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Visual C++
- /*
- Module : HttpSocket.cpp
- Purpose: Implementation for a simple MFC socket wrapper class
- Created: PJN / 22-04-1999
- History: None
- Copyright (c) 1999 - 2005 by PJ Naughter. (Web:, Email:
- All rights reserved.
- Copyright / Usage Details:
- You are allowed to include the source code in any product (commercial, shareware, freeware or otherwise)
- when your product is released in binary form. You are allowed to modify the source code in any way you want
- except you cannot modify the copyright details at the top of each module. If you want to distribute source
- code with your application, then you are only allowed to distribute versions released by the author. This is
- to maintain a single distribution point for the source code.
- */
- //////////////// Includes ////////////////////////////////////////////
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "..resource.h"
- #include "HttpSocket.h"
- #include "HttpClient.h"
- #ifndef _WINSOCK2API_
- #include <winsock2.h>
- #pragma message("To avoid this message please put winsock2.h in your PCH (normally stdafx.h)")
- #endif
- //////////////// Macros //////////////////////////////////////////////
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #endif
- //////////////// Implementation //////////////////////////////////////
- BOOL CHttpSocket::SplitRequestLine(const CString& sLine, CString& sField, CString& sValue)
- {
- BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
- //Find the first ":" in the line
- int nColon = sLine.Find(_T(':'));
- if (nColon != -1)
- {
- sField = sLine.Left(nColon);
- sValue = sLine.Right(sLine.GetLength()-nColon-1);
- //Trim any leading and trailing spaces
- sField.TrimLeft();
- sField.TrimRight();
- sValue.TrimLeft();
- sValue.TrimRight();
- bSuccess = TRUE;
- }
- return bSuccess;
- }
- BOOL CHttpSocket::SplitRequestLine(LPSTR pszLine, CString& sField, CString& sValue)
- {
- return SplitRequestLine(CString(pszLine), sField, sValue);
- }
- BOOL CHttpSocket::ReadResponse(CHttpRequest& request, DWORD dwTimeout, int nGrowBy, CHttpClient& /*client*/, CWaitableTimer& timer, HANDLE hStopEvent, HANDLE hDataEvent)
- {
- //must have been created first
- //The local variables which will receive the data
- ASSERT(request.m_pRawRequest == NULL);
- request.m_pRawRequest = new BYTE[nGrowBy];
- LPSTR pszTerminator = "rnrn";
- int nContentLength = -1;
- int nBufSize = nGrowBy;
- //retrieve the reponse
- request.m_dwRawRequestSize = 0;
- DWORD dwMaxDataToReceive = (DWORD)-1;
- BOOL bJustFoundTerminator = FALSE;
- BOOL bMoreDataToRead = TRUE;
- while (bMoreDataToRead)
- {
- HANDLE hWaitHandles[3];
- hWaitHandles[0] = hDataEvent;
- hWaitHandles[1] = timer;
- hWaitHandles[2] = hStopEvent;
- //Wait for something interesting to happen
- DWORD dwWait = WaitForMultipleObjects(3, hWaitHandles, FALSE, INFINITE);
- int nSignaledHandle = dwWait - WAIT_OBJECT_0;
- //Work out what the return value from WFMO means!
