资源名称:MiniCA2.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- // Res1.h: interface for the CRes class.
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #if !defined(AFX_RES1_H__6D156E54_F657_47B0_93D1_81689334280D__INCLUDED_)
- #define AFX_RES1_H__6D156E54_F657_47B0_93D1_81689334280D__INCLUDED_
- #if _MSC_VER > 1000
- #pragma once
- #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
- struct __ResInfo
- {
- int Type_Type;//0 = NUMBER,other string
- CString m_Name;
- CString m_Type;
- CString m_ReadibleName;
- __ResInfo(const CString &name, const CString& type):m_Name(name),m_Type(type),Type_Type(0){};
- __ResInfo():m_Type(_T("")),Type_Type(0){};
- __ResInfo(const __ResInfo &info){*this = info;};
- __ResInfo& operator= (const __ResInfo& info)
- {
- m_Name = info.m_Name ;
- m_Type = info.m_Type ;
- m_ReadibleName = info.m_ReadibleName ;
- Type_Type = info.Type_Type ;
- return *this;
- }
- };
- class CRes
- {
- public:
- CRes();
- CRes(HMODULE Exe);
- virtual ~CRes();
- public:
- // Lock the resource for furthre usage. It return all data
- // of specified resource.
- LPSTR LockRes();
- // Get the loaded resource’s handle
- HRSRC GetLoadedRes();
- // Load all resource’s list from executable files.
- BOOL LoadAllResource();
- // static function for name in the current executable file.
- static BOOL EnumNames( HANDLE hModule, LPCTSTR lpType,
- LPTSTR lpName, LONG lParam);
- // static function to enumerate all types in the current executable file.
- static BOOL EnumTypesFunc( HANDLE hModule, LPSTR lpType, LONG lParam);
- // Load currenct resource
- BOOL LoadResource();
- // Find the given specified resource from executable files
- BOOL FindResource( int res,LPSTR type);
- // Free the executable files locked while reading resource from it .
- void FreeIt();
- // Load the executable files, return TRUE if is successfully
- // reading the executable file
- BOOL LoadExe();
- // The path to store the executable file
- CString m_Path;
- // List of resource in the current executable file
- CArray<__ResInfo,__ResInfo&> m_Infos;
- protected:
- HRSRC hResLoad; // handle to loaded resource
- HANDLE hExe; // handle to existing .EXE file
- HRSRC hRes; // handle/ptr. to res. info. in hExe
- //HANDLE hUpdateRes; // update resource handle
- char *lpResLock; // pointer to resource data
- };
- #endif // !defined(AFX_RES1_H__6D156E54_F657_47B0_93D1_81689334280D__INCLUDED_)