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and/or sell this software
- _## and/or its documentation is hereby granted without fee. User agrees
- _## to display the above copyright notice and this license notice in all
- _## copies of the software and any documentation of the software. User
- _## agrees to assume all liability for the use of the software;
- _## Hewlett-Packard and Jochen Katz make no representations about the
- _## suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided
- _## "AS-IS" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. User
- _## hereby grants a royalty-free license to any and all derivatives based
- _## upon this software code base.
- _##
- _## Stuttgart, Germany, Fri Jun 16 17:48:57 CEST 2006
- _##
- _##########################################################################*/
- /*===================================================================
- Copyright (c) 1999
- Hewlett-Packard Company
- Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and/or sell this software
- and/or its documentation is hereby granted without fee. User agrees
- to display the above copyright notice and this license notice in all
- copies of the software and any documentation of the software. User
- agrees to assume all liability for the use of the software; Hewlett-Packard
- makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any
- purpose. It is provided "AS-IS without warranty of any kind,either express
- or implied. User hereby grants a royalty-free license to any and all
- derivatives based upon this software code base.
- SNMP++ C O U N T E R 6 4 . H
- DESIGN + AUTHOR: Peter E Mellquist
- DESCRIPTION: SNMP Counter64 class definition.
- =====================================================================*/
- // $Id: ctr64.h,v 1.8 2006/03/10 21:08:51 katz Exp $
- #ifndef _CTR64
- #define _CTR64
- #include "snmp_pp/smival.h"
- namespace Snmp_pp {
- #endif
- #define CTR64OUTBUF 30 //!< maximum ascii string for a 64-bit counter
- //---------[ 64 bit Counter Class ]--------------------------------
- /**
- * Counter64 Class encapsulates two unsigned integers into a
- * a single entity. This type has is available in SNMPv2 but
- * may be used anywhere where needed.
- */
- class DLLOPT Counter64: public SnmpSyntax
- {
- public:
- //-----------[ Constructors and Destrucotr ]----------------------
- /**
- * Constructs a valid Couter64 with value 0.
- */
- Counter64();
- /**
- * Constructs a valid Counter64 with the given value as the lower 32 bits.
- *
- * @param lo - value (0..MAX_UINT32)
- */
- Counter64(unsigned long lo);
- /**
- * Constructs a valid Counter64 with the given values.
- *
- * @param hi - value for the high 32 bits (0..MAX_UINT32)
- * @param lo - value for the low 32 bits (0..MAX_UINT32)
- */
- Counter64(unsigned long hi, unsigned long lo);
- /**
- * Copy constructor.
- *
- * @param ctr64 - value
- */
- Counter64(const Counter64 &ctr64);
- /**
- * Destructor (ensure that SnmpSyntax::~SnmpSyntax() is overridden).
- */
- ~Counter64() {};
- //-----------[ conversion from/to long double ]----------------------
- /**
- * Get the value of the object as long double.
- *
- * @note DEPRECATED - Use conversions from/to unsigned long long
- *
- * @param c64 - The Counter64 object whose value should be returned
- * @return value as a long double
- */
- static long double c64_to_ld(const Counter64 &c64);
- /**
- * Get the value of this object as long double.
- *
- * @note DEPRECATED - Use conversions from/to unsigned long long
- *
- * @return value as a long double
- */
- long double c64_to_ld() const;
- /**
- * Convert a long double to a Counter64.
- *
- * @note DEPRECATED - Use conversions from/to unsigned long long
- *
- * @param ld - the value to convert
- * @return A Counter64 object with the value of the param ld.
- */
- static Counter64 ld_to_c64(const long double &ld);
- //-----------[ conversion from/to unsigned long long ]----------------
- /**
- * Get the value of the object as 64 bit integer.
- *
- * @param c64 - The Counter64 object whose value should be returned
- * @return value as a unsigned 64 bit integer
- */
- static pp_uint64 c64_to_ll(const Counter64 &c64);
- /**
- * Get the value of this object as 64 bit integer.
- *
- * @return value as a unsigned 64 bit integer
- */
- pp_uint64 c64_to_ll() const;
- /**
- * Convert a 64 bit integer to a Counter64.
- *
- * @param ld - the value to convert
- * @return A Counter64 object with the value of the param ld.
- */
- static Counter64 ll_to_c64(const pp_uint64 &ll);
- //-----------[ get/set using 32 bit variables ]----------------------
- /**
- * Get the high 32 bit part.
- *
- * @return The high part of the Counter64
- */
- unsigned long high() const { return smival.value.hNumber.hipart; };
- /**
- * Get the low 32 bit part.
- *
- * @return The low part of the Counter64
- */
- unsigned long low() const { return smival.value.hNumber.lopart; };
- /**
- * Set the high 32 bit part. The low part will stay unchanged.
- *
- * @param h - The new high part of the Counter64
- */
- void set_high(const unsigned long h)
- { smival.value.hNumber.hipart = h; m_changed = true; };
- /**
- * Set the low 32 bit part. The high part will stay unchanged.
- *
- * @param l - The new low part of the Counter64
- */
- void set_low(const unsigned long l)
- { smival.value.hNumber.lopart = l; m_changed = true; };
- //-----------[ SnmpSyntax methods ]----------------------
- /**
- * Get a printable ASCII string representing the current value.
- *
- * @note The returned string is valid as long as the object is not
- * modified.
- *
- * @return Null terminated string.
- */
- const char *get_printable() const;
- /**
- * Get the Syntax of the object.
- *
- * @return This method always returns sNMP_SYNTAX_CNTR64.
- */
- SmiUINT32 get_syntax() const { return sNMP_SYNTAX_CNTR64; };
- /**
- * Clone the object.
- *
- * @return A cloned Counter64 object allocated through new.
- */
- SnmpSyntax *clone() const { return (SnmpSyntax *) new Counter64(*this); };
- /**
- * Overloaded assignement operator.
- *
- * @param val - Try to map the given value to a Counter64 and assign it
- * @return Always *this with the new value.
- */
- SnmpSyntax& operator=(const SnmpSyntax &val);
- /**
- * Return validity of the object.
- *
- * @return Always true
- */
- bool valid() const { return true; };
- /**
- * Return the space needed for serialization.
- *
- * @return The needed space that depends on the current value.
- */
- int get_asn1_length() const;
- /**
- * Reset the object.
- */
- void clear()
- { smival.value.hNumber.hipart = 0; smival.value.hNumber.lopart = 0;
- m_changed = true; };
- //-----------[ overloaded operators ]----------------------
- /**
- * Assign a Counter64 to a Counter64.
- */
- Counter64& operator=(const Counter64 &ctr64);
- /**
- * Assign a unsigned long to a Counter64.
- *
- * @param i - The new low part. The high part is cleared.
- */
- Counter64& operator=(const unsigned long i);
- /**
- * Add two Counter64.
- */
- Counter64 operator+(const Counter64 &c) const;
- /**
- * Add a unsigned long and a Counter64.
- */
- DLLOPT friend Counter64 operator+(unsigned long ul, const Counter64 &c64)
- { return Counter64(ul) + c64; };
- /**
- * Subtract two Counter64.
- */
- Counter64 operator-(const Counter64 &c) const;
- /**
- * Subtract a unsigned long and a Counter64.
- */
- DLLOPT friend Counter64 operator-(unsigned long ul, const Counter64 &c64)
- { return Counter64(ul) - c64; };
- /**
- * Multiply two Counter64.
- */
- Counter64 operator*(const Counter64 &c) const;
- /**
- * Multiply a unsigned long and a Counter64.
- */
- DLLOPT friend Counter64 operator*(unsigned long ul, const Counter64 &c64)
- { return Counter64(ul) * c64; };
- /**
- * Divide two Counter64.
- */
- Counter64 operator/(const Counter64 &c) const;
- /**
- * Divide a unsigned long and a Counter64.
- */
- DLLOPT friend Counter64 operator/(unsigned long ul, const Counter64 &c64)
- { return Counter64(ul) / c64; };
- //-------[ overloaded comparison operators ]--------------
- /**
- * Equal operator for two Cunter64.
- */
- DLLOPT friend bool operator==(const Counter64 &lhs, const Counter64 &rhs);
- /**
- * Not equal operator for two Cunter64.
- */
- DLLOPT friend bool operator!=(const Counter64 &lhs, const Counter64 &rhs);
- /**
- * Less than operator for two Cunter64.
- */
- DLLOPT friend bool operator<(const Counter64 &lhs, const Counter64 &rhs);
- /**
- * Less than or equal operator for two Cunter64.
- */
- DLLOPT friend bool operator<=(const Counter64 &lhs, const Counter64 &rhs);
- /**
- * Greater than operator for two Cunter64.
- */
- DLLOPT friend bool operator>(const Counter64 &lhs, const Counter64 &rhs);
- /**
- * Greater than or equal operator for two Cunter64.
- */
- DLLOPT friend bool operator>=(const Counter64 &lhs, const Counter64 &rhs);
- private:
- SNMP_PP_MUTABLE char output_buffer[CTR64OUTBUF];
- SNMP_PP_MUTABLE bool m_changed;
- };
- }; // end of namespace Snmp_pp
- #endif
- #endif