资源名称:MiniCA2.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /************************************
- Written and Revision By: Zhang, Zhefu
- Contact: codetiger@hotmail
- URL: http://www.chi.c.dendai.ac.jp/~zhang/index.htm
- Revised on 2001/09/27 in FujiSoftABC Ltd. Japan
- Comment: JXINIFile Implementation File
- ************************************/
- //
- //
- //Last Modified 2001/9/4
- //Reason: NotePad add 0xFF FE to the text file header, make the first
- // section unrecognizable.
- //Fixment: Add member m_pTrueData to pass the 2 byte head
- #include "stdAfx.h"
- #include "JXIniFile.h"
- //dwSize = -1 if szMultiByte null terminated
- //dwSize not include the ending null
- //return WCHARs
- LPWSTR _A2W(LPSTR szMultiByte, DWORD dwSize, DWORD& dwRetSize)
- {
- static WCHAR szInternalBuffer[8096];
- if(szMultiByte == NULL || (dwSize == -1 && ::strlen(szMultiByte) == 0))
- { dwRetSize = 0; return NULL; }
- int nLen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0,szMultiByte, dwSize, NULL, NULL);
- if(nLen > 8096) { dwRetSize = 0; return NULL; }
- //dwRetSize in WCHARs, include null if szMultiByte nulled ended
- dwRetSize = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, szMultiByte, dwSize, szInternalBuffer, 8096);
- if(dwSize == -1)
- dwRetSize--;
- else
- szInternalBuffer[dwRetSize] = WCHAR(' ');
- return szInternalBuffer;
- }
- //return BYTEs
- LPSTR _W2A(LPWSTR szUnicode, DWORD dwSize, DWORD& dwRetSize)
- {
- static char szInternalBuffer[8096];
- if(szUnicode == NULL || (dwSize == -1 && ::wcslen(szUnicode) == 0))
- { dwRetSize = 0; return NULL; }
- int nLen = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0,szUnicode, dwSize, NULL, 0, NULL, FALSE);
- if(nLen > 8096) { dwRetSize = 0; return NULL; }
- //Ret: in BYTEs, The number includes the byte for the null terminator. if szUnicode null ended
- dwRetSize = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, szUnicode, dwSize, szInternalBuffer, nLen, NULL, FALSE);
- if(dwSize == -1) //dwRetSize include null, szInternalBuffer null ended
- dwRetSize--;
- else
- szInternalBuffer[dwRetSize] = char(' ');
- return szInternalBuffer;
- }
- {
- m_strFilename = _T("");
- m_hMMF = NULL;
- m_dwSize = 0;
- m_pData = 0;
- m_bSectionMapDirty = TRUE; //No Section Map
- m_bSectionMapLock = FALSE;
- m_mapSection.InitHashTable(700, TRUE);
- }
- {
- UnloadIniFile();
- if(m_pData)
- {
- ::UnmapViewOfFile(m_pData);
- m_pData = NULL;
- }
- if(m_hMMF != NULL)
- {
- ::CloseHandle(m_hMMF);
- m_hMMF = NULL;
- }
- {
- ::CloseHandle(m_hFile);
- }
- }
- //CMap m_mapSection;
- void CJXINIFile::UpdateMapA()
- {
- if(m_bSectionMapLock) return;
- LPSTR pHead = (LPSTR)m_pTrueData;
- LPSTR p1 = pHead;
- LPSTR p2 = pHead;
- p1 = pHead;
- while(p1- pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(char)) - 1)
- {
- while(p1- pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(char)) - 1 &&
- *p1 != char('['))
- p1++;
- p2 = p1;
- while(p2- pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(char)) - 1 &&
- *p2 != char(']'))
- p2++;
- if(p1- pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(char)) &&
- p2- pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(char)))
- {
- //Found, Ready To Map
- int lenSection = p2 - p1 - 1;
- //Section Name Length must >= 1
- if(lenSection >= 1)
- {
- p1++;
- CString strSection;
- #ifdef _UNICODE
- DWORD dwRetSize;
- PWSTR pTemp = _A2W(p1, lenSection, dwRetSize);
- ::wcsncpy(strSection.GetBuffer(dwRetSize), pTemp, dwRetSize);
- strSection.ReleaseBuffer(dwRetSize);
- #else
- ::strncpy(strSection.GetBuffer(lenSection), p1, lenSection);
- strSection.ReleaseBuffer(lenSection);
- #endif
- p1--; //point to [
- m_mapSection.SetAt(strSection, (LPVOID)p1);
- }
- }
- p1 = p2 + 1;
- }
- //Debug Part
- m_bSectionMapDirty = FALSE;
- return ;
- }
- void CJXINIFile::UpdateMapW()
- {
- if(m_bSectionMapLock) return;
- LPWSTR pHead = (LPWSTR)m_pTrueData;
- LPWSTR p1 = pHead;
- LPWSTR p2 = pHead;
- //Calculate the section number
- // int nSection = 0;
- // while(p1- pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(WCHAR)) - 1)
- // {
- // if(*p1 == WCHAR('[')) nSection++;
- // p1++;
- // }
- // if(nSection < 13) nSection = 13;
- // //allow 20% margine
- // m_mapSection.InitHashTable((UINT)(1.2*nSection), TRUE);
- p1 = pHead;
- while(p1- pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(WCHAR)) - 1)
- {
- while(p1- pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(WCHAR)) - 1 &&
- *p1 != WCHAR('['))
- p1++;
- p2 = p1;
- while(p2- pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(WCHAR)) - 1 &&
- *p2 != WCHAR(']'))
- p2++;
- if(p1- pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(WCHAR)) &&
- p2- pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(WCHAR)))
- {
- //Found, Ready To Map
- int lenSection = p2 - p1 - 1;
- //Section Name Length must >= 1
- if(lenSection >= 1)
- {
- p1++;
- CString strSection;
- #ifdef _UNICODE
- ::wcsncpy(strSection.GetBuffer(lenSection), p1, lenSection);
- strSection.ReleaseBuffer(lenSection);
- #else
- DWORD dwRetSize;
- PSTR pTemp = _W2A(p1, lenSection, dwRetSize);
- ::strncpy(strSection.GetBuffer(dwRetSize), pTemp, dwRetSize);
- strSection.ReleaseBuffer(dwRetSize);
- #endif
- p1--; //point to [
- m_mapSection.SetAt(strSection, (LPVOID)p1);
- }
- }
- p1 = p2 + 1;
- }
- //Debug Part
- m_bSectionMapDirty = FALSE;
- // int count = m_mapSection.GetCount();
- // CString str; str.Format(_T("UpdateW %d"), count);
- // AfxMessageBox(str);
- /*
- POSITION pos = m_mapSection.GetStartPosition();
- while(pos)
- {
- CString strKey;
- LPVOID lpPos;
- m_mapSection.GetNextAssoc(pos, strKey, lpPos);
- if(AfxMessageBox(strKey, MB_YESNO | MB_ICONINFORMATION) == IDNO)
- return;
- }
- */
- return ;
- }
- void CJXINIFile::ResizeMap(int nNewSize)
- {
- ASSERT(nNewSize > 0);
- m_mapSection.RemoveAll();
- m_mapSection.InitHashTable(nNewSize);
- }
- // return 0 -- no key, size too small to put value
- //return -1 -- error
- //return string length (of course > 1)
- //Ex Version use Map
- DWORD CJXINIFile::GetPrivateProfileStringExA(
- LPCSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPCSTR lpKeyName, // key name
- LPCSTR lpDefault, // default string
- LPSTR lpReturnedString, // destination buffer
- DWORD nSize,
- // size of destination buffer,Specifies the size, in TCHARs,
- LPCSTR lpFileName // initialization file name
- )
- {
- BOOL bRet = LoadIniFile(lpFileName, 1);
- if(!bRet) return (UINT)-1;
- if(lpDefault == NULL) return -1;
- if(m_dwUseSize == 0) return -1;
- //Section Map Not Available
- if(m_bSectionMapDirty && m_bSectionMapLock) //
- return GetPrivateProfileStringA(lpAppName,lpKeyName,
- lpDefault,lpReturnedString,nSize,lpFileName);
- else if(!m_bSectionMapLock && m_bSectionMapDirty)
- {
- UpdateMapA();
- }
- //AfxMessageBox(_T("Using Section Map"));
- //Now Map Info Available
- if(lpAppName == NULL) //get all section
- {
- return GetSectionsExA(lpReturnedString, nSize, lpFileName);
- }
- if(lpKeyName == NULL) //get all key in one section
- {
- return GetKeysExA(lpAppName, lpReturnedString, nSize, lpFileName);
- }
- LPSTR pHead = (LPSTR)m_pTrueData;
- UINT uSec, uKey;
- uSec = (UINT) -1;
- uKey = (UINT)-1;
- uKey = GetKeyExA(pHead, (UINT)m_dwUseSize,
- lpAppName, lpKeyName, uSec);
- if(uKey == (UINT)-1) //not key
- {
- if(::strlen(lpDefault) > (int)nSize) return -1;
- ::strncpy(lpReturnedString, lpDefault, ::strlen(lpDefault));
- //append a null
- lpReturnedString[::strlen(lpDefault)+1] = char(' ');
- return 0;
- }
- char buffer[MAX_PATH];
- LPSTR pValue = pHead + uKey;
- while(pValue - pHead < (int)((m_dwUseSize)/sizeof(char)) &&
- *pValue != char('r') && *pValue != char('n'))
- {
- pValue++; //in unicode, +2 byte
- }
- int len = pValue - pHead - uKey;
- pValue = pHead + uKey;
- ::strncpy(buffer, pValue, len);
- if(nSize <= (UINT)len)
- {
- ::strncpy(lpReturnedString, pValue, nSize);
- lpReturnedString[nSize - 1] = char(' ');
- return 0;
- }
- else
- {
- ::strncpy(lpReturnedString, pValue, len);
- //append null
- lpReturnedString[len] = char(' ');
- return len;
- }
- return (UINT) -1;
- }
- // return 0 -- no key, size too small to put value
- //return -1 -- error
- //return string length (of course > 1)
- //Ex Version use Map
- DWORD CJXINIFile::GetPrivateProfileStringExW(
- LPCWSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPCWSTR lpKeyName, // key name
- LPCWSTR lpDefault, // default string
- LPWSTR lpReturnedString, // destination buffer
- DWORD nSize,
- // size of destination buffer,Specifies the size, in TCHARs,
- LPCWSTR lpFileName // initialization file name
- )
- {
- BOOL bRet = LoadIniFile(lpFileName, 2);
- if(!bRet) return (UINT)-1;
- if(lpDefault == NULL) return -1;
- if(m_dwUseSize == 0) return -1;
- //Section Map Not Available
- if(m_bSectionMapDirty && m_bSectionMapLock) //
- return GetPrivateProfileStringW(lpAppName,lpKeyName,
- lpDefault,lpReturnedString,nSize,lpFileName);
- else if(!m_bSectionMapLock && m_bSectionMapDirty)
- {
- UpdateMapW();
- }
- //AfxMessageBox(_T("Using Section Map"));
- //Now Map Info Available
- if(lpAppName == NULL) //get all section
- {
- return GetSectionsExW(lpReturnedString, nSize, lpFileName);
- }
- if(lpKeyName == NULL) //get all key in one section
- {
- return GetKeysExW(lpAppName, lpReturnedString, nSize, lpFileName);
- }
- LPWSTR pHead = (LPWSTR)m_pTrueData;
- UINT uSec, uKey;
- uSec = (UINT) -1;
- uKey = (UINT)-1;
- uKey = GetKeyExW(pHead, (UINT)m_dwUseSize,
- lpAppName, lpKeyName, uSec);
- if(uKey == (UINT)-1) //not key
- {
- if(::wcslen(lpDefault) > (int)nSize) return -1;
- ::wcsncpy(lpReturnedString, lpDefault, ::wcslen(lpDefault));
- //append a null
- lpReturnedString[::wcslen(lpDefault)+1] = WCHAR(' ');
- return 0;
- }
- WCHAR buffer[MAX_PATH];
- LPWSTR pValue = pHead + uKey;
- while(pValue - pHead < (int)((m_dwUseSize)/sizeof(WCHAR)) &&
- *pValue != WCHAR('r') && *pValue != WCHAR('n'))
- {
- pValue++; //in unicode, +2 byte
- }
- int len = pValue - pHead - uKey;
- pValue = pHead + uKey;
- ::wcsncpy(buffer, pValue, len);
- if(nSize <= (UINT)len)
- {
- ::wcsncpy(lpReturnedString, pValue, nSize);
- lpReturnedString[nSize - 1] = WCHAR(' ');
- return 0;
- }
- else
- {
- ::wcsncpy(lpReturnedString, pValue, len);
- //append null
- lpReturnedString[len] = WCHAR(' ');
- return len;
- }
- return (UINT) -1;
- }
- //User Query All Section Name in INI File
- DWORD CJXINIFile::GetSectionsExA(
- LPSTR lpReturnedString, // destination buffer
- DWORD nSize, // size of destination buffer, In WCHAR
- LPCSTR lpFileName // initialization file name
- )
- {
- ASSERT(!m_bSectionMapDirty);
- BYTE wNULL = 0x00;
- int posRet = 0;
- POSITION pos = m_mapSection.GetStartPosition();
- while(pos)
- {
- CString strKey;
- LPVOID lpPos;
- m_mapSection.GetNextAssoc(pos, strKey, lpPos);
- #ifdef _UNICODE
- int lenSection = strKey.GetLength();
- DWORD dwRetSize;
- LPSTR pTemp = _W2A(strKey.GetBuffer(lenSection), lenSection, dwRetSize);
- if(dwRetSize + 1 + posRet > (int)nSize) return 0; //nSize - 1;
- ::strncpy(lpReturnedString + posRet, pTemp, dwRetSize);
- posRet += dwRetSize;
- #else
- int lenSection = strKey.GetLength();
- if(lenSection + 1 + posRet > (int)nSize) return 0; //nSize - 1;
- ::strncpy(lpReturnedString + posRet, (LPCSTR)strKey, lenSection);
- posRet += lenSection;
- #endif
- //NULL = 0x00 , 2 Byte
- ::memcpy(lpReturnedString + posRet, &wNULL, 1);
- posRet += 1;
- }
- //last NULL
- if(1 + posRet > (int)nSize) return 0; //nSize - 1;
- ::memcpy(lpReturnedString + posRet, &wNULL, 1);
- posRet += 1;
- return posRet;
- }
- //User Query All Section Name in INI File
- DWORD CJXINIFile::GetSectionsExW(
- LPWSTR lpReturnedString, // destination buffer
- DWORD nSize, // size of destination buffer, In WCHAR
- LPCWSTR lpFileName // initialization file name
- )
- {
- ASSERT(!m_bSectionMapDirty);
- WORD wNULL = 0x0000;
- int posRet = 0;
- POSITION pos = m_mapSection.GetStartPosition();
- while(pos)
- {
- CString strKey;
- LPVOID lpPos;
- m_mapSection.GetNextAssoc(pos, strKey, lpPos);
- #ifdef _UNICODE
- int lenSection = strKey.GetLength();
- if(lenSection + 1 + posRet > (int)nSize) return 0; //nSize - 1;
- ::wcsncpy(lpReturnedString + posRet, (LPCWSTR)strKey, lenSection);
- posRet += lenSection;
- #else
- int lenSection = strKey.GetLength();
- DWORD dwRetSize;
- PWSTR pTemp = _A2W(strKey.GetBuffer(lenSection), lenSection, dwRetSize);
- if(dwRetSize + 1 + posRet > (int)nSize) return 0; //nSize - 1;
- ::wcsncpy(lpReturnedString + posRet, pTemp, dwRetSize);
- posRet += dwRetSize;
- #endif
- //NULL = 0x00 00, 2 Byte
- ::memcpy(lpReturnedString + posRet, &wNULL, 2);
- posRet += 1;
- }
- //last NULL
- if(1 + posRet > (int)nSize) return 0; //nSize - 1;
- ::memcpy(lpReturnedString + posRet, &wNULL, 2);
- posRet += 1;
- return posRet;
- }
- //User Query All Keys in a Given Section
- LPCSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPSTR lpReturnedString, // destination buffer
- DWORD nSize, // size of destination buffer
- LPCSTR lpFileName // initialization file name
- )
- {
- int posRet = 0;
- int secLen = ::strlen(lpAppName);
- LPSTR pHead = (LPSTR)m_pTrueData;
- LPSTR pSecHead = NULL; //pointing to [
- //Section Map Must be Available
- ASSERT(!m_bSectionMapDirty);
- #ifdef _UNICODE
- DWORD dwRetSize;
- LPWSTR pTemp = _A2W((LPSTR)lpAppName, -1, dwRetSize);
- if(0 == m_mapSection.Lookup((LPCWSTR)pTemp, (LPVOID&)pSecHead))
- return 0;
- #else
- if(0 == m_mapSection.Lookup(lpAppName, (LPVOID&)pSecHead))
- return 0;
- #endif
