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Visual C++
- /*
- Module : W3Mfc.h
- Purpose: Defines the interface for a simple MFC class encapsulation of a HTTP server
- Created: PJN / 22-04-1999
- Copyright (c) 1999 - 2005 by PJ Naughter. (Web: www.naughter.com, Email: pjna@naughter.com)
- All rights reserved.
- Copyright / Usage Details:
- You are allowed to include the source code in any product (commercial, shareware, freeware or otherwise)
- when your product is released in binary form. You are allowed to modify the source code in any way you want
- except you cannot modify the copyright details at the top of each module. If you want to distribute source
- code with your application, then you are only allowed to distribute versions released by the author. This is
- to maintain a single distribution point for the source code.
- */
- /////////////////////////////// Defines ///////////////////////////////////////
- #ifndef __W3MFC_H__
- #define __W3MFC_H__
- #ifndef W3MFC_EXT_CLASS
- #define W3MFC_EXT_CLASS
- #endif
- /////////////////////////////// Includes //////////////////////////////////////
- #include "HttpMimeManager.h"
- #include "HttpISAPI.h"
- #include "HttpISAPIManager.h"
- #endif
- #include "HttpCGI.h"
- #endif
- #include "HttpDirectory.h"
- #include "ThrdPool.h"
- #include "DirectedThreadPoolQueue.h"
- #include "IOCPThreadPoolQueue.h"
- #ifndef __SSPI_H__
- #include <sspi.h>
- #pragma message("To avoid this message please put SSPI.h in your PCH (normally stdafx.h)")
- #endif
- #endif
- #ifndef _WINSOCK2API_
- #include <winsock2.h>
- #pragma message("To avoid this message please put winsock2.h in your PCH (normally stdafx.h)")
- #endif
- /////////////////////////////// Classes ///////////////////////////////////////
- //The settings which the web server uses in the call to CHttpServer::Start
- class W3MFC_EXT_CLASS CHttpServerSettings
- {
- public:
- //Constructors / Destructors
- CHttpServerSettings();
- virtual ~CHttpServerSettings();
- //Methods
- void FreeDirectoryArray(); //Frees up the memory allocated in m_Directories
- //Member variables
- unsigned short m_nPort; //The port on which to run the web server
- CArray<CHttpDirectory*, CHttpDirectory*&> m_Directories; //Directories served up by this server
- BOOL m_bBind; //Should the server be bound to an address
- CString m_sBindAddress; //The IP address to bind to (if m_bBind is set)
- DWORD m_dwIdleClientTimeout; //Timeout in ms to wait for client requests
- CString m_sServerName; //The Web server name to return in HTTP headers
- CRuntimeClass* m_pRuntimeClientClass; //The runtime class of the client class to use, normally is CHttpClient
- CString m_sUsername; //The account to run the web server under
- CString m_sPassword; //The account's password
- int m_nThreadPoolSize; //The size of the thread pool to use
- BOOL m_bDNSLookup; //Should we do reverse DNS lookups on client addresses when connecting
- DWORD m_dwWritableTimeout; //Timeout in ms to wait for client sockets to become writable
- BOOL m_bEnableThreadLifetime; //TRUE if threads are to be recycled in the thread pool
- DWORD m_dwThreadLifetime; //The lifetime for threads (in Minutes) if recycling is enabled
- CHttpMimeManager* m_pMimeManager; //The Mime manager to use
- BOOL m_bUseIOCPQueue; //Should CIOCPThreadPoolQueue be used in preference to CDirectedThreadPoolQueue.
