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Visual C++
- /*
- Module : ThrdPool.cpp
- Purpose: implementation for an MFC wrapper class for thread pools
- Created: PJN / 15-04-2001
- History: PJN / 21-07-2001 1. Made destructors of the two classes virtual as both can be used as base classes
- PJN / 25-07-2001 1. Code now uses a Win9x compatible IO completion port if we fail to use the build
- in OS one. This IOCP is implemented in the class "CIOCP9x" in IOCP9x.h/cpp.
- PJN / 07-08-2001 1. Added a WaitForThreadsInitInstance. This allows code in the main thread to synchronise
- with the all the InitInstance calls in the thread pool
- PJN / 23-08-2001 1. Removed unnecessary "#pragma message"
- PJN / 15-04-2002 1. Class now uses new "CDirectedIOCPRequest" class instead of an SDK IOCP or dummy one
- for Win9x. This allows the thread pool to now support recycling of threads after a
- specified interval in the thread pool.
- 2. Tidied up the exposed API to not reflect the exact attributes of IO completion
- ports and instead be more object oriented.
- 3. Change some of the class API parameters to provide for more flexibility
- PJN / 29-04-2002 1. Fixed a bug in the CDirectedIOCP class which was causing multiple threads in the thread
- pool to be released into the depths of the CDirectedIOCP::GetRequest code.
- 2. Fixed a bug which was causing m_Threads array to be accessed from multiple threads
- when thread recycling was enabled.
- PJN / 16-05-2002 1. Now provides an option to have a Q size different than the thread pool size.
- 2. Also provides a method to post to the IOCP without first checking the limit
- PJN / 18-08-2002 1. Renamed CDirectedIOCP to CDirectedThreadPoolQueue
- 2. Renamed CDirectedIOCPRequest to CThreadPoolRequest
- 3. Now user can decide which queing mechanism to use thro the Start method. 2 pre built
- classes are provided, namely CDirectedThreadPoolQueue and CIOCPThreadPoolQueue
- 4. Provision of virtual GetNonDirectedRequestIndexToRemove and GetDirectedRequestIndexToRemove
- methods in the CDirectedThreadPoolQueue class. This allows derived classes to implement
- their own schemes as to which requests to prioritize on the thread pool queue
- PJN / 20-08-2002 1. Provided virtual destructors for all the classes which constitute the Thread pool framework
- 2. Removed forward reference of the now defunct class CDirectedIOCP
- 3. Removed unreferenced parameters level 4 warnings in the CThreadPool class declaration
- 4. Fixed usage of 2 int variables in CDirectedThreadPoolQueue::GetNonDirectedRequestIndexToRemove
- and GetDirectedRequestIndexToRemove which were incorrectly declared as BOOL's. Thanks to
- Serhiy Pavlov for these updates.
- PJN / 04-10-2002 1. CThreadPoolClient::Run now has a return value to decide whether or not the worker thread
- should continue to service requests upon return from handling the current request
- PJN / 08-10-2002 1. Shutting down of the thread pool now uses directed requests instead of undirected requests.
- This should improve the speed of shutdown of the thread pool when it contains a lot of requests
- on the queue.
- 2. Defined enums for m_dwID member of the CThreadPoolRequest class
- PJN / 12-10-2002 1. Removed and replaced the PostRequestWithoutLimitCheck method with the standard PostRequest
- method. This avoids the problem with TRACE messages appearing along the lines
- "CDirectedThreadPoolQueue::GetRequest, Failed to release a semaphore". Thanks to Frank Schmidt
- for reporting this problem.
- 2. Fixed a minor flow in "CDirectedThreadPoolQueue::Create()" where I forgot to call Close()
- when the creation of "m_hGetRequestSemaphore" fails. Again thanks to Frank Schmidt for spotting
- this.
- PJN / 14-10-2002 1. Reintroduced the function CThreadPoolQueue::PostRequestWithoutLimitCheck as some users of
- the thread pool class had legit reasons to use this function.
- 2. Changed a VERIFY call into an ASSERT in CThreadPoolServer::RecycleThread
- PJN / 17-10-2002 1. Fixed a problem where CThreadPoolServer::Stop() would hang if an I/O completion port based
- thread pool is being used. Thanks to Frank Schmidt for spotting this problem.
