资源名称:MiniCA2.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*
- Module : HttpCGI.cpp
- Purpose: Implementation for the CHttpCGI class
- Created: PJN / 26-02-2003
- History: None
- Copyright (c) 2003 - 2005 by PJ Naughter. (Web:, Email:
- All rights reserved.
- Copyright / Usage Details:
- You are allowed to include the source code in any product (commercial, shareware, freeware or otherwise)
- when your product is released in binary form. You are allowed to modify the source code in any way you want
- except you cannot modify the copyright details at the top of each module. If you want to distribute source
- code with your application, then you are only allowed to distribute versions released by the author. This is
- to maintain a single distribution point for the source code.
- */
- //////////////// Includes ////////////////////////////////////////////
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "HttpCGI.h"
- #include "Win32Handle.h"
- #include "..resource.h"
- #include "HttpClient.h"
- //////////////// Macros //////////////////////////////////////////////
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #endif
- //////////////// Implementation //////////////////////////////////////
- CHttpCGI::CHttpCGI()
- {
- }
- CHttpCGI::~CHttpCGI()
- {
- }
- void CHttpCGI::TransmitCGIResponse(CHttpClient* pClient)
- {
- //Validate our parameters
- ASSERT(pClient);
- ASSERT(pClient->m_pServer);
- //Check to make sure the file exists become we try to run it
- CFileStatus fs;
- if (!CFile::GetStatus(pClient->m_Request.m_sLocalFile, fs))
- {
- //Report the error
- CString sError;
- sError.Format(_T("CHttpCGI::TransmitCGIResponse, Requested file %s does not exist"), pClient->m_Request.m_sLocalFile);
- pClient->m_pServer->OnError(sError);
- //Handle the error
- pClient->ReturnErrorMessage(500);
- return;
- }
- //First need to create an anonymous pipe for the child process's redirected
- sa.nLength= sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES);
- sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL;
- sa.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
- CW32Handle ChildStdoutReadTemp;
- CW32Handle ChildStdoutWrite;
- if (!CreatePipe(&ChildStdoutReadTemp, &ChildStdoutWrite, &sa, 0))
- {
- //Report the error
- CString sError;
- sError.Format(_T("CHttpCGI::TransmitCGIResponse, Failed to create anonymous pipes for STDOUT for CGI child process, Error:%d"), GetLastError());
- pClient->m_pServer->OnError(sError);
- //Handle the error
- pClient->ReturnErrorMessage(500);
- return;
- }
- //Next need to create an anonymous pipe for the child process's redirected
- CW32Handle ChildStdinRead;
- CW32Handle ChildStdinWriteTemp;
- if (pClient->m_Request.m_dwRawEntitySize)
- {
- if (!CreatePipe(&ChildStdinRead, &ChildStdinWriteTemp, &sa, 0))
- {
- //Report the error
- CString sError;
- sError.Format(_T("CHttpCGI::TransmitCGIResponse, Failed to create anonymous pipes for STDIN for CGI child process, Error:%d"), GetLastError());
- pClient->m_pServer->OnError(sError);
- //Handle the error
- pClient->ReturnErrorMessage(500);
- return;
- }
- }
- //Create a duplicate of the child's STDOUT write handle for the STDERR write handle.