- LPSTR pSecTail = NULL; //point to next [
- LPSTR p1 = pSecHead;
- LPSTR p2;
- BYTE wNULL = 0x00;
- while(p1- pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(char)) - 1)
- {
- p1++;
- if(*p1 == char('['))
- {
- pSecTail = p1;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(pSecHead == NULL) return -1;
- if(pSecTail == NULL)
- pSecTail = pHead + m_dwUseSize/sizeof(char);
- pSecTail--;
- //Enum Keys in Section
- p1 = pSecHead;
- int keyLen;
- while(p1 < pSecTail - 1)
- {
- while(p1 < pSecTail - 1 &&
- *p1 != char('r') && *p1 != char('n'))
- p1++;
- while(p1 < pSecTail - 1 &&
- (*p1 == char('r') || *p1 == char('n')))
- p1++;
- p2 = p1;
- while(p2 < pSecTail - 1 &&
- *p2 != char('='))
- p2++;
- if(p1 < pSecTail - 1 && p2 < pSecTail - 1)
- {
- //Found A Key
- keyLen = p2 - p1;
- // CString str;
- // ::lstrcpyn(str.GetBuffer(keyLen), p1, keyLen);
- // str.ReleaseBuffer(keyLen);
- // PopMsg(_T("Used %d KeyLen %d, %s"), posRet, keyLen, str);
- if(keyLen >= 1)
- {
- if(keyLen + 1 + posRet > (int)nSize)
- {
- //PopMsg(_T("You Want Fetch Sections, Buffer %d, Keylen %d, Used %d, in %s"),
- // nSize, keyLen, posRet, m_strFilename);
- return 0; //nSize - 1;
- }
- ::strncpy(lpReturnedString + posRet, p1, keyLen);
- posRet += keyLen;
- //NULL = 0x00 , 1 Byte
- ::memcpy(lpReturnedString + posRet, &wNULL, 1);
- posRet += 1;
- }
- }
- p1 = p2 + 1;
- }
- //last NULL
- //PopMsg(_T("%d"), posRet);
- if(1 + posRet > (int)nSize) return 0; //nSize - 1;
- ::memcpy(lpReturnedString + posRet, &wNULL, 1);
- posRet += 1;
- return posRet;
- }
- //User Query All Keys in a Given Section
- LPCWSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPWSTR lpReturnedString, // destination buffer
- DWORD nSize, // size of destination buffer
- LPCWSTR lpFileName // initialization file name
- )
- {
- int posRet = 0;
- int secLen = ::wcslen(lpAppName);
- LPWSTR pHead = (LPWSTR)m_pTrueData;
- LPWSTR pSecHead = NULL; //pointing to [
- //Section Map Must be Available
- ASSERT(!m_bSectionMapDirty);
- #ifdef _UNICODE
- if(0 == m_mapSection.Lookup(lpAppName, (LPVOID&)pSecHead))
- return 0;
- #else
- DWORD dwRetSize;
- PSTR pTemp = _W2A((LPWSTR)lpAppName, -1, dwRetSize);
- if(0 == m_mapSection.Lookup((LPCSTR)pTemp, (LPVOID&)pSecHead))
- return 0;
- #endif
- LPWSTR pSecTail = NULL; //point to next [
- LPWSTR p1 = pSecHead;
- LPWSTR p2;
- WORD wNULL = 0x0000;
- while(p1- pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(WCHAR)) - 1)
- {
- p1++;
- if(*p1 == WCHAR('['))
- {
- pSecTail = p1;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(pSecHead == NULL) return -1;
- if(pSecTail == NULL)
- pSecTail = pHead + m_dwUseSize/sizeof(WCHAR);
- pSecTail--;
- //Enum Keys in Section
- p1 = pSecHead;
- int keyLen;
- while(p1 < pSecTail - 1)
- {
- while(p1 < pSecTail - 1 &&
- *p1 != WCHAR('r') && *p1 != WCHAR('n'))
- p1++;
- while(p1 < pSecTail - 1 &&
- (*p1 == WCHAR('r') || *p1 == WCHAR('n')))
- p1++;
- p2 = p1;
- while(p2 < pSecTail - 1 &&
- *p2 != WCHAR('='))
- p2++;
- if(p1 < pSecTail - 1 && p2 < pSecTail - 1)
- {
- //Found A Key
- keyLen = p2 - p1;
- // CString str;
- // ::lstrcpyn(str.GetBuffer(keyLen), p1, keyLen);
- // str.ReleaseBuffer(keyLen);
- // PopMsg(_T("Used %d KeyLen %d, %s"), posRet, keyLen, str);
- if(keyLen >= 1)
- {
- if(keyLen + 1 + posRet > (int)nSize)
- {
- //PopMsg(_T("You Want Fetch Sections, Buffer %d, Keylen %d, Used %d, in %s"),
- // nSize, keyLen, posRet, m_strFilename);
- return 0; //nSize - 1;
- }
- ::wcsncpy(lpReturnedString + posRet, p1, keyLen);
- posRet += keyLen;
- //NULL = 0x00 00, 2 Byte
- ::memcpy(lpReturnedString + posRet, &wNULL, 2);
- posRet += 1;
- }
- }
- p1 = p2 + 1;
- }
- //last NULL
- //PopMsg(_T("%d"), posRet);
- if(1 + posRet > (int)nSize) return 0; //nSize - 1;
- ::memcpy(lpReturnedString + posRet, &wNULL, 2);
- posRet += 1;
- return posRet;
- }
- // return 0 -- no key, size too small to put value
- //return -1 -- error
- //return string length (of course > 1)
- DWORD CJXINIFile::GetPrivateProfileStringW(
- LPCWSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPCWSTR lpKeyName, // key name
- LPCWSTR lpDefault, // default string
- LPWSTR lpReturnedString, // destination buffer
- DWORD nSize,
- // size of destination buffer,Specifies the size, in TCHARs,
- LPCWSTR lpFileName // initialization file name
- )
- {
- BOOL bRet = LoadIniFile(lpFileName, 2);
- if(!bRet) return (UINT)-1;
- if(lpDefault == NULL) return -1;
- if(m_dwUseSize == 0) return -1;
- if(lpAppName == NULL)
- return GetSectionsW(lpReturnedString, nSize, lpFileName);
- if(lpKeyName == NULL)
- return GetKeysW(lpAppName, lpReturnedString, nSize, lpFileName);
- LPWSTR pHead = (LPWSTR)m_pTrueData;
- UINT uSec, uKey;
- uSec = (UINT) -1;
- uKey = (UINT)-1;
- uKey = GetKeyW(pHead, (UINT)m_dwUseSize,
- lpAppName, lpKeyName, uSec);
- if(uKey == (UINT)-1) //not key
- {
- if(::wcslen(lpDefault) > (int)nSize) return -1;
- ::wcsncpy(lpReturnedString, lpDefault, ::wcslen(lpDefault));
- //append a null
- lpReturnedString[::wcslen(lpDefault)+1] = WCHAR(' ');
- return 0;
- }
- WCHAR buffer[MAX_PATH];
- LPWSTR pValue = pHead + uKey;
- while(pValue - pHead < (int)((m_dwUseSize)/sizeof(WCHAR)) &&
- *pValue != WCHAR('r') && *pValue != WCHAR('n'))
- {
- pValue++; //in unicode, +2 byte
- }
- int len = pValue - pHead - uKey;
- pValue = pHead + uKey;
- ::wcsncpy(buffer, pValue, len);
- if(nSize <= (UINT)len)
- {
- ::wcsncpy(lpReturnedString, pValue, nSize);
- lpReturnedString[nSize - 1] = WCHAR(' ');
- return 0;
- }
- else
- {
- ::wcsncpy(lpReturnedString, pValue, len);
- //append null
- lpReturnedString[len] = WCHAR(' ');
- return len;
- }
- return (UINT) -1;
- }
- BOOL CJXINIFile::WritePrivateProfileStringExA(
- LPCSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPCSTR lpKeyName, // key name
- LPCSTR lpString, // string to add
- LPCSTR lpFileName // initialization file
- )
- {
- BOOL bRet = this->LoadIniFile(lpFileName, 1);
- if(!bRet) return FALSE;
- m_bDirty = TRUE;
- if(lpKeyName == NULL)
- return DeleteSectionExA(lpAppName);
- else if(lpString == NULL)
- return this->DeleteKeyExA(lpAppName, lpKeyName);
- LPSTR pHead = (LPSTR)m_pTrueData;
- //2001/10/19 if lpString.len > MAX_PATH error
- //WCHAR buffer[MAX_PATH];
- LPSTR buffer = NULL;
- UINT uSec, uKey;
- //Warning: uKey, uSec is measured in WCHARs!!!!!
- //in UNICODE now
- if(!m_bSectionMapDirty)
- uKey = GetKeyExA(pHead, (UINT)m_dwUseSize,
- lpAppName, lpKeyName, uSec);
- else if(!m_bSectionMapLock)
- {
- UpdateMapA();
- uKey = GetKeyExA(pHead, (UINT)m_dwUseSize,
- lpAppName, lpKeyName, uSec);
- }
- else
- uKey = GetKeyA(pHead, (UINT)m_dwUseSize,
- lpAppName, lpKeyName, uSec);
- if(uKey == (UINT)-1 && uSec == (UINT)-1) //no section
- {
- int len = strlen(lpAppName) + strlen(lpKeyName) + strlen(lpString);
- len += 7;
- buffer = new char[len+1];
- ::sprintf(buffer, "[%s]rn%s=%srn", lpAppName, lpKeyName, lpString);
- buffer[len] = 0;
- LPSTR pStr = pHead;
- pStr += m_dwUseSize/sizeof(char);
- ::memcpy(pStr, buffer, len*sizeof(char));
- m_dwUseSize += len*sizeof(char);
- delete []buffer;
- buffer = NULL;
- CString strSection;
- #ifdef _UNICODE
- DWORD dwRetSize;
- LPWSTR pTemp = _A2W((LPSTR)lpAppName, -1, dwRetSize);
- ::wcsncpy(strSection.GetBuffer(dwRetSize), pTemp, dwRetSize);
- strSection.ReleaseBuffer(dwRetSize);
- #else
- strSection = lpAppName;
- #endif
- if(!m_bSectionMapLock)
- {
- m_mapSection.SetAt(strSection, (LPVOID)pStr);
- }
- else
- m_bSectionMapDirty = TRUE;
- //No Change //m_bSectionMapDirty = ;
- bRet = TRUE;
- }
- else if(uKey == (UINT)-1 && uSec != (UINT)-1)
- //section exist but value do not exist
- {
- // Following Write Just After [section],
- //that new item become the first of the section
- //$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
- //$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
- /*
- LPWSTR pSection = pHead + uSec;
- while(pSection - pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(WCHAR)) &&
- *pSection != WCHAR('r') && *pSection != WCHAR('n'))
- {
- pSection++;
- }
- while(*pSection == WCHAR('r') || *pSection == WCHAR('n'))
- pSection++;
- UINT uMoveHead = (UINT)(pSection - pHead);
- //move memory
- ::swprintf(buffer, L"%s=%srn", lpKeyName, lpString);
- int len = ::wcslen(buffer);
- //also ok
- //::memmove(pHead + uMoveHead + len, pHead + uMoveHead, m_dwUseSize-uMoveHead*sizeof(WCHAR));
- for(int i = (int)(m_dwUseSize - sizeof(WCHAR));
- i >= (int)(uMoveHead*sizeof(WCHAR)); i -= sizeof(WCHAR))
- {
- ::memcpy(pHead + i/sizeof(WCHAR) + len,
- pHead + i/sizeof(WCHAR), sizeof(WCHAR));
- }
- */
- //Following Write new item the last item in the section
- //$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
- //$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
- LPSTR pSection = pHead + uSec + 1;
- while(pSection - pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(char)) &&
- *pSection != char('['))
- {
- pSection++;
- }
- // ::swprintf(buffer, L"%s=%srn", lpKeyName, lpString);
- // int len = ::wcslen(buffer);
- int len = strlen(lpKeyName) + strlen(lpString);
- len += 3;
- buffer = new char[len+1];
- ::sprintf(buffer, "%s=%srn", lpKeyName, lpString);
- buffer[len] = 0;
- if(pSection - pHead == (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(char)))
- {
- //no move needed, file end
- //no need to Update Section map
- }
- else
- {
- UINT uMoveHead = (UINT)(pSection - pHead);
- //move memory
- //also ok
- //::memmove(pHead + uMoveHead + len, pHead + uMoveHead, m_dwUseSize-uMoveHead*sizeof(WCHAR));
- for(int i = (int)(m_dwUseSize - sizeof(char));
- i >= (int)(uMoveHead*sizeof(char)); i -= sizeof(char))
- {
- ::memcpy(pHead + i/sizeof(char) + len,
- pHead + i/sizeof(char), sizeof(char));
- }
- if(m_bSectionMapLock)
- {
- m_bSectionMapDirty = TRUE;
- }
- else //update section map
- {
- POSITION pos = m_mapSection.GetStartPosition();
- while(pos)
- {
- CString strKey;
- LPVOID lpPos;
- m_mapSection.GetNextAssoc(pos, strKey, lpPos);
- //adjust Section Map
- if((LPSTR)lpPos - pSection > 0)
- {
- LPWSTR pTemp = (LPWSTR)lpPos;
- pTemp += len;
- lpPos = (LPVOID)pTemp;
- m_mapSection.SetAt(strKey, lpPos);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ::memcpy(pSection, buffer, sizeof(char)*len);
- m_dwUseSize += len*sizeof(char);
- delete buffer;
- buffer = NULL;
- bRet = TRUE;
- }
- else //key exist
- {
- ASSERT(uKey != (UINT)-1);
- LPSTR pValue = pHead + uKey;
- while(pValue - pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(char)) &&
- *pValue != char('r') && *pValue != char('n'))
- {
- pValue++;
- }
- while(*pValue == char('r') || *pValue == char('n'))
- pValue++;
- UINT uMoveHead = (UINT)(pValue - pHead);
- UINT uPrevLen = uMoveHead - uKey;
- int len = strlen(lpString);
- len += 2;
- buffer = new char[len+1];
- ::sprintf(buffer, "%srn", lpString);
- buffer[len] = 0;
- UINT uCurLen = len;
- //move have 2 direction
- if(uCurLen > uPrevLen)
- {
- int charDiff = uCurLen - uPrevLen;
- int begin = (int)(m_dwUseSize - sizeof(char));
- int end = (int)uMoveHead*sizeof(char);
- for(int i = begin; i >= end; i -= sizeof(char))
- {
- ::memcpy(pHead + i/sizeof(char) + charDiff,
- pHead + i/sizeof(char), sizeof(char));
- }
- if(m_bSectionMapLock)
- m_bSectionMapDirty = TRUE;
- else //update section map
- {
- POSITION pos = m_mapSection.GetStartPosition();
- while(pos)
- {
- CString strKey;
- LPVOID lpPos;
- m_mapSection.GetNextAssoc(pos, strKey, lpPos);
- //adjust Section Map
- if((LPSTR)lpPos - pHead > (int)uMoveHead)
- {
- LPSTR pTemp = (LPSTR)lpPos;
- pTemp += charDiff;
- lpPos = (LPVOID)pTemp;
- m_mapSection.SetAt(strKey, lpPos);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if(uCurLen < uPrevLen)
- {
- int charDiff = uPrevLen - uCurLen;
- int begin = (int)uMoveHead*sizeof(char);
- int end = (int)(m_dwUseSize - sizeof(char));
- for(int i = begin; i <= end; i+=sizeof(char))
- {
- ::memcpy(pHead + i/sizeof(char) - charDiff,
- pHead + i/sizeof(char), sizeof(char));
- }
- if(m_bSectionMapLock)
- m_bSectionMapDirty = TRUE;
- else //update section map
- {
- POSITION pos = m_mapSection.GetStartPosition();
- while(pos)
- {
- CString strKey;
- LPVOID lpPos;
- m_mapSection.GetNextAssoc(pos, strKey, lpPos);
- //adjust Section Map
- if((LPSTR)lpPos - pHead > (int)uMoveHead)
- {
- LPSTR pTemp = (LPSTR)lpPos;
- pTemp -= charDiff;
- lpPos = (LPVOID)pTemp;
- m_mapSection.SetAt(strKey, lpPos);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- pValue = pHead + uKey;
- ::memcpy(pValue, buffer, sizeof(char)*uCurLen);
- m_dwUseSize += (uCurLen-uPrevLen)*sizeof(char);
- delete buffer;
- buffer = NULL;
- bRet = TRUE;
- }
- if(!bRet)
- {
- UnloadIniFile();
- return FALSE;
- }
- //If the File is large enough, flush the file
- if((int)(m_dwUseSize - m_dwSize) > JXFlushIncrement - 5*JXPage)
- {
- //Flush Back to HardDisk
- UnloadIniFile();
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL CJXINIFile::WritePrivateProfileStringExW(
- LPCWSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPCWSTR lpKeyName, // key name
- LPCWSTR lpString, // string to add
- LPCWSTR lpFileName // initialization file
- )
- {
- BOOL bRet = this->LoadIniFile(lpFileName, 2);
- if(!bRet) return FALSE;
- m_bDirty = TRUE;
- if(lpKeyName == NULL)
- return DeleteSectionExW(lpAppName);
- else if(lpString == NULL)
- return this->DeleteKeyExW(lpAppName, lpKeyName);
- LPWSTR pHead = (LPWSTR)m_pTrueData;
- //2001/10/19 if lpString.len > MAX_PATH error
- //WCHAR buffer[MAX_PATH];
- LPWSTR buffer = NULL;
- UINT uSec, uKey;
- //Warning: uKey, uSec is measured in WCHARs!!!!!