- 2. Made the thread pool class Win95 compliant by dynamically linking to the waitable timer
- API's. Even though the code did gracefully degrade if the waitable timer functions failed, the
- fact that they did not use GetProcAddress to link to the functions meant that any app / dll
- which included the thread pool class would fail to load on Win95. Thanks to Frank Schmidt
- for this update.
- PJN / 07-11-2002 1. Minor update to the thread pool class to provide a virtual function which gets call when
- the m_bRequestToStop is being set.
- PJN / 13-01-2004 1. Made the m_bRequestToStop member variable "volatile" as it can be modified from
- multiple threads while possible been read in a loop in another thread. Thanks to Dan Baker
- for reporting this issue.
- PJN / 25-10-2004 1. Updated to compile cleanly when Detect 64 bit issues and Force conformance in for loop
- options are enabled in Visual Studio .Net
- Copyright (c) 2002 - 2005 by PJ Naughter. (Web:, Email:
- All rights reserved.
- Copyright / Usage Details:
- You are allowed to include the source code in any product (commercial, shareware, freeware or otherwise)
- when your product is released in binary form. You are allowed to modify the source code in any way you want
- except you cannot modify the copyright details at the top of each module. If you want to distribute source
- code with your application, then you are only allowed to distribute versions released by the author. This is
- to maintain a single distribution point for the source code.
- */
- //////////////////// Includes /////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "ThrdPool.h"
- /////////////////// Macros / Defines //////////////////////////////////////////
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #endif
- /////////////////// Implementation ////////////////////////////////////////////
- CThreadPoolRequest::CThreadPoolRequest()
- {
- m_bDirectedRequest = FALSE;
- m_nDirectedRequestIndex = -1;
- m_pData = NULL;
- }
- CThreadPoolRequest::~CThreadPoolRequest()
- {
- }
- CThreadPoolRequest::CThreadPoolRequest(const CThreadPoolRequest& request)
- {
- *this = request;
- }
- CThreadPoolRequest& CThreadPoolRequest::operator=(const CThreadPoolRequest& request)
- {
- m_bDirectedRequest = request.m_bDirectedRequest;
- m_nDirectedRequestIndex = request.m_nDirectedRequestIndex;
- m_dwID = request.m_dwID;
- m_pData = request.m_pData;
- return *this;
- }
- IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CThreadPoolClient, CObject)
- CThreadPoolClient::CThreadPoolClient()
- {
- //Initialize the member variables to sensible default value
- m_pWorkerThread = NULL;
- m_pPoolServer = NULL;
- m_bInitOK = FALSE;
- InterlockedExchange((LPLONG) &m_bRequestToStop, FALSE);
- m_nStartupThreadPriority = THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL;
- m_nStackSize = 0;
- m_nThreadIndex = -1;
- }
- CThreadPoolClient::~CThreadPoolClient()
- {
- ASSERT(m_pWorkerThread == NULL); //Thread should be destroy by now
- }
- BOOL CThreadPoolClient::InitInstance()
- {
- return TRUE; //Default behaviour is to allow "Run" to be called
- }
- int CThreadPoolClient::ExitInstance()
- {
- return 1; //By default, return 1 as the thread exit code
- }
- BOOL CThreadPoolClient::Run(const CThreadPoolRequest& /*request*/)
- {
- ASSERT(FALSE); //You need to override CThreadPoolClient::Run in your derived class
- return FALSE;
- }
- void CThreadPoolClient::SetRequestToStop()
- {
- InterlockedExchange((LPLONG) &m_bRequestToStop, TRUE);
- }
- UINT CThreadPoolClient::_Run(LPVOID pParam)
- {
- //Validate our parameters
- ASSERT(pParam);
- //Get back the "this" pointer
- CThreadPoolClient* pClient = (CThreadPoolClient*) pParam;
- ASSERT(pClient);
- ASSERT(pClient->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CThreadPoolClient)));
- ASSERT(pClient->m_pPoolServer);