- if (nSignaledHandle == 0)
- {
- //Reset the timer
- timer.SetOnceOffRelative(dwTimeout);
- //check to see if we have read all the data
- if ((dwMaxDataToReceive != (DWORD)-1) && (request.m_dwRawRequestSize >= dwMaxDataToReceive))
- {
- bMoreDataToRead = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- //receive the data from the socket
- int nBufRemaining = nBufSize - request.m_dwRawRequestSize - 1; //Allows allow one space for the NULL terminator
- if (nBufRemaining < 0)
- nBufRemaining = 0;
- int nData = 0;
- try
- {
- nData = Receive(request.m_pRawRequest + request.m_dwRawRequestSize, nBufRemaining);
- }
- catch(CWSocketException* pEx)
- {
- request.m_pRawRequest[request.m_dwRawRequestSize] = ' ';
- TRACE(_T("CHttpSocket::ReadResponse, An error occurred reading data from the socket, Error:%dn"), pEx->m_nError);
- pEx->Delete();
- return FALSE;
- }
- //Increment the count of data received
- request.m_dwRawRequestSize += nData;
- //NULL terminate the data received
- request.m_pRawRequest[request.m_dwRawRequestSize] = ' ';
- if ((nBufRemaining-nData) == 0) //No space left in the current buffer
- {
- //Allocate the new receive buffer
- nBufSize += nGrowBy; //Grow the buffer by the specified amount
- LPBYTE pNewBuf = new BYTE[nBufSize];
- //copy the old contents over to the new buffer and assign
- //the new buffer to the local variable used for retreiving
- //from the socket
- CopyMemory(pNewBuf, request.m_pRawRequest, request.m_dwRawRequestSize);
- delete [] request.m_pRawRequest;
- request.m_pRawRequest = pNewBuf;
- }
- //Check to see if the terminator character(s) have been found
- LPSTR pszTempTerminator = NULL;
- if (!bJustFoundTerminator)
- {
- pszTempTerminator = strstr((LPSTR)request.m_pRawRequest, pszTerminator);
- bJustFoundTerminator = (pszTempTerminator != NULL);
- }
- //Now that we have found the terminator we can get the Content-length if any
- if (bJustFoundTerminator)
- {
- //To cause this code to only be executed once
- bJustFoundTerminator = FALSE;
- //Process each line looking for a content-length
- LPSTR pszLine = (LPSTR) request.m_pRawRequest;
- LPSTR pszNextLine = strstr(pszLine, "rn");
- BOOL bMoreLines = TRUE;
- while (bMoreLines)
- {
- //Form the current line
- int nCurSize = pszNextLine - pszLine + 1;
- char* pszCurrentLine = new char[nCurSize];
- strncpy(pszCurrentLine, pszLine, nCurSize-1);
- pszCurrentLine[nCurSize-1] = ' ';
- //Parse the current request line
- CString sField;
- CString sValue;
- if (SplitRequestLine(pszCurrentLine, sField, sValue))
- {
- //Handle any other request headers
- if (sField.CompareNoCase(_T("Content-Length")) == 0)
- nContentLength = _ttoi(sValue);
- }
- //Tidy up the temp heap memory we have used
- delete [] pszCurrentLine;
- //Move onto the next line
- if (pszNextLine)
- {
- pszLine = pszNextLine+2;
- pszNextLine = strstr(pszLine, "rn");
- if (pszNextLine == NULL)
- bMoreLines = FALSE;
- }
- }
- //Found no content length in the header, in that case
- //we can assume there will be content entity-body and
- //can stop looking for more data
- if (nContentLength == -1)
- bMoreDataToRead = FALSE;
- else
- {
- ASSERT(pszTempTerminator);
- dwMaxDataToReceive = (pszTempTerminator - (LPSTR)(request.m_pRawRequest)) + strlen(pszTerminator) + nContentLength;
- if ((dwMaxDataToReceive != (DWORD)-1) && (request.m_dwRawRequestSize >= dwMaxDataToReceive))
- {
- bMoreDataToRead = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if (nSignaledHandle == 1)
- {
- request.m_pRawRequest[request.m_dwRawRequestSize] = ' ';
- TRACE(_T("CHttpSocket::ReadResponse, Timed out waiting for response from socketn"));
- return FALSE;
- }
- else
- {
- request.m_pRawRequest[request.m_dwRawRequestSize] = ' ';
- TRACE(_T("CHttpSocket::ReadResponse, Thread being asked to exitn"));
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL CHttpSocket::ReadResponse(CHttpRequest& request, DWORD dwTimeout, int nGrowBy, CHttpClient& client)
- {
- //must have been created first
- //The local variables which will receive the data
- ASSERT(request.m_pRawRequest == NULL);
- request.m_pRawRequest = new BYTE[nGrowBy];
- LPSTR pszTerminator = "rnrn";
- int nContentLength = -1;
- int nBufSize = nGrowBy;
- //retrieve the reponse
- request.m_dwRawRequestSize = 0;
- DWORD dwMaxDataToReceive = (DWORD)-1;
- BOOL bJustFoundTerminator = FALSE;
- BOOL bMoreDataToRead = TRUE;
- while (bMoreDataToRead)
- {
- //Is the thread being asked to exit
- if (client.m_bRequestToStop)
- {
- request.m_pRawRequest[request.m_dwRawRequestSize] = ' ';
- TRACE(_T("CHttpSocket::ReadResponse, Thread being asked to exitn"));
- return FALSE;
- }
- //check to see if we have read all the data
- if ((dwMaxDataToReceive != (DWORD)-1) && (request.m_dwRawRequestSize >= dwMaxDataToReceive))
- {
- bMoreDataToRead = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- //check the socket for readability
- try
- {
- if (!IsReadible(dwTimeout))
- {
- request.m_pRawRequest[request.m_dwRawRequestSize] = ' ';
- TRACE(_T("CHttpSocket::ReadResponse, Timed out waiting for response from socketn"));
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- catch(CWSocketException* pEx)
- {
- request.m_pRawRequest[request.m_dwRawRequestSize] = ' ';
- TRACE(_T("CHttpSocket::ReadResponse, An error occurred checking the readibility of the socket, Error:%dn"), pEx->m_nError);
- pEx->Delete();
- return FALSE;
- }
- //receive the data from the socket
- int nBufRemaining = nBufSize - request.m_dwRawRequestSize - 1; //Allows allow one space for the NULL terminator
- if (nBufRemaining < 0)
- nBufRemaining = 0;
- int nData = 0;
- try
- {
- nData = Receive(request.m_pRawRequest + request.m_dwRawRequestSize, nBufRemaining);
- }
- catch(CWSocketException* pEx)
- {
- request.m_pRawRequest[request.m_dwRawRequestSize] = ' ';
- TRACE(_T("CHttpSocket::ReadResponse, An error occurred reading data from the socket, Error:%dn"), pEx->m_nError);
- pEx->Delete();
- return FALSE;
- }
- //Increment the count of data received
- request.m_dwRawRequestSize += nData;
- //NULL terminate the data received
- request.m_pRawRequest[request.m_dwRawRequestSize] = ' ';
- if ((nBufRemaining-nData) == 0) //No space left in the current buffer
- {
- //Allocate the new receive buffer
- nBufSize += nGrowBy; //Grow the buffer by the specified amount
- LPBYTE pNewBuf = new BYTE[nBufSize];
- //copy the old contents over to the new buffer and assign
- //the new buffer to the local variable used for retreiving
- //from the socket
- CopyMemory(pNewBuf, request.m_pRawRequest, request.m_dwRawRequestSize);
- delete [] request.m_pRawRequest;
- request.m_pRawRequest = pNewBuf;
- }
- //Check to see if the terminator character(s) have been found
- LPSTR pszTempTerminator = NULL;
- if (!bJustFoundTerminator)
- {
- pszTempTerminator = strstr((LPSTR)request.m_pRawRequest, pszTerminator);
- bJustFoundTerminator = (pszTempTerminator != NULL);
- }
- //Now that we have found the terminator we can get the Content-length if any
- if (bJustFoundTerminator)
- {
- //To cause this code to only be executed once
- bJustFoundTerminator = FALSE;
- //Process each line looking for a content-length
- LPSTR pszLine = (LPSTR) request.m_pRawRequest;
- LPSTR pszNextLine = strstr(pszLine, "rn");
- BOOL bMoreLines = TRUE;
- while (bMoreLines)
- {
- //Form the current line
- int nCurSize = pszNextLine - pszLine + 1;
- char* pszCurrentLine = new char[nCurSize];
- strncpy(pszCurrentLine, pszLine, nCurSize-1);
- pszCurrentLine[nCurSize-1] = ' ';
- //Parse the current request line
- CString sField;
- CString sValue;
- if (SplitRequestLine(pszCurrentLine, sField, sValue))
- {
- //Handle any other request headers
- if (sField.CompareNoCase(_T("Content-Length")) == 0)
- nContentLength = _ttoi(sValue);
- }
- //Tidy up the temp heap memory we have used
- delete [] pszCurrentLine;
- //Move onto the next line
- if (pszNextLine)
- {
- pszLine = pszNextLine+2;