- //in UNICODE now
- if(!m_bSectionMapDirty)
- uKey = GetKeyExW(pHead, (UINT)m_dwUseSize,
- lpAppName, lpKeyName, uSec);
- else if(!m_bSectionMapLock)
- {
- UpdateMapW();
- uKey = GetKeyExW(pHead, (UINT)m_dwUseSize,
- lpAppName, lpKeyName, uSec);
- }
- else
- uKey = GetKeyW(pHead, (UINT)m_dwUseSize,
- lpAppName, lpKeyName, uSec);
- if(uKey == (UINT)-1 && uSec == (UINT)-1) //no section
- {
- int len = wcslen(lpAppName) + wcslen(lpKeyName) +wcslen(lpString);
- len += 7;
- buffer = new WCHAR[len+1];
- ::swprintf(buffer, L"[%s]rn%s=%srn", lpAppName, lpKeyName, lpString);
- buffer[len] = 0;
- LPWSTR pStr = pHead;
- pStr += m_dwUseSize/sizeof(WCHAR);
- ::memcpy(pStr, buffer, len*sizeof(WCHAR));
- m_dwUseSize += len*sizeof(WCHAR);
- delete []buffer;
- buffer = NULL;
- CString strSection;
- #ifdef _UNICODE
- strSection = lpAppName;
- #else
- DWORD dwRetSize;
- LPSTR pTemp = _W2A((LPWSTR)lpAppName, -1, dwRetSize);
- ::strncpy(strSection.GetBuffer(dwRetSize), pTemp, dwRetSize);
- strSection.ReleaseBuffer(dwRetSize);
- #endif
- if(!m_bSectionMapLock)
- {
- m_mapSection.SetAt(strSection, (LPVOID)pStr);
- }
- else
- m_bSectionMapDirty = TRUE;
- //No Change //m_bSectionMapDirty = ;
- bRet = TRUE;
- }
- else if(uKey == (UINT)-1 && uSec != (UINT)-1)
- //section exist but value do not exist
- {
- // Following Write Just After [section],
- //that new item become the first of the section
- //$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
- //$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
- /*
- LPWSTR pSection = pHead + uSec;
- while(pSection - pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(WCHAR)) &&
- *pSection != WCHAR('r') && *pSection != WCHAR('n'))
- {
- pSection++;
- }
- while(*pSection == WCHAR('r') || *pSection == WCHAR('n'))
- pSection++;
- UINT uMoveHead = (UINT)(pSection - pHead);
- //move memory
- ::swprintf(buffer, L"%s=%srn", lpKeyName, lpString);
- int len = ::wcslen(buffer);
- //also ok
- //::memmove(pHead + uMoveHead + len, pHead + uMoveHead, m_dwUseSize-uMoveHead*sizeof(WCHAR));
- for(int i = (int)(m_dwUseSize - sizeof(WCHAR));
- i >= (int)(uMoveHead*sizeof(WCHAR)); i -= sizeof(WCHAR))
- {
- ::memcpy(pHead + i/sizeof(WCHAR) + len,
- pHead + i/sizeof(WCHAR), sizeof(WCHAR));
- }
- */
- //Following Write new item the last item in the section
- //$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
- //$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
- LPWSTR pSection = pHead + uSec + 1;
- while(pSection - pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(WCHAR)) &&
- *pSection != WCHAR('['))
- {
- pSection++;
- }
- // ::swprintf(buffer, L"%s=%srn", lpKeyName, lpString);
- // int len = ::wcslen(buffer);
- int len = wcslen(lpKeyName) + wcslen(lpString);
- len += 3;
- buffer = new WCHAR[len+1];
- ::swprintf(buffer, L"%s=%srn", lpKeyName, lpString);
- buffer[len] = 0;
- if(pSection - pHead == (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(WCHAR)))
- {
- //no move needed, file end
- //no need to Update Section map
- }
- else
- {
- UINT uMoveHead = (UINT)(pSection - pHead);
- //move memory
- //also ok
- //::memmove(pHead + uMoveHead + len, pHead + uMoveHead, m_dwUseSize-uMoveHead*sizeof(WCHAR));
- for(int i = (int)(m_dwUseSize - sizeof(WCHAR));
- i >= (int)(uMoveHead*sizeof(WCHAR)); i -= sizeof(WCHAR))
- {
- ::memcpy(pHead + i/sizeof(WCHAR) + len,
- pHead + i/sizeof(WCHAR), sizeof(WCHAR));
- }
- if(m_bSectionMapLock)
- {
- m_bSectionMapDirty = TRUE;
- }
- else //update section map
- {
- POSITION pos = m_mapSection.GetStartPosition();
- while(pos)
- {
- CString strKey;
- LPVOID lpPos;
- m_mapSection.GetNextAssoc(pos, strKey, lpPos);
- //adjust Section Map
- if((LPWSTR)lpPos - pSection > 0)
- {
- LPWSTR pTemp = (LPWSTR)lpPos;
- pTemp += len;
- lpPos = (LPVOID)pTemp;
- m_mapSection.SetAt(strKey, lpPos);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ::memcpy(pSection, buffer, sizeof(WCHAR)*len);
- m_dwUseSize += len*sizeof(WCHAR);
- delete buffer;
- buffer = NULL;
- bRet = TRUE;
- }
- else //key exist
- {
- ASSERT(uKey != (UINT)-1);
- LPWSTR pValue = pHead + uKey;
- while(pValue - pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(WCHAR)) &&
- *pValue != WCHAR('r') && *pValue != WCHAR('n'))
- {
- pValue++;
- }
- while(*pValue == WCHAR('r') || *pValue == WCHAR('n'))
- pValue++;
- UINT uMoveHead = (UINT)(pValue - pHead);
- UINT uPrevLen = uMoveHead - uKey;
- int len = wcslen(lpString);
- len += 2;
- buffer = new WCHAR[len+1];
- ::swprintf(buffer, L"%srn", lpString);
- buffer[len] = 0;
- UINT uCurLen = len;
- //move have 2 direction
- if(uCurLen > uPrevLen)
- {
- int charDiff = uCurLen - uPrevLen;
- int begin = (int)(m_dwUseSize - sizeof(WCHAR));
- int end = (int)uMoveHead*sizeof(WCHAR);
- for(int i = begin; i >= end; i -= sizeof(WCHAR))
- {
- ::memcpy(pHead + i/sizeof(WCHAR) + charDiff,
- pHead + i/sizeof(WCHAR), sizeof(WCHAR));
- }
- if(m_bSectionMapLock)
- m_bSectionMapDirty = TRUE;
- else //update section map
- {
- POSITION pos = m_mapSection.GetStartPosition();
- while(pos)
- {
- CString strKey;
- LPVOID lpPos;
- m_mapSection.GetNextAssoc(pos, strKey, lpPos);
- //adjust Section Map
- if((LPWSTR)lpPos - pHead > (int)uMoveHead)
- {
- LPWSTR pTemp = (LPWSTR)lpPos;
- pTemp += charDiff;
- lpPos = (LPVOID)pTemp;
- m_mapSection.SetAt(strKey, lpPos);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if(uCurLen < uPrevLen)
- {
- int charDiff = uPrevLen - uCurLen;
- int begin = (int)uMoveHead*sizeof(WCHAR);
- int end = (int)(m_dwUseSize - sizeof(WCHAR));
- for(int i = begin; i <= end; i+=sizeof(WCHAR))
- {
- ::memcpy(pHead + i/sizeof(WCHAR) - charDiff,
- pHead + i/sizeof(WCHAR), sizeof(WCHAR));
- }
- if(m_bSectionMapLock)
- m_bSectionMapDirty = TRUE;
- else //update section map
- {
- POSITION pos = m_mapSection.GetStartPosition();
- while(pos)
- {
- CString strKey;
- LPVOID lpPos;
- m_mapSection.GetNextAssoc(pos, strKey, lpPos);
- //adjust Section Map
- if((LPWSTR)lpPos - pHead > (int)uMoveHead)
- {
- LPWSTR pTemp = (LPWSTR)lpPos;
- pTemp -= charDiff;
- lpPos = (LPVOID)pTemp;
- m_mapSection.SetAt(strKey, lpPos);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- pValue = pHead + uKey;
- ::memcpy(pValue, buffer, sizeof(WCHAR)*uCurLen);
- m_dwUseSize += (uCurLen-uPrevLen)*sizeof(WCHAR);
- delete buffer;
- buffer = NULL;
- bRet = TRUE;
- }
- if(!bRet)
- {
- UnloadIniFile();
- return FALSE;
- }
- //If the File is large enough, flush the file
- if((int)(m_dwUseSize - m_dwSize) > JXFlushIncrement - 5*JXPage)
- {
- //Flush Back to HardDisk
- UnloadIniFile();
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL CJXINIFile::WritePrivateProfileStringW(
- LPCWSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPCWSTR lpKeyName, // key name
- LPCWSTR lpString, // string to add
- LPCWSTR lpFileName // initialization file
- )
- {
- BOOL bRet = this->LoadIniFile(lpFileName, 2);
- if(!bRet) return FALSE;
- m_bDirty = TRUE;
- if(lpKeyName == NULL)
- return DeleteSectionW(lpAppName);
- else if(lpString == NULL)
- return this->DeleteKeyW(lpAppName, lpKeyName);
- LPWSTR pHead = (LPWSTR)m_pTrueData;
- //2001/10/19 if lpString.len > MAX_PATH error
- //WCHAR buffer[MAX_PATH];
- LPWSTR buffer = NULL;
- UINT uSec, uKey;
- //Warning: uKey, uSec is measured in WCHARs!!!!!