- CThreadPoolQueue* pQueue = pClient->m_pPoolServer->GetQueue();
- ASSERT(pQueue);
- //Call InitInstance to allow thread pool initialization customisation,
- //also store its return value in m_bInitOK
- InterlockedExchange((LPLONG) &pClient->m_bInitOK, pClient->InitInstance());
- //Signal the event to let the server know that we have completed InitInstance
- pClient->m_evtInitCompleted.SetEvent();
- //Should we continue
- if (pClient->m_bInitOK)
- {
- //Get the queued packet posted to us from the manager class
- CThreadPoolRequest request;
- while (pQueue->GetRequest(request, pClient->m_nThreadIndex))
- {
- if (request.m_dwID == THREADPOOL_SHUTDOWN_REQUEST) //Should we break out of the loop
- break;
- else
- if (!pClient->Run(request)) //Allow the virtual function to handle the client request
- break;
- }
- }
- //Let the ExitInstance method decide the return code from the thread
- return pClient->ExitInstance();
- }
- IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CThreadPoolQueue, CObject);
- CThreadPoolQueue::CThreadPoolQueue()
- {
- }
- CThreadPoolQueue::~CThreadPoolQueue()
- {
- }
- CThreadPoolServer::CThreadPoolServer()
- {
- //Initialize the member variables to sensible default value
- m_bMaxLifetime = FALSE;
- m_dwMaxLifetime = 0;
- m_pLifetimeMonitorThread = NULL;
- m_nLifetimeThreadIndex = 0;
- m_pQueue = NULL;
- //Dynamically pull in the Waitable timer API
- HMODULE hKernel32 = GetModuleHandle(_T("kernel32.dll"));
- if (hKernel32)
- {
- #ifdef UNICODE
- m_lpfnCreateWaitableTimer = (lpfnCreateWaitableTimer)GetProcAddress(hKernel32, "CreateWaitableTimerW");
- #else
- m_lpfnCreateWaitableTimer = (lpfnCreateWaitableTimer)GetProcAddress(hKernel32, "CreateWaitableTimerA");
- #endif
- m_lpfnSetWaitableTimer = (lpfnSetWaitableTimer)GetProcAddress(hKernel32, "SetWaitableTimer");
- }
- else
- {
- m_lpfnCreateWaitableTimer = NULL;
- m_lpfnSetWaitableTimer = NULL;
- }
- }
- CThreadPoolServer::~CThreadPoolServer()
- {
- Stop();
- }
- BOOL CThreadPoolServer::Start(CRuntimeClass* pRuntimeClient, CRuntimeClass* pRuntimeQueue, int nPoolSize, int nQueueSize, BOOL bSuspended, int nPriority, UINT nStackSize)
- {
- //Validate our parameters
- ASSERT(pRuntimeClient);
- ASSERT(pRuntimeClient->IsDerivedFrom(RUNTIME_CLASS(CThreadPoolClient))); //Your class needs to be derived from CThreadPoolClient
- ASSERT(nPoolSize); //You must have at least 1 thread in the pool
- ASSERT(pRuntimeQueue);
- ASSERT(pRuntimeQueue->IsDerivedFrom(RUNTIME_CLASS(CThreadPoolQueue)));
- //Stop if currently started
- Stop();
- //Try to create the queue
- ASSERT(m_pQueue == NULL);
- m_pQueue = (CThreadPoolQueue*) pRuntimeQueue->CreateObject();
- if (m_pQueue == NULL)
- {
- TRACE(_T("CThreadPoolServer::Start, Failed to create the queuen"));
- return FALSE;
- }
- //Serialize access to the threads array
- CSingleLock sl(&m_csThreads, TRUE);
- ASSERT(m_Threads.GetSize() == 0); //Should be empty by now
- //Create the thread pool queue
- if (!m_pQueue->Create(nQueueSize))
- {
- TRACE(_T("CThreadPoolServer::Start, Failed to create the queue, Error:%dn"), ::GetLastError());
- return FALSE;
- }
- //Assume the best
- BOOL bSuccess = TRUE;
- //Setup the worker threads in the thread pool
- m_Threads.SetSize(0, nPoolSize);
- for (int i=0; i<nPoolSize && bSuccess; i++)
- {
- //Create the thread pool client object
- CThreadPoolClient* pClient = (CThreadPoolClient*) pRuntimeClient->CreateObject();
- if (pClient == NULL)
- {
- TRACE(_T("CThreadPoolServer::Start, Failed to create client thread pool object for thread pool at index %dn"), i);
- bSuccess = FALSE;
- }
- if (pClient)
- {
- //Setup its member variables
- pClient->m_pPoolServer = this;
- pClient->m_nStartupThreadPriority = nPriority;
- pClient->m_nStackSize = nStackSize;
- pClient->m_nThreadIndex = i;
- //Spin of a worker thread for it (initially suspened so that we can setup it correctly!)
