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Visual C++
- /*
- Module : HttpClient.cpp
- Purpose: Implementation for the CHttpClient class
- Created: PJN / 22-04-1999
- History: None
- Copyright (c) 1999 - 2005 by PJ Naughter. (Web:, Email:
- All rights reserved.
- Copyright / Usage Details:
- You are allowed to include the source code in any product (commercial, shareware, freeware or otherwise)
- when your product is released in binary form. You are allowed to modify the source code in any way you want
- except you cannot modify the copyright details at the top of each module. If you want to distribute source
- code with your application, then you are only allowed to distribute versions released by the author. This is
- to maintain a single distribution point for the source code.
- */
- //////////////// Includes ////////////////////////////////////////////
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #ifndef __AFXPRIV_H__
- #pragma message("To avoid this message please put afxpriv.h in your PCH (normally stdafx.h)")
- #include <afxpriv.h>
- #endif
- #include "W3Mfc.h"
- #include "HttpResponseHeader.h"
- #include "Base64.h"
- #include "HttpClient.h"
- #include "Win32Handle.h"
- //////////////// Macros / Defines ////////////////////////////////////
- #ifndef RT_HTML
- #endif
- #ifndef SEC_E_OK
- #define SEC_E_OK ((SECURITY_STATUS)0x0000)
- #endif
- #endif
- #endif
- #endif
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #endif
- //The local variable which handle the function pointers
- //////////////// Implementation //////////////////////////////////////
- {
- //Initialize the function pointers to sane defaults
- m_lpfnTransmitFile = NULL;
- m_lpfnTransmitPackets = NULL;
- //Only use the TransmitFile and TransmitPacket API's if we are running on 2000/XP/.NET Server
- osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO);
- BOOL bNT = (GetVersionEx(&osvi) && osvi.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT);
- if (bNT && (osvi.dwMajorVersion > 4))
- {
- m_hMSWsock = LoadLibrary(_T("MSWSOCK.DLL"));
- if (m_hMSWsock)
- {
- m_lpfnTransmitFile = (LPTRANSMITFILE) GetProcAddress(m_hMSWsock, "TransmitFile");
- m_lpfnTransmitPackets = (LPTRANSMITPACKETS) GetProcAddress(m_hMSWsock, "TransmitPackets");
- }
- }
- }
- {
- if (m_hMSWsock)
- {
- FreeLibrary(m_hMSWsock);
- m_hMSWsock = NULL;
- }
- }
- BOOL _W3MFC_DATA::TransmitFile(CHttpSocket& socket, CHttpResponseHeader& responseHdr, HSE_TF_INFO* pInfo)
- {
- //Assume the worst
- BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
- if (pInfo->pfnHseIO)
- {
- SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); //we do not support ascynchronous notifications
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (pInfo->Offset)
- {
- SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); //we do not support partials sens thro TransmitFile because that requires overlapped IO
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (pInfo->dwFlags & HSE_IO_SEND_HEADERS)
- {
- if (m_lpfnTransmitPackets && m_lpfnTransmitFile)
- {
- tpe[0].pBuffer = (void*) pInfo->pszStatusCode;
- tpe[0].dwElFlags = TP_ELEMENT_MEMORY;
- tpe[0].cLength = strlen(pInfo->pszStatusCode);
- tpe[1].pBuffer = responseHdr.GetData(tpe[1].cLength);
- tpe[1].dwElFlags = TP_ELEMENT_MEMORY;
- //Call the TransmitPackets function
- bSuccess = m_lpfnTransmitPackets(socket, tpe, 2, 0, NULL, TF_USE_KERNEL_APC);
- //And the TransmitFile function
- if (bSuccess)
- bSuccess = m_lpfnTransmitFile(socket, pInfo->hFile, pInfo->BytesToWrite, 0, NULL, NULL, TF_USE_KERNEL_APC);
- }
- else
- }
- else
- {
- if (m_lpfnTransmitFile)
- {
- tfb.Head = pInfo->pHead;
- tfb.HeadLength = pInfo->HeadLength;
- tfb.Tail = pInfo->pTail;
- tfb.TailLength = pInfo->TailLength;
- //Call the TransmitFile function
- bSuccess = m_lpfnTransmitFile(socket, pInfo->hFile, pInfo->BytesToWrite, 0, NULL, &tfb, TF_USE_KERNEL_APC);
- }
- else
- }
- return bSuccess;
- }
- #endif
- BOOL _W3MFC_DATA::TransmitFile(CHttpSocket& socket, CHttpResponseHeader& responseHdr, HANDLE hFile, DWORD dwSize)
- {
- ASSERT(m_lpfnTransmitFile);
- //Setup the TFB ready for the call to the "TransmitFile" function
- tfb.Head = responseHdr.GetData(tfb.HeadLength);
- tfb.Tail = NULL;
- tfb.TailLength = 0;
- //Call the TransmitFile function
- BOOL bSuccess = m_lpfnTransmitFile(socket, hFile, dwSize, 0, NULL, &tfb, TF_USE_KERNEL_APC);
- //Tidy up the heap memory we have used
- delete [] tfb.Head;
- return bSuccess;
- }
- BOOL _W3MFC_DATA::TransmitBuffer(CHttpSocket& socket, CHttpResponseHeader& responseHdr, BYTE* byData, DWORD dwSize)
- {
- ASSERT(m_lpfnTransmitPackets);
- //Setup the TFB ready for the call to the "TransmitPackets" function
- tpe[0].pBuffer = responseHdr.GetData(tpe[0].cLength);
- tpe[0].dwElFlags = TP_ELEMENT_MEMORY;
- tpe[1].pBuffer = byData;
- tpe[1].cLength = dwSize;
- tpe[0].dwElFlags = TP_ELEMENT_MEMORY;
- //Call the TransmitPackets function
- return m_lpfnTransmitPackets(socket, tpe, 2, 0, NULL, TF_USE_KERNEL_APC);
- }
- IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CHttpClient, CThreadPoolClient)
- CHttpClient::CHttpClient()
- {
- m_pServer = NULL;
- m_pSSLContext = NULL;
- #endif
- m_dwDataSentViaWriteClient = 0;
- m_nHttpStatusCodeSent = 0;
- #endif
- }
- CHttpClient::~CHttpClient()
- {
- }
- BOOL CHttpClient::AllowThisConnection()
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL CHttpClient::InitializeSSLConnection()
- {
- SSL* pSSL = SSL_new(m_pSSLContext->operator SSL_CTX*());
- if (pSSL == NULL)
- {
- //Report the error
- CString sError;
- sError.Format(_T("CHttpClient::InitializeSSLConnection, Failed to create create SSL connection object"));
- ASSERT(m_pServer);
- m_pServer->OnError(sError);
- m_pServer->LogSSLErrors();
- return FALSE;
- }
- else
- m_SSL.Attach(pSSL);
- //Associate the raw socket with the SSL connection object
- if (SSL_set_fd(m_SSL, m_Socket) != 1)
- {
- //Report the error
- CString sError;
- sError.Format(_T("CHttpClient::InitializeSSLConnection, Failed to create create SSL connection object"));
- ASSERT(m_pServer);
- m_pServer->OnError(sError);
- m_pServer->LogSSLErrors();
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL CHttpClient::DoSSLNegotiation()
- {
- ASSERT(m_pServer);
- CHttpServerSettings* pSettings = m_pServer->GetSettings();
- ASSERT(pSettings);
- BOOL bNegotiationComplete = FALSE;
- while (!bNegotiationComplete)
- {
- int nSSLAccept = SSL_accept(m_SSL);
- if (nSSLAccept != 1)
- {
- BOOL bRetry = FALSE;
- int nSSL_get_error = SSL_get_error(m_SSL, nSSLAccept);
- if (nSSL_get_error == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ)
- {
- if (m_Socket.IsReadible(pSettings->m_dwSSLNegotiationTimeout))
- bRetry = TRUE;
- }
- if (!bRetry)
- {
- //Report the error
- CString sError;
- sError.Format(_T("CHttpClient::DoSSLNegotiation, Failed to perform SSL handshake, SSL_accept:%d SSL_get_error:%d"), nSSLAccept, nSSL_get_error);
- m_pServer->OnError(sError);
- m_pServer->LogSSLErrors();
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- else
- bNegotiationComplete = TRUE;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- #endif
- BOOL CHttpClient::Run(const CThreadPoolRequest& request)
- {
- //Validate our parameters
- ASSERT(request.m_pData);
- CHttpThreadPoolRequest* pHttpRequest = (CHttpThreadPoolRequest*) request.m_pData;
- //Hive away the parameters in member variables
- SOCKET clientSocket = pHttpRequest->m_ClientSocket.Detach();
- m_Socket.Attach(clientSocket);
- CopyMemory(&m_Request.m_ClientAddress, &pHttpRequest->m_ClientAddress, sizeof(sockaddr_in));