- //This is necessary in case the child application closes one of its std output handles
- CW32Handle ChildStderrWrite;
- if (!DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), ChildStdoutWrite, GetCurrentProcess(), &ChildStderrWrite, 0, TRUE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS))
- {
- //Report the error
- CString sError;
- sError.Format(_T("CHttpCGI::TransmitCGIResponse, Failed to duplicate STDOUT handle for STDERR handle CGI child process, Error:%d"), GetLastError());
- pClient->m_pServer->OnError(sError);
- //Handle the error
- pClient->ReturnErrorMessage(500);
- return;
- }
- //Create new STDOUT read handle (which is non-inheritable). if we did not do this then the child inherits the
- //properties and, as a result non-closeable handles to the pipes are created
- CW32Handle ChildStdoutRead;
- if (!DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), ChildStdoutReadTemp, GetCurrentProcess(), &ChildStdoutRead, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS))
- {
- //Report the error
- CString sError;
- sError.Format(_T("CHttpCGI::TransmitCGIResponse, Failed to duplicate STDOUT read handle, Error:%d"), GetLastError());
- pClient->m_pServer->OnError(sError);
- //Handle the error
- pClient->ReturnErrorMessage(500);
- return;
- }
- //Close the temp STDOUT read handle now that we have duplicated it successfully
- ChildStdoutReadTemp.Close();
- //Create new write handle (if we need to which is non-inheritable). if we did not do this then the child inherits the
- //properties and, as a result non-closeable handles to the pipes are created
- CW32Handle ChildStdinWrite;
- if (pClient->m_Request.m_dwRawEntitySize)
- {
- if (!DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), ChildStdinWriteTemp, GetCurrentProcess(), &ChildStdinWrite, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS))
- {
- //Report the error
- CString sError;
- sError.Format(_T("CHttpCGI::TransmitCGIResponse, Failed to duplicate STDIN write handle, Error:%d"), GetLastError());
- pClient->m_pServer->OnError(sError);
- //Handle the error
- pClient->ReturnErrorMessage(500);
- return;
- }
- //Close the temp STDIN write handle now that we have duplicated it successfully
- ChildStdinWriteTemp.Close();
- }
- //Now setup the structures for a call to CreateProcess
- ZeroMemory(&si,sizeof(STARTUPINFO));
- si.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO);
- si.hStdOutput = ChildStdoutWrite;
- si.hStdInput = ChildStdinRead;
- si.hStdError = ChildStderrWrite;
- si.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE;
- //Get the environment variables we will be sending down to the CGI process
- CString sEnvironment = FormCGIEnvironment(pClient);
- //Convert the "sEnvironment" CString into a MULTI_SZ suitable for calling CreateProcess with
- DWORD dwEnvironmentSize = (sEnvironment.GetLength() + 2);
- TCHAR* pszEnvironment = new TCHAR[dwEnvironmentSize];
- _tcscpy(pszEnvironment, sEnvironment);
- pszEnvironment[dwEnvironmentSize-1] = _T(' '); //Double NULL terminate the data
- //Replace all 'n' with ' '
- for (DWORD i=0; i<dwEnvironmentSize; i++)
- {
- if (pszEnvironment[i] == _T('n'))
- pszEnvironment[i] = _T(' ');
- }
- //Setup the creation flags
- #ifdef _UNICODE
- #endif
- //Get the working directory of the script
- _tsplitpath(pClient->m_Request.m_sLocalFile, sDrive, sDir, NULL, NULL);
- _tmakepath(sCWD, sDrive, sDir, NULL, NULL);
- //Form the correct command line for the call to CreateProcess
- CString sCommandLine = GetCGICommandLine(pClient);
- //Launch the process that we want to redirect
- BOOL bSuccess = CreateProcess(NULL, sCommandLine.GetBuffer(sCommandLine.GetLength()), NULL, NULL, TRUE, dwCreationFlags, pszEnvironment, sCWD, &si, &pi);
- DWORD dwError = GetLastError();
- sCommandLine.ReleaseBuffer();
- //Tidy up the temp heap memory we have used
- delete [] pszEnvironment;
- //Close the STDOUT write handle as we have no use for it now
- ChildStdoutWrite.Close();
- //Close the STDIN read handle as we have no use for it now
- if (pClient->m_Request.m_dwRawEntitySize)
- ChildStdinRead.Close();
- //Close the STDERR write handle as we have no use for it now
- ChildStderrWrite.Close();
- //Handle the error if we could not run the child process
- if (!bSuccess)
- {
- //Report the error
- CString sError;
- sError.Format(_T("CHttpCGI::TransmitCGIResponse, Failed to run the CGI child process, Error:%d"), GetLastError());
- pClient->m_pServer->OnError(sError);
- //Return an appropriate error page
- if (dwError == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
- pClient->ReturnErrorMessage(404);
- else
- pClient->ReturnErrorMessage(500);
- return;
- }
- //Write to stdin of the client
- if (pClient->m_Request.m_dwRawEntitySize)
- {
- WriteToChildStdin(pClient, ChildStdinWrite);
- //Close the pipe handle now that we are finished with it
- ChildStdinWrite.Close();
- }
- //Read from stdout of the client and send the data back down the socket
- DWORD dwDataSent = ReadFromClientStdout(pClient, ChildStdoutRead, pClient->m_bResponseKeepAlive);
- if (dwDataSent == 0)
- pClient->ReturnErrorMessage(500);
- else
- pClient->PostLog(200, dwDataSent);
- //Close the anonymous pipe handles
- ChildStdoutRead.Close();
- //Wait until the child process exits
- WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, INFINITE);
- // Close process and thread handles.