- pClient->m_pWorkerThread = AfxBeginThread(CThreadPoolClient::_Run, pClient, nPriority, nStackSize, CREATE_SUSPENDED);
- if (pClient->m_pWorkerThread == NULL)
- {
- TRACE(_T("CThreadPoolServer::Start, Failed to create worker thread for thread pool at index %dn"), i);
- delete pClient;
- bSuccess = FALSE;
- }
- else
- {
- pClient->m_pWorkerThread->m_bAutoDelete = FALSE; //We are in charge of closing the thread
- //Add it to the thread pool
- m_Threads.SetAtGrow(i, pClient);
- }
- }
- }
- //Tidy up if anything failed
- if (!bSuccess)
- Stop();
- else
- {
- //Now that everything is setup we can resume the threads in the thread pool (if need be)
- if (!bSuspended)
- {
- for (int i=0; i<m_Threads.GetSize(); i++)
- {
- CThreadPoolClient* pClient = m_Threads.GetAt(i);
- ASSERT(pClient);
- pClient->m_pWorkerThread->ResumeThread();
- }
- }
- }
- return bSuccess;
- }
- void CThreadPoolServer::Stop()
- {
- //Serialize access to the threads array
- CSingleLock sl(&m_csThreads, TRUE);
- int nThreads = (int) m_Threads.GetSize();
- if (nThreads)
- {
- //Set the m_bRequestToStop in each thread to ask them to exit if they are
- //currently processing a request in CThreadPoolClient::Run
- int i;
- for (i=0; i<nThreads; i++)
- {
- CThreadPoolClient* pClient = m_Threads.GetAt(i);
- pClient->SetRequestToStop();
- }
- //Now post enough requests to get each thread in the thread pool to stop via
- //a "special" request with an ID of THREADPOOL_SHUTDOWN_REQUEST
- for (i=0; i<nThreads; i++)
- {
- CThreadPoolRequest killRequest;
- //Only use directed requests to shut down the thread pool if the pool supports
- //directed requests
- if (m_pQueue->SupportsDirectedRequests())
- {
- killRequest.m_bDirectedRequest = TRUE;
- killRequest.m_nDirectedRequestIndex = i;
- }
- ASSERT(m_pQueue);
- m_pQueue->PostRequest(killRequest);
- }
- //Wait for all the threads to exit in the thread pool
- BOOL bMoreThreads = TRUE;
- int nCurrentThreadIndex = 0;
- while (bMoreThreads)
- {
- //Wait for as many threads at once as possible
- int nCurrentThreadsToStop = min(MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS, nThreads - nCurrentThreadIndex);
- //Setup the array of threads to wait on to exit
- for (int j=0; j<nCurrentThreadsToStop; j++)
- {
- CThreadPoolClient* pClient = m_Threads.GetAt(j + nCurrentThreadIndex);
- ASSERT(pClient);
- ASSERT(pClient->m_pWorkerThread);
- hThreads[j] = pClient->m_pWorkerThread->m_hThread;
- }
- //Wait for the threads to exit
- WaitForMultipleObjects(nCurrentThreadsToStop, hThreads, TRUE, INFINITE);
- //Get ready for the next time around
- nCurrentThreadIndex += nCurrentThreadsToStop;
- bMoreThreads = (nCurrentThreadIndex < nThreads);
- }
- //Now free up all the memory associated with each thread
- for (i=0; i<nThreads; i++)
- {
- CThreadPoolClient* pClient = m_Threads.GetAt(i);
- ASSERT(pClient);
- delete pClient->m_pWorkerThread;
- pClient->m_pWorkerThread = NULL;
- delete pClient;
- }
- m_Threads.RemoveAll();
- //Close our queue object
- delete m_pQueue;
- m_pQueue = NULL;
- }
- //Bring down the monitoring thread if any
- SetMaxThreadClientLifetime(FALSE, 0);
- }
- CThreadPoolClient* CThreadPoolServer::GetAtClient(int nIndex)
- {
- return m_Threads.GetAt(nIndex);
- }
- BOOL CThreadPoolServer::WaitForThreadsInitInstance()
- {
- //Assume the worst
- BOOL bInitOK = TRUE;
- int nThreads = (int) m_Threads.GetSize();
- if (nThreads)
- {
- BOOL bMoreThreads = TRUE;
- int nCurrentThreadIndex = 0;
- while (bMoreThreads)
- {
- //Wait for as many threads at once as possible