- m_pSSLContext = pHttpRequest->m_pSSLContext;
- #endif
- //Call the helper function which does all of the work
- HandleClient();
- //Close the SSL connection
- m_SSL.Close();
- #endif
- //Close down the connection
- m_Socket.Close();
- //Tidy up our heap memory after ourselves
- delete pHttpRequest;
- //Reset the request data
- m_Request = CHttpRequest();
- return TRUE;
- }
- int CHttpClient::ExitInstance()
- {
- //Tidy up per thread SSL structures if we are using SSL
- ERR_remove_state(0);
- #endif
- return CThreadPoolClient::ExitInstance();
- }
- void CHttpClient::HandleClient()
- {
- //Validate our parameters
- ASSERT(m_pServer);
- CHttpServerSettings* pSettings = m_pServer->GetSettings();
- ASSERT(pSettings);
- //Do the reverse DNS lookup if configured to do so
- m_Request.m_sRemoteHost.Empty();
- if (pSettings->m_bDNSLookup)
- {
- HOSTENT* pHostEnt = gethostbyaddr((const char*) &m_Request.m_ClientAddress.sin_addr, sizeof(IN_ADDR), AF_INET);
- if (pHostEnt)
- m_Request.m_sRemoteHost = pHostEnt->h_name;
- }
- //Should we allow this client to connect
- if (!AllowThisConnection())
- {
- ReturnErrorMessage(400); //Bad Request
- return;
- }
- //Create the SSL connection if required
- if (pSettings->m_SSLProtocol != CHttpServerSettings::SSL_NONE)
- {
- if (!InitializeSSLConnection())
- return;
- //Do the SSL negotiation
- if (!DoSSLNegotiation())
- return;
- }
- #endif
- //Use a Win32 event notification on the socket
- CEvent dataEvent;
- int nError = WSAEventSelect(m_Socket, dataEvent, FD_READ | FD_CLOSE);
- if (nError == SOCKET_ERROR)
- {
- DWORD dwError = ::GetLastError();
- //Report the error
- CString sError;
- sError.Format(_T("CHttpClient::HandleClient, Failed in call to WSAEventSelect, GetLastError:%d"), dwError);
- m_pServer->OnError(sError);
- return;
- }
- //Also create a waitable timer if we can
- CWaitableTimer dataTimer;
- if (dataTimer.Create(TRUE))
- dataTimer.SetOnceOffRelative(pSettings->m_dwIdleClientTimeout);
- BOOL bMoreRequests = FALSE;
- BOOL bImpersonatedUsingSSPI = FALSE;
- #endif
- do
- {
- m_bResponseKeepAlive = FALSE;
- //Read the client request
- BOOL bReadResponse = FALSE;
- if (dataTimer)
- bReadResponse = m_Socket.ReadResponse(m_Request, pSettings->m_dwIdleClientTimeout, 4096, m_SSL, *this, dataTimer, m_StopEvent, dataEvent);
- else
- bReadResponse = m_Socket.ReadResponse(m_Request, pSettings->m_dwIdleClientTimeout, 4096, m_SSL, *this);
- #else
- BOOL bReadResponse = FALSE;
- if (dataTimer)
- bReadResponse = m_Socket.ReadResponse(m_Request, pSettings->m_dwIdleClientTimeout, 4096, *this, dataTimer, m_StopEvent, dataEvent);
- else
- bReadResponse = m_Socket.ReadResponse(m_Request, pSettings->m_dwIdleClientTimeout, 4096, *this);
- #endif
- if (bReadResponse)
- {
- //Parse the client request
- if (ParseRequest())
- {
- m_bResponseKeepAlive = pSettings->m_bKeepAlives && m_Request.m_bKeepAlive;
- //Impersonate the client credentials if authorization type is PLAINTEXT
- CW32Handle hImpersonation;
- BOOL bLoggedOn = FALSE;
- if (m_Request.m_AuthorizationType == CHttpRequest::HTTP_AUTHORIZATION_PLAINTEXT && pSettings->m_bPerformPassthroughAuthentication)
- {
- LPTSTR pszUser = m_Request.m_sUsername.GetBuffer(m_Request.m_sUsername.GetLength());
- LPTSTR pszPassword = m_Request.m_sPassword.GetBuffer(m_Request.m_sPassword.GetLength());
- bLoggedOn = LogonUser(pszUser, NULL, pszPassword, LOGON32_LOGON_NETWORK, LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT, &hImpersonation);
- if (bLoggedOn)
- {
- ImpersonateLoggedOnUser(hImpersonation);
- m_Request.m_bLoggedOn = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- //Report the error
- CString sError;
- sError.Format(_T("CHttpClient::HandleClient, Failed to logon using user name: %s, GetLastError:%d"), pszUser, ::GetLastError());
- m_pServer->OnError(sError);
- }
- m_Request.m_sUsername.ReleaseBuffer();
- m_Request.m_sPassword.ReleaseBuffer();
- }
- else if (m_Request.m_AuthorizationType == CHttpRequest::HTTP_AUTHORIZATION_NTLM && !bImpersonatedUsingSSPI)
- {
- bImpersonatedUsingSSPI = TRUE;
- SECURITY_STATUS ss = ImpersonateSecurityContext(&m_Request.m_ContentHandle);
- bLoggedOn = (ss == SEC_E_OK);
- if (bLoggedOn)
- {
- //Pull out some values from the SSPI context handle and stuff them in the request object
- SecPkgContext_Names names;
- if (QueryContextAttributes(&m_Request.m_ContentHandle, SECPKG_ATTR_NAMES, &names) == SEC_E_OK)
- {
- m_Request.m_sUsername = names.sUserName;
- FreeContextBuffer(names.sUserName);
- }
- SecPkgContext_Authority authority;
- if (QueryContextAttributes(&m_Request.m_ContentHandle, SECPKG_ATTR_AUTHORITY, &authority) == SEC_E_OK)
- {
- m_Request.m_sAuthorityName = authority.sAuthorityName;
- FreeContextBuffer(authority.sAuthorityName);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- //Report the error
- CString sError;
- sError.Format(_T("CHttpClient::HandleClient, Failed to impersonate client credentials using SSPI: %s, Error:%d"), ss);
- m_pServer->OnError(sError);
- }
- }
- #endif
- m_Request.m_hImpersonation = hImpersonation;
- if (m_Request.m_AuthorizationType == CHttpRequest::HTTP_AUTHORIZATION_ANONYMOUS && !pSettings->m_bAllowAnonymous)
- {
- //Return an unauthorized message if some form of authentication is enabled
- if (pSettings->m_bAllowBasicAuthentication || pSettings->m_bAllowNTLMAuthentication)
- ReturnUnauthorizedMessage(m_Request.m_sURL);
- else
- {
- //Report the error
- m_pServer->OnError(_T("CHttpClient::HandleClient, Anonymous access is disabled in addition to all authentication mechanisms, All requests will Fail!!"));
- ReturnErrorMessage(500); //Internal server error
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (m_Request.m_Verb == CHttpRequest::HTTP_VERB_GET || m_Request.m_Verb == CHttpRequest::HTTP_VERB_HEAD || m_Request.m_Verb == CHttpRequest::HTTP_VERB_POST)
- {
- if (!PreHandleGetPostHead()) //Allow derived classes to handle GET, HEAD or POST
- {
- BOOL bDirectory = FALSE;
- CHttpDirectory* pDirectory = NULL;
- DWORD dwMatchingURL = 0;
- DWORD dwMatchingPath = 0;
- if (MapURLToLocalFilename(m_Request.m_sURL, m_Request.m_sLocalFile, m_Request.m_sPathInfo, bDirectory, pDirectory, dwMatchingURL, dwMatchingPath))
- {
- ASSERT(pDirectory);
- pDirectory->HandleDirectory(this, bDirectory);
- }
- else
- ReturnErrorMessage(404); //Not Found
- }
- }
- else if (pSettings->m_bAllowDeleteRequest && m_Request.m_Verb == CHttpRequest::HTTP_VERB_DELETE)
- {
- //By default, only allow deletion of a file if we are using authorization
- if (m_Request.m_AuthorizationType != CHttpRequest::HTTP_AUTHORIZATION_ANONYMOUS)
- {
- CString sLocalFile;
- BOOL bDirectory = FALSE;
- CHttpDirectory* pDirectory = NULL;
- DWORD dwMatchingURL = 0;
- DWORD dwMatchingPath = 0;
- if (MapURLToLocalFilename(m_Request.m_sURL, m_Request.m_sLocalFile, m_Request.m_sPathInfo, bDirectory, pDirectory, dwMatchingURL, dwMatchingPath) && !bDirectory && pDirectory->GetWritable())
- {
- if (DeleteFile(m_Request.m_sLocalFile))
- ReturnFileDeletedOkMessage(m_Request.m_sLocalFile);
- else
- {
- if (::GetLastError() == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED && !bDirectory)
- ReturnUnauthorizedMessage(m_Request.m_sURL);
- else
- ReturnErrorMessage(500); //Internal server error
- }
- }
- else
- ReturnErrorMessage(404); //Not Found
- }
- else if (pSettings->m_bAllowBasicAuthentication || pSettings->m_bAllowNTLMAuthentication)
- ReturnUnauthorizedMessage(m_Request.m_sURL); //Not authorized
- else
- ReturnErrorMessage(404); //Not Found
- }
- else
- ReturnErrorMessage(501); //Not implemented
- }
- //Restore our usual security priviledges