- //in UNICODE now
- uKey = GetKeyW(pHead, (UINT)m_dwUseSize,
- lpAppName, lpKeyName, uSec);
- if(uKey == (UINT)-1 && uSec == (UINT)-1) //no section
- {
- // ::swprintf(buffer, L"[%s]rn%s=%srn", lpAppName, lpKeyName, lpString);
- // int len = ::wcslen(buffer);
- // LPWSTR pStr = pHead;
- // pStr += m_dwUseSize/sizeof(WCHAR);
- // ::memcpy(pStr, buffer, len*sizeof(WCHAR));
- // m_dwUseSize += len*sizeof(WCHAR);
- int len = wcslen(lpAppName) + wcslen(lpKeyName) +wcslen(lpString);
- len += 7;
- buffer = new WCHAR[len+1];
- ::swprintf(buffer, L"[%s]rn%s=%srn", lpAppName, lpKeyName, lpString);
- buffer[len] = 0;
- LPWSTR pStr = pHead;
- pStr += m_dwUseSize/sizeof(WCHAR);
- ::memcpy(pStr, buffer, len*sizeof(WCHAR));
- m_dwUseSize += len*sizeof(WCHAR);
- delete []buffer;
- buffer = NULL;
- bRet = TRUE;
- }
- else if(uKey == (UINT)-1 && uSec != (UINT)-1)
- //section exist but value do not exist
- {
- // Following Write Just After [section],
- //that new item become the first of the section
- //$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
- //$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
- /*
- LPWSTR pSection = pHead + uSec;
- while(pSection - pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(WCHAR)) &&
- *pSection != WCHAR('r') && *pSection != WCHAR('n'))
- {
- pSection++;
- }
- while(*pSection == WCHAR('r') || *pSection == WCHAR('n'))
- pSection++;
- UINT uMoveHead = (UINT)(pSection - pHead);
- //move memory
- ::swprintf(buffer, L"%s=%srn", lpKeyName, lpString);
- int len = ::wcslen(buffer);
- //also ok
- //::memmove(pHead + uMoveHead + len, pHead + uMoveHead, m_dwUseSize-uMoveHead*sizeof(WCHAR));
- for(int i = (int)(m_dwUseSize - sizeof(WCHAR));
- i >= (int)(uMoveHead*sizeof(WCHAR)); i -= sizeof(WCHAR))
- {
- ::memcpy(pHead + i/sizeof(WCHAR) + len,
- pHead + i/sizeof(WCHAR), sizeof(WCHAR));
- }
- */
- //Following Write new item the last item in the section
- //$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
- //$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
- LPWSTR pSection = pHead + uSec + 1;
- while(pSection - pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(WCHAR)) &&
- *pSection != WCHAR('['))
- {
- pSection++;
- }
- // ::swprintf(buffer, L"%s=%srn", lpKeyName, lpString);
- // int len = ::wcslen(buffer);
- int len = wcslen(lpKeyName) + wcslen(lpString);
- len += 3;
- buffer = new WCHAR[len+1];
- ::swprintf(buffer, L"%s=%srn", lpKeyName, lpString);
- buffer[len] = 0;
- if(pSection - pHead == (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(WCHAR)))
- {
- //no move needed, file end
- }
- else
- {
- UINT uMoveHead = (UINT)(pSection - pHead);
- //move memory
- //also ok
- //::memmove(pHead + uMoveHead + len, pHead + uMoveHead, m_dwUseSize-uMoveHead*sizeof(WCHAR));
- for(int i = (int)(m_dwUseSize - sizeof(WCHAR));
- i >= (int)(uMoveHead*sizeof(WCHAR)); i -= sizeof(WCHAR))
- {
- ::memcpy(pHead + i/sizeof(WCHAR) + len,
- pHead + i/sizeof(WCHAR), sizeof(WCHAR));
- }
- }
- ::memcpy(pSection, buffer, sizeof(WCHAR)*len);
- m_dwUseSize += len*sizeof(WCHAR);
- delete buffer;
- buffer = NULL;
- bRet = TRUE;
- }
- else //key exist
- {
- ASSERT(uKey != (UINT)-1);
- LPWSTR pValue = pHead + uKey;
- while(pValue - pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(WCHAR)) &&
- *pValue != WCHAR('r') && *pValue != WCHAR('n'))
- {
- pValue++;
- }
- while(*pValue == WCHAR('r') || *pValue == WCHAR('n'))
- pValue++;
- UINT uMoveHead = (UINT)(pValue - pHead);
- UINT uPrevLen = uMoveHead - uKey;
- int len = wcslen(lpString);
- len += 2;
- buffer = new WCHAR[len+1];
- ::swprintf(buffer, L"%srn", lpString);
- buffer[len] = 0;
- UINT uCurLen = len;
- //move have 2 direction
- if(uCurLen > uPrevLen)
- {
- int charDiff = uCurLen - uPrevLen;
- int begin = (int)(m_dwUseSize - sizeof(WCHAR));
- int end = (int)uMoveHead*sizeof(WCHAR);
- for(int i = begin; i >= end; i -= sizeof(WCHAR))
- {
- ::memcpy(pHead + i/sizeof(WCHAR) + charDiff,
- pHead + i/sizeof(WCHAR), sizeof(WCHAR));
- }
- }
- else if(uCurLen < uPrevLen)
- {
- int charDiff = uPrevLen - uCurLen;
- int begin = (int)uMoveHead*sizeof(WCHAR);
- int end = (int)(m_dwUseSize - sizeof(WCHAR));
- for(int i = begin; i <= end; i+=sizeof(WCHAR))
- {
- ::memcpy(pHead + i/sizeof(WCHAR) - charDiff,
- pHead + i/sizeof(WCHAR), sizeof(WCHAR));
- }
- }
- pValue = pHead + uKey;
- ::memcpy(pValue, buffer, sizeof(WCHAR)*uCurLen);
- m_dwUseSize += (uCurLen-uPrevLen)*sizeof(WCHAR);
- delete buffer;
- buffer = NULL;
- bRet = TRUE;
- }
- m_bSectionMapDirty = TRUE;
- if(!bRet)
- {
- UnloadIniFile();
- return FALSE;
- }
- //If the File is large enough, flush the file
- if((int)(m_dwUseSize - m_dwSize) > JXFlushIncrement - 5*JXPage)
- {
- //Flush Back to HardDisk
- UnloadIniFile();
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- //User Query All Section Name in INI File
- DWORD CJXINIFile::GetSectionsW(
- LPWSTR lpReturnedString, // destination buffer
- DWORD nSize, // size of destination buffer
- LPCWSTR lpFileName // initialization file name
- )
- {
- int posRet = 0;
- LPWSTR pHead = (LPWSTR)m_pTrueData;
- LPWSTR p1 = pHead;
- LPWSTR p2 = pHead;
- WORD wNULL = 0x0000;
- while(p1- pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(WCHAR)) - 1)
- {
- while(p1- pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(WCHAR)) - 1 &&
- *p1 != WCHAR('['))
- p1++;
- p2 = p1;
- while(p2- pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(WCHAR)) - 1 &&
- *p2 != WCHAR(']'))
- p2++;
- if(p1- pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(WCHAR)) &&
- p2- pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(WCHAR)))
- {
- //Found, Ready To Copy To lpReturnedString
- int lenSection = p2 - p1 - 1;
- if(lenSection >= 1)
- {
- p1++;
- if(lenSection + 1 + posRet > (int)nSize) return 0; //nSize - 1;
- ::wcsncpy(lpReturnedString + posRet, p1, lenSection);
- posRet += lenSection;
- //NULL = 0x00 00, 2 Byte
- ::memcpy(lpReturnedString + posRet, &wNULL, 2);
- posRet += 1;
- }
- }
- p1 = p2 + 1;
- }
- //last NULL
- if(1 + posRet > (int)nSize) return 0; //nSize - 1;
- ::memcpy(lpReturnedString + posRet, &wNULL, 2);
- posRet += 1;
- return posRet;
- }
- //User Query All Keys in a Given Section
- LPCWSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPWSTR lpReturnedString, // destination buffer
- DWORD nSize, // size of destination buffer
- LPCWSTR lpFileName // initialization file name
- )
- {
- int posRet = 0;
- int secLen = ::wcslen(lpAppName);
- LPWSTR pHead = (LPWSTR)m_pTrueData;
- LPWSTR p1 = pHead;
- LPWSTR p2 = pHead;
- LPWSTR pSecHead = NULL; //pointing to [
- LPWSTR pSecTail = NULL; //point to next [
- WORD wNULL = 0x0000;
- while(p1- pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(WCHAR)) - 1)
- {
- while(p1- pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(WCHAR)) - 1 &&
- *p1 != WCHAR('['))
- p1++;
- p2 = p1;
- while(p2- pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(WCHAR)) - 1 &&
- *p2 != WCHAR(']'))
- p2++;
- //p2 points to ]
- if(p1- pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(WCHAR)) &&
- p2- pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(WCHAR)))
- {
- //Found A Section
- if(pSecHead != NULL)
- {
- pSecTail = p1;
- break;
- }
- else //pSecHead == NULL
- {
- if(secLen == p2 - p1 - 1) //same length
- {
- p1++;
- LPWSTR p3 = p1; //p3 points to ["X"
- for(int i = 0; i < secLen; i++)
- {
- if(*p1 != (WCHAR)(lpAppName[i])) break;
- p1++;
- }
- if(i == secLen) //Found;
- pSecHead = p3 - 1;
- }
- }
- }
- p1 = p2 + 1;
- }
- if(pSecHead == NULL) return -1;
- if(pSecTail == NULL)
- pSecTail = pHead + m_dwUseSize/sizeof(WCHAR);
- pSecTail--;
- //Enum Keys in Section
- p1 = pSecHead;
- int keyLen;
- while(p1 < pSecTail - 1)
- {
- while(p1 < pSecTail - 1 &&
- *p1 != WCHAR('r') && *p1 != WCHAR('n'))
- p1++;
- while(p1 < pSecTail - 1 &&
- (*p1 == WCHAR('r') || *p1 == WCHAR('n')))
- p1++;
- p2 = p1;
- while(p2 < pSecTail - 1 &&
- *p2 != WCHAR('='))
- p2++;
- if(p1 < pSecTail - 1 && p2 < pSecTail - 1)
- {
- //Found A Key
- keyLen = p2 - p1;
- if(keyLen >= 1)
- {
- if(keyLen + 1 + posRet > (int)nSize) return 0; //nSize - 1;
- ::wcsncpy(lpReturnedString + posRet, p1, keyLen);
- posRet += keyLen;
- //NULL = 0x00 00, 2 Byte
- ::memcpy(lpReturnedString + posRet, &wNULL, 2);
- posRet += 1;
- }
- }
- p1 = p2 + 1;
- }
- //last NULL
- if(1 + posRet > (int)nSize) return 0; //nSize - 1;
- ::memcpy(lpReturnedString + posRet, &wNULL, 2);
- posRet += 1;
- return posRet;
- }
- //ANSI Version ----------------------------------------------
- // return 0 -- no key, size too small to put value
- //return -1 -- error
- //return string length (of course > 1)
- DWORD CJXINIFile::GetPrivateProfileStringA(
- LPCSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPCSTR lpKeyName, // key name
- LPCSTR lpDefault, // default string
- LPSTR lpReturnedString, // destination buffer
- DWORD nSize,
- // size of destination buffer,Specifies the size, in TCHARs,
- LPCSTR lpFileName // initialization file name
- )
- {
- BOOL bRet = LoadIniFile(lpFileName, 1);
- if(!bRet) return (UINT)-1;
- if(lpDefault == NULL) return -1;
- if(m_dwUseSize == 0) return -1;
- if(lpAppName == NULL)
- return GetSectionsA(lpReturnedString, nSize, lpFileName);
- if(lpKeyName == NULL)
- return GetKeysA(lpAppName, lpReturnedString, nSize, lpFileName);
- LPSTR pHead = (LPSTR)m_pTrueData;
- UINT uSec, uKey;
- uSec = (UINT) -1;
- uKey = (UINT)-1;
- uKey = GetKeyA(pHead, (UINT)m_dwUseSize,
- lpAppName, lpKeyName, uSec);
- if(uKey == (UINT)-1) //not key
- {
- if(::strlen(lpDefault) > (int)nSize) return -1;
- ::strncpy(lpReturnedString, lpDefault, ::strlen(lpDefault));
- //append a null
- lpReturnedString[::strlen(lpDefault)+1] = char(' ');
- return 0;
- }
- char buffer[MAX_PATH];
- LPSTR pValue = pHead + uKey;
- while(pValue - pHead < (int)((m_dwUseSize)/sizeof(char)) &&
- *pValue != char('r') && *pValue != char('n'))
- {
- pValue++; //in unicode, +2 byte
- }
- int len = pValue - pHead - uKey;
- pValue = pHead + uKey;
- ::strncpy(buffer, pValue, len);
- if(nSize <= (UINT)len)
- {
- ::strncpy(lpReturnedString, pValue, nSize);
- lpReturnedString[nSize - 1] = char(' ');
- return 0;
- }
- else
- {
- ::strncpy(lpReturnedString, pValue, len);
- //append null
- lpReturnedString[len] = char(' ');
- return len;
- }
- return (UINT) -1;
- }
- BOOL CJXINIFile::WritePrivateProfileStringA(
- LPCSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPCSTR lpKeyName, // key name
- LPCSTR lpString, // string to add
- LPCSTR lpFileName // initialization file
- )
- {
- BOOL bRet = this->LoadIniFile(lpFileName, 1);
- if(!bRet) return FALSE;
- m_bDirty = TRUE;
- LPSTR pHead = (LPSTR)m_pTrueData;
- //2001/10/19 if lpString.len > MAX_PATH error
- //char buffer[MAX_PATH];
- LPSTR buffer = NULL;
- UINT uSec, uKey;
- //Warning: uKey, uSec is measured in WCHARs!!!!!