- int nEventsToWaitOn = min(MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS, nThreads - nCurrentThreadIndex);
- //Setup the array of threads to wait on to exit
- int j;
- for (j=0; j<nEventsToWaitOn; j++)
- {
- CThreadPoolClient* pClient = m_Threads.GetAt(j + nCurrentThreadIndex);
- ASSERT(pClient);
- hEvents[j] = pClient->m_evtInitCompleted;
- }
- //Wait for the threads to to complete their InitInstance code
- WaitForMultipleObjects(nEventsToWaitOn, hEvents, TRUE, INFINITE);
- //Update the Init completed which is the logical "And" of all the InitInstances
- for (j=0; j<nEventsToWaitOn && bInitOK; j++)
- {
- CThreadPoolClient* pClient = m_Threads.GetAt(j + nCurrentThreadIndex);
- ASSERT(pClient);
- bInitOK &= pClient->m_bInitOK;
- }
- //Get ready for the next time around
- nCurrentThreadIndex += nEventsToWaitOn;
- bMoreThreads = (nCurrentThreadIndex < nThreads);
- }
- }
- else
- bInitOK = FALSE;
- return bInitOK;
- }
- BOOL CThreadPoolServer::SetMaxThreadClientLifetime(BOOL bEnableThreadLifetime, DWORD dwMinutes)
- {
- //Kill the monitoring thread if currently active
- if (m_pLifetimeMonitorThread)
- {
- m_evtRequestLifetimeThread.SetEvent();
- WaitForSingleObject(m_pLifetimeMonitorThread->m_hThread, INFINITE);
- delete m_pLifetimeMonitorThread;
- m_pLifetimeMonitorThread = NULL;
- }
- //Hive away the member variables
- m_bMaxLifetime = bEnableThreadLifetime;
- m_dwMaxLifetime = dwMinutes;
- //Recreate the monitoring thread if required
- if (m_bMaxLifetime)
- {
- if (!m_pQueue->SupportsDirectedRequests())
- {
- TRACE(_T("Recyclying of threads in the thread pool is not supported because the Queue does not support directed requestsn"));
- return FALSE;
- }
- ASSERT(m_pLifetimeMonitorThread == NULL);
- m_pLifetimeMonitorThread = AfxBeginThread(CThreadPoolServer::_Monitor, this, THREAD_PRIORITY_IDLE, 0, CREATE_SUSPENDED);
- if (m_pLifetimeMonitorThread == NULL)
- {
- TRACE(_T("CThreadPoolServer::SetMaxThreadClientLifetime, Failed to create worker thread for monitoring thread in thread pooln"));
- m_bMaxLifetime = FALSE;
- m_dwMaxLifetime = 0;
- return FALSE;
- }
- else
- {
- m_pLifetimeMonitorThread->m_bAutoDelete = FALSE; //We are in charge of closing the thread
- m_pLifetimeMonitorThread->ResumeThread();
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- UINT CThreadPoolServer::_Monitor(LPVOID pParam)
- {
- //Validate our parameters
- ASSERT(pParam);
- //Convert from the SDK world to the C++ world
- CThreadPoolServer* pServer = (CThreadPoolServer*) pParam;
- ASSERT(pServer);
- return pServer->Monitor();
- }
- UINT CThreadPoolServer::Monitor()
- {
- //Work out the time interval (in ms) at which threads in the thread pool need to be recycled
- CSingleLock sl(&m_csThreads, TRUE);
- DWORD dwWaitInterval = m_dwMaxLifetime * 60000 / m_Threads.GetSize();
- sl.Unlock();
- //Try to use a waitable timer in preference to a Sleep busy loop
- HANDLE hTimer = NULL;
- if (m_lpfnCreateWaitableTimer && m_lpfnSetWaitableTimer)
- hTimer = m_lpfnCreateWaitableTimer(NULL, FALSE, NULL);
- __int64 nFileTimes = ((__int64)-10000) * ((__int64)dwWaitInterval);
- li.LowPart = (DWORD) (nFileTimes & 0xFFFFFFFF);
- li.HighPart = (LONG) (nFileTimes >> 32);
- if (hTimer && m_lpfnSetWaitableTimer(hTimer, &li,dwWaitInterval, NULL, NULL, TRUE))
- {
- //Set up the handle array to wait on
- HANDLE HandlesToWaitOn[2];
- HandlesToWaitOn[0] = hTimer;
- HandlesToWaitOn[1] = m_evtRequestLifetimeThread;
- //Enter into the tight loop
- BOOL bWantStop = FALSE;
