资源名称:MiniCA2.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /************************************
- Written and Revision By: Zhang, Zhefu
- Contact: codetiger@hotmail
- URL: http://www.chi.c.dendai.ac.jp/~zhang/index.htm
- Revised on 2001/09/27 in FujiSoftABC Ltd. Japan
- Comment: JXINIFile Header File
- ************************************/
- #ifndef JX_INI_FILE
- #define JX_INI_FILE
- //
- //namespace jxapi
- //{
- #ifdef _UNICODE
- #define JXGetPrivateProfileString JXGetPrivateProfileStringW
- #define JXWritePrivateProfileString JXWritePrivateProfileStringW
- #define JXRenameSectionEx JXRenameSectionExW
- #define JXCopySectionExW JXCopySectionExW
- #else
- #define JXGetPrivateProfileString JXGetPrivateProfileStringA
- #define JXWritePrivateProfileString JXWritePrivateProfileStringA
- #endif /* !UNICODE */
- typedef enum tagINIControlCode
- {
- setSectionMapDirty = 0, //Mark the Section Map out-of-date
- lockSectionMap = 1, //Prevent Update Section Map
- unlockSectionMap = 2, //Permit Update Section Map
- updateSectionMap = 3, //Update Section Map
- } INIControlCode;
- #define INI_SET_DIRTY_MAP 0
- #define INI_SET_LOCK_MAP 1
- #define INI_SET_UNLOCK_MAP 2
- #define INI_UPDATE_MAP 3
- //?????---Warning: Using namespace for WinAPI have the same name
- extern DWORD ControlINI(DWORD dwControl);
- extern BOOL JXRenameSectionExW(
- LPCWSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPCWSTR lpNewName, // new section name
- LPCWSTR lpFileName // initialization file name
- );
- extern BOOL JXCopySectionExW(
- LPCWSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPCWSTR lpNewName, // new section name
- LPCWSTR lpFileName // initialization file name
- );
- extern DWORD JXGetPrivateProfileStringW(
- LPCWSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPCWSTR lpKeyName, // key name
- LPCWSTR lpDefault, // default string
- LPWSTR lpReturnedString, // destination buffer
- DWORD nSize, // size of destination buffer
- LPCWSTR lpFileName // initialization file name
- );
- //Warning: Using namespace for WinAPI have the same name
- extern BOOL JXWritePrivateProfileStringW(
- LPCWSTR lpAppName, // section namen
- LPCWSTR lpKeyName, // key name
- LPCWSTR lpString, // string to add
- LPCWSTR lpFileName // initialization file
- );
- extern DWORD JXGetPrivateProfileStringA(
- LPCSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPCSTR lpKeyName, // key name
- LPCSTR lpDefault, // default string
- LPSTR lpReturnedString, // destination buffer
- DWORD nSize, // size of destination buffer
- LPCSTR lpFileName // initialization file name
- );
- //Warning: Using namespace for WinAPI have the same name
- extern BOOL JXWritePrivateProfileStringA(
- LPCSTR lpAppName, // section namen
- LPCSTR lpKeyName, // key name
- LPCSTR lpString, // string to add
- LPCSTR lpFileName // initialization file
- );
- //Flush Memory Data To Disk File and Close File Handle
- extern BOOL JXUnloadPrivateProfile();
- //}
- //---end namespace
- #define JXMegaByte 1024 * 1024 //1 Mb
- #define JXPage 64 * 1024 //Win2000 ---- 1 Page = 64 Kb
- #define JXFlushIncrement JXMegaByte //1Mb
- //Debug User
- #define chSTR2(x) #x
- #define chSTR(x) chSTR2(x)
- #define chMSG(desc) message(__FILE__ "(" chSTR(__LINE__) "):" #desc)
- #include <afxcoll.h> //To Use CMap
- class CJXINIFile
- {
- public:
- //new Func
- //return FALSE if lpAppName noe exist
- BOOL RenameSectionExW(
- LPCWSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPCWSTR lpNewName, // new section name
- LPCWSTR lpFileName); // initialization file name
- //return FALSE if lpNewName already exist, lpAppName not Exist
- BOOL CopySectionExW(
- LPCWSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPCWSTR lpNewName, // new section name
- LPCWSTR lpFileName); // initialization file name
- ////in WCHARs, return 0 when err, Section Map Version
- UINT GetSectionSizeExW(
- LPCWSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPCWSTR lpFileName); // initialization file name
- ////in WCHARs, return 0 when err,
- UINT GetSectionSizeW(
- LPCWSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPCWSTR lpFileName); // initialization file name
- //map mode extension
- CMapStringToPtr m_mapSection; //Map Section To LPVOID
- void UpdateMapA();
- void UpdateMapW();
- void ResizeMap(int nNewSize); //re-calulate the map class
- BOOL m_bSectionMapDirty;
- BOOL m_bSectionMapLock;
- //--------------------------------------------------
- DWORD DeleteSectionExW(
- LPCWSTR lpAppName // section name
- );
- DWORD DeleteKeyExW(
- LPCWSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPCWSTR lpKeyName // key name
- );
- DWORD DeleteSectionW(
- LPCWSTR lpAppName // section name
- );
- DWORD DeleteKeyW(
- LPCWSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPCWSTR lpKeyName // key name
- );
- DWORD DeleteSectionExA(
- LPCSTR lpAppName // section name
- );
- DWORD DeleteKeyExA(
- LPCSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPCSTR lpKeyName // key name