- //in UNICODE now
- uKey = GetKeyA(pHead, (UINT)m_dwUseSize,
- lpAppName, lpKeyName, uSec);
- if(uKey == (UINT)-1 && uSec == (UINT)-1) //no section
- {
- int len = strlen(lpAppName) + strlen(lpKeyName) +strlen(lpString);
- len += 7;
- buffer = new char[len+1];
- ::sprintf(buffer, "[%s]rn%s=%srn", lpAppName, lpKeyName, lpString);
- buffer[len] = 0;
- LPSTR pStr = pHead;
- pStr += m_dwUseSize/sizeof(char);
- ::memcpy(pStr, buffer, len*sizeof(char));
- m_dwUseSize += len*sizeof(char);
- delete []buffer;
- buffer = NULL;
- bRet = TRUE;
- }
- else if(uKey == (UINT)-1 && uSec != (UINT)-1)
- //section exist but value do not exist
- {
- // Following Write Just After [section],
- //that new item become the first of the section
- //$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
- //$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
- /*
- LPSTR pSection = pHead + uSec;
- while(pSection - pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(char)) &&
- *pSection != char('r') && *pSection != char('n'))
- {
- pSection++;
- }
- while(*pSection == char('r') || *pSection == char('n'))
- pSection++;
- UINT uMoveHead = (UINT)(pSection - pHead);
- //move memory
- ::sprintf(buffer, L"%s=%srn", lpKeyName, lpString);
- int len = ::strlen(buffer);
- //also ok
- //::memmove(pHead + uMoveHead + len, pHead + uMoveHead, m_dwUseSize-uMoveHead*sizeof(char));
- for(int i = (int)(m_dwUseSize - sizeof(char));
- i >= (int)(uMoveHead*sizeof(char)); i -= sizeof(char))
- {
- ::memcpy(pHead + i/sizeof(char) + len,
- pHead + i/sizeof(char), sizeof(char));
- }
- */
- //Following Write new item the last item in the section
- //$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
- //$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
- LPSTR pSection = pHead + uSec + 1;
- while(pSection - pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(char)) &&
- *pSection != char('['))
- {
- pSection++;
- }
- // ::sprintf(buffer, L"%s=%srn", lpKeyName, lpString);
- // int len = ::strlen(buffer);
- int len = strlen(lpKeyName) + strlen(lpString);
- len += 3;
- buffer = new char[len+1];
- ::sprintf(buffer, "%s=%srn", lpKeyName, lpString);
- buffer[len] = 0;
- if(pSection - pHead == (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(char)))
- {
- //no move needed, file end
- }
- else
- {
- UINT uMoveHead = (UINT)(pSection - pHead);
- //move memory
- //also ok
- //::memmove(pHead + uMoveHead + len, pHead + uMoveHead, m_dwUseSize-uMoveHead*sizeof(char));
- for(int i = (int)(m_dwUseSize - sizeof(char));
- i >= (int)(uMoveHead*sizeof(char)); i -= sizeof(char))
- {
- ::memcpy(pHead + i/sizeof(char) + len,
- pHead + i/sizeof(char), sizeof(char));
- }
- }
- ::memcpy(pSection, buffer, sizeof(char)*len);
- m_dwUseSize += len*sizeof(char);
- delete buffer;
- buffer = NULL;
- bRet = TRUE;
- }
- else //key exist
- {
- ASSERT(uKey != (UINT)-1);
- LPSTR pValue = pHead + uKey;
- while(pValue - pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(char)) &&
- *pValue != char('r') && *pValue != char('n'))
- {
- pValue++;
- }
- while(*pValue == char('r') || *pValue == char('n'))
- pValue++;
- UINT uMoveHead = (UINT)(pValue - pHead);
- UINT uPrevLen = uMoveHead - uKey;
- int len = strlen(lpString);
- len += 2;
- buffer = new char[len+1];
- ::sprintf(buffer, "%srn", lpString);
- buffer[len] = 0;
- UINT uCurLen = len;
- //move have 2 direction
- if(uCurLen > uPrevLen)
- {
- int charDiff = uCurLen - uPrevLen;
- int begin = (int)(m_dwUseSize - sizeof(char));
- int end = (int)uMoveHead*sizeof(char);
- for(int i = begin; i >= end; i -= sizeof(char))
- {
- ::memcpy(pHead + i/sizeof(char) + charDiff,
- pHead + i/sizeof(char), sizeof(char));
- }
- }
- else if(uCurLen < uPrevLen)
- {
- int charDiff = uPrevLen - uCurLen;
- int begin = (int)uMoveHead*sizeof(char);
- int end = (int)(m_dwUseSize - sizeof(char));
- for(int i = begin; i <= end; i+=sizeof(char))
- {
- ::memcpy(pHead + i/sizeof(char) - charDiff,
- pHead + i/sizeof(char), sizeof(char));
- }
- }
- pValue = pHead + uKey;
- ::memcpy(pValue, buffer, sizeof(char)*uCurLen);
- m_dwUseSize += (uCurLen-uPrevLen)*sizeof(char);
- delete buffer;
- buffer = NULL;
- bRet = TRUE;
- }
- m_bSectionMapDirty = TRUE;
- if(!bRet)
- {
- UnloadIniFile();
- return FALSE;
- }
- //If the File is large enough, flush the file
- if((int)(m_dwUseSize - m_dwSize) > JXFlushIncrement - 5*JXPage)
- {
- //Flush Back to HardDisk
- UnloadIniFile();
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- //User Query All Section Name in INI File
- DWORD CJXINIFile::GetSectionsA(
- LPSTR lpReturnedString, // destination buffer
- DWORD nSize, // size of destination buffer
- LPCSTR lpFileName // initialization file name
- )
- {
- int posRet = 0;
- LPSTR pHead = (LPSTR)m_pData;
- LPSTR p1 = pHead;
- LPSTR p2 = pHead;
- BYTE wNULL = 0x0000;
- while(p1- pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(char)) - 1)
- {
- while(p1- pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(char)) - 1 &&
- *p1 != char('['))
- p1++;
- p2 = p1;
- while(p2- pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(char)) - 1 &&
- *p2 != char(']'))
- p2++;
- if(p1- pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(char)) &&
- p2- pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(char)))
- {
- //Found, Ready To Copy To lpReturnedString
- int lenSection = p2 - p1 - 1;
- if(lenSection >= 1)
- {
- p1++;
- if(lenSection + 1 + posRet > (int)nSize) return 0; //nSize - 1;
- ::strncpy(lpReturnedString + posRet, p1, lenSection);
- posRet += lenSection;
- //NULL = 0x00, 1Byte
- ::memcpy(lpReturnedString + posRet, &wNULL, 1);
- posRet += 1;
- }
- }
- p1 = p2 + 1;
- }
- //last NULL
- if(1 + posRet > (int)nSize) return 0; //nSize - 1;
- ::memcpy(lpReturnedString + posRet, &wNULL, 1);
- posRet += 1;
- return posRet;
- }
- //User Query All Keys in a Given Section
- LPCSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPSTR lpReturnedString, // destination buffer
- DWORD nSize, // size of destination buffer
- LPCSTR lpFileName // initialization file name
- )
- {
- int posRet = 0;
- int secLen = ::strlen(lpAppName);
- LPSTR pHead = (LPSTR)m_pTrueData;
- LPSTR p1 = pHead;
- LPSTR p2 = pHead;
- LPSTR pSecHead = NULL; //pointing to [
- LPSTR pSecTail = NULL; //point to next [
- BYTE byteNULL = 0x00;
- while(p1- pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(char)) - 1)
- {
- while(p1- pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(char)) - 1 &&
- *p1 != char('['))
- p1++;
- p2 = p1;
- while(p2- pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(char)) - 1 &&
- *p2 != char(']'))
- p2++;
- //p2 points to ]
- if(p1- pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(char)) &&
- p2- pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(char)))
- {
- //Found A Section
- if(pSecHead != NULL)
- {
- pSecTail = p1;
- break;
- }
- else //pSecHead == NULL
- {
- if(secLen == p2 - p1 - 1) //same length
- {
- p1++;
- LPSTR p3 = p1; //p3 points to ["X"
- for(int i = 0; i < secLen; i++)
- {
- if(*p1 != (char)(lpAppName[i])) break;
- p1++;
- }
- if(i == secLen) //Found;
- pSecHead = p3 - 1;
- }
- }
- }
- p1 = p2 + 1;
- }
- if(pSecHead == NULL) return -1;
- if(pSecTail == NULL)
- pSecTail = pHead + m_dwUseSize/sizeof(char);
- pSecTail--;
- //Enum Keys in Section
- p1 = pSecHead;
- int keyLen;
- while(p1 < pSecTail - 1)
- {
- while(p1 < pSecTail - 1 &&
- *p1 != char('r') && *p1 != char('n'))
- p1++;
- while(p1 < pSecTail - 1 &&
- (*p1 == char('r') || *p1 == char('n')))
- p1++;
- p2 = p1;
- while(p2 < pSecTail - 1 &&
- *p2 != char('='))
- p2++;
- if(p1 < pSecTail - 1 && p2 < pSecTail - 1)
- {
- //Found A Key
- keyLen = p2 - p1;
- if(keyLen >= 1)
- {
- if(keyLen + 1 + posRet > (int)nSize) return 0; //nSize - 1;
- ::strncpy(lpReturnedString + posRet, p1, keyLen);
- posRet += keyLen;
- //NULL = 0x00 , 1 Byte
- ::memcpy(lpReturnedString + posRet, &byteNULL, 1);
- posRet += 1;
- }
- }
- p1 = p2 + 1;
- }
- //last NULL
- if(1 + posRet > (int)nSize) return 0; //nSize - 1;
- ::memcpy(lpReturnedString + posRet, &byteNULL, 1);
- posRet += 1;
- return posRet;
- }
- BOOL CJXINIFile::LoadIniFile(CString strFilename, DWORD dwMode)
- {
- if(dwMode == 0 && sizeof(TCHAR) == 1) m_bUnicode = FALSE;
- if(dwMode == 0 && sizeof(TCHAR) == 2) m_bUnicode = TRUE;
- if(dwMode == 1) m_bUnicode = FALSE;
- if(dwMode == 2) m_bUnicode = TRUE;
- if(strFilename == _T("")) return FALSE;
- //Already Loaded
- if(m_strFilename == strFilename) return TRUE;
- if(m_strFilename != _T("")) //Unload First
- {
- UnloadIniFile();
- }
- m_strFilename = strFilename;
- m_bDirty = FALSE;
- m_bSectionMapDirty = TRUE;
- m_bSectionMapLock = FALSE;
- DWORD dwHigh, dwLow;
- DWORD dwTotal, dwError;
- //Open File Handle
- m_hFile = ::CreateFile(m_strFilename, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,
- {
- //Measure File Size
- dwLow = GetFileSize(m_hFile, &dwHigh);
- dwTotal = 0;
- if(dwLow == -1 && (dwError = GetLastError()) != NO_ERROR)
- {
- ::MessageBox(NULL, _T("File Size Failure"),
- _T("CJXINIFile::Load"), MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP);
- ::CloseHandle(m_hFile);
- m_dwSize = 0;
- m_strFilename = _T("");
- return FALSE;
- }
- m_dwSize = dwLow; //32bit -> 4Gb
- }
- else
- {
- m_hFile = ::CreateFile(m_strFilename, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,
- {
- ::MessageBox(NULL, _T("CreateFile Failure"),
- _T("CJXINIFile::Load"), MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP);
- ::CloseHandle(m_hFile);
- m_dwSize = 0;
- m_strFilename = _T("");
- return FALSE;
- }
- m_dwSize = 0;
- }
- //Open Memory-Mapping File, maximum size = File Size + JXFlushIncrement
- dwLow = m_dwSize + JXFlushIncrement;
- m_hMMF = ::CreateFileMapping(m_hFile, NULL,
- if(NULL == m_hMMF)
- {
- ::MessageBox(NULL, _T("CreateFileMapping Failure"),
- _T("CJXINIFile::Load"), MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP);
- if(m_hMMF != NULL)
- ::CloseHandle(m_hMMF);
- ::CloseHandle(m_hFile);
- m_dwSize = 0;
- m_strFilename = _T("");
- return FALSE;
- }
- //Map pointer
- m_pData = ::MapViewOfFile(m_hMMF, FILE_MAP_READ | FILE_MAP_WRITE,
- 0, 0, dwLow);
- if(m_pData == NULL)
- {
- //ReportErr(_T(""));
- if(m_hMMF != NULL)
- ::CloseHandle(m_hMMF);
- ::CloseHandle(m_hFile);
- m_dwSize = 0;
- m_strFilename = _T("");
- ::MessageBox(NULL, _T("MapViewOfFile Failure"),
- _T("CJXINIFile::Load"), MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP);
- return FALSE;
- }
- m_dwUseSize = m_dwSize;
- CutZeroTail();
- //if(sizeof(TCHAR) == 2) //UNICODE only
- if(this->m_bUnicode)
- //Pass Potentail 0xFF FE header if edited by MS NotePad
- {
- LPBYTE pByte = (LPBYTE)m_pData;
- if(m_dwUseSize >= 2 && *pByte == 0xFF && *(pByte +1) == 0xFE)
- {
- m_pTrueData = (LPVOID)(pByte + 2);
- m_dwUseSize -= 2;
- }
- else
- {
- if(m_dwUseSize == 0) //a new file, add 0xFF FE header
- //for Win2k SP1 need 0xFF FE
- {
- *pByte = 0xFF;
- *(pByte +1) = 0xFE;
- //m_dwUseSize = 2;
- m_pTrueData = (LPVOID)(pByte+2);
- }
- else //old format without 0xFF FE
- {
- ::memmove((LPVOID)(pByte+2), (LPVOID)pByte, m_dwUseSize);
- *pByte = 0xFF;
- *(pByte +1) = 0xFE;
- //m_dwUseSize += 2;
- m_pTrueData = (LPVOID)(pByte+2);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- m_pTrueData = m_pData;
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL CJXINIFile::UnloadIniFile()
- {
- DWORD dwFileSize;
- //if(sizeof(TCHAR) == 2) //UNICODE leading 0xFF FE
- if(this->m_bUnicode)
- dwFileSize = m_dwUseSize + 2;
- else
- dwFileSize = m_dwUseSize;
- if(m_strFilename == _T("")) return TRUE;
- if(!m_bDirty)
- {
- if(m_pData)
- {
- ::UnmapViewOfFile(m_pData);
- m_pData = NULL;
- }
- if(m_hMMF != NULL)
- {
- ::CloseHandle(m_hMMF);
- m_hMMF = NULL;
- }
- LONG highDist = 0;
- ::SetFilePointer(
- m_hFile, // handle to file
- dwFileSize, // bytes to move pointer
- &highDist, // bytes to move pointer
- FILE_BEGIN // starting point
- );
- ::SetEndOfFile(m_hFile);
- {
- ::CloseHandle(m_hFile);
- }
- m_strFilename = _T("");
- return TRUE;
- }
- //Modified
- ASSERT(m_pData);
- if(!::FlushViewOfFile(m_pData, m_dwUseSize))
- {
- ::MessageBox(NULL, _T("FlushViewMMF"), _T(""), MB_OK);
- ::UnmapViewOfFile(m_pData);
- ::CloseHandle(m_hMMF);
- LONG highDist = 0;
- ::SetFilePointer(
- m_hFile, // handle to file
- dwFileSize, // bytes to move pointer
- &highDist, // bytes to move pointer
- FILE_BEGIN // starting point
- );
- ::SetEndOfFile(m_hFile);
- ::CloseHandle(m_hFile);
- m_strFilename = _T("");
- m_pData = NULL;
- m_hMMF = NULL;
- m_dwSize = 0;
- return FALSE;
- }
- ::UnmapViewOfFile(m_pData);
- ::CloseHandle(m_hMMF);
- //Adjust File Size
- LONG highDist = 0;
- ::SetFilePointer(
- m_hFile, // handle to file
- dwFileSize, // bytes to move pointer
- &highDist, // bytes to move pointer
- FILE_BEGIN // starting point
- );
- ::SetEndOfFile(m_hFile);
- ::CloseHandle(m_hFile);
- m_strFilename = _T("");
- m_pData = NULL;
- m_hMMF = NULL;
- m_dwSize = 0;
- //
- m_mapSection.RemoveAll();
- m_bSectionMapDirty = TRUE;
- m_bSectionMapLock = FALSE;
- return TRUE;
- }
- //return -1 if not find key
- //return first character of the key line
- //[section name]rn
- //keyname = valuenamern
- //Ex Version use Map
- //posSection & ret all in WCHARs
- UINT CJXINIFile::GetKeyExA(LPSTR pHead, UINT uSize,
- LPCSTR szSection, LPCSTR szKey, UINT& posSection)
- {
- //Map Must Be Ready Here
- ASSERT(!m_bSectionMapDirty);
- LPSTR pSecHead = NULL; //pointing to [
- #ifdef _UNICODE
- DWORD dwRetSize;
- LPWSTR pTemp = _A2W((LPSTR)szSection, -1, dwRetSize);
- if(0 == m_mapSection.Lookup(pTemp, (LPVOID&)pSecHead))
- {
- posSection = (UINT)-1;
- return (UINT)-1;
- }
- #else
- if(0 == m_mapSection.Lookup(szSection, (LPVOID&)pSecHead))
- {
- posSection = (UINT)-1;
- return (UINT)-1;
- }
- #endif
- posSection = -1;
- LPSTR p1 = pSecHead;
- LPSTR p2 = pSecHead;
- int lenSection = ::strlen(szSection);
- char szSection2[MAX_PATH];
- //section --> [section]
- ::strncpy(szSection2+1, szSection, lenSection);
- szSection2[0] = char('[');
- szSection2[lenSection+1] = char(']');
- szSection2[lenSection+2] = char(' ');
- BOOL bSection = FALSE; //found the section
- BOOL bKey = FALSE; //found the key
- char buffer[MAX_PATH];
- int line;
- while(p1- pHead < (int)(uSize/sizeof(char)) - 1)
- {
- //WCHAR s1 = (WCHAR)'r'; //13
- //WCHAR s2 = (WCHAR)'n'; //10
- //WCHAR s3 = (WCHAR)0x0A; //10
- //01/7/5 //avoid leak blank line
- int rInc, nInc;
- rInc = nInc = 0;
- while(p1- pHead < (int)(uSize/sizeof(char)-1) &&
- (*p1 == (char)'r' || *p1 == (char)'n'))
- {
- if(*p1 == (char)'r') rInc++;
- if(*p1 == (char)'n') nInc++;
- p1++;
- }
- if(rInc == 1 && nInc == 1)
- {
- }
- else if(rInc == nInc && rInc > 1)
- line += rInc - 1;
- else if(rInc != nInc)
- {
- line += rInc > nInc ? rInc - 1 : nInc - 1;
- }
- p2 = p1;
- while(p2- pHead < (int)(uSize/sizeof(char))-1)
- {
- //$$$ some file end with n only
- if(*p2 == (char)'r' && *(p2+1) == (char)'n')
- {
- break; //touch it
- }
- if(*p2 == (char)'n') break;
- if(*p2 == (char)'r') break;
- p2++;
- }
- if(p2 - pHead == (int)(uSize/sizeof(char))-1)
- {
- //the last sentence
- while(*p2 == (char)'r' || *p2 == (char)'n') p2--;
- int len = p2 - p1 + 1;
- line++;
- if(len > 1)
- {
- if(len > MAX_PATH)
- {
- p1 = p2 + 1;
- continue;
- }
- ::strncpy(buffer, p1, len);
- buffer[len] = char(' ');
- //a section ?
