- /*_############################################################################
- _##
- _## pdu.h
- _##
- _## SNMP++v3.2.21
- _## -----------------------------------------------
- _## Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Jochen Katz, Frank Fock
- _##
- _## This software is based on SNMP++2.6 from Hewlett Packard:
- _##
- _## Copyright (c) 1996
- _## Hewlett-Packard Company
- _##
- _## Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and/or sell this software
- _## and/or its documentation is hereby granted without fee. User agrees
- _## to display the above copyright notice and this license notice in all
- _## copies of the software and any documentation of the software. User
- _## agrees to assume all liability for the use of the software;
- _## Hewlett-Packard and Jochen Katz make no representations about the
- _## suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided
- _## "AS-IS" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. User
- _## hereby grants a royalty-free license to any and all derivatives based
- _## upon this software code base.
- _##
- _## Stuttgart, Germany, Fri Jun 16 17:48:57 CEST 2006
- _##
- _##########################################################################*/
- /*===================================================================
- Copyright (c) 1999
- Hewlett-Packard Company
- Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and/or sell this software
- and/or its documentation is hereby granted without fee. User agrees
- to display the above copyright notice and this license notice in all
- copies of the software and any documentation of the software. User
- agrees to assume all liability for the use of the software; Hewlett-Packard
- makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any
- purpose. It is provided "AS-IS without warranty of any kind,either express
- or implied. User hereby grants a royalty-free license to any and all
- derivatives based upon this software code base.
- SNMP++ P D U . H
- DESIGN + AUTHOR: Peter E Mellquist
- Pdu class definition. Encapsulation of an SMI Protocol
- Data Unit (PDU) in C++.
- =====================================================================*/
- // $Id: pdu.h,v 1.14 2006/01/08 21:33:30 katz Exp $
- #ifndef _PDU_CLS
- #define _PDU_CLS
- #include "snmp_pp/config_snmp_pp.h"
- #include "snmp_pp/address.h"
- #include "snmp_pp/timetick.h"
- #include "snmp_pp/octet.h"
- #include "snmp_pp/oid.h"
- namespace Snmp_pp {
- #endif
- class Vb;
- #define PDU_MAX_RID 32767 ///< max request id to use
- #define PDU_MIN_RID 1000 ///< min request id to use
- //=======================================================================
- // Pdu Class
- //=======================================================================
- /**
- * Pdu class...
- */
- class DLLOPT Pdu
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Constructor no args.
- *
- * This constructor creates a valid empty Pdu object.
- */
- Pdu();
- /**
- * Constructor with vbs.
- *
- * The Pdu class does not take ownership of the array and the Vb
- * objects, so if these were allocated with new, they must be freed
- * by te user with delete.
- *
- * @param pvbs - Array of pointers to Vb objects
- * @param pvb_count - Length of the array
- */
- Pdu(Vb* pvbs, const int pvb_count);
- /**
- * Constructor with another Pdu instance.
- *
- * @param pdu - source pdu object
- */
- Pdu(const Pdu &pdu) : vbs(0), vbs_size(0), vb_count(0) { *this = pdu; };
- /**
- * Destructor
- */
- virtual ~Pdu();
- /**
- * Overloaded assignment operator.
- *
- * @param pdu - Pdu that should be assigned to this object
- */
- Pdu& operator=(const Pdu &pdu);
- /**
- * Append a vb to the pdu.
- *
- * @param vb - The Vb that should be added (as last vb) to the pdu
- */
- Pdu& operator+=(const Vb &vb);
- /**
- * Clone a Pdu object.
- *
- * @return Pointer to a newly created Pdu object, that is identical to this
- */
- Pdu *clone() const { return new Pdu(*this); };
- /**
- * Get Pointers to all Vbs from Pdu.
- *
- * The caller has to allocate the array. The returned pointers point
- * to the Vb objects that are internally used by the pdu. So any
- * changes to the returned Vb objects will change the pdu. If the
- * pdu is modified (e.g. through Pdu::trim()) afterwards, the
- * returned array will contain invalid pointers.
- *
- * @param pvbs - Array of empty pointers of size pvb_count
- * @param pvb_count - Amount of Vb pointers to get
- *
- * @return TRUE on success
- */
- int get_vblist(Vb* pvbs, const int pvb_count) const;
- /**
- * Deposit all Vbs to Pdu.
- *
- * The vb objects of the pdu will be freed and the objects from the
- * array will be cloned and added to the pdu. If this method returns
- * FALSE, the pdu will not conatin any Vb objects.
- *
- * @param pvbs - Array of valid pointers of size pvb_count
- * @param pvb_count - Amount of Vb pointers i the array
- *
- * @return TRUE on success
- */
- int set_vblist(Vb* pvbs, const int pvb_count);
- /**
- * Get a particular Vb.
- *
- * @param vb - Object to store the vb
- * @param index - The vb to get (zero is the first vb)
- *
- * @return TRUE on success
- */
- int get_vb(Vb &vb, const int index) const;
- /**
- * Return a reference to a particular Vb.
- *
- * @note Before calling this method, make sure that there
- * is a Vb using get_vb_count().
- *
- * @param index - The Vb to return starting with 0.
- * @return A const reference to the Vb
- */
- const Vb &get_vb(const int index) const { return *vbs[index]; };
- /**
- * Set a particular vb.
- *
- * If this method returns FALSE, the pdu has not been modified.
- *
- * @param vb - Source vb
- * @param index - The vb to set (zero is the first vb)
- *
- * @return TRUE on success
- */
- int set_vb(Vb &vb, const int index);
- /**
- * Get the number of vbs.
- *
- * @return The number of Vb objects within the pdu.
- */
- int get_vb_count() const { return vb_count; };
- /**
- * Get a Vb.
- *
- * @note The index has to be checked by the caller.
- *
- * @param i zero based index
- */
- Vb& operator[](const int i) { return *vbs[i]; };
- /**
- * Get the error status.
- *
- * @return The SNMP error status
- */
- int get_error_status() const { return error_status; };
- /**
- * Set the error status.
- *
- * @param err - The new SNMP error status.
- */
- void set_error_status(const int err) { error_status = err; };
- /**
- * Clear the error status.
- */
- void clear_error_status() { error_status = 0; };
- /**
- * Get the error index.
- *
- * @return The SNMP error index
- */
- int get_error_index() const { return error_index; };
- /**
- * Set the error index.
- *
- * @param err - The new SNMP error index.
- */
- void set_error_index(const int index) { error_index = index; };
- /**
- * Clear the error index.
- */
- void clear_error_index() { error_index = 0; };
- /**
- * Clear error status and error index.
- */
- void clear_error() { set_error_status(0); set_error_index(0); }
- /**
- * Get the request id.
- *
- * @return The SNMP request id
- */
- unsigned long get_request_id() const { return request_id; };
- /**
- * Set the request id.
- *
- * @param rid - The new SNMP request id
- */
- void set_request_id(const unsigned long rid) { request_id = rid; };
- /**
- * Get the pdu type.
- */
- unsigned short get_type() const { return pdu_type; };
- /**
- * Set the pdu type.
- */
- void set_type(unsigned short type) { pdu_type = type; };
- /**
- * Returns validity of Pdu instance.
- */
- bool valid() const { return validity; };
- /**
- * Trim off vbs.
- *
- * @param count - number of vbs to trim of, starting with the last
- * @return TRUE on success, FALSE if nothing was done
- */
- int trim(const int count=1);
- /**
- * Delete a Vb anywhere within the Pdu.
- *
- * @param position - Delete the Vb at this position (starting with 0)
- * @return TRUE on success
- */
- int delete_vb(const int position);
- /**
- * Set notify timestamp.
- */
- void set_notify_timestamp(const TimeTicks &ts) { notify_timestamp = ts; };
- /**
- * Get notify timestamp.
- */
- void get_notify_timestamp(TimeTicks &ts) const { ts = notify_timestamp; };
- /**
- * Set the notify id.
- *
- * @return true if the set succeeded.
- */
- bool set_notify_id(const Oid &id)
- { notify_id = id; return (notify_id.len() == id.len()); };
- /**
- * Get the notify id.
- *
- * @return true if the get succeeded.
- */
- bool get_notify_id(Oid &id) const
- { id = notify_id; return (notify_id.len() == id.len()); };
- /**
- * Set the notify enterprise.
- *
- * @return true if the set succeeded.
- */
- bool set_notify_enterprise(const Oid &e)
- { notify_enterprise = e; return (notify_enterprise.len() == e.len()); };
- /**
- * Get the notify enterprise.
- *
- * @return true if the get succeeded.
- */
- bool get_notify_enterprise(Oid & e) const
- { e = notify_enterprise; return (notify_enterprise.len() == e.len()); };
- #ifdef _SNMPv3
- /**
- * Set the security level that should be used when this Pdu is sent.
- * The default security level of a Pdu is SNMP_SECURITY_LEVEL_NOAUTH_NOPRIV.
- *
- * @param level - One of SNMP_SECURITY_LEVEL_NOAUTH_NOPRIV,
- */
- void set_security_level(const int level) { security_level = level; };
- /**
- * Return the security level of the Pdu.
- *
- * @return - the security level
- */
- int get_security_level() const { return security_level; };
- /**
- * Set the context name of the Pdu.
- *
- * @param name - The context name
- */
- bool set_context_name(const OctetStr &name)
- { context_name = name; return (context_name.valid() && name.valid()); };
- /**
- * Set the context name of the Pdu.
- *
- * @param name - The context name
- */
- bool set_context_name(const char *name)
- { context_name = name; return context_name.valid(); };
- /**
- * Get the context name of the Pdu.
- *
- * @param name - Object fot the context name
- */
- bool get_context_name(OctetStr &name) const
- { name = context_name; return (context_name.valid() && name.valid()); };
- /**
- * Get the context name of the Pdu.
- *
- * @return - Return the context name as an OctetStr
- */
- const OctetStr& get_context_name() const { return context_name; };
- /**
- * Set the context engine id of the Pdu.
- *
- * @param id - The new context engine id
- */
- bool set_context_engine_id(const OctetStr &id) { context_engine_id = id;
- return (context_engine_id.valid() && id.valid()); };
- /**
- * Set the context engine id of the Pdu.
- *
- * @param id - The new context engine id
- */
- bool set_context_engine_id(const char *id)
- { context_engine_id = id; return context_engine_id.valid(); };
- /**
- * Get the context engine id of the Pdu.
- *
- * @param id - Object for the context engine
- */
- bool get_context_engine_id(OctetStr &id) const { id = context_engine_id;
- return (context_engine_id.valid() && id.valid()); };
- /**
- * Get the context engine id of the Pdu.
- *
- * @return - Return the context engine id as an OctetStr
- */
- const OctetStr& get_context_engine_id() const { return context_engine_id; };
- /**
- * Set the SNMPv3 message id (msgID)
- *
- * @param msg_id - the message id of the received message
- */
- void set_message_id(const unsigned long msg_id) { message_id = msg_id; }
- /**
- * Get the SNMPv3 message id (msgID)
- *
- * @return - the message id of the received message
- */
- unsigned long get_message_id() const { return message_id; }
- /**
- * Set the maximum size of the scoped pdu to be included in a
- * possible response message.
- *
- * @param l - the maximum size
- */
- void set_maxsize_scopedpdu(unsigned long l) { maxsize_scopedpdu = l; };
- /**
- * Get the maximum size of the scoped pdu to be included in a
- * possible response message.
- *
- * @return - the maximum size
- */
- unsigned long get_maxsize_scopedpdu() const { return maxsize_scopedpdu; };
- #endif // _SNMPv3
- /**
- * Get the SNMPv1 trap address
- */
- int get_v1_trap_address(GenAddress &address) const;
- /**
- * Set the SNMPv1 trap address
- */
- int set_v1_trap_address(const Address &address);
- /**
- * Return the length of the encoded vbs with pdu header.
- *
- * @note this method wll not work for v1 traps.
- */
- int get_asn1_length() const;
- /**
- * Clear the Pdu contents (destruct and construct in one go)
- */
- void clear();
- /**
- * Does the type of response match the type of request.
- */
- static bool match_type(const int request, const int response);
- //-------------[ protected members ]--------------------------
- protected:
- /**
- * Extend the vbs array.
- *
- * @return true on success
- */
- bool extend_vbs();
- Vb **vbs; // pointer to array of Vbs
- int vbs_size; // Size of array
- int vb_count; // count of Vbs
- int error_status; // SMI error status
- int error_index; // SMI error index
- bool validity; // valid boolean
- unsigned long request_id; // SMI request id
- unsigned short pdu_type; // derived at run time based on request type
- // for notify Pdu objects only
- // traps & notifies
- TimeTicks notify_timestamp; // a timestamp associated with an infor
- Oid notify_id; // an id
- Oid notify_enterprise;
- GenAddress v1_trap_address; // address object
- int v1_trap_address_set;
- #ifdef _SNMPv3
- // specific Objects for SNMPv3
- int security_level; // the securityLevel with which this Pdu
- // should be sent or was received
- unsigned long message_id;
- unsigned long maxsize_scopedpdu;
- OctetStr context_name;
- OctetStr context_engine_id;
- #endif // _SNMPv3
- };
- }; // end of namespace Snmp_pp
- #endif
- #endif //_PDU_CLS