- if (m_Request.m_AuthorizationType == CHttpRequest::HTTP_AUTHORIZATION_PLAINTEXT)
- {
- //Revert to the usual security settings
- RevertToSelf();
- }
- }
- else
- ReturnErrorMessage(400); //Bad Request
- }
- //Should we service another request
- bMoreRequests = m_bResponseKeepAlive;
- //Remember some values from the old request
- BOOL bAuthenticationCompleted = m_Request.m_bAuthenticationComplete;
- CHttpRequest::HttpAuthorization Authorization = m_Request.m_AuthorizationType;
- CString sRemoteHost = m_Request.m_sRemoteHost;
- CString sUsername = m_Request.m_sUsername;
- CString sAuthorityName = m_Request.m_sAuthorityName;
- sockaddr_in clientAddress;
- CopyMemory(&clientAddress, &m_Request.m_ClientAddress, sizeof(sockaddr_in));
- //Reset the request data before we (potentially) loop around or exit
- m_Request = CHttpRequest();
- //Reinstate the Authentication completed flag. This prevents the need for reauthentications if the connection is keep alive
- m_Request.m_bAuthenticationComplete = bAuthenticationCompleted;
- //Reinstate the Authentication type and the Authority type and username (if it requires keep alives, which is only NTLM currently)
- if (Authorization == CHttpRequest::HTTP_AUTHORIZATION_NTLM)
- {
- m_Request.m_AuthorizationType = Authorization;
- m_Request.m_sUsername = sUsername;
- m_Request.m_sAuthorityName = sAuthorityName;
- }
- //Reinstate the client connection details
- CopyMemory(&m_Request.m_ClientAddress, &clientAddress, sizeof(sockaddr_in));
- m_Request.m_sRemoteHost = sRemoteHost;
- }
- while (bMoreRequests);
- //Undo the SSPI impersonation
- if (bImpersonatedUsingSSPI)
- RevertSecurityContext(&m_Request.m_ContentHandle);
- //Free up the context handle
- DeleteSecurityContext(&m_Request.m_ContentHandle);
- #endif
- }
- BOOL CHttpClient::ParseSimpleRequestLine(const CString& sLine)
- {
- ASSERT(m_pServer);
- CHttpServerSettings* pSettings = m_pServer->GetSettings();
- ASSERT(pSettings);
- //Make a local copy of the string for parsing purposes
- TCHAR* pszLine = new TCHAR[sLine.GetLength() + 1];
- _tcscpy(pszLine, sLine);
- //Assume the worst
- BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
- //First parse out the VERB
- TCHAR seps[] = _T(" ");
- TCHAR* pszVerb = _tcstok(pszLine, seps);
- if (pszVerb)
- {
- m_Request.m_sVerb = pszVerb;
- if (_tcsicmp(pszVerb, _T("GET")) == 0)
- m_Request.m_Verb = CHttpRequest::HTTP_VERB_GET;
- else if (_tcsicmp(pszVerb, _T("POST")) == 0)
- m_Request.m_Verb = CHttpRequest::HTTP_VERB_POST;
- else if (_tcsicmp(pszVerb, _T("HEAD")) == 0)
- m_Request.m_Verb = CHttpRequest::HTTP_VERB_HEAD;
- else if (_tcsicmp(pszVerb, _T("PUT")) == 0)
- m_Request.m_Verb = CHttpRequest::HTTP_VERB_PUT;
- else if (_tcsicmp(pszVerb, _T("LINK")) == 0)
- m_Request.m_Verb = CHttpRequest::HTTP_VERB_LINK;
- else if (_tcsicmp(pszVerb, _T("DELETE")) == 0)
- m_Request.m_Verb = CHttpRequest::HTTP_VERB_DELETE;
- else if (_tcsicmp(pszVerb, _T("UNLINK")) == 0)
- m_Request.m_Verb = CHttpRequest::HTTP_VERB_UNLINK;
- else
- m_Request.m_Verb = CHttpRequest::HTTP_VERB_UNKNOWN;
- //Parse out the URL
- TCHAR* pszURL = _tcstok(NULL, seps);
- if (pszURL)
- {
- m_Request.m_sRawURL = pszURL;
- m_Request.m_sURL = UTF8ToCString(URLDecode(pszURL)); //Convert any embedded escape sequences to their unencoded format
- //as well as handling UTF8 input data
- //Handle the Search path i.e everything after the ?
- int nQuestion = m_Request.m_sURL.Find(_T('?'));
- if (nQuestion != -1)
- {
- m_Request.m_sExtra = m_Request.m_sURL.Right(m_Request.m_sURL.GetLength() - nQuestion - 1);
- m_Request.m_sURL = m_Request.m_sURL.Left(nQuestion);
- }
- nQuestion = m_Request.m_sRawURL.Find(_T('?'));
- if (nQuestion != -1)
- m_Request.m_sRawExtra = m_Request.m_sRawURL.Right(m_Request.m_sRawURL.GetLength() - nQuestion - 1);
- //Parse out the HTTP version
- TCHAR* pszVersion = _tcstok(NULL, seps);
- if (pszVersion)
- {
- if (_tcsstr(pszVersion, _T("HTTP/")) == pszVersion)
- {
- TCHAR sepsVer[] = _T(".");
- TCHAR* pszMajorVersion = _tcstok(pszVersion+5, sepsVer);
- if (pszMajorVersion)
- {
- WORD wMajorVersion = (WORD) _ttoi(pszMajorVersion);
- TCHAR* pszMinorVersion = _tcstok(NULL, sepsVer);
- if (pszMinorVersion)
- {
- WORD wMinorVersion = (WORD) _ttoi(pszMinorVersion);
- m_Request.m_dwHttpVersion = MAKELONG(wMinorVersion, wMajorVersion);
- bSuccess = TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- //No version included in the request, so set it to HTTP v0.9
- m_Request.m_dwHttpVersion = MAKELONG(9, 0);
- bSuccess = m_Request.m_Verb == CHttpRequest::HTTP_VERB_GET; //"GET" is only allowed with HTTP v0.9
- }
- }
- }
- //Tidy up the heap memory we have used before we return
- delete [] pszLine;
- return bSuccess;
- }
- BOOL CHttpClient::ParseWeekDay(char* pszToken, int& nWeekDay)
- {
- BOOL bSuccess = TRUE;
- if (strcmpi(pszToken, "Sun") == 0 || strcmpi(pszToken, "Sunday") == 0)
- nWeekDay = 0;
- else if (strcmpi(pszToken, "Mon") == 0 || strcmpi(pszToken, "Monday") == 0)
- nWeekDay = 1;
- else if (strcmpi(pszToken, "Tue") == 0 || strcmpi(pszToken, "Tuesday") == 0)
- nWeekDay = 2;
- else if (strcmpi(pszToken, "Wed") == 0 || strcmpi(pszToken, "Wednesday") == 0)
- nWeekDay = 3;
- else if (strcmpi(pszToken, "Thu") == 0 || strcmpi(pszToken, "Thursday") == 0)
- nWeekDay = 4;
- else if (strcmpi(pszToken, "Fri") == 0 || strcmpi(pszToken, "Friday") == 0)
- nWeekDay = 5;
- else if (strcmpi(pszToken, "Sat") == 0 || strcmpi(pszToken, "Saturday") == 0)
- nWeekDay = 6;
- else
- bSuccess = FALSE;
- return bSuccess;
- }
- BOOL CHttpClient::ParseMonth(char* pszToken, int& nMonth)
- {
- BOOL bSuccess = TRUE;
- if (strcmpi(pszToken, "Jan") == 0)
- nMonth = 1;
- else if (strcmpi(pszToken, "Feb") == 0)
- nMonth = 2;
- else if (strcmpi(pszToken, "Mar") == 0)
- nMonth = 3;
- else if (strcmpi(pszToken, "Apr") == 0)
- nMonth = 4;
- else if (strcmpi(pszToken, "May") == 0)
- nMonth = 5;
- else if (strcmpi(pszToken, "Jun") == 0)
- nMonth = 6;
- else if (strcmpi(pszToken, "Jul") == 0)
- nMonth = 7;
- else if (strcmpi(pszToken, "Aug") == 0)
- nMonth = 8;
- else if (strcmpi(pszToken, "Sep") == 0)
- nMonth = 9;
- else if (strcmpi(pszToken, "Oct") == 0)
- nMonth = 10;
- else if (strcmpi(pszToken, "Nov") == 0)
- nMonth = 11;
- else if (strcmpi(pszToken, "Dec") == 0)
- nMonth = 12;
- else
- bSuccess = FALSE;
- return bSuccess;
- }
- BOOL CHttpClient::ParseDate(const CString& sField, SYSTEMTIME& time)
- {
- //This method understands RFC 1123, RFC 850 and asctime formats
- //For correct operation of the T2A macro, see MFC Tech Note 59
- BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
- //Make a local copy of the field we are going to parse
- char* pszField = T2A((LPTSTR) (LPCTSTR) sField);
- //Http times never include a millisecond field, so just set it to zero
- time.wMilliseconds = 0;
- int nLength = strlen(pszField);
- if (nLength > 5)
- {
- if (pszField[3] == ',') //Parsing a RFC 1123 format date
- {
- //First the weekday
- char seps[] = ", :";
- char* pszToken = strtok(pszField, seps);
- if (pszToken == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- int nWeekDay;
- bSuccess = ParseWeekDay(pszToken, nWeekDay);
- if (bSuccess)
- time.wDayOfWeek = (WORD) nWeekDay;
- //Then the day of the month
- pszToken = strtok(NULL, seps);
- if (pszToken == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- time.wDay = (WORD) atoi(pszToken);
- //Then the month
- pszToken = strtok(NULL, seps);
- if (pszToken == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- int nMonth = 0;
- bSuccess = bSuccess && ParseMonth(pszToken, nMonth);
- if (bSuccess)
- time.wMonth = (WORD) nMonth;