- CloseHandle(pi.hProcess);
- CloseHandle(pi.hThread);
- }
- CString CHttpCGI::FormCGIEnvironment(CHttpClient* pClient)
- {
- //Validate our parameters
- ASSERT(pClient);
- ASSERT(pClient->m_pServer);
- CHttpServerSettings* pSettings = pClient->m_pServer->GetSettings();
- ASSERT(pSettings);
- //Form the environment string to send to the child process
- CString sEnvironment;
- CString sLine;
- //Add all the environment variables W3MFC has before we add the custom ones
- for (TCHAR** szVariable = _tenviron; *szVariable; szVariable++ )
- {
- sEnvironment += *szVariable;
- sEnvironment += _T("n");
- }
- if (pClient->m_Request.m_AuthorizationType == CHttpRequest::HTTP_AUTHORIZATION_PLAINTEXT)
- {
- sEnvironment += _T("AUTH_TYPE=Basicn");
- sLine.Format(_T("AUTH_REALM=%sn"), pClient->m_Request.m_sURL);
- sEnvironment += sLine;
- sLine.Format(_T("REMOTE_USER=%sn"), pClient->m_Request.m_sUsername);
- sEnvironment += sLine;
- sLine.Format(_T("AUTH_USER=%sn"), pClient->m_Request.m_sUsername);
- sEnvironment += sLine;
- sLine.Format(_T("REMOTE_PASSWORD=%sn"), pClient->m_Request.m_sPassword);
- sEnvironment += sLine;
- sLine.Format(_T("AUTH_PASSWORD=%sn"), pClient->m_Request.m_sPassword);
- sEnvironment += sLine;
- }
- else if (pClient->m_Request.m_AuthorizationType == CHttpRequest::HTTP_AUTHORIZATION_NTLM)
- {
- sEnvironment += _T("AUTH_TYPE=NTLMn");
- sLine.Format(_T("REMOTE_USER=%sn"), pClient->m_Request.m_sUsername);
- sEnvironment += sLine;
- sLine.Format(_T("AUTH_USER=%sn"), pClient->m_Request.m_sUsername);
- sEnvironment += sLine;
- }
- sEnvironment += _T("GATEWAY_INTERFACE=CGI/1.1n");
- if (pSettings->m_sBindAddress.GetLength())
- sLine.Format(_T("SERVER_NAME=%sn"), pSettings->m_sBindAddress);
- else
- {
- char pszHostName[256];
- if (gethostname(pszHostName, 256) == 0)
- {
- CString sName(pszHostName);
- sLine.Format(_T("SERVER_NAME=%sn"), sName);
- }
- else
- sLine = (_T("SERVER_NAME=n"));
- }
- sEnvironment += sLine;
- if (pClient->m_Request.m_nContentLength)
- {
- sLine.Format(_T("CONTENT_LENGTH=%dn"), pClient->m_Request.m_nContentLength);
- sEnvironment += sLine;
- }
- if (pClient->m_Request.m_sContentType.GetLength())
- {
- sLine.Format(_T("CONTENT_TYPE=%sn"), pClient->m_Request.m_sContentType);
- sEnvironment += sLine;
- }
- sLine.Format(_T("SERVER_PORT=%dn"), pSettings->m_nPort);
- sEnvironment += sLine;
- if (pSettings->m_SSLProtocol == CHttpServerSettings::SSL_NONE)
- sEnvironment += _T("SERVER_PROTOCOL=HTTP/1.0n");
- else
- sEnvironment += _T("SERVER_PROTOCOL=HTTPS/1.0n");
- #else
- sEnvironment += _T("SERVER_PROTOCOL=HTTP/1.0n");
- #endif
- sLine.Format(_T("SERVER_SOFTWARE=%sn"), pSettings->m_sServerName);