- pszNextLine = strstr(pszLine, "rn");
- if (pszNextLine == NULL)
- bMoreLines = FALSE;
- }
- }
- //Found no content length in the header, in that case
- //we can assume there will be content entity-body and
- //can stop looking for more data
- if (nContentLength == -1)
- bMoreDataToRead = FALSE;
- else
- {
- ASSERT(pszTempTerminator);
- dwMaxDataToReceive = (pszTempTerminator - (LPSTR)(request.m_pRawRequest)) + strlen(pszTerminator) + nContentLength;
- if ((dwMaxDataToReceive != (DWORD)-1) && (request.m_dwRawRequestSize >= dwMaxDataToReceive))
- {
- bMoreDataToRead = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL CHttpSocket::ReadResponse(CHttpRequest& request, DWORD dwTimeout, int nGrowBy, CSSL& ssl, CHttpClient& client)
- {
- if (ssl.operator SSL *())
- {
- //must have been created first
- //The local variables which will receive the data
- ASSERT(request.m_pRawRequest == NULL);
- request.m_pRawRequest = new BYTE[nGrowBy];
- LPSTR pszTerminator = "rnrn";
- int nContentLength = -1;
- int nBufSize = nGrowBy;
- //retrieve the reponse
- request.m_dwRawRequestSize = 0;
- DWORD dwMaxDataToReceive = (DWORD)-1;
- BOOL bJustFoundTerminator = FALSE;
- BOOL bMoreDataToRead = TRUE;
- while (bMoreDataToRead)
- {
- //Is the thread being asked to exit
- if (client.m_bRequestToStop)
- {
- request.m_pRawRequest[request.m_dwRawRequestSize] = ' ';
- TRACE(_T("CHttpSocket::ReadResponse, Thread being asked to exitn"));
- return FALSE;
- }
- //check to see if we have read all the data
- if ((dwMaxDataToReceive != (DWORD)-1) && (request.m_dwRawRequestSize >= dwMaxDataToReceive))
- {
- bMoreDataToRead = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- //check the socket for readability
- try
- {
- if (!SSL_pending(ssl)) //only check the socket for readibility if SSL_pending fails
- {
- if (!IsReadible(dwTimeout))
- {
- request.m_pRawRequest[request.m_dwRawRequestSize] = ' ';
- TRACE(_T("CHttpSocket::ReadResponse, Timed out waiting for response from socketn"));
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- }
- catch(CWSocketException* pEx)
- {
- request.m_pRawRequest[request.m_dwRawRequestSize] = ' ';
- TRACE(_T("CHttpSocket::ReadResponse, An error occurred checking the readibility of the socket, Error:%dn"), pEx->m_nError);
- pEx->Delete();
- return FALSE;
- }
- //receive the data from the socket
- int nBufRemaining = nBufSize - request.m_dwRawRequestSize - 1; //Allows allow one space for the NULL terminator
- if (nBufRemaining < 0)
- nBufRemaining = 0;
- //Read the data from the socket
- int nData = SSL_read(ssl, request.m_pRawRequest + request.m_dwRawRequestSize, nBufRemaining);
- if (nData <= 0)
- {
- int nSSLError = SSL_get_error(ssl, nData);
- {
- request.m_pRawRequest[request.m_dwRawRequestSize] = ' ';
- TRACE(_T("CHttpSocket::ReadResponse, An error occurred reading data from the socket, SSL_read:%d, SSL_get_error:%dn"), nData, nSSLError);
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- else if (nData)
- {
- //Increment the count of data received
- request.m_dwRawRequestSize += nData;
- //NULL terminate the data received
- request.m_pRawRequest[request.m_dwRawRequestSize] = ' ';
- if ((nBufRemaining-nData) == 0) //No space left in the current buffer
- {
- //Allocate the new receive buffer
- nBufSize += nGrowBy; //Grow the buffer by the specified amount
- LPBYTE pNewBuf = new BYTE[nBufSize];
- //copy the old contents over to the new buffer and assign
- //the new buffer to the local variable used for retreiving
- //from the socket
- CopyMemory(pNewBuf, request.m_pRawRequest, request.m_dwRawRequestSize);
- delete [] request.m_pRawRequest;
- request.m_pRawRequest = pNewBuf;
- }
- //Check to see if the terminator character(s) have been found
- LPSTR pszTempTerminator = NULL;
- if (!bJustFoundTerminator)
- {
- pszTempTerminator = strstr((LPSTR)request.m_pRawRequest, pszTerminator);
- bJustFoundTerminator = (pszTempTerminator != NULL);
- }