- //And the year
- pszToken = strtok(NULL, seps);
- if (pszToken == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- time.wYear = (WORD) atoi(pszToken);
- //And the hour
- pszToken = strtok(NULL, seps);
- if (pszToken == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- time.wHour = (WORD) atoi(pszToken);
- //And the minute
- pszToken = strtok(NULL, seps);
- if (pszToken == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- time.wMinute = (WORD) atoi(pszToken);
- //And the second
- pszToken = strtok(NULL, seps);
- if (pszToken == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- time.wSecond = (WORD) atoi(pszToken);
- }
- else if (pszField[3] == ' ') //Parsing an asctime format date
- {
- //First the weekday
- char seps[] = ", :";
- char* pszToken = strtok(pszField, seps);
- if (pszToken == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- int nWeekDay;
- bSuccess = ParseWeekDay(pszToken, nWeekDay);
- if (bSuccess)
- time.wDayOfWeek = (WORD) nWeekDay;
- //Then the month
- pszToken = strtok(NULL, seps);
- if (pszToken == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- int nMonth = 0;
- bSuccess = bSuccess && ParseMonth(pszToken, nMonth);
- if (bSuccess)
- time.wMonth = (WORD) nMonth;
- //Then the day of the month
- pszToken = strtok(NULL, seps);
- if (pszToken == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- time.wDay = (WORD) atoi(pszToken);
- //And the hour
- pszToken = strtok(NULL, seps);
- if (pszToken == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- time.wHour = (WORD) atoi(pszToken);
- //And the minute
- pszToken = strtok(NULL, seps);
- if (pszToken == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- time.wMinute = (WORD) atoi(pszToken);
- //And the second
- pszToken = strtok(NULL, seps);
- if (pszToken == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- time.wSecond = (WORD) atoi(pszToken);
- //And the year
- pszToken = strtok(NULL, seps);
- if (pszToken == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- time.wYear = (WORD) atoi(pszToken);
- }
- else //Must be a RFC 850 format date
- {
- //First the weekday
- char seps[] = ", :-";
- char* pszToken = strtok(pszField, seps);
- if (pszToken == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- int nWeekDay;
- bSuccess = ParseWeekDay(pszToken, nWeekDay);
- if (bSuccess)
- time.wDayOfWeek = (WORD) nWeekDay;
- //Then the day of the month
- pszToken = strtok(NULL, seps);
- if (pszToken == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- time.wDay = (WORD) atoi(pszToken);
- //Then the month
- pszToken = strtok(NULL, seps);
- if (pszToken == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- int nMonth = 0;
- bSuccess = bSuccess && ParseMonth(pszToken, nMonth);
- if (bSuccess)
- time.wMonth = (WORD) nMonth;
- //And the year (2 Digits only, so make some intelligent assumptions)
- pszToken = strtok(NULL, seps);
- if (pszToken == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- time.wYear = (WORD) atoi(pszToken);
- if (time.wYear < 50)
- time.wYear += 2000;
- else if (time.wYear < 100)
- time.wYear += 1900;
- //And the hour
- pszToken = strtok(NULL, seps);
- if (pszToken == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- time.wHour = (WORD) atoi(pszToken);
- //And the minute
- pszToken = strtok(NULL, seps);
- if (pszToken == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- time.wMinute = (WORD) atoi(pszToken);
- //And the second
- pszToken = strtok(NULL, seps);
- if (pszToken == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- time.wSecond = (WORD) atoi(pszToken);
- }
- }
- return bSuccess;
- }
- BOOL CHttpClient::ParseAuthorizationLine(const CString& sField)
- {
- //Validate our parameters
- ASSERT(m_pServer);
- CHttpServerSettings* pSettings = m_pServer->GetSettings();
- ASSERT(pSettings);
- //By default assume the best
- BOOL bSuccess = TRUE;
- //For correct operation of the T2A macro, see MFC Tech Note 59
- //Make a local copy of the field we are going to parse
- char* pszField = T2A((LPTSTR) (LPCTSTR) sField);
- char seps[] = " ";
- char* pszToken = strtok(pszField, seps);
- if (pszToken)
- {
- //Parse out the base64 encoded username and password if we are doing Basic authentication
- if ((strcmpi(pszToken, "Basic") == 0) && pSettings->m_bAllowBasicAuthentication)
- {
- //Move to the base64 encoded data after the text "Basic"
- pszToken = strtok(NULL, seps);
- if (pszToken)
- {
- //Decode the base64 string passed to us
- CBase64 base64;
- int nEncodedLength = strlen(pszToken);
- int nDecodedLength = base64.DecodeGetRequiredLength(nEncodedLength);
- BYTE* pszOutput = new BYTE[nDecodedLength + 1];
- int nOutputLength = 0;
- if (base64.Decode(pszToken, nEncodedLength, pszOutput, &nOutputLength))
- {
- //NULL terminate the decoded data
- pszOutput[nOutputLength] = ' ';
- CString sOutput(pszOutput);
- int nColon = sOutput.Find(_T(":"));
- if (nColon != -1)
- {
- m_Request.m_AuthorizationType = CHttpRequest::HTTP_AUTHORIZATION_PLAINTEXT;
- m_Request.m_sUsername = sOutput.Left(nColon);
- m_Request.m_sPassword = sOutput.Right(sOutput.GetLength() - nColon - 1);
- }
- }
- else
- bSuccess = FALSE;
- //Tidy up the heap memory we have been using
- delete [] pszOutput;
- }
- else
- bSuccess = FALSE;
- }
- else if ((strcmpi(pszToken, "NTLM") == 0) && pSettings->m_bAllowNTLMAuthentication && !m_Request.m_bAuthenticationComplete)
- {
- //Move to the encoded data after the text "NTLM"
- pszToken = strtok(NULL, seps);
- if (pszToken)
- {
- CBase64 base64;
- int nEncodedLength = strlen(pszToken);
- int nDecodedLength = base64.DecodeGetRequiredLength(nEncodedLength);
- BYTE* pszInput = new BYTE[nDecodedLength + 1];
- int nInputLength = 0;
- if (base64.Decode(pszToken, nEncodedLength, pszInput, &nInputLength))
- {
- //Get SSPI to act on the received data
- //First setup the buffers
- SecBuffer secBufferIn[1];
- secBufferIn[0].BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN;
- secBufferIn[0].cbBuffer = nInputLength;
- secBufferIn[0].pvBuffer = pszInput;
- SecBufferDesc secbufDescriptorIn;
- secbufDescriptorIn.ulVersion = SECBUFFER_VERSION;
- secbufDescriptorIn.cBuffers = 1;
- secbufDescriptorIn.pBuffers = secBufferIn;
- SecBuffer secBufferOut[1];
- secBufferOut[0].BufferType = SECBUFFER_TOKEN;
- secBufferOut[0].cbBuffer = 0;
- secBufferOut[0].pvBuffer = NULL;
- SecBufferDesc secbufDescriptorOut;
- secbufDescriptorOut.ulVersion = SECBUFFER_VERSION;
- secbufDescriptorOut.cBuffers = 1;
- secbufDescriptorOut.pBuffers = secBufferOut;
- //Call SSPI
- ULONG nContextAttributes;
- SECURITY_STATUS ss = AcceptSecurityContext(m_pServer->GetCredentialHandle(), m_Request.m_bFirstAuthenticationRequest ? NULL : &m_Request.m_ContentHandle,
- &m_Request.m_ContentHandle, &secbufDescriptorOut, &nContextAttributes, NULL);
- //It's no longer the first request
- m_Request.m_bFirstAuthenticationRequest = FALSE;
- //Seup the output data (if any)
- if (secBufferOut[0].cbBuffer)
- {
- nEncodedLength = base64.EncodeGetRequiredLength(secBufferOut[0].cbBuffer, BASE64_FLAG_NOCRLF);
- char* pszOutput = new char[nEncodedLength + 1];
- //Base 64 encode the data to be sent
- base64.Encode((const BYTE*) secBufferOut[0].pvBuffer, secBufferOut[0].cbBuffer, pszOutput, &nEncodedLength, BASE64_FLAG_NOCRLF);
- //Null terminate the data
- pszOutput[nEncodedLength] = ' ';
- //Set the data to return to the client
- m_Request.m_sAuthenticationResponse = pszOutput;
- //Tidy up the heap memory we have been using
- delete [] pszOutput;
- //Also free the data allocated by SSPI
- FreeContextBuffer(secBufferOut[0].pvBuffer);
- }
- //Do we need more data from the client?
- m_Request.m_bAuthenticationComplete = (ss != SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED);
- //Is the authentication handshake completed
- if (ss == SEC_E_OK)
- m_Request.m_AuthorizationType = CHttpRequest::HTTP_AUTHORIZATION_NTLM;
- bSuccess = (ss == SEC_E_OK || ss == SEC_I_CONTINUE_NEEDED);
- }
- else
- bSuccess = FALSE;
- //Tidy up the heap memory we have been using
- delete [] pszInput;
- }
- else
- bSuccess = FALSE;
- }
- }
- return bSuccess;
- }
- BOOL CHttpClient::ParseRequestLine(const CString& sCurrentLine, BOOL bFirstLine, const CString& sField, const CString& sValue)
- {
- //Assume the worst
- BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
- if (bFirstLine)
- {
- //Handle the first line
- m_Request.m_sRequest = sCurrentLine;
- bSuccess = ParseSimpleRequestLine(sCurrentLine);
- }
- else
- {
- bSuccess = TRUE;
- //Also add the header line to the header map
- CString sKey(sField);
- sKey.MakeUpper();
- m_Request.m_HeaderMap.SetAt(sKey, sValue);
- //Handle any other request headers
- if (sField.CompareNoCase(_T("If-Modified-Since")) == 0)
- {
- //Handle the If-Modified-Since header
- if (ParseDate(sValue, time))
- {
- m_Request.m_bIfModifiedSincePresent = TRUE;
- CopyMemory(&m_Request.m_IfModifiedSince, &time, sizeof(SYSTEMTIME));
- }
- }
- else if (sField.CompareNoCase(_T("Authorization")) == 0)
- {
- //Handle the Authorization header
- bSuccess = ParseAuthorizationLine(sValue);
- }
- else if (sField.CompareNoCase(_T("Content-Type")) == 0)
- m_Request.m_sContentType = sValue;
- else if (sField.CompareNoCase(_T("Content-Length")) == 0)
- m_Request.m_nContentLength = _ttoi(sValue);
- else if ((sField.CompareNoCase(_T("Connection")) == 0) && (sValue.CompareNoCase(_T("Keep-Alive")) == 0))
- m_Request.m_bKeepAlive = TRUE;
- }
- return bSuccess;
- }
- LPSTR CHttpClient::FindNextTerminatorFromRequest(LPSTR pszLine)
- {
- LPSTR pszCurrentLine = pszLine;
- while (TRUE)
- {
- ++pszCurrentLine;
- if (pszCurrentLine >= ((LPSTR) m_Request.m_pRawEntity))
- return pszCurrentLine;
- else if (*pszCurrentLine == 'n')
- return pszCurrentLine;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- BOOL CHttpClient::ParseRequest()
- {
- //By default assume the worst
- BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
- //Also store a pointer to entity body.
- LPSTR pszEntityTerminator = strstr((LPSTR) m_Request.m_pRawRequest, "rnrn");
- if (pszEntityTerminator)
- {
- m_Request.m_pRawEntity = (BYTE*) (pszEntityTerminator+4);
- m_Request.m_dwRawEntitySize = m_Request.m_dwRawRequestSize - (m_Request.m_pRawEntity - m_Request.m_pRawRequest);
- }
- else
- {
- m_Request.m_pRawEntity = NULL;
- m_Request.m_dwRawEntitySize = 0;
- }
- //Process each line
- BOOL bFirstLine = TRUE;
- LPSTR pszLine = (LPSTR) m_Request.m_pRawRequest;
- LPSTR pszTerminator = strstr(pszLine, "n");
- BOOL bMoreLines = TRUE;
- do
- {
- CString sLine;
- if (pszTerminator)
- {
- //Form the current line
- int nCurSize = pszTerminator - pszLine;
- char* pszCurrentLine = new char[nCurSize];
- strncpy(pszCurrentLine, pszLine, nCurSize-1);
- pszCurrentLine[nCurSize-1] = ' ';
- //Transfer to the CString variable
- sLine = pszCurrentLine;
- //Tidy up the heap memory now that we are finished with it
- delete [] pszCurrentLine;
- //Parse each line using the virtual ParseRequestLine method
- if (sLine.GetLength())
- {
- CString sField;
- CString sValue;
- if (!bFirstLine)
- {
- m_Socket.SplitRequestLine(sLine, sField, sValue);
- bSuccess = ParseRequestLine(sLine, FALSE, sField, sValue);
- }
- else
- {
- bSuccess = ParseRequestLine(sLine, TRUE, sField, sValue);
- bFirstLine = FALSE;
- }
- }
- //Move onto the next line
- if (pszTerminator)
- {
- pszLine = pszTerminator+1;
- if (pszLine >= (LPSTR) m_Request.m_pRawEntity)
- bMoreLines = FALSE;
- else
- pszTerminator = FindNextTerminatorFromRequest(pszLine);
- }
- }
- else
- bMoreLines = FALSE;
- }
- while (bMoreLines && bSuccess);
- m_Request.m_hImpersonation = m_pServer->GetImpersonationHandle();
- return bSuccess;
- }
- DWORD CHttpClient::ReturnErrorMessage(int nStatusCode)
- {
- //Validate our parameters
- ASSERT(m_pServer);
- CHttpServerSettings* pSettings = m_pServer->GetSettings();
- ASSERT(pSettings);
- //Form the body of the response
- DWORD dwBodyLength = 0;
- char* pszBody = m_pServer->LoadHTML(nStatusCode, dwBodyLength);
- if (m_Request.m_dwHttpVersion > MAKELONG(9, 0))
- {
- //Form the header of the response
- CHttpResponseHeader responseHdr;
- responseHdr.AddStatusCode(nStatusCode);
- GetSystemTime(&st);
- responseHdr.AddDate(st);
- responseHdr.AddServer(pSettings->m_sServerName);
- responseHdr.AddW3MfcAllowFields(pSettings->m_bAllowDeleteRequest);
- if (m_bResponseKeepAlive)
- responseHdr.AddKeepAlive();
- responseHdr.AddContentLength(dwBodyLength);
- responseHdr.AddContentType(_T("text/html"));
- //Send the header and body all in one
- TransmitBuffer(m_Socket, responseHdr, (BYTE*)pszBody, dwBodyLength, pSettings->m_dwWritableTimeout);
- }
- else
- {
- //No header sent for HTTP v0.9
- //so just send the body
- try
- {
- m_Socket.SendWithRetry(pszBody, dwBodyLength, pSettings->m_dwWritableTimeout, m_SSL);
- #else
- m_Socket.SendWithRetry(pszBody, dwBodyLength, pSettings->m_dwWritableTimeout);
- #endif
- }
- catch(CWSocketException* pEx)
- {
- //Report the error
- CString sError;
- sError.Format(_T("CHttpClient::ReturnErrorMessage, Failed to send to socket, Error:%d"), pEx->m_nError);
- ASSERT(m_pServer);
- m_pServer->OnError(sError);
- pEx->Delete();
- }
- }
- //Log the information
- PostLog(nStatusCode, dwBodyLength);
- //Return the body length
- return dwBodyLength;
- }
- DWORD CHttpClient::ReturnRedirectMessage(const CString& sURL)
- {
- //Validate our parameters
- ASSERT(m_pServer);
- CHttpServerSettings* pSettings = m_pServer->GetSettings();
- ASSERT(pSettings);
- //Form the body of the response
- DWORD dwBodyLength = 0;
- char* pszBody = m_pServer->LoadHTML(302, dwBodyLength);
- //Form the header of the response
- CHttpResponseHeader responseHdr;
- responseHdr.AddStatusCode(302);
- GetSystemTime(&st);
- responseHdr.AddDate(st);
- responseHdr.AddServer(pSettings->m_sServerName);
- responseHdr.AddW3MfcAllowFields(pSettings->m_bAllowDeleteRequest);
- responseHdr.AddLocation(sURL);
- if (m_bResponseKeepAlive)
- responseHdr.AddKeepAlive();
- responseHdr.AddContentLength(dwBodyLength);
- responseHdr.AddContentType(_T("text/html"));
- //Send the header and body all in one
- TransmitBuffer(m_Socket, responseHdr, (BYTE*)pszBody, dwBodyLength, pSettings->m_dwWritableTimeout);
- //Log the information
- PostLog(302, dwBodyLength);
- return dwBodyLength;
- }
- DWORD CHttpClient::ReturnUnauthorizedMessage(const CString& sRealm)
- {
- //Validate our parameters
- ASSERT(m_pServer);
- CHttpServerSettings* pSettings = m_pServer->GetSettings();
- ASSERT(pSettings);
- ASSERT(pSettings->m_bAllowBasicAuthentication || pSettings->m_bAllowNTLMAuthentication);
- //Form the body of the response
- DWORD dwBodyLength = 0;
- char* pszBody = m_pServer->LoadHTML(401, dwBodyLength);
- //Form the header of the response
- CHttpResponseHeader responseHdr;
- responseHdr.AddStatusCode(401);
- GetSystemTime(&st);
- responseHdr.AddDate(st);
- responseHdr.AddServer(pSettings->m_sServerName);
- responseHdr.AddW3MfcAllowFields(pSettings->m_bAllowDeleteRequest);
- if (pSettings->m_bAllowNTLMAuthentication)
- responseHdr.AddWWWAuthenticateNTLM(m_Request.m_sAuthenticationResponse);
- if (pSettings->m_bAllowBasicAuthentication)
- responseHdr.AddWWWAuthenticateBasic(sRealm);
- if (m_bResponseKeepAlive)
- responseHdr.AddKeepAlive();
- responseHdr.AddContentLength(dwBodyLength);
- responseHdr.AddContentType(_T("text/html"));
- //Send the header and body all in one
- TransmitBuffer(m_Socket, responseHdr, (BYTE*)pszBody, dwBodyLength, pSettings->m_dwWritableTimeout);
- //Log the information
- PostLog(401, dwBodyLength);
- return dwBodyLength;
- }
- DWORD CHttpClient::ReturnFileDeletedOkMessage(const CString& /*sFile*/)
- {
- //Validate our parameters
- ASSERT(m_pServer);
- CHttpServerSettings* pSettings = m_pServer->GetSettings();
- ASSERT(pSettings);
- //Form the body of the response
- DWORD dwBodyLength = 0;
- char* pszBody = m_pServer->GetFileDeletedHTML(dwBodyLength);
- //Form the header of the response
- CHttpResponseHeader responseHdr;
- responseHdr.AddStatusCode(200);
- GetSystemTime(&st);
- responseHdr.AddDate(st);
- responseHdr.AddServer(pSettings->m_sServerName);
- responseHdr.AddW3MfcAllowFields(pSettings->m_bAllowDeleteRequest);
- if (m_bResponseKeepAlive)
- responseHdr.AddKeepAlive();
- responseHdr.AddContentLength(dwBodyLength);
- responseHdr.AddContentType(_T("text/html"));
- //Send the header and body all in one
- TransmitBuffer(m_Socket, responseHdr, (BYTE*)pszBody, dwBodyLength, pSettings->m_dwWritableTimeout);
- //Log the information
- PostLog(200, dwBodyLength);
- //Don't forget to free up the memory
- delete [] pszBody;
- return dwBodyLength;
- }
- void CHttpClient::TransmitBuffer(BYTE* byData, DWORD dwSize, CHttpDirectory* /*pDirectory*/, BOOL bForceExpire)
- {
- //validate our settings
- ASSERT(m_pServer);
- CHttpServerSettings* pSettings = m_pServer->GetSettings();
- ASSERT(pSettings);
- ASSERT(pSettings->m_pMimeManager);
- CHttpResponseHeader responseHdr;
- //Get the current system time in UTC
- ::GetSystemTime(&stCurTime);
- if (m_Request.m_dwHttpVersion > MAKELONG(9, 0)) //No header sent for Http 0.9
- {
- //Get the mime type for extension we are about to return
- CString sMime = pSettings->m_pMimeManager->GetMimeType(m_Request);
- //Form the header of the response
- responseHdr.AddStatusCode(200);
- responseHdr.AddDate(stCurTime);
- responseHdr.AddServer(pSettings->m_sServerName);
- responseHdr.AddW3MfcAllowFields(pSettings->m_bAllowDeleteRequest);
- if (bForceExpire)
- responseHdr.AddExpires(stCurTime);
- if (m_bResponseKeepAlive)
- responseHdr.AddKeepAlive();
- responseHdr.AddContentLength(dwSize);
- responseHdr.AddContentType(sMime);
- //Send the header and body all in one
- TransmitBuffer(m_Socket, responseHdr, byData, dwSize, pSettings->m_dwWritableTimeout);
- }
- else
- {
- //Send back the file contents (if not a HEAD request)
- if (m_Request.m_Verb != CHttpRequest::HTTP_VERB_HEAD)
- {
- try
- {
- m_Socket.SendWithRetry(byData, dwSize, pSettings->m_dwWritableTimeout);
- }
- catch(CWSocketException* pEx)
- {
- //Report the error
- CString sError;
- sError.Format(_T("CHttpClient::TransmitBuffer, Failed to send to socket, Error:%d"), pEx->m_nError);
- m_pServer->OnError(sError);
- pEx->Delete();
- }
- }
- }
- //Log the information
- PostLog(200, dwSize);
- }
- CHttpDirectory* CHttpClient::GetVirtualDirectory(const CString& sDirectory)
- {
- //Validate our parameters
- ASSERT(m_pServer);
- CHttpServerSettings* pSettings = m_pServer->GetSettings();
- ASSERT(pSettings);
- CHttpDirectory* pDirectory = NULL;
- for (int i=0; i<pSettings->m_Directories.GetSize() && pDirectory == NULL; i++)
- {
- CHttpDirectory* pDir = pSettings->m_Directories.GetAt(i);
- if (sDirectory.CompareNoCase(pDir->GetAlias()) == 0)
- pDirectory = pDir;
- }
- return pDirectory;
- }
- int CHttpClient::HexToInt(TCHAR ch)
- {
- //character is in range of 0-9 subtract ascii value of '0' to get integer
- if ((ch >= _T('0')) && (ch <= _T('9')))
- return ch - _T('0');
- //character is in range of a-z or A-Z subtract ascii value of 'a' and add 10 to get it converted into int
- if ((ch >= _T('a')) && (ch <= _T('f')))
- return ch - _T('a') + 10;
- else if ((ch >= _T('A')) && (ch <= _T('F')))
- return ch - _T('A') + 10;
- //Character is not a Hex Digit
- return -1;
- }
- TCHAR CHttpClient::IntToHex(int Character)
- {
- //This function only expects nibbles
- ASSERT(Character >= 0 && Character <= 15);
- if (Character <= 9)
- return (TCHAR)(Character + _T('0'));
- else
- return (TCHAR)(Character - 10 + _T('A'));
- }
- CString CHttpClient::UTF8ToCString(const CString& sURL)
- {
- //Get the length of the string to convert from UTF
- int nInputLen = sURL.GetLength();
- //Allocate memory to hold the Unicode string
- LPWSTR lpwszURL = new WCHAR[nInputLen * 4];
- //Convert the UTF input string to Unicode
- int nInputIndex = 0;
- int nOutputIndex = 0;
- while (nInputIndex < nInputLen)
- {
- BYTE cInputChar1 = (BYTE) sURL.GetAt(nInputIndex);
- if (cInputChar1 <= 0x7f)
- {
- //Form the current output character
- lpwszURL[nOutputIndex] = cInputChar1;
- //Move onto the next input character
- nInputIndex++;
- }
- else if (nInputIndex < nInputLen-1 && cInputChar1 <= 0xdf)
- {
- //Form the current output character
- lpwszURL[nOutputIndex] = (wchar_t) (((cInputChar1 & 0x1f) << 6) +
- (sURL.GetAt(nInputIndex+1) & 0x3f));
- //Move onto the next input character
- nInputIndex += 2;
- }
- else if (nInputIndex < nInputLen-2)
- {
- //Form the current output character
- lpwszURL[nOutputIndex] = (wchar_t) (((cInputChar1 & 0x0f) << 12) +
- ((sURL.GetAt(nInputIndex+1) & 0x3f) << 6) +
- (sURL.GetAt(nInputIndex+2) & 0x3f));
- //Move onto the next input character
- nInputIndex += 3;
- }
- else
- {
- //skip illegal sequence
- nInputIndex++;
- }
- //Move onto the next output character
- nOutputIndex++;
- }
- //Don't forget to NULL terminate
- lpwszURL[nOutputIndex] = _T(' ');
- //Form a CString version of the Unicode string
- CString sDecodedURL(lpwszURL);
- //Tidy up the heap memory we have been using
- delete [] lpwszURL;
- //Return the string
- return sDecodedURL;
- }
- CString CHttpClient::URLEncode(const CString& sURL)
- {
- CString sEncodedURL;
- int nLength = sURL.GetLength();
- LPTSTR pszEncodedURL = sEncodedURL.GetBufferSetLength((nLength*3) + 1);
- int nOutputIndex = 0;
- for (int i=0; i<nLength; i++)
- {
- //Pull out the current character to evaluate
- BYTE CurrentChar = (BYTE) sURL.GetAt(i);
- //Should we encode the character or not? See RFC 1738 for the details.