- while (!bWantStop)
- {
- //wait for either of the handles to become signalled
- DWORD dwWait = WaitForMultipleObjects(2, HandlesToWaitOn, FALSE, INFINITE);
- int nSignaledHandle = dwWait - WAIT_OBJECT_0;
- if (nSignaledHandle == 1) //It was the stop request
- bWantStop = TRUE;
- else if (nSignaledHandle == 0) //It was the waitable timer
- RecycleThread();
- }
- //Free up the waitable timer now that we are finished with it
- CloseHandle(hTimer);
- }
- else
- {
- TRACE(_T("CThreadPoolServer::Monitor, Waitable timer could not be created and set, falling back to using a sleep busy loopn"));
- //Must use a sleep busy loop since waitable timers are not available
- DWORD dwStartTick = GetTickCount();
- BOOL bWantStop = FALSE;
- while (!bWantStop)
- {
- Sleep(1000);
- //Check to see if the m_evtRequestLifetimeThread event is signaled
- DWORD dwWait = WaitForSingleObject(m_evtRequestLifetimeThread, 0);
- if (dwWait == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
- bWantStop = TRUE;
- else
- {
- //Check to see if it is time to recycle a thread
- DWORD dwNowTick = GetTickCount();
- if ((dwNowTick - dwStartTick) > dwWaitInterval)
- {
- RecycleThread();
- dwStartTick = dwNowTick;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return 0L;
- }
- BOOL CThreadPoolServer::RecycleThread()
- {
- //Serialize access to the threads array
- CSingleLock sl(&m_csThreads, TRUE);
- //Assume the best
- BOOL bSuccess = TRUE;
- CThreadPoolClient* pClient = GetAtClient(m_nLifetimeThreadIndex);
- //Get the specified thread to kill
- //Set the m_bRequestToStop to ask it to exit if they are
- //currently processing a request in CThreadPoolClient::Run
- pClient->SetRequestToStop();
- //Check to see if we need to post a directed request to the thread pool to get it to exit
- BOOL bAlreadyExited = (WaitForSingleObject(pClient->m_pWorkerThread->m_hThread, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0);
- if (!bAlreadyExited)
- {
- //Also post a directed request to the thread pool directly
- TRACE(_T("CThreadPoolServer::RecycleThread, Killing thread at index %dn"), m_nLifetimeThreadIndex);
- CThreadPoolRequest killRequest;
- killRequest.m_bDirectedRequest = TRUE;
- killRequest.m_nDirectedRequestIndex = m_nLifetimeThreadIndex;
- ASSERT(m_pQueue);
- BOOL bPostedOK = m_pQueue->PostRequest(killRequest);
- ASSERT(bPostedOK); //If this call fails then you may be using a CThreadPoolQueue derived
- //class which does not support directed requests, e.g. CIOCPThreadPoolQueue
- }
- //Wait for the thread to exit
- WaitForSingleObject(pClient->m_pWorkerThread->m_hThread, INFINITE);
- delete pClient->m_pWorkerThread;
- //Now recreate the thread
- //Spin of a worker thread for it (initially suspened so that we can setup it correctly!)
- pClient->m_pWorkerThread = AfxBeginThread(CThreadPoolClient::_Run, pClient, pClient->m_nStartupThreadPriority, pClient->m_nStackSize, CREATE_SUSPENDED);
- if (pClient->m_pWorkerThread == NULL)
- {
- TRACE(_T("CThreadPoolServer::RecycleThread, Failed to create worker thread for thread pool at index %dn"), m_nLifetimeThreadIndex);
- bSuccess = FALSE;
- }
- else
- {
- pClient->m_pWorkerThread->m_bAutoDelete = FALSE; //We are in charge of closing the thread
- pClient->m_pWorkerThread->ResumeThread(); //Resume the thread now that we have set it up correctly
- }
- //increment the thread index, ready for the next call into RecyleThread at a later date
- m_nLifetimeThreadIndex = (m_nLifetimeThreadIndex + 1) % ((int) m_Threads.GetSize());
- return bSuccess;
- }