- );
- DWORD DeleteSectionA(
- LPCSTR lpAppName // section name
- );
- DWORD DeleteKeyA(
- LPCSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPCSTR lpKeyName // key name
- );
- //Section Pointer Mapped Function
- DWORD CJXINIFile::GetSectionsExA(
- LPSTR lpReturnedString, // destination buffer
- DWORD nSize, // size of destination buffer, In WCHAR
- LPCSTR lpFileName // initialization file name
- );
- DWORD GetSectionsExW(
- LPWSTR lpReturnedString, // destination buffer
- DWORD nSize, // size of destination buffer
- LPCWSTR lpFileName // initialization file name
- );
- DWORD GetKeysExA(
- LPCSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPSTR lpReturnedString, // destination buffer
- DWORD nSize, // size of destination buffer
- LPCSTR lpFileName // initialization file name
- );
- DWORD GetKeysExW(
- LPCWSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPWSTR lpReturnedString, // destination buffer
- DWORD nSize, // size of destination buffer
- LPCWSTR lpFileName // initialization file name
- );
- UINT GetKeyExA(LPSTR pHead, UINT uSize,
- LPCSTR szSection, LPCSTR szKey, UINT& posSection);
- UINT GetKeyExW(LPWSTR pHead, UINT uSize,
- LPCWSTR szSection, LPCWSTR szKey, UINT& posSection);
- DWORD GetPrivateProfileStringExA(
- LPCSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPCSTR lpKeyName, // key name
- LPCSTR lpDefault, // default string
- LPSTR lpReturnedString, // destination buffer
- DWORD nSize, // size of destination buffer
- LPCSTR lpFileName // initialization file name
- );
- DWORD GetPrivateProfileStringExW(
- LPCWSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPCWSTR lpKeyName, // key name
- LPCWSTR lpDefault, // default string
- LPWSTR lpReturnedString, // destination buffer
- DWORD nSize, // size of destination buffer
- LPCWSTR lpFileName // initialization file name
- );
- BOOL WritePrivateProfileStringExA(
- LPCSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPCSTR lpKeyName, // key name
- LPCSTR lpString, // string to add
- LPCSTR lpFileName // initialization file
- );
- BOOL WritePrivateProfileStringExW(
- LPCWSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPCWSTR lpKeyName, // key name
- LPCWSTR lpString, // string to add
- LPCWSTR lpFileName // initialization file
- );
- //If Programm Crashed Last Time, Cut the Zero Part Left on the Disk
- void CutZeroTail();
- BOOL UnloadIniFile();
- //0 -- Default, 1 -- ANSI, 2 -- UNICODE
- BOOL m_bUnicode;
- BOOL LoadIniFile(CString strFilename, DWORD dwMode = 0);
- CJXINIFile();
- ~CJXINIFile();
- UINT GetKeyW(LPWSTR pHead, UINT uSize,
- LPCWSTR szSection, LPCWSTR szKey, UINT& posSection);
- DWORD GetPrivateProfileStringW(
- LPCWSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPCWSTR lpKeyName, // key name
- LPCWSTR lpDefault, // default string
- LPWSTR lpReturnedString, // destination buffer
- DWORD nSize, // size of destination buffer
- LPCWSTR lpFileName // initialization file name
- );
- BOOL WritePrivateProfileStringW(
- LPCWSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPCWSTR lpKeyName, // key name
- LPCWSTR lpString, // string to add
- LPCWSTR lpFileName // initialization file
- );
- DWORD GetSectionsW(
- LPWSTR lpReturnedString, // destination buffer
- DWORD nSize, // size of destination buffer
- LPCWSTR lpFileName // initialization file name
- );
- DWORD GetKeysW(
- LPCWSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPWSTR lpReturnedString, // destination buffer
- DWORD nSize, // size of destination buffer
- LPCWSTR lpFileName // initialization file name
- );
- UINT GetKeyA(LPSTR pHead, UINT uSize,
- LPCSTR szSection, LPCSTR szKey, UINT& posSection);
- DWORD GetPrivateProfileStringA(
- LPCSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPCSTR lpKeyName, // key name
- LPCSTR lpDefault, // default string
- LPSTR lpReturnedString, // destination buffer
- DWORD nSize, // size of destination buffer
- LPCSTR lpFileName // initialization file name
- );
- BOOL WritePrivateProfileStringA(
- LPCSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPCSTR lpKeyName, // key name
- LPCSTR lpString, // string to add
- LPCSTR lpFileName // initialization file
- );
- DWORD GetSectionsA(
- LPSTR lpReturnedString, // destination buffer
- DWORD nSize, // size of destination buffer
- LPCSTR lpFileName // initialization file name
- );
- DWORD GetKeysA(
- LPCSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPSTR lpReturnedString, // destination buffer
- DWORD nSize, // size of destination buffer
- LPCSTR lpFileName // initialization file name
- );
- private:
- CString m_strFilename;
- HANDLE m_hFile; //File handle
- HANDLE m_hMMF; //Memory-Map File Handle
- DWORD m_dwSize; //Current Open File Size in BYTEs
- DWORD m_dwUseSize; //Curent Using Size in BYTEs,
- //not including heading 2 byte!!!!
- //m_dwSize <= m_dwUseSize <= m_dwSize + JXFlushIncrement
- LPVOID m_pData; //MMF pointer
- LPVOID m_pTrueData; //MMF pointer
- BOOL m_bDirty; //Modified?
- };
- #endif