- if ((CurrentChar >= '0' && CurrentChar <= '9') ||
- (CurrentChar >= 'a' && CurrentChar <= 'z') ||
- (CurrentChar >= 'A' && CurrentChar <= 'Z') ||
- (CurrentChar == '$') ||
- (CurrentChar == '-') ||
- (CurrentChar == '_') ||
- (CurrentChar == '.') ||
- (CurrentChar == '+') ||
- (CurrentChar == '!') ||
- (CurrentChar == '*') ||
- (CurrentChar == ''') ||
- (CurrentChar == '(') ||
- (CurrentChar == ')') ||
- (CurrentChar == ','))
- {
- pszEncodedURL[nOutputIndex] = CurrentChar;
- ++nOutputIndex;
- }
- else
- {
- pszEncodedURL[nOutputIndex] = _T('%');
- ++nOutputIndex;
- TCHAR nNibble = IntToHex((CurrentChar & 0xF0) >> 4);
- pszEncodedURL[nOutputIndex] = nNibble;
- ++nOutputIndex;
- nNibble = IntToHex(CurrentChar & 0x0F);
- pszEncodedURL[nOutputIndex] = nNibble;
- ++nOutputIndex;
- }
- }
- //Don't forget to NULL terminate
- pszEncodedURL[nOutputIndex] = _T(' ');
- sEncodedURL.ReleaseBuffer();
- return sEncodedURL;
- }
- CString CHttpClient::URLDecode(const CString& sURL)
- {
- CString sDecodedURL;
- int nLength = sURL.GetLength();
- LPTSTR pszDecodedURL = sDecodedURL.GetBufferSetLength(nLength + 1);
- int nOutputIndex = 0;
- for (int i=0; i<nLength; i++)
- {
- TCHAR c1 = sURL[i];
- if (c1 != _T('%'))
- {
- if (c1 == '+')
- pszDecodedURL[nOutputIndex] = ' ';
- else
- pszDecodedURL[nOutputIndex] = c1;
- nOutputIndex++;
- }
- else
- {
- if (i < nLength-2)
- {
- int msb = HexToInt(sURL[i+1]);
- int lsb = HexToInt(sURL[i+2]);
- if (msb != -1 && lsb != -1)
- {
- int nChar = (msb << 4) + lsb;
- pszDecodedURL[nOutputIndex] = TCHAR(nChar);
- nOutputIndex++;
- i += 2;
- }
- else
- {
- pszDecodedURL[nOutputIndex] = c1;
- nOutputIndex++;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- pszDecodedURL[nOutputIndex] = c1;
- nOutputIndex++;
- }
- }
- }
- //Don't forget to NULL terminate
- pszDecodedURL[nOutputIndex] = _T(' ');
- sDecodedURL.ReleaseBuffer();
- return sDecodedURL;
- }
- BOOL CHttpClient::MapURLToLocalFilename(CString& sURL, CString& sLocalFile, CString& sPathInfo, BOOL& bDirectory, CHttpDirectory*& pDirectory, DWORD& dwMatchingURL, DWORD& dwMatchingPath)
- {
- //Setup the default return value from this function
- BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
- sLocalFile.Empty();
- sPathInfo.Empty();
- bDirectory = FALSE;
- pDirectory = NULL;
- dwMatchingURL = 0;
- dwMatchingPath = 0;
- //Convert from Unix to Windows format
- CString sClientURL(sURL);
- sClientURL.Replace(_T("/"), _T("\"));
- //As a security precaution do not allow any URL's which contains any relative parts in it
- //(as an example trying to request a file outside of the directories we are serving)
- //We also exclude URL's with a ":" in them as this is how NTFS streams are accessed
- if (sClientURL.Find(_T("..")) == -1 && sClientURL.Find(_T(":")) == -1)
- {
- pDirectory = NULL;
- CString sVirtualDir(sClientURL);
- sVirtualDir += _T("\"); //Initially try a default directory
- do
- {
- _tsplitpath(sVirtualDir, sDrive, sDir, sFname, sExt);
- if (_tcslen(sDir))
- {
- pDirectory = GetVirtualDirectory(sDir);
- if (pDirectory == NULL)
- {
- sVirtualDir = sDir;
- sVirtualDir = sVirtualDir.Left(sVirtualDir.GetLength()-1);
- }
- }
- }
- while (pDirectory == NULL && _tcslen(sDir));
- if (pDirectory)
- {
- CString strPath = pDirectory->GetDirectory();
- ASSERT(pDirectory->GetDirectory().GetLength());
- ASSERT(pDirectory->GetAlias().GetLength());
- //Ignore the alias part of the URL now that we have got the virtual directory
- CString sAlias = pDirectory->GetAlias();
- CString sRelativeFile(sClientURL);
- sRelativeFile = sRelativeFile.Right(sRelativeFile.GetLength() - sAlias.GetLength());
- //Form the local filename from the requested URL
- CString sDirectory = pDirectory->GetDirectory();
- int nLength = sDirectory.GetLength();
- if (sDirectory.GetAt(nLength-1) != _T('\'))
- sDirectory += _T("\");
- sLocalFile = sDirectory;
- //Asking for the default filename
- if (sRelativeFile.IsEmpty())
- {
- bDirectory = pDirectory->GetDirectoryListing();
- if (!bDirectory)
- sLocalFile += pDirectory->GetDefaultFile();
- dwMatchingURL = sURL.GetLength();
- dwMatchingPath = sLocalFile.GetLength();
- }
- else
- {
- //Ensure that we don't have two "" separating the filename from the directory
- if (sClientURL.Find(_T('\')) == 0)
- sLocalFile += sRelativeFile.Right(sRelativeFile.GetLength());
- else
- sLocalFile += sRelativeFile;
- dwMatchingURL = sURL.GetLength();
- dwMatchingPath = sLocalFile.GetLength();
- //Keep parsing left to right until we find a piece of the path which is a file.
- //This is used to work out the PathInfo value
- CString sTemp(sRelativeFile);
- int nLocalFileData = 0;
- BOOL bContinueParse = TRUE;
- while (bContinueParse)
- {
- int nSlash = sTemp.Find(_T('\'));
- if (nSlash != -1)
- {
- nLocalFileData += nSlash;
- CString sFile(sDirectory + sRelativeFile.Left(nLocalFileData));
- sTemp = sTemp.Right(sTemp.GetLength() - nSlash - 1);
- DWORD dwAttributes = GetFileAttributes(sFile);
- if (dwAttributes == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES)
- {
- bContinueParse = FALSE;
- sPathInfo = sLocalFile.Right(sLocalFile.GetLength() - sFile.GetLength() + nSlash);
- sPathInfo.Replace(_T("\"), _T("/"));
- sLocalFile = sFile.Left(sFile.GetLength() - nSlash - 1);
- //Remove the PathInfo from the incoming parameter
- sURL = sURL.Left(sURL.GetLength() - sPathInfo.GetLength());
- dwMatchingURL = sClientURL.GetLength() - sPathInfo.GetLength();
- dwMatchingPath = sLocalFile.GetLength();
- }
- else if ((dwAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0)
- {
- bContinueParse = FALSE;
- sPathInfo = sLocalFile.Right(sLocalFile.GetLength() - sFile.GetLength() - 1);
- sPathInfo.Replace(_T("\"), _T("/"));
- sLocalFile = sFile;
- //Remove the PathInfo from the incoming parameter
- sURL = sURL.Left(sURL.GetLength() - sPathInfo.GetLength() - 1);
- dwMatchingURL = sClientURL.GetLength() - sPathInfo.GetLength();
- dwMatchingPath = sLocalFile.GetLength();
- }
- nLocalFileData++; //Move over the directory separator
- }
- else
- {
- bContinueParse = FALSE;
- CString sFile(sDirectory + sRelativeFile.Left(nLocalFileData) + sTemp);
- DWORD dwAttributes = GetFileAttributes(sFile);
- if (dwAttributes == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES)
- {
- sPathInfo = sTemp;
- sPathInfo.Replace(_T("\"), _T("/"));
- sLocalFile = sDirectory + sRelativeFile.Left(nLocalFileData);
- //Remove the PathInfo from the incoming parameter
- sURL = sURL.Left(sURL.GetLength() - sPathInfo.GetLength());
- dwMatchingURL = sClientURL.GetLength() - sPathInfo.GetLength();
- dwMatchingPath = sLocalFile.GetLength();
- }
- }
- }
- bDirectory = pDirectory->GetDirectoryListing() && (((GetFileAttributes(sLocalFile) & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0));
- if (bDirectory)
- {
- int nURLLength = sURL.GetLength();
- if (nURLLength && sURL.GetAt(nURLLength-1) != _T('/'))
- sURL += _T("/");
- }
- }
- bSuccess = TRUE;
- }
- }
- return bSuccess;
- }
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- void CHttpClient::PostLog(int nHTTPStatusCode, DWORD dwBodyLength)
- #else
- void CHttpClient::PostLog(int /*nHTTPStatusCode*/, DWORD /*dwBodyLength*/)
- #endif
- {
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- //The default is to just TRACE the details
- //Get the current date and time
- time_t now = time(NULL);
- tm* pNow = localtime(&now);
- //Get the time zone information
- GetTimeZoneInformation(&tzi);
- //Format the date and time appropiately
- TCHAR sDateTime[64];
- _tcsftime(sDateTime, 64, _T("[%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S"), pNow);
- //Display the connections to the console window
- CString sUser(m_Request.m_sUsername);
- if (sUser.IsEmpty())
- sUser = _T("-");
- TRACE(_T("%d.%d.%d.%d - %s %s %04d] "%s" %d %dn"),