- if(buffer[0] == char('[') &&
- buffer[len-1] == char(']'))
- {
- //AfxMessageBox(buffer);
- if(::strcmp(buffer,szSection2) == 0) //match
- {
- if(!bSection)
- {
- bSection = TRUE;
- posSection = (UINT)(p1 - pHead);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(bSection) return (UINT)-1;
- }
- }
- else //a key line
- {
- if(!bSection)
- {
- }
- else
- {
- //key name = value name
- int lenKey = ::strlen(szKey);
- //find =
- int sam;
- for(sam = 0; sam < len; sam++)
- if(buffer[sam] == char('=')) break;
- if(sam >= lenKey && sam < len)
- {
- for(int q = 0; q < sam; q++)
- {
- if(q < lenKey && buffer[q] != szKey[q]) break;
- if(q > lenKey && buffer[q] != char(' ')) break;
- }
- if(q == sam) //found
- {
- bKey = TRUE;
- return (UINT)(p1 - pHead + sam + 1);
- //return (UINT)(p1 - pHead);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- line++;
- }
- break;
- }
- p2--;
- //now p2 points to the ending of the sentence
- int len = p2 - p1 + 1; //in chars
- line++;
- if(len > 1)
- {
- if(len > MAX_PATH)
- {
- p1 = p2 + 1;
- continue;
- }
- //this sentence must shorter than MAX_PATH
- ::strncpy(buffer, p1, len);
- buffer[len] = char(' ');
- //???, lstrcpy seems not add null-trminator
- //buffer[len] = WCHAR(' ');
- //a section ?
- if(buffer[0] == char('[') &&
- buffer[len-1] == char(']'))
- {
- //AfxMessageBox(buffer);
- if(::strcmp(buffer,szSection2) == 0) //match
- {
- if(!bSection)
- {
- bSection = TRUE;
- posSection = (UINT)(p1 - pHead);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(bSection) return (UINT)-1;
- }
- }
- else //a key line
- {
- if(!bSection)
- {
- }
- else
- {
- //key name = value name
- int lenKey = ::strlen(szKey);
- //find =
- int sam;
- for(sam = 0; sam < len; sam++)
- if(buffer[sam] == char('=')) break;
- if(sam >= lenKey && sam < len)
- {
- for(int q = 0; q < sam; q++)
- {
- if(q < lenKey && buffer[q] != szKey[q]) break;
- if(q > lenKey && buffer[q] != char(' ')) break;
- }
- if(q == sam) //found
- {
- bKey = TRUE;
- return (UINT)(p1 - pHead + sam + 1);
- //return (UINT)(p1 - pHead);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- p1 = p2 + 1;
- }
- return (UINT)-1;
- }
- //return -1 if not find key
- //return first character of the key line
- //[section name]rn
- //keyname = valuenamern
- //Ex Version use Map
- //posSection & ret all in WCHARs
- UINT CJXINIFile::GetKeyExW(LPWSTR pHead, UINT uSize,
- LPCWSTR szSection, LPCWSTR szKey, UINT& posSection)
- {
- //Map Must Be Ready Here
- ASSERT(!m_bSectionMapDirty);
- LPWSTR pSecHead = NULL; //pointing to [
- #ifdef _UNICODE
- if(0 == m_mapSection.Lookup(szSection, (LPVOID&)pSecHead))
- {
- posSection = (UINT)-1;
- return (UINT)-1;
- }
- #else
- DWORD dwRetSize;
- LPSTR pTemp = _W2A((LPWSTR)szSection, -1, dwRetSize);
- if(0 == m_mapSection.Lookup(pTemp, (LPVOID&)pSecHead))
- {
- posSection = (UINT)-1;
- return (UINT)-1;
- }
- #endif
- posSection = -1;
- LPWSTR p1 = pSecHead;
- LPWSTR p2 = pSecHead;
- int lenSection = ::wcslen(szSection);
- WCHAR szSection2[MAX_PATH];
- //section --> [section]
- ::wcsncpy(szSection2+1, szSection, lenSection);
- szSection2[0] = WCHAR('[');
- szSection2[lenSection+1] = WCHAR(']');
- szSection2[lenSection+2] = WCHAR(' ');
- BOOL bSection = FALSE; //found the section
- BOOL bKey = FALSE; //found the key
- WCHAR buffer[MAX_PATH];
- int line;
- while(p1- pHead < (int)(uSize/sizeof(WCHAR)) - 1)
- {
- //WCHAR s1 = (WCHAR)'r'; //13
- //WCHAR s2 = (WCHAR)'n'; //10
- //WCHAR s3 = (WCHAR)0x0A; //10
- //01/7/5 //avoid leak blank line
- int rInc, nInc;
- rInc = nInc = 0;
- while(p1- pHead < (int)(uSize/sizeof(WCHAR)-1) &&
- (*p1 == (WCHAR)'r' || *p1 == (WCHAR)'n'))
- {
- if(*p1 == (WCHAR)'r') rInc++;
- if(*p1 == (WCHAR)'n') nInc++;
- p1++;
- }
- if(rInc == 1 && nInc == 1)
- {
- }
- else if(rInc == nInc && rInc > 1)
- line += rInc - 1;
- else if(rInc != nInc)
- {
- line += rInc > nInc ? rInc - 1 : nInc - 1;
- }
- p2 = p1;
- while(p2- pHead < (int)(uSize/sizeof(WCHAR))-1)
- {
- //$$$ some file end with n only
- if(*p2 == (WCHAR)'r' && *(p2+1) == (WCHAR)'n')
- {
- break; //touch it
- }
- if(*p2 == (WCHAR)'n') break;
- if(*p2 == (WCHAR)'r') break;
- p2++;
- }
- if(p2 - pHead == (int)(uSize/sizeof(WCHAR))-1)
- {
- //the last sentence
- while(*p2 == (WCHAR)'r' || *p2 == (WCHAR)'n') p2--;
- int len = p2 - p1 + 1;
- line++;
- if(len > 1)
- {
- if(len > MAX_PATH)
- {
- p1 = p2 + 1;
- continue;
- }
- ::wcsncpy(buffer, p1, len);
- buffer[len] = WCHAR(' ');
- //a section ?
- if(buffer[0] == WCHAR('[') &&
- buffer[len-1] == WCHAR(']'))
- {
- //AfxMessageBox(buffer);
- if(::wcscmp(buffer,szSection2) == 0) //match
- {
- if(!bSection)
- {
- bSection = TRUE;
- posSection = (UINT)(p1 - pHead);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(bSection) return (UINT)-1;
- }
- }
- else //a key line
- {
- if(!bSection)
- {
- }
- else
- {
- //key name = value name
- int lenKey = ::wcslen(szKey);
- //find =
- int sam;
- for(sam = 0; sam < len; sam++)
- if(buffer[sam] == WCHAR('=')) break;
- if(sam >= lenKey && sam < len)
- {
- for(int q = 0; q < sam; q++)
- {
- if(q < lenKey && buffer[q] != szKey[q]) break;
- if(q > lenKey && buffer[q] != WCHAR(' ')) break;
- }
- if(q == sam) //found
- {
- bKey = TRUE;
- return (UINT)(p1 - pHead + sam + 1);
- //return (UINT)(p1 - pHead);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- line++;
- }
- break;
- }
- p2--;
- //now p2 points to the ending of the sentence
- int len = p2 - p1 + 1; //in WCHARs
- line++;
- if(len > 1)
- {
- if(len > MAX_PATH)
- {
- p1 = p2 + 1;
- continue;
- }
- //this sentence must shorter than MAX_PATH
- ::wcsncpy(buffer, p1, len);
- buffer[len] = WCHAR(' ');
- //???, lstrcpy seems not add null-trminator
- //buffer[len] = WCHAR(' ');
- //a section ?
- if(buffer[0] == WCHAR('[') &&
- buffer[len-1] == WCHAR(']'))
- {
- //AfxMessageBox(buffer);
- if(::wcscmp(buffer,szSection2) == 0) //match
- {
- if(!bSection)
- {
- bSection = TRUE;
- posSection = (UINT)(p1 - pHead);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(bSection) return (UINT)-1;
- }
- }
- else //a key line
- {
- if(!bSection)
- {
- }
- else
- {
- //key name = value name
- int lenKey = ::wcslen(szKey);
- //find =
- int sam;
- for(sam = 0; sam < len; sam++)
- if(buffer[sam] == WCHAR('=')) break;
- if(sam >= lenKey && sam < len)
- {
- for(int q = 0; q < sam; q++)
- {
- if(q < lenKey && buffer[q] != szKey[q]) break;
- if(q > lenKey && buffer[q] != WCHAR(' ')) break;
- }
- if(q == sam) //found
- {
- bKey = TRUE;
- return (UINT)(p1 - pHead + sam + 1);
- //return (UINT)(p1 - pHead);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- p1 = p2 + 1;
- }
- return (UINT)-1;
- }
- //return -1 if not find key
- //return first character of the key line
- //[section name]rn
- //keyname = valuenamern
- //posSection & ret all in WCHARs
- UINT CJXINIFile::GetKeyW(LPWSTR pHead, UINT uSize,
- LPCWSTR szSection, LPCWSTR szKey, UINT& posSection)
- {
- posSection = -1;
- LPWSTR p1 = pHead;
- LPWSTR p2 = pHead;
- int lenSection = ::wcslen(szSection);
- WCHAR szSection2[MAX_PATH];
- //section --> [section]
- ::wcsncpy(szSection2+1, szSection, lenSection);
- szSection2[0] = WCHAR('[');
- szSection2[lenSection+1] = WCHAR(']');
- szSection2[lenSection+2] = WCHAR(' ');
- BOOL bSection = FALSE; //found the section
- BOOL bKey = FALSE; //found the key
- WCHAR buffer[MAX_PATH];
- int line;
- while(p1- pHead < (int)(uSize/sizeof(WCHAR)) - 1)
- {
- //WCHAR s1 = (WCHAR)'r'; //13
- //WCHAR s2 = (WCHAR)'n'; //10
- //WCHAR s3 = (WCHAR)0x0A; //10
- //01/7/5 //avoid leak blank line
- int rInc, nInc;
- rInc = nInc = 0;
- while(p1- pHead < (int)(uSize/sizeof(WCHAR)-1) &&
- (*p1 == (WCHAR)'r' || *p1 == (WCHAR)'n'))
- {
- if(*p1 == (WCHAR)'r') rInc++;
- if(*p1 == (WCHAR)'n') nInc++;
- p1++;
- }
- if(rInc == 1 && nInc == 1)
- {
- }
- else if(rInc == nInc && rInc > 1)
- line += rInc - 1;
- else if(rInc != nInc)
- {
- line += rInc > nInc ? rInc - 1 : nInc - 1;
- }
- p2 = p1;
- while(p2- pHead < (int)(uSize/sizeof(WCHAR))-1)
- {
- //$$$ some file end with n only
- if(*p2 == (WCHAR)'r' && *(p2+1) == (WCHAR)'n')
- {
- break; //touch it
- }
- if(*p2 == (WCHAR)'n') break;
- if(*p2 == (WCHAR)'r') break;
- p2++;
- }
- if(p2 - pHead == (int)(uSize/sizeof(WCHAR))-1)
- {
- //the last sentence
- while(*p2 == (WCHAR)'r' || *p2 == (WCHAR)'n') p2--;
- int len = p2 - p1 + 1;
- line++;
- if(len > 1)
- {
- if(len > MAX_PATH)
- {
- p1 = p2 + 1;
- continue;
- }
- ::wcsncpy(buffer, p1, len);
- buffer[len] = WCHAR(' ');
- //a section ?
- if(buffer[0] == WCHAR('[') &&
- buffer[len-1] == WCHAR(']'))
- {
- //AfxMessageBox(buffer);
- if(::wcscmp(buffer,szSection2) == 0) //match
- {
- if(!bSection)
- {
- bSection = TRUE;
- posSection = (UINT)(p1 - pHead);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(bSection) return (UINT)-1;
- }
- }
- else //a key line
- {
- if(!bSection)
- {
- }
- else
- {
- //key name = value name
- int lenKey = ::wcslen(szKey);
- //find =
- int sam;
- for(sam = 0; sam < len; sam++)
- if(buffer[sam] == WCHAR('=')) break;
- if(sam >= lenKey && sam < len)
- {
- for(int q = 0; q < sam; q++)
- {
- if(q < lenKey && buffer[q] != szKey[q]) break;
- if(q > lenKey && buffer[q] != WCHAR(' ')) break;
- }
- if(q == sam) //found
- {
- bKey = TRUE;
- return (UINT)(p1 - pHead + sam + 1);
- //return (UINT)(p1 - pHead);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- line++;
- }
- break;
- }
- p2--;
- //now p2 points to the ending of the sentence
- int len = p2 - p1 + 1; //in WCHARs
- line++;
- if(len > 1)
- {
- if(len > MAX_PATH)
- {
- p1 = p2 + 1;
- continue;
- }
- //this sentence must shorter than MAX_PATH
- ::wcsncpy(buffer, p1, len);
- buffer[len] = WCHAR(' ');
- //???, lstrcpy seems not add null-trminator
- //buffer[len] = WCHAR(' ');
- //a section ?
