资源名称:MiniCA2.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*
- Module : SocMFC.H
- Purpose: Interface for an MFC wrapper class for sockets
- Created: PJN / 05-08-1998
- Copyright (c) 2002 - 2005 by PJ Naughter. (Web:, Email:
- All rights reserved.
- Copyright / Usage Details:
- You are allowed to include the source code in any product (commercial, shareware, freeware or otherwise)
- when your product is released in binary form. You are allowed to modify the source code in any way you want
- except you cannot modify the copyright details at the top of each module. If you want to distribute source
- code with your application, then you are only allowed to distribute versions released by the author. This is
- to maintain a single distribution point for the source code.
- */
- /////////////////////////////// Defines ///////////////////////////////////////
- #ifndef __SOCMFC_H__
- #define __SOCMFC_H__
- #endif
- ////////////////////////////// Includes ///////////////////////////////////////
- #ifndef _WINSOCKAPI_
- #pragma message("You need to add Winsock support to your PCH (normally stdafx.h), Use either afxsock.h, winsock.h or Winsock2.h")
- #endif
- ////////////////////////////// Classes ////////////////////////////////////////
- void AfxThrowWSocketException(int nError = 0);
- class SOCKMFC_EXT_CLASS CWSocketException : public CException
- {
- public:
- //Constructors / Destructors
- CWSocketException(int nError);
- ~CWSocketException();
- //Methods
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const;
- #endif
- virtual BOOL GetErrorMessage(LPTSTR lpstrError, UINT nMaxError, PUINT pnHelpContext = NULL);
- CString GetErrorMessage();
- //Data members
- int m_nError;
- protected:
- DECLARE_DYNAMIC(CWSocketException)
- };
- {
- public:
- //Constructors / Destructors
- CWSocket();
- virtual ~CWSocket();
- //Attributes
- void Attach(SOCKET hSocket);
- SOCKET Detach();
- void GetPeerName(CString& sPeerAddress, UINT& nPeerPort);
- void GetPeerName(SOCKADDR* lpSockAddr, int* lpSockAddrLen);
- void GetSockName(CString& sSocketAddress, UINT& nSocketPort);
- void GetSockName(SOCKADDR* lpSockAddr, int* lpSockAddrLen);
- void SetSockOpt(int nOptionName, const void* lpOptionValue, int nOptionLen, int nLevel = SOL_SOCKET);
- void GetSockOpt(int nOptionName, void* lpOptionValue, int* lpOptionLen, int nLevel = SOL_SOCKET);
- BOOL IsCreated() const;
- BOOL IsReadible(DWORD dwTimeout);
- BOOL IsWritable(DWORD dwTimeout);
- //Methods
- void Create(BOOL bUDP = FALSE);
- void Create(int nSocketType, int nProtocolType, int nAddressFormat);
- void Accept(CWSocket& connectedSocket, sockaddr_in& clientAddress);
- void Bind(UINT nSocketPort, LPCTSTR lpszSocketAddress = NULL);
- void Bind(const SOCKADDR* lpSockAddr, int nSockAddrLen);
- void Close();
- void Connect(const SOCKADDR* lpSockAddr, int nSockAddrLen);
- void Connect(LPCTSTR lpszHostAddress, UINT nHostPort);
- #ifdef _WINSOCK2API_ //Connect methods which have a timeout parameter are only provided if we are using WinSock2
- //because we are making use of Winsock2 functionality such as WSAEventSelect
- void Connect(const SOCKADDR* lpSockAddr, int nSockAddrLen, DWORD dwConnectionTimeout, BOOL bResetToBlockingMode = TRUE);
- void Connect(LPCTSTR lpszHostAddress, UINT nHostPort, DWORD dwConnectionTimeout, BOOL bResetToBlockingMode = TRUE);
- #endif
- void ConnectViaSocks4(LPCTSTR lpszHostAddress, UINT nHostPort, LPCTSTR lpszSocksServer, UINT nSocksPort, DWORD dwConnectionTimeout = 5000);
- void ConnectViaSocks5(LPCTSTR lpszHostAddress, UINT nHostPort, LPCTSTR lpszSocksServer, UINT nSocksPort, LPCTSTR lpszUserName = NULL, LPCTSTR lpszPassword = NULL, DWORD dwConnectionTimeout = 5000, BOOL bUDP = FALSE);
- void ConnectViaHTTPProxy(LPCTSTR lpszHostAddress, UINT nHostPort, LPCTSTR lpszHTTPServer, UINT nHTTPProxyPort, CString& sProxyResponse, LPCTSTR lpszUserName = NULL, LPCTSTR pszPassword = NULL, DWORD dwConnectionTimeout = 5000, LPCTSTR lpszUserAgent = NULL);
- void IOCtl(long lCommand, DWORD* lpArgument);
- void Listen(int nConnectionBacklog = SOMAXCONN);
- int Receive(void* lpBuf, int nBufLen, int nFlags = 0);
- int ReceiveFrom(void* lpBuf, int nBufLen, SOCKADDR* lpSockAddr, int* lpSockAddrLen, int nFlags = 0);
- int ReceiveFrom(void* lpBuf, int nBufLen, CString& sSocketAddress, UINT& nSocketPort, int nFlags = 0);
- void Send