- m_Request.m_ClientAddress.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1,
- m_Request.m_ClientAddress.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2,
- m_Request.m_ClientAddress.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3,
- m_Request.m_ClientAddress.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4,
- sUser, sDateTime, tzi.Bias, m_Request.m_sRequest, nHTTPStatusCode, dwBodyLength);
- #endif
- }
- BOOL CHttpClient::TransmitFile(CHttpSocket& socket, CHttpResponseHeader& responseHdr, HANDLE hFile, DWORD dwSize, DWORD dwTimeout)
- {
- //Validate our parameters
- ASSERT(m_pServer);
- CHttpServerSettings* pSettings = m_pServer->GetSettings();
- ASSERT(pSettings);
- //Assume the worst
- BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
- BOOL bTryUsingSendExtension = (pSettings->m_SSLProtocol == CHttpServerSettings::SSL_NONE);
- #else
- BOOL bTryUsingSendExtension = TRUE;
- #endif
- if (bTryUsingSendExtension && _W3MFCData.m_lpfnTransmitFile)
- {
- bSuccess = _W3MFCData.TransmitFile(socket, responseHdr, hFile, dwSize);
- //Handle the error
- if (!bSuccess)
- {
- //Report the error
- CString sError;
- sError.Format(_T("CHttpClient::TransmitFile, Failed to send response via TransmitFile, Error:%d"), ::GetLastError());
- m_pServer->OnError(sError);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- //Send the header
- bSuccess = responseHdr.Send(m_Socket, dwTimeout, m_SSL);
- #else
- bSuccess = responseHdr.Send(socket, dwTimeout);
- #endif
- if (!bSuccess)
- {
- //Report the error
- CString sError;
- sError.Format(_T("CHttpClient::TransmitFile, Failed to send to response header, Error:%d"), ::GetLastError());
- m_pServer->OnError(sError);
- }
- //Send the body
- if (bSuccess)
- {
- try
- {
- char sBuf[4096];
- DWORD dwBytesRead = 0;
- do
- {
- if (::ReadFile(hFile, sBuf, 4096, &dwBytesRead, NULL) && dwBytesRead)
- socket.SendWithRetry(sBuf, dwBytesRead, dwTimeout, m_SSL);
- #else
- socket.SendWithRetry(sBuf, dwBytesRead, dwTimeout);
- #endif
- }
- while (dwBytesRead);
- bSuccess = TRUE;
- }
- catch(CWSocketException* pEx)
- {
- //Report the error
- CString sError;
- sError.Format(_T("CHttpClient::TransmitFile, Failed to send response file data, Error:%d"), pEx->m_nError);
- m_pServer->OnError(sError);
- pEx->Delete();
- }
- }
- }
- return bSuccess;
- }
- BOOL CHttpClient::TransmitBuffer(CHttpSocket& socket, CHttpResponseHeader& responseHdr, BYTE* byData, DWORD dwSize, DWORD dwTimeout)
- {
- //Validate our parameters
- ASSERT(m_pServer);
- CHttpServerSettings* pSettings = m_pServer->GetSettings();
- ASSERT(pSettings);
- //Assume the worst
- BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
- BOOL bTryUsingSendExtension = (pSettings->m_SSLProtocol == CHttpServerSettings::SSL_NONE);
- #else
- BOOL bTryUsingSendExtension = TRUE;
- #endif
- if (bTryUsingSendExtension && _W3MFCData.m_lpfnTransmitPackets)
- {
- bSuccess = _W3MFCData.TransmitBuffer(socket, responseHdr, byData, dwSize);
- if (!bSuccess)
- {
- //Report the error
- CString sError;
- sError.Format(_T("CHttpClient::TransmitBuffer, Failed to send response via TransmitPackets, Error:%d"), ::GetLastError());
- m_pServer->OnError(sError);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- //Send the header
- bSuccess = responseHdr.Send(socket, dwTimeout, m_SSL);
- #else
- bSuccess = responseHdr.Send(socket, dwTimeout);
- #endif
- if (!bSuccess)
- {
- //Report the error
- CString sError;
- sError.Format(_T("CHttpClient::TransmitBuffer, Failed to send to response header, Error:%d"), ::GetLastError());
- m_pServer->OnError(sError);
- }
- //Send the body
- if (bSuccess && dwSize)
- {
- try
- {
- socket.SendWithRetry(byData, dwSize, dwTimeout, m_SSL);
- #else
- socket.SendWithRetry(byData, dwSize, dwTimeout);
- #endif
- bSuccess = TRUE;
- }
- catch(CWSocketException* pEx)
- {
- //Report the error
- CString sError;
- sError.Format(_T("CHttpClient::TransmitBuffer, Failed to send to response body, Error:%d"), pEx->m_nError);
- m_pServer->OnError(sError);
- pEx->Delete();
- }
- }
- }
- return bSuccess;
- }
- void CHttpClient::SetRequestToStop()
- {
- //Let the base class do its thing
- CThreadPoolClient::SetRequestToStop();
- //Set the event which signals that we want this worker thread to exit
- m_StopEvent.SetEvent();
- }
- BOOL CHttpClient::GetKeySizeServerVariable(int& nKeySize)
- {
- //Validate our parameters
- ASSERT(m_pServer);
- CHttpServerSettings* pSettings = m_pServer->GetSettings();
- ASSERT(pSettings);
- //What will be the return value
- BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
- nKeySize = 0;
- if (pSettings->m_SSLProtocol != CHttpServerSettings::SSL_NONE)
- {
- SSL_get_cipher_bits(m_SSL, &nKeySize);
- bSuccess = TRUE;
- }
- #endif
- return bSuccess;
- }
- BOOL CHttpClient::GetServerKeySizeServerVariable(int& nKeySize)
- {
- //Validate our parameters
- ASSERT(m_pServer);
- CHttpServerSettings* pSettings = m_pServer->GetSettings();
- ASSERT(pSettings);
- //What will be the return value
- BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
- nKeySize = 0;
- if (pSettings->m_SSLProtocol != CHttpServerSettings::SSL_NONE)
- {
- EVP_PKEY* pKey = SSL_get_privatekey(m_SSL);
- if (pKey)
- {
- nKeySize = EVP_PKEY_bits(pKey);
- bSuccess = TRUE;
- }
- }
- #endif
- return bSuccess;
- }
- BOOL CHttpClient::GetCertSerialNumberServerVariable(long& nSerialNumber)
- {
- //Validate our parameters
- ASSERT(m_pServer);
- CHttpServerSettings* pSettings = m_pServer->GetSettings();
- ASSERT(pSettings);
- //What will be the return value
- BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
- nSerialNumber = 0;
- if (pSettings->m_SSLProtocol != CHttpServerSettings::SSL_NONE)
- {
- X509* pCert = SSL_get_certificate(m_SSL);
- if (pCert)
- {
- ASN1_INTEGER* pSerialNumber = X509_get_serialNumber(pCert);
- if (pSerialNumber)
- {
- nSerialNumber = ASN1_INTEGER_get(pSerialNumber);
- bSuccess = TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- #endif
- return bSuccess;
- }
- BOOL CHttpClient::GetCertIssuerServerVariable(char*& szIssuer)
- {
- //Validate our parameters
- ASSERT(m_pServer);
- CHttpServerSettings* pSettings = m_pServer->GetSettings();
- ASSERT(pSettings);
- //What will be the return value
- BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
- szIssuer = NULL;
- if (pSettings->m_SSLProtocol != CHttpServerSettings::SSL_NONE)
- {
- X509* pCert = SSL_get_certificate(m_SSL);
- if (pCert)
- {
- szIssuer = X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_issuer_name(pCert), NULL, NULL);
- bSuccess = TRUE;
- }
- }
- #endif
- return bSuccess;
- }
- BOOL CHttpClient::GetCertSubjectServerVariable(char*& szSubject)
- {
- //Validate our parameters
- ASSERT(m_pServer);
- CHttpServerSettings* pSettings = m_pServer->GetSettings();
- ASSERT(pSettings);
- //What will be the return value
- BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
- szSubject = NULL;
- if (pSettings->m_SSLProtocol != CHttpServerSettings::SSL_NONE)
- {
- X509* pCert = SSL_get_certificate(m_SSL);
- if (pCert)
- {
- szSubject = X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_subject_name(pCert), NULL, NULL);
- bSuccess = TRUE;
- }
- }
- #endif
- return bSuccess;
- }
- BOOL CHttpClient::TransmitFile(CHttpSocket& socket, CHttpResponseHeader& responseHdr, HSE_TF_INFO* pInfo)
- {
- return _W3MFCData.TransmitFile(socket, responseHdr, pInfo);
- }
- #endif
- BOOL CHttpClient::PreHandleGetPostHead()
- {
- //This allows derived classes to internally handle GET, POST or HEAD requests.
- //Return TRUE in your derived classes to tell the framework that the request
- //has been handled and stops the framework from implementing its default processing
- //for a URL
- //In this base class we of course allow default processing to occur
- return FALSE;
- }