- //Now that we have found the terminator we can get the Content-length if any
- if (bJustFoundTerminator)
- {
- //To cause this code to only be executed once
- bJustFoundTerminator = FALSE;
- //Process each line looking for a content-length
- LPSTR pszLine = (LPSTR) request.m_pRawRequest;
- LPSTR pszNextLine = strstr(pszLine, "rn");
- BOOL bMoreLines = TRUE;
- while (bMoreLines)
- {
- //Form the current line
- int nCurSize = pszNextLine - pszLine + 1;
- char* pszCurrentLine = new char[nCurSize];
- strncpy(pszCurrentLine, pszLine, nCurSize-1);
- pszCurrentLine[nCurSize-1] = ' ';
- //Parse the current request line
- CString sField;
- CString sValue;
- if (SplitRequestLine(pszCurrentLine, sField, sValue))
- {
- //Handle any other request headers
- if (sField.CompareNoCase(_T("Content-Length")) == 0)
- nContentLength = _ttoi(sValue);
- }
- //Tidy up the temp heap memory we have used
- delete [] pszCurrentLine;
- //Move onto the next line
- if (pszNextLine)
- {
- pszLine = pszNextLine+2;
- pszNextLine = strstr(pszLine, "rn");
- if (pszNextLine == NULL)
- bMoreLines = FALSE;
- }
- }
- //Found no content length in the header, in that case
- //we can assume there will be content entity-body and
- //can stop looking for more data
- if (nContentLength == -1)
- bMoreDataToRead = FALSE;
- else
- {
- ASSERT(pszTempTerminator);
- dwMaxDataToReceive = (pszTempTerminator - (LPSTR)(request.m_pRawRequest)) + strlen(pszTerminator) + nContentLength;
- if ((dwMaxDataToReceive != (DWORD)-1) && (request.m_dwRawRequestSize >= dwMaxDataToReceive))
- {
- bMoreDataToRead = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- else
- return ReadResponse(request, dwTimeout, nGrowBy, client);
- }
- BOOL CHttpSocket::ReadResponse(CHttpRequest& request, DWORD dwTimeout, int nGrowBy, CSSL& ssl, CHttpClient& client, CWaitableTimer& timer, HANDLE hStopEvent, HANDLE hDataEvent)
- {
- if (ssl.operator SSL *())
- {
- //We do not support using events for the OpenSSL code path
- return ReadResponse(request, dwTimeout, nGrowBy, ssl, client);
- }
- else
- return ReadResponse(request, dwTimeout, nGrowBy, client, timer, hStopEvent, hDataEvent);
- }
- #endif
- void CHttpSocket::SendWithRetry(void* pBuffer, int nBuf, DWORD dwTimeout)
- {
- BOOL bSent = FALSE;
- do
- {
- try
- {
- //Let the socket do the send
- CWSocket::Send(pBuffer, nBuf);
- bSent = TRUE;
- }
- catch(CWSocketException* pEx)
- {
- //Pull out the exceptions details before we delete it
- int nError = pEx->m_nError;
- //Delete the exception before we go any further
- pEx->Delete();
- if (nError == WSAEWOULDBLOCK)
- {
- //If a WSAEWOULDBLOCK error occurred then wait until the socket becomes
- //writtable or the timeout occurs
- int nEvent = WSAEventSelect(*this, m_WSABlockEvent, FD_WRITE);
- //Handle the error
- if (nEvent != 0)
- AfxThrowWSocketException();
- //Wait for the socket to become writable
- DWORD dwWait = WaitForSingleObject(m_WSABlockEvent, dwTimeout);
- //Cancel the notification
- WSAEventSelect(*this, m_WSABlockEvent, 0);
- //If the socket does not become writable in the timeout period,
- //then rethrow the exception
- if (dwWait != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
- AfxThrowWSocketException(WSAEWOULDBLOCK);
- }
- else
- {
- //We caught an exception which we do not know how to handle.
- //In this case just rethrow the exception
- AfxThrowWSocketException(nError);
- }
- }
- }
- while (!bSent);
- }
- void CHttpSocket::SendWithRetry(void* pBuffer, int nBuf, DWORD dwTimeout, CSSL& ssl)
- {
- if (ssl.operator SSL *())
- {
- BOOL bSent = FALSE;
- do
- {
- int nSSLWrite = SSL_write(ssl, pBuffer, nBuf);
- if (nSSLWrite < 1)
- {
- if (SSL_get_error(ssl, nSSLWrite) == SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE)
- {
- if (!IsWritable(dwTimeout))
- AfxThrowWSocketException(WSAEWOULDBLOCK);
- }
- }
- else
- bSent = TRUE;
- }
- while (!bSent);
- }
- else
- SendWithRetry(pBuffer, nBuf, dwTimeout);
- }
- #endif