- sEnvironment += sLine;
- CString sScriptName = pClient->m_Request.m_sLocalFile;
- sScriptName.Replace(_T('\'), _T('/')); //Ensure we use unix directory separators
- if (sScriptName.GetLength() && sScriptName.GetAt(0) != _T('/'))
- sScriptName = _T("/") + sScriptName;
- sLine.Format(_T("SCRIPT_NAME=%sn"), sScriptName);
- sEnvironment += sLine;
- //Form the absolute path for PATH_TRANSLATED
- LPTSTR pszFilePart;
- TCHAR pszAbsolutePath[_MAX_PATH];
- GetFullPathName(pClient->m_Request.m_sLocalFile, _MAX_PATH, pszAbsolutePath, &pszFilePart);
- sLine.Format(_T("PATH_TRANSLATED=%sn"), pszAbsolutePath);
- sEnvironment += sLine;
- sLine.Format(_T("REQUEST_LINE=%sn"), pClient->m_Request.m_sRequest);
- sEnvironment += sLine;
- sLine.Format(_T("QUERY_STRING=%sn"), pClient->m_Request.m_sRawExtra);
- sEnvironment += sLine;
- if (!pClient->m_Request.m_sRemoteHost.IsEmpty())
- {
- sLine.Format(_T("REMOTE_HOST=%sn"), pClient->m_Request.m_sRemoteHost);
- sEnvironment += sLine;
- }
- else
- {
- sLine.Format(_T("REMOTE_HOST=%d.%d.%d.%dn"), pClient->m_Request.m_ClientAddress.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1,
- pClient->m_Request.m_ClientAddress.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, pClient->m_Request.m_ClientAddress.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3,
- pClient->m_Request.m_ClientAddress.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4);
- sEnvironment += sLine;
- }
- sLine.Format(_T("REMOTE_ADDR=%d.%d.%d.%dn"), pClient->m_Request.m_ClientAddress.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1,
- pClient->m_Request.m_ClientAddress.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, pClient->m_Request.m_ClientAddress.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3,
- pClient->m_Request.m_ClientAddress.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4);
- sEnvironment += sLine;
- sLine.Format(_T("PATH_INFO=%sn"), pClient->m_Request.m_sPathInfo);
- sEnvironment += sLine;
- sLine.Format(_T("REQUEST_METHOD=%sn"), pClient->m_Request.m_sVerb);
- sEnvironment += sLine;
- int nKeySize = 0;
- if (pClient->GetKeySizeServerVariable(nKeySize))
- {
- sLine.Format(_T("HTTPS_KEYSIZE=%dnCERT_KEYSIZE=%dn"), nKeySize, nKeySize);
- sEnvironment += sLine;
- }
- if (pClient->GetServerKeySizeServerVariable(nKeySize))
- {
- sLine.Format(_T("HTTPS_SECRETKEYSIZE=%dnCERT_SECRETKEYSIZE=%dn"), nKeySize, nKeySize);
- sEnvironment += sLine;
- }
- sEnvironment += sLine;
- if (pSettings->m_SSLProtocol == CHttpServerSettings::SSL_NONE)
- sLine = _T("HTTPS=offn");
- else
- sLine = _T("HTTPS=onn");
- #else
- sLine = _T("HTTPS=offn");