- if(buffer[0] == WCHAR('[') &&
- buffer[len-1] == WCHAR(']'))
- {
- //AfxMessageBox(buffer);
- if(::wcscmp(buffer,szSection2) == 0) //match
- {
- if(!bSection)
- {
- bSection = TRUE;
- posSection = (UINT)(p1 - pHead);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(bSection) return (UINT)-1;
- }
- }
- else //a key line
- {
- if(!bSection)
- {
- }
- else
- {
- //key name = value name
- int lenKey = ::wcslen(szKey);
- //find =
- int sam;
- for(sam = 0; sam < len; sam++)
- if(buffer[sam] == WCHAR('=')) break;
- if(sam >= lenKey && sam < len)
- {
- for(int q = 0; q < sam; q++)
- {
- if(q < lenKey && buffer[q] != szKey[q]) break;
- if(q > lenKey && buffer[q] != WCHAR(' ')) break;
- }
- if(q == sam) //found
- {
- bKey = TRUE;
- return (UINT)(p1 - pHead + sam + 1);
- //return (UINT)(p1 - pHead);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- p1 = p2 + 1;
- }
- return (UINT)-1;
- }
- UINT CJXINIFile::GetKeyA(LPSTR pHead, UINT uSize,
- LPCSTR szSection, LPCSTR szKey, UINT& posSection)
- {
- posSection = -1;
- LPSTR p1 = pHead;
- LPSTR p2 = pHead;
- int lenSection = ::strlen(szSection);
- char szSection2[MAX_PATH];
- //section --> [section]
- ::strncpy(szSection2+1, szSection, lenSection);
- szSection2[0] = char('[');
- szSection2[lenSection+1] = char(']');
- szSection2[lenSection+2] = char(' ');
- BOOL bSection = FALSE; //found the section
- BOOL bKey = FALSE; //found the key
- char buffer[MAX_PATH];
- int line;
- while(p1- pHead < (int)(uSize/sizeof(char)) - 1)
- {
- //char s1 = (char)'r'; //13
- //char s2 = (char)'n'; //10
- //char s3 = (char)0x0A; //10
- //01/7/5 //avoid leak blank line
- int rInc, nInc;
- rInc = nInc = 0;
- while(p1- pHead < (int)(uSize/sizeof(char)-1) &&
- (*p1 == (char)'r' || *p1 == (char)'n'))
- {
- if(*p1 == (char)'r') rInc++;
- if(*p1 == (char)'n') nInc++;
- p1++;
- }
- if(rInc == 1 && nInc == 1)
- {
- }
- else if(rInc == nInc && rInc > 1)
- line += rInc - 1;
- else if(rInc != nInc)
- {
- line += rInc > nInc ? rInc - 1 : nInc - 1;
- }
- p2 = p1;
- while(p2- pHead < (int)(uSize/sizeof(char))-1)
- {
- //$$$ some file end with n only
- if(*p2 == (char)'r' && *(p2+1) == (char)'n')
- {
- break; //touch it
- }
- if(*p2 == (char)'n') break;
- if(*p2 == (char)'r') break;
- p2++;
- }
- if(p2 - pHead == (int)(uSize/sizeof(char))-1)
- {
- //the last sentence
- while(*p2 == (char)'r' || *p2 == (char)'n') p2--;
- int len = p2 - p1 + 1;
- line++;
- if(len > 1)
- {
- if(len > MAX_PATH)
- {
- p1 = p2 + 1;
- continue;
- }
- ::strncpy(buffer, p1, len);
- buffer[len] = char(' ');
- //a section ?
- if(buffer[0] == char('[') &&
- buffer[len-1] == char(']'))
- {
- //AfxMessageBox(buffer);
- if(::strcmp(buffer,szSection2) == 0) //match
- {
- if(!bSection)
- {
- bSection = TRUE;
- posSection = (UINT)(p1 - pHead);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(bSection) return (UINT)-1;
- }
- }
- else //a key line
- {
- if(!bSection)
- {
- }
- else
- {
- //key name = value name
- int lenKey = ::strlen(szKey);
- //find =
- int sam;
- for(sam = 0; sam < len; sam++)
- if(buffer[sam] == char('=')) break;
- if(sam >= lenKey && sam < len)
- {
- for(int q = 0; q < sam; q++)
- {
- if(q < lenKey && buffer[q] != szKey[q]) break;
- if(q > lenKey && buffer[q] != char(' ')) break;
- }
- if(q == sam) //found
- {
- bKey = TRUE;
- return (UINT)(p1 - pHead + sam + 1);
- //return (UINT)(p1 - pHead);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- line++;
- }
- break;
- }
- p2--;
- //now p2 points to the ending of the sentence
- int len = p2 - p1 + 1; //in WCHARs
- line++;
- if(len > 1)
- {
- if(len > MAX_PATH)
- {
- p1 = p2 + 1;
- continue;
- }
- //this sentence must shorter than MAX_PATH
- ::strncpy(buffer, p1, len);
- buffer[len] = char(' ');
- //???, lstrcpy seems not add null-trminator
- //buffer[len] = char(' ');
- //a section ?
- if(buffer[0] == char('[') &&
- buffer[len-1] == char(']'))
- {
- //AfxMessageBox(buffer);
- if(::strcmp(buffer,szSection2) == 0) //match
- {
- if(!bSection)
- {
- bSection = TRUE;
- posSection = (UINT)(p1 - pHead);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(bSection) return (UINT)-1;
- }
- }
- else //a key line
- {
- if(!bSection)
- {
- }
- else
- {
- //key name = value name
- int lenKey = ::strlen(szKey);
- //find =
- int sam;
- for(sam = 0; sam < len; sam++)
- if(buffer[sam] == char('=')) break;
- if(sam >= lenKey && sam < len)
- {
- for(int q = 0; q < sam; q++)
- {
- if(q < lenKey && buffer[q] != szKey[q]) break;
- if(q > lenKey && buffer[q] != char(' ')) break;
- }
- if(q == sam) //found
- {
- bKey = TRUE;
- return (UINT)(p1 - pHead + sam + 1);
- //return (UINT)(p1 - pHead);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- p1 = p2 + 1;
- }
- return (UINT)-1;
- }
- void CJXINIFile::CutZeroTail()
- {
- //AfxMessageBox(m_strFilename);
- //::PopMsg(_T("%s - %d"), m_strFilename, m_dwUseSize);
- if(m_dwUseSize == 0) return; //empty file
- int i = m_dwUseSize - 1;
- LPBYTE pByte = (LPBYTE)m_pData;
- pByte += m_dwUseSize - sizeof(TCHAR);
- //if(sizeof(TCHAR) == 1) //MBCS
- if(!this->m_bUnicode)
- {
- while(*pByte == 0x00 && pByte - (LPBYTE)m_pData > 0)
- {
- pByte--;
- m_dwUseSize--;
- }
- }
- else //UNICODE
- {
- while(*pByte == 0x00 && *(pByte+1) == 0x00 &&
- pByte - (LPBYTE)m_pTrueData > 0)
- {
- pByte -= 2;
- m_dwUseSize -= 2;
- }
- }
- //DWORD m_dwSize; //Current Open File Size in BYTEs
- //DWORD m_dwUseSize; //Curent Using Size in BYTEs
- //AfxMessageBox(_T("")); //妋擣俷俲
- return;
- }
- DWORD CJXINIFile::DeleteSectionW(
- LPCWSTR lpAppName // section name
- )
- {
- int lenTargetSec = wcslen(lpAppName);
- LPWSTR pSecHead = NULL;
- LPWSTR pHead = (LPWSTR)m_pTrueData;
- LPWSTR p1 = pHead;
- LPWSTR p2 = pHead;
- while(p1- pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(WCHAR)) - 1)
- {
- while(p1- pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(WCHAR)) - 1 &&
- *p1 != WCHAR('['))
- p1++;
- p2 = p1;
- while(p2- pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(WCHAR)) - 1 &&
- *p2 != WCHAR(']'))
- p2++;
- if(p1- pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(WCHAR)) &&
- p2- pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(WCHAR)))
- {
- //Found A Section, Check
- int lenSection = p2 - p1 - 1;
- if(lenSection == lenTargetSec)
- {
- pSecHead = p1;
- for(int i = 0; i < lenTargetSec; i++)
- {
- if(lpAppName[i] != (WCHAR)*(p1+1+i))
- {
- pSecHead = NULL;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(pSecHead != NULL) break;
- p1 = p2 + 1;
- }
- if(pSecHead == NULL) return -1;
- p1 = pSecHead + lenTargetSec;
- while(p1- pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(WCHAR)) - 1 &&
- *p1 != WCHAR('['))
- p1++;
- if(p1- pHead == (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(WCHAR)) - 1)
- {
- //This is the Last Section
- m_dwUseSize = sizeof(WCHAR)*(pSecHead-pHead);
- return 0;
- }
- else
- {
- int memLen = m_dwUseSize - (p1 - pHead)*sizeof(WCHAR);
- //C++ Run-time Lib handle overlapped mem
- memmove(pSecHead, p1, memLen);
- m_dwUseSize -= sizeof(WCHAR)*(p1 - pSecHead);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- DWORD CJXINIFile::DeleteKeyW(
- LPCWSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPCWSTR lpKeyName // key name
- )
- {
- LPWSTR pHead = (LPWSTR)m_pTrueData;
- UINT uSec, uKey;
- //Warning: uKey, uSec is measured in WCHARs!!!!!
- //in UNICODE now
- uKey = GetKeyW(pHead, (UINT)m_dwUseSize,
- lpAppName, lpKeyName, uSec);
- if(uKey == (UINT)-1 && uSec == (UINT)-1) //no section
- {
- return -1;
- }
- else if(uKey == (UINT)-1 && uSec != (UINT)-1)
- //section exist but value do not exist
- {
- return -1;
- }
- else //key exist
- {
- ASSERT(uKey != (UINT)-1);
- LPWSTR pValue = pHead + uKey;
- while(pValue - pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(WCHAR)) &&
- *pValue != WCHAR('r') && *pValue != WCHAR('n'))
- {
- pValue++;
- }
- while(*pValue == WCHAR('r') || *pValue == WCHAR('n'))
- pValue++;
- int lenKey = pValue - pHead - uKey;
- LPWSTR pKeyHead = pHead + uKey;
- int lenMove = m_dwUseSize - (pValue - pHead)*sizeof(WCHAR);
- memmove(pKeyHead, pValue, lenMove);
- m_dwUseSize -= lenKey*sizeof(WCHAR);
- }
- this->m_bSectionMapDirty = TRUE;
- return 0;
- }
- DWORD CJXINIFile::DeleteSectionExW(
- LPCWSTR lpAppName // section name
- )
- {
- ASSERT(!this->m_bSectionMapLock);
- if(this->m_bSectionMapDirty)
- this->UpdateMapW();
- LPWSTR lpHead = (LPWSTR)m_pTrueData;
- CString strKey;
- LPWSTR lpPos;
- #ifdef _UNICODE
- strKey = lpAppName;
- #else
- DWORD dwRetSize;
- LPSTR pTemp = _W2A((LPWSTR)lpAppName, -1, dwRetSize);
- ::strncpy(strKey.GetBuffer(dwRetSize), pTemp, dwRetSize);
- strKey.ReleaseBuffer(dwRetSize);
- #endif
- //No Such Section Exists
- LPVOID lpVoid;
- if(!m_mapSection.Lookup(strKey, lpVoid)) return -1;
- ASSERT(m_mapSection.RemoveKey(strKey));
- lpPos = (LPWSTR)lpVoid;
- LPWSTR lpSection = (LPWSTR)lpPos;
- LPWSTR lpNextSec = NULL;
- int distance = -1;
- POSITION pos = m_mapSection.GetStartPosition();
- while(pos)
- {
- CString strKey2;
- LPWSTR lpPos2;
- m_mapSection.GetNextAssoc(pos, strKey2, lpVoid);
- lpPos2 = (LPWSTR)lpVoid;
- if(lpPos2 - lpPos > 0)
- {
- if(distance == -1)
- {
- distance = lpPos2 - lpPos;
- lpNextSec = lpPos2;
- }
- else
- {
- if(lpPos2 - lpPos < distance)
- {
- distance = lpPos2 - lpPos;
- lpNextSec = lpPos2;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(lpNextSec == NULL)
- {
- ASSERT(distance == -1);
- //This is the Last Section
- m_dwUseSize = sizeof(WCHAR)*(lpPos-lpHead);
- return 0;
- }
- else
- {
- int memLen = m_dwUseSize - (lpNextSec - lpHead)*sizeof(WCHAR);
- //C++ Run-time Lib handle overlapped mem
- memmove((LPVOID)lpPos, (LPVOID)lpNextSec, memLen);
- m_dwUseSize -= sizeof(WCHAR)*(lpNextSec - lpPos);
- }
- //m_bSectionMapDirty = TRUE;
- //return TRUE;
- int lenSec = lpNextSec - lpPos;
- if(m_bSectionMapLock)
- {
- m_bSectionMapDirty = TRUE;
- }
- else //update section map
- {
- POSITION pos = m_mapSection.GetStartPosition();
- while(pos)
- {
- CString strTemp;
- LPVOID lpTemp;
- m_mapSection.GetNextAssoc(pos, strTemp, lpTemp);
- //adjust Section Map
- if((LPWSTR)lpTemp - lpSection > 0)
- {
- LPWSTR lp = (LPWSTR)lpTemp;
- lp -= lenSec;
- lpTemp = (LPVOID)lp;
- m_mapSection.SetAt(strTemp, lpTemp);
- }
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- DWORD CJXINIFile::DeleteKeyExW(
- LPCWSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPCWSTR lpKeyName // key name
- )
- {
- LPWSTR pHead = (LPWSTR)m_pTrueData;
- UINT uSec, uKey;
- //Warning: uKey, uSec is measured in WCHARs!!!!!