- //Please note that the IOCP class does not support thread recycling
- BOOL m_bKeepAlives; //Should the server observe client "ConnectionL Keep-Alive" requests
- BOOL m_bAutoExpire; //Should all reponses be marked with an immediate "Expires" header
- BOOL m_bAllowDeleteRequest; //Should the "DELETE" request be allowed
- DWORD m_dwCGIResponseBufferSize; //The size of the buffer to use when reading the data from CGI programs. Note that
- //this is important value as the code will only look for Keep Alive headers
- //in the first buffer returned. So make sure this value is bigger than any
- //of the headers which any of your CGI programs generate
- #endif
- BOOL m_bAllowAnonymous; //Should we support anonymous access
- BOOL m_bAllowBasicAuthentication; //Should we support Basic authentication
- BOOL m_bAllowNTLMAuthentication; //Should we support NTLM authentication
- BOOL m_bPerformPassthroughAuthentication; //Should the credentials sent to us by the client, result in us calling thro to the OS to login that user
- BOOL m_bCacheISAPI; //Should we cache ISAPI extensions
- CHttpISAPIManager* m_pISAPIManager; //The ISAPI Extension manager to use
- CHttpISAPI* m_pISAPI; //The actual ISAPI class to use
- #endif
- CHttpCGI* m_pCGI; //The actual CGI class to use
- #endif
- {
- SSL_NONE = 0,
- SSL_V2 = 1,
- SSL_V3 = 2,
- SSL_V2_OR_V3 = 3,
- TLS_V1 = 4
- } m_SSLProtocol; //The SSL protocol to use
- CString m_sServerCertificateFile; //The filename of the PEM file which contains the server's certificate
- CString m_sPrivateKeyFile; //The filename of the PEM file which contains the server's private
- //key, if this value is empty, then the private key is expected to
- //be stored in the Server's certificate file "m_sServerCertificateFile"
- BOOL m_bReuseSessions; //Should SSL sessions be reused
- DWORD m_dwSSLSessionTimeout; //The SSL Session timeout value in seconds. Default value is 300 seconds.
- DWORD m_dwSSLNegotiationTimeout; //The timeout in milliseconds to allow for SSL negotiation
- CString m_sSSLRandomnessFile; //The filename to initialize the SSL PRNG with.
- #endif //W3MFC_SSL_SUPPORT
- };
- //Class which handles Directed requests for the web server
- class W3MFC_EXT_CLASS CHttpDirectedThreadPoolQueue : public CDirectedThreadPoolQueue
- {
- public:
- //Constructors / Destructors
- virtual ~CHttpDirectedThreadPoolQueue();
- protected:
- DECLARE_DYNCREATE(CHttpDirectedThreadPoolQueue)
- };
- //The actual web server
- class W3MFC_EXT_CLASS CHttpServer : public CObject
- {
- public:
- //Constructors / Destructors
- CHttpServer();
- virtual ~CHttpServer();
- //Methods
- virtual BOOL Start(CHttpServerSettings* pSettings);
- virtual BOOL Stop();
- virtual BOOL Wait();
- virtual void OnError(const CString& sError);
- static BOOL ReverseDNSLookup(in_addr sin_addr, CString& sDomainName);
- virtual char* GetFileDeletedHTML(DWORD& dwSize);
- virtual void LogSSLErrors();
- #endif
- virtual void LoadHTMLResources();
- virtual char* LoadHTML(int nStatusCode, DWORD& dwSize);
- virtual void FreeHTMLResources();
- virtual BOOL LoadHTMLResource(UINT nID, char*& pszHTML, DWORD& dwSize);
- //Accessors
- CHttpServerSettings* GetSettings() const { return m_pSettings; };
- CThreadPoolServer& GetThreadPool() { return m_ThreadPool; };
- HANDLE GetImpersonationHandle() const { return m_hImpersonation; };
- CredHandle* GetCredentialHandle() { return &m_hCredHandle; };
- #endif
- protected:
- static UINT ListenSocketFunction(LPVOID pParam);
- virtual void ListenSocketFunction();
- virtual BOOL AcquireSSPI();
- virtual void ReleaseSSPI();
- #endif
- CWinThread* m_pListenThread;
- CCriticalSection m_csListenThread;
- CEvent m_ListenStartEvent;
- CEvent m_StopEvent;
- CEvent m_SocketEvent;
- BOOL m_bListenerRunningOK;
- CHttpServerSettings* m_pSettings;
- CThreadPoolServer m_ThreadPool;
- HANDLE m_hImpersonation;
- CredHandle m_hCredHandle;
- #endif
- char* m_psz302HTML;
- DWORD m_dw302HTML;
- char* m_psz400HTML;
- DWORD m_dw400HTML;
- char* m_psz401HTML;
- DWORD m_dw401HTML;
- char* m_psz404HTML;
- DWORD m_dw404HTML;
- char* m_psz500HTML;
- DWORD m_dw500HTML;
- char* m_pszDeletedHTML;
- DWORD m_dwDeletedHTML;
- private:
- CString ErrorString();
- };
- #endif //__W3MFC_H__