- #endif
- sEnvironment += sLine;
- if (pSettings->m_SSLProtocol != CHttpServerSettings::SSL_NONE)
- {
- sLine.Format(_T("SERVER_PORT_SECURE=%dn"), pSettings->m_nPort);
- sEnvironment += sLine;
- }
- #endif
- long nSerialNumber = 0;
- if (pClient->GetCertSerialNumberServerVariable(nSerialNumber))
- {
- sLine.Format(_T("CERT_SERIALNUMBER=%dn"), nSerialNumber);
- sEnvironment += sLine;
- }
- sLine.Format(_T("REQUEST_URI=%sn"), pClient->m_Request.m_sURL);
- sEnvironment += sLine;
- sLine.Format(_T("URL=%sn"), pClient->m_Request.m_sURL);
- sEnvironment += sLine;
- if (pClient->m_Request.m_bLoggedOn)
- {
- sLine.Format(_T("LOGON_USER=%sn"), pClient->m_Request.m_sUsername);
- sEnvironment += sLine;
- }
- else if (pSettings->m_sUsername.GetLength())
- {
- sLine.Format(_T("LOGON_USER=%sn"), pSettings->m_sUsername);
- sEnvironment += sLine;
- }
- char* szIssuer = NULL;
- if (pClient->GetCertIssuerServerVariable(szIssuer))
- {
- CString sIssuer(szIssuer);
- sLine.Format(_T("CERT_SERVER_ISSUER=%snHTTPS_SERVER_ISSUER=%sn"), sIssuer, sIssuer);
- sEnvironment += sLine;
- }
- char* szSubject = NULL;
- if (pClient->GetCertSubjectServerVariable(szSubject))
- {
- CString sSubject(szSubject);
- sLine.Format(_T("CERT_SERVER_SUBJECT=%snHTTPS_SERVER_SUBJECT=%sn"), sSubject, sSubject);
- sEnvironment += sLine;
- }
- sLine.Format(_T("HTTP_VERSION=%d.%dn"), HIWORD(pClient->m_Request.m_dwHttpVersion), LOWORD(pClient->m_Request.m_dwHttpVersion));
- sEnvironment += sLine;
- POSITION posMap = pClient->m_Request.m_HeaderMap.GetStartPosition();
- while (posMap)
- {
- CString sKey;
- CString sValue;
- pClient->m_Request.m_HeaderMap.GetNextAssoc(posMap, sKey, sValue);
- sLine.Format(_T("HTTP_%s=%sn"), sKey, sValue);
- sEnvironment += sLine;
- }
- return sEnvironment;
- }
- CString CHttpCGI::GetCGICommandLine(CHttpClient* pClient)
- {
- //What will be the return value
- CString sCommandLine(pClient->m_Request.m_sLocalFile);
- //First get the extension of the file
- _tsplitpath(pClient->m_Request.m_sLocalFile, NULL, NULL, NULL, sExt);
- //Now get the command line for this extension from the registry
- TCHAR pszValue[1024/sizeof(TCHAR)];
- DWORD nData = 1024;
- HKEY hExtKey = NULL;
- if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, sExt, 0, KEY_READ, &hExtKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
- {
- if (RegQueryValueEx(hExtKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)pszValue, &nData) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
- {
- //Close the registry key now that we are finished with it
- RegCloseKey(hExtKey);
- //pszValue is now the Extension File Subkey to use.