- //in UNICODE now
- uKey = GetKeyExW(pHead, (UINT)m_dwUseSize,
- lpAppName, lpKeyName, uSec);
- if(uKey == (UINT)-1 && uSec == (UINT)-1) //no section
- {
- return -1;
- }
- else if(uKey == (UINT)-1 && uSec != (UINT)-1)
- //section exist but value do not exist
- {
- return -1;
- }
- else //key exist
- {
- ASSERT(uKey != (UINT)-1);
- LPWSTR pSection = pHead + uSec;
- LPWSTR pValue = pHead + uKey;
- while(pValue - pHead < (int)(m_dwUseSize/sizeof(WCHAR)) &&
- *pValue != WCHAR('r') && *pValue != WCHAR('n'))
- {
- pValue++;
- }
- while(*pValue == WCHAR('r') || *pValue == WCHAR('n'))
- pValue++;
- int lenKey = pValue - pHead - uKey;
- LPWSTR pKeyHead = pHead + uKey;
- int lenMove = m_dwUseSize - (pValue - pHead)*sizeof(WCHAR);
- memmove(pKeyHead, pValue, lenMove);
- m_dwUseSize -= lenKey*sizeof(WCHAR);
- if(m_bSectionMapLock)
- {
- m_bSectionMapDirty = TRUE;
- }
- else //update section map
- {
- POSITION pos = m_mapSection.GetStartPosition();
- while(pos)
- {
- CString strKey;
- LPVOID lpPos;
- m_mapSection.GetNextAssoc(pos, strKey, lpPos);
- //adjust Section Map
- if((LPWSTR)lpPos - pSection > 0)
- {
- LPWSTR pTemp = (LPWSTR)lpPos;
- pTemp -= lenKey;
- lpPos = (LPVOID)pTemp;
- m_mapSection.SetAt(strKey, lpPos);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- DWORD CJXINIFile::DeleteSectionExA(
- LPCSTR lpAppName // section name
- )
- {
- return 0;
- }
- DWORD CJXINIFile::DeleteKeyExA(
- LPCSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPCSTR lpKeyName // key name
- )
- {
- return 0;
- }
- DWORD CJXINIFile::DeleteSectionA(
- LPCSTR lpAppName // section name
- )
- {
- return 0;
- }
- DWORD CJXINIFile::DeleteKeyA(
- LPCSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPCSTR lpKeyName // key name
- )
- {
- return 0;
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- //-------------Export Part ------------------------------------------
- //UNICODE & ANSI Version
- CJXINIFile& GetINIFileClass()
- {
- static CJXINIFile g_clsINIFile;
- return g_clsINIFile;
- }
- DWORD JXGetPrivateProfileStringW(
- LPCWSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPCWSTR lpKeyName, // key name
- LPCWSTR lpDefault, // default string
- LPWSTR lpReturnedString, // destination buffer
- DWORD nSize, // size of destination buffer
- LPCWSTR lpFileName // initialization file name
- )
- {
- return GetINIFileClass().GetPrivateProfileStringExW(
- lpAppName, // section name
- lpKeyName, // key name
- lpDefault, // default string
- lpReturnedString, // destination buffer
- nSize, // size of destination buffer
- lpFileName // initialization file name
- );
- }
- BOOL JXWritePrivateProfileStringW(
- LPCWSTR lpAppName, // section namen
- LPCWSTR lpKeyName, // key name
- LPCWSTR lpString, // string to add
- LPCWSTR lpFileName // initialization file
- )
- {
- return GetINIFileClass().WritePrivateProfileStringExW(
- lpAppName, // section namen
- lpKeyName, // key name
- lpString, // string to add
- lpFileName // initialization file
- );
- }
- DWORD JXGetPrivateProfileStringA(
- LPCSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPCSTR lpKeyName, // key name
- LPCSTR lpDefault, // default string
- LPSTR lpReturnedString, // destination buffer
- DWORD nSize, // size of destination buffer
- LPCSTR lpFileName // initialization file name
- )
- {
- return GetINIFileClass().GetPrivateProfileStringExA(
- lpAppName, // section name
- lpKeyName, // key name
- lpDefault, // default string
- lpReturnedString, // destination buffer
- nSize, // size of destination buffer
- lpFileName // initialization file name
- );
- }
- //Warning: Using namespace for WinAPI have the same name
- BOOL JXWritePrivateProfileStringA(
- LPCSTR lpAppName, // section namen
- LPCSTR lpKeyName, // key name
- LPCSTR lpString, // string to add
- LPCSTR lpFileName // initialization file
- )
- {
- return GetINIFileClass().WritePrivateProfileStringExA(
- lpAppName, // section namen
- lpKeyName, // key name
- lpString, // string to add
- lpFileName // initialization file
- );
- }
- DWORD ControlINI(DWORD dwControl)
- {
- #define INI_SET_DIRTY_MAP 0
- #define INI_SET_LOCK_MAP 1
- #define INI_SET_UNLOCK_MAP 2
- #define INI_UPDATE_MAP 3
- switch(dwControl)
- {
- GetINIFileClass().m_bSectionMapDirty = TRUE;
- break;
- GetINIFileClass().m_bSectionMapLock = TRUE;
- break;
- GetINIFileClass().m_bSectionMapLock = FALSE;
- break;
- #ifdef _UNICODE
- GetINIFileClass().UpdateMapW();
- #else
- GetINIFileClass().UpdateMapA();
- #endif
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- //Flush Memory Data To Disk File and Close File Handle
- BOOL JXUnloadPrivateProfile()
- {
- return GetINIFileClass().UnloadIniFile();
- }
- BOOL JXRenameSectionExW(
- LPCWSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPCWSTR lpNewName, // new section name
- LPCWSTR lpFileName // initialization file name
- )
- {
- return GetINIFileClass().RenameSectionExW(
- lpAppName, // section name
- lpNewName, // new section name
- lpFileName // initialization file name
- );
- }
- BOOL JXCopySectionExW(
- LPCWSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPCWSTR lpNewName, // new section name
- LPCWSTR lpFileName // initialization file name
- )
- {
- return GetINIFileClass().CopySectionExW(
- lpAppName, // section name
- lpNewName, // new section name
- lpFileName // initialization file name
- );
- }
- BOOL CJXINIFile::RenameSectionExW(
- LPCWSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPCWSTR lpNewName, // new section name
- LPCWSTR lpFileName // initialization file name
- )
- {
- BOOL bRet = LoadIniFile(lpFileName, 2); //Unicode Text
- if(!bRet)
- {
- AfxMessageBox(_T("CJXINIFile::RenameSectionExW - LoadIniFile Err"));
- return FALSE;
- }
- //If Section Locked And Section Dirty ASSERT(FALSE);
- ASSERT(!(m_bSectionMapLock && m_bSectionMapDirty));
- if(m_bSectionMapDirty) this->UpdateMapW();
- LPWSTR pHead = (LPWSTR)m_pTrueData;
- CString strKey, strNewKey;
- LPWSTR lpPos;
- #ifdef _UNICODE
- strKey = lpAppName;
- strNewKey = lpNewName;
- #else
- DWORD dwRetSize;
- LPSTR pTemp = _W2A((LPWSTR)lpAppName, -1, dwRetSize);
- ::strncpy(strKey.GetBuffer(dwRetSize), pTemp, dwRetSize);
- strKey.ReleaseBuffer(dwRetSize);
- pTemp = _W2A((LPWSTR)lpNewName, -1, dwRetSize);
- ::strncpy(strNewKey.GetBuffer(dwRetSize), pTemp, dwRetSize);
- strNewKey.ReleaseBuffer(dwRetSize);
- #endif
- //No Such Section Exists
- LPVOID lpVoid;
- if(!m_mapSection.Lookup(strKey, lpVoid))
- {
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- AfxMessageBox(_T("CJXINIFile::RenameSectionExW - lpAppName Not Found") + strKey);
- #endif
- return FALSE;
- }
- m_mapSection.RemoveKey(strKey);
- lpPos = (LPWSTR)lpVoid;
- LPWSTR lpSection = (LPWSTR)lpPos;
- int oldLen = ::wcslen(lpAppName);
- int newLen = ::wcslen(lpNewName);
- m_mapSection.SetAt(strNewKey, (LPVOID)lpSection);
- if(newLen == oldLen)
- {
- ::wcscspn((LPWSTR)(lpSection+1), (LPCWSTR)lpNewName); //[
- return TRUE;
- }
- //Hard Time Now
- if(newLen < oldLen)
- {
- int memLen = m_dwUseSize - (lpSection - pHead + oldLen + 2)*sizeof(WCHAR);
- //C++ Run-time Lib handle overlapped mem
- LPWSTR buffer = new WCHAR[newLen+2];
- ::swprintf(buffer, L"[%s]", lpNewName);
- memmove(lpSection+2+newLen, lpSection+2+oldLen, memLen);
- ::wcsncpy(lpSection, buffer, newLen+2);
- m_dwUseSize -= sizeof(WCHAR)*(oldLen-newLen);
- }
- else
- {
- int memLen = m_dwUseSize - (lpSection - pHead + oldLen + 2)*sizeof(WCHAR);
- //C++ Run-time Lib handle overlapped mem
- LPWSTR buffer = new WCHAR[newLen+2];
- ::swprintf(buffer, L"[%s]", lpNewName);
- memmove(lpSection+2+newLen, lpSection+2+oldLen, memLen);
- ::wcsncpy(lpSection, buffer, newLen+2);
- m_dwUseSize += sizeof(WCHAR)*(newLen-oldLen);
- }
- //Adjust Section Map if Applicable
- if(m_bSectionMapLock)
- {
- m_bSectionMapDirty = TRUE;
- }
- else //update section map
- {
- POSITION pos = m_mapSection.GetStartPosition();
- while(pos)
- {
- CString strKey;
- LPVOID lpPos;
- m_mapSection.GetNextAssoc(pos, strKey, lpPos);
- //adjust Section Map
- if((LPWSTR)lpPos - lpSection > 0)
- {
- LPWSTR pTemp = (LPWSTR)lpPos;
- pTemp += newLen-oldLen;
- lpPos = (LPVOID)pTemp;
- m_mapSection.SetAt(strKey, lpPos);
- }
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL CJXINIFile::CopySectionExW(
- LPCWSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPCWSTR lpNewName, // new section name
- LPCWSTR lpFileName // initialization file name
- )
- {
- BOOL bRet = LoadIniFile(lpFileName, 2); //Unicode Text
- if(!bRet)
- {
- AfxMessageBox(_T("CJXINIFile::CopySectionExW - LoadIniFile Err"));
- return FALSE;
- }
- if(m_bSectionMapLock)
- {
- AfxMessageBox(_T("CJXINIFile::CopySectionExW - Map Locked Err"));
- return FALSE;
- }
- if(m_bSectionMapDirty) this->UpdateMapW();
- m_bSectionMapLock = FALSE;
- LPWSTR lpHead = (LPWSTR)m_pTrueData;
- CString strKey, strNewKey;
- LPWSTR lpPos;
- #ifdef _UNICODE
- strKey = lpAppName;
- strNewKey = lpNewName;
- #else
- DWORD dwRetSize;
- LPSTR pTemp = _W2A((LPWSTR)lpAppName, -1, dwRetSize);
- ::strncpy(strKey.GetBuffer(dwRetSize), pTemp, dwRetSize);
- strKey.ReleaseBuffer(dwRetSize);
- pTemp = _W2A((LPWSTR)lpNewName, -1, dwRetSize);
- ::strncpy(strNewKey.GetBuffer(dwRetSize), pTemp, dwRetSize);
- strNewKey.ReleaseBuffer(dwRetSize);
- #endif
- //No Such Section Exists
- LPVOID lpVoid;
- if(!m_mapSection.Lookup(strKey, lpVoid))
- {
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- AfxMessageBox(_T("CJXINIFile::CopySectionExW - lpAppName Not Found") + strKey);
- #endif
- return FALSE;
- }
- lpPos = (LPWSTR)lpVoid;
- LPWSTR lpSection = (LPWSTR)lpPos;
- //The lpNewName -- New Section Name Should not Exist
- if(m_mapSection.Lookup(strNewKey, lpVoid))
- {
- AfxMessageBox(_T("CJXINIFile::CopySectionExW - lpNewName Exist"));
- return FALSE;
- }
- UINT secBodySize = GetSectionSizeExW(lpAppName, lpFileName);
- secBodySize -= 2 + ::wcslen(lpAppName);
- if((int)(m_dwUseSize - m_dwSize +
- (secBodySize+::wcslen(lpNewName))*sizeof(WCHAR)) > JXFlushIncrement - 5*JXPage)
- {
- //::MessageBoxW(NULL, lpAppName, lpNewName, MB_OK);
- //if the Section Reproduction Need Too Much Space
- //Flush Back to HardDisk First. Then Append It
- LPVOID lpMem = ::VirtualAlloc(NULL, (secBodySize+::wcslen(lpNewName))*sizeof(WCHAR),
- if(!lpMem)
- {
- ::MessageBox(NULL, _T("CopySection"), _T("VirtualAlloc Err"), MB_OK);
- return FALSE;
- }
- ::memcpy(lpMem, lpSection + 2 + ::wcslen(lpAppName), secBodySize*sizeof(WCHAR));
- UnloadIniFile();
- m_bSectionMapDirty = TRUE;
- //Write To Disk
- HANDLE hFile = ::CreateFileW(lpFileName, GENERIC_WRITE,
- {
- ::MessageBox(NULL, _T("CopySectionExW"), _T("CreateFileW Err"), MB_OK);
- return FALSE;
- }
- LONG l = 0;
- ::SetFilePointer(hFile, 0, &l, FILE_END);
- LPWSTR buffer = new WCHAR[2 + ::wcslen(lpNewName)];
- ::swprintf(buffer, L"[%s]", lpNewName);
- DWORD dwRet;
- ::WriteFile(hFile, buffer, sizeof(WCHAR)*(2 + ::wcslen(lpNewName)), &dwRet, NULL);
- ::WriteFile(hFile, lpMem, sizeof(WCHAR)*secBodySize, &dwRet, NULL);
- ::CloseHandle(hFile);
- return TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- LPWSTR lpNewSec = lpHead + m_dwUseSize/sizeof(WCHAR);
- if(!m_bSectionMapLock)
- {
- m_mapSection.SetAt(strNewKey, (LPVOID)lpNewSec);
- }
- else
- m_bSectionMapDirty = TRUE;
- ::swprintf(lpNewSec, L"[%s]", lpNewName);
- lpNewSec += 2 + ::wcslen(lpNewName);
- ::memcpy(lpNewSec, lpSection + 2 + ::wcslen(lpAppName), sizeof(WCHAR)*secBodySize);
- m_dwUseSize += (secBodySize + ::wcslen(lpNewName) + 2)*sizeof(WCHAR);
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- //in WCHARs, return 0 when err, Section Map Version
- UINT CJXINIFile::GetSectionSizeExW(
- LPCWSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPCWSTR lpFileName) // initialization file name
- {
- BOOL bRet = LoadIniFile(lpFileName, 2); //Unicode Text
- if(!bRet) return FALSE;
- CString strKey;
- #ifdef _UNICODE
- strKey = lpAppName;
- #else
- DWORD dwRetSize;
- LPSTR pTemp = _W2A((LPWSTR)lpAppName, -1, dwRetSize);
- ::strncpy(strKey.GetBuffer(dwRetSize), pTemp, dwRetSize);
- strKey.ReleaseBuffer(dwRetSize);
- #endif
- LPWSTR pHead = (LPWSTR)m_pTrueData;
- //if No Such Section Exists
- LPVOID lpVoid;
- if(!m_mapSection.Lookup(strKey, lpVoid)) return 0;
- LPWSTR lpPos = (LPWSTR)lpVoid;
- LPWSTR lpSection = (LPWSTR)lpPos;
- LPWSTR lpNextSec = NULL;
- int distance = -1;
- POSITION pos = m_mapSection.GetStartPosition();
- while(pos)
- {
- CString strKey2;
- LPWSTR lpPos2;
- m_mapSection.GetNextAssoc(pos, strKey2, lpVoid);
- lpPos2 = (LPWSTR)lpVoid;
- if(lpPos2 - lpPos > 0)
- {
- if(distance == -1)
- {
- distance = lpPos2 - lpPos;
- lpNextSec = lpPos2;
- }
- else
- {
- if(lpPos2 - lpPos < distance)
- {
- distance = lpPos2 - lpPos;
- lpNextSec = lpPos2;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(lpNextSec == NULL)
- {
- ASSERT(distance == -1);
- //This is the Last Section
- return m_dwUseSize/sizeof(WCHAR) - (lpPos-pHead);
- }
- else
- {
- return lpNextSec - lpPos;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- ////in WCHARs, return 0 when err,
- UINT CJXINIFile::GetSectionSizeW(
- LPCWSTR lpAppName, // section name
- LPCWSTR lpFileName) // initialization file name
- {
- return 0;
- }