- function [eigvector, eigvalue, Y] = LDA(X,gnd)
- % LDA: Linear discriminant analysis (Fisherfaces approach PCA+LDA)
- %
- % [eigvector, eigvalue] = LDA(X, gnd)
- %
- % Input:
- % X - Data matrix. Each row vector of fea is a data point.
- % gnd - Colunm vector of the label information for each
- % data point.
- %
- % Output:
- % eigvector - Each column is an embedding function, for a new
- % data point (row vector) x, y = x*eigvector
- % will be the embedding result of x.
- % eigvalue - The eigvalue of LDA eigen-problem.
- %
- %
- % [eigvector, eigvalue, Y] = LDA(X, gnd)
- %
- % Y: The embedding results, Each row vector is a data point.
- % Y = X*eigvector
- %
- % Reference:
- %
- % P. N. Belhumeur, J. P. Hespanha, and D. J. Kriegman, eigenfaces
- % vs. fisherfaces: recognition using class specific linear
- % projection,?IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine
- % Intelligence, vol. 19, no. 7, pp. 711-720, July 1997.
- %
- % Written by Deng Cai (dengcai@gmail.com), April/2004, Feb/2006
- old_X = X;
- % ====== Initialization
- [nSmp,nFea] = size(X);
- classLabel = unique(gnd);
- nClass = length(classLabel);
- bPCA = 0;
- if nFea > (nSmp - nClass)
- PCAoptions = [];
- PCAoptions.ReducedDim = nSmp - nClass;
- [eigvector_PCA, eigvalue_PCA, meanData, new_X] = PCA(X,PCAoptions);
- X = new_X;
- [nSmp,nFea] = size(X);
- bPCA = 1;
- end
- sampleMean = mean(X);
- MMM = zeros(nFea, nFea);
- for i = 1:nClass
- index = find(gnd==classLabel(i));
- classMean = mean(X(index, :));
- MMM = MMM + length(index)*classMean'*classMean;
- end
- W = X'*X - MMM;
- B = MMM - nSmp*sampleMean'*sampleMean;
- W = (W + W')/2;
- B = (B + B')/2;
- option = struct('disp',0);
- [eigvector, eigvalue] = eigs(B,W,nClass-1,'la',option);
- eigvalue = diag(eigvalue);
- for i = 1:size(eigvector,2)
- eigvector(:,i) = eigvector(:,i)./norm(eigvector(:,i));
- end
- if bPCA
- eigvector =eigvector_PCA*eigvector;
- end
- if nargout == 3
- Y = old_X * eigvector;
- end