- CString sValue;
- sValue.Format(_T("%s\Shell\Open\Command"), pszValue);
- nData = 1024; //reset the size parameter
- HKEY hExtensionFileKey = NULL;
- if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, sValue, 0, KEY_READ, &hExtensionFileKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
- {
- if (RegQueryValueEx(hExtensionFileKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)pszValue, &nData) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
- {
- //Expand the string with any environment variables it may contain
- nData = 1024;
- LPTSTR szBuf = sCommandLine.GetBuffer(nData);
- DWORD dwRet = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(pszValue, szBuf, nData);
- sCommandLine.ReleaseBuffer();
- if (dwRet != 0)
- {
- sCommandLine.Replace(_T("%L"), pClient->m_Request.m_sLocalFile);
- sCommandLine.Replace(_T("%1"), pClient->m_Request.m_sLocalFile);
- sCommandLine.Replace(_T("%*"), _T(""));
- }
- }
- //Close the registry key now that we are finished with it
- RegCloseKey(hExtensionFileKey);
- }
- }
- }
- return sCommandLine;
- }
- void CHttpCGI::WriteToChildStdin(CHttpClient* pClient, HANDLE hChildStdin)
- {
- //Write the entity body to STDIN of the CGI child process
- DWORD dwWritten;
- ASSERT(pClient->m_Request.m_pRawEntity);
- WriteFile(hChildStdin, pClient->m_Request.m_pRawEntity, pClient->m_Request.m_dwRawEntitySize, &dwWritten, NULL);
- }
- DWORD CHttpCGI::ReadFromClientStdout(CHttpClient* pClient, HANDLE hChildStdout, BOOL& bFoundKeepAlive)
- {
- //Validate our parameters
- ASSERT(pClient);
- ASSERT(pClient->m_pServer);
- CHttpServerSettings* pSettings = pClient->m_pServer->GetSettings();
- ASSERT(pSettings);
- //Initialize the out parameters
- bFoundKeepAlive = FALSE;
- DWORD dwDataSent = 0;
- //Allocate the receive / re transmit buffer
- char* pszBuf = (char*) alloca(pSettings->m_dwCGIResponseBufferSize);
- //Read output from the child process, and write to parent's STDOUT.
- BOOL bMore = TRUE;
- BOOL bFirstBuffer = TRUE;
- while (bMore)
- {
- DWORD dwRead;
- if (!ReadFile(hChildStdout, pszBuf, pSettings->m_dwCGIResponseBufferSize-1, &dwRead, NULL) || dwRead == 0)
- bMore = FALSE;
- else
- {
- //Used as a return value to indicate how much was sent to the client
- dwDataSent += dwRead;
- BOOL bFoundHTTPReturnCodeLine = FALSE;
- if (bFirstBuffer)
- {
- //NULL terminate the data (so that we can use strstr)
- pszBuf[dwRead] = ' ';
- //See if the "Connection: Keep Alive" is being transmitted
- bFoundKeepAlive = (strstr(pszBuf, "Connection: Keep-Alive") != NULL);
- if (bFoundKeepAlive)
- {
- //Note it is important that "Content-Length" be also sent when using keep alives
- //as otherwise client browsers do not know when to stop reading to get the end
- //of the first response
- bFoundKeepAlive = (strstr(pszBuf, "Content-Length: ") != NULL);
- }
- //Do we have a HTTP return code line
- bFoundHTTPReturnCodeLine = (strstr(pszBuf,"HTTP/") != NULL);
- //We only do this parse on the first buffer
- bFirstBuffer = FALSE;
- }
- //Send the data back down the socket
- try
- {
- char* pszTTPReturnCodeLine = "HTTP/1.0 200 OKn";
- if (!bFoundHTTPReturnCodeLine)
- pClient->m_Socket.SendWithRetry(pszTTPReturnCodeLine, strlen(pszTTPReturnCodeLine), pSettings->m_dwWritableTimeout, pClient->m_SSL);
- pClient->m_Socket.SendWithRetry(pszBuf, dwRead, pSettings->m_dwWritableTimeout, pClient->m_SSL);
- #else
- if (!bFoundHTTPReturnCodeLine)
- pClient->m_Socket.SendWithRetry(pszTTPReturnCodeLine, strlen(pszTTPReturnCodeLine), pSettings->m_dwWritableTimeout);
- pClient->m_Socket.SendWithRetry(pszBuf, dwRead, pSettings->m_dwWritableTimeout);
- #endif
- }
- catch(CWSocketException* pEx)
- {
- //Report the error
- CString sError;
- sError.Format(_T("CHttpCGI::ReadFromClientStdout, Failed to send to socket, Error:%d"), pEx->m_nError);
- pClient->m_pServer->OnError(sError);
- pEx->Delete();
- bMore = FALSE;
- }
- }
- }
- return dwDataSent;
- }