资源名称:midi2txt.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- Copyright rules for GN utilities and sources
- 1. General
- ===========
- * copyright of all GN utilities, modules, program sources
- is kept by Guenter Nagler, all rights reserved
- * the author does not guarantee that the programs are free of errors and
- is not responsible for damages that are caused by using the programs,
- user should not use them if (s)he isn't aware about this.
- See also disclaimer in .doc file of each software package.
- * don't use any GN utility for illegal purpose.
- * it is not allowed to debug GN software (cracking, hacking,
- reverse engineering)
- 2. Rules using free GN utilities
- ================================
- * These utilities are free for private and educational non-commercial use
- only
- * It is not allowed to sell the programs or bundle them with commercial
- or shareware products or shareware/freeware cdrom (see distribution rules)
- * It is not allowed to distribute modified programs or single files from of
- the compressed package
- * For commercial use or use in shareware products need permission
- (see distribution rules)
- * Send new ideas, bug reports directly to author by email. The
- author decides self which ideas are implemented or what is a bug
- and a feature.
- 2. Rules for Shareware GN utilities
- ===================================
- * Shareware utilities are not free, if you want to use the utility then
- must register the shareware product and pay the current registration
- price.
- * Shareware demo .zip are free for testing the software for limited time.
- GNMIDI, GNMIDFMT, GNKnow trial use are limited to 5 days,
- GNIStyle trial version is not time limited.
- * It is not allowed to use the trial versions as full versions by
- knocking them up (cracking), this would be stealing.
- * It is not allowed to use (stolen) registration keys from others or
- create own registration keys (hacking), such illegal keys are
- not valid, this would be stealing.
- * After you tried the demo version with all its limits you decide if
- you want register this shareware.
- * If you want register then read readme.txt/liesmich.txt and
- choose one of the payment methods. For direct payments to author
- you need to fill a registration form and send it with the payment to the
- author. For payments through a credit card registration service like
-, you need to fill the order form of the company correctly.
- * For registering we need your full international postal address and
- real name, optional email address.
- * If you don't want to register then you must delete all installations
- of the shareware. You can try the next upgrade to check if you like
- this more.
- * Price can change so download newest demo to get current registration
- conditions or ask the author by email.
- * The original (unmodified) demo .zip can be distributed by any media.
- * It is not allowed to distribute a registration license.
- * It is not allowed to modify the demo .zip file, nor to include or remove
- files.
- * Support only given for registered users by email.
- * license keys could change at new versions, legally registered users can
- get a new key from author, keep old key in case that want use an old
- version again.
- * Bug reports and questions can be asked directly to author by email.
- * if a registered user violate against license conditions
- (e.g. distribute key) then copyright laws of Austria apply to
- judge the copyright violation. The users registration license will
- stop automatically, this user is then not allowed to use shareware key
- and upgrades.
- * GNMIDI legally registered users can use GNMIDFMT too.
- * Legally registered users have permission to use the resulting MIDI files
- of the free DOS utilities for commercial use.
- * GNMIDI legally registered users have permission to use the resulting MIDI
- files for commercial use.
- * User is responsible to care about the copyright rules of existing MIDI
- files (e.g. musical notes, lyrics, professional made MIDI songs),
- modifying an existing MIDI song with GN shareware software does not
- change the copyright rules of the MIDI song. Even if modifying copyright
- info in a MIDI file with GN software the MIDI file remains copyright of
- the original owners (author, composer, sequencer, company ...).
- Author is not responsible for users violating MIDI or songs copyright laws.
- 3. Rules for use of C++ program sources
- ========================================
- * For some GN utilities it is possible to get C++ sources for private or
- educational non-commercial use. Author decides which sources are published.
- * You can use these sources free to compile them in other operating system
- with C++ compilers (e.g. GNU g++) if the utilities are only used for
- private or educational non-commercial use.
- * It is not allowed to redistribute the sources.
- * For any distribution of software or for any commercial or shareware use
- of software that uses GN modules you need to ask for permission (see
- distribution rules).
- 4. Distribution Rules
- ============================
- * Distribution of Shareware demo .zip is allowed, it is not allowed to
- get paid for distribition. Distribution of Shareware registration
- keys is prohibited.
- * Free for private noncommercial use utilities can be distributed, only
- .zip files that are not modified. It is not allowed to get paid for
- distribution or bundle it with any commercial or shareware or freeware
- product (e.g. software, cdrom, book, magazine...), you need permission
- for bundle any software.
- * To use any of the free or shareware GN midi utilities to generate
- commercial midi files (e.g. produce and sell midi files, midi files
- for use by a company - advertisement or presentation or company
- homepage) GNMIDI Shareware must be registered.
- * For using utilities or sources in projects that are distributed
- you need permission from author. Tell your project plans and which
- GN utilities or sources are wanted to be used in project.
- * Author can give or deny permission to use utilities or sources in a
- project, or limit permission for certain use inside a project.
- Especially if project is competition against any GN utility or plan
- permission might be denied or limitted.
- * If you find utilities or sources to be useful in your project then
- ask early for permission and conditions for distributing the project
- (for case that utilities or sources are included), because permission
- to distribute the project with GN material is not guaranteed.
- * Usually if permission for a Freeware project is given then no costs
- are for the project owner, only copyright acknowledges for all used
- modules and utilities in documentation are demanded.
- * Usually if permission for a Shareware or commercial project is given
- then project owner has to tell expected price and sellings and
- some profit participation (fix + partial) are demanded, depending
- on the price of a product. This also applies to distributing GN
- utilities on shareware/freeware/commercial cdroms or bundle with
- a product.
- 5. To simplify the rules to few sentences:
- * for any distribution that have to do with GN software,
- you need to ask author for permission
- * if you make a profit using GN software then share a
- participation on profit with GN author
- * register GN shareware if you like it or delete it after trial use
- Author of GN utilities: Guenter Nagler
- E-mail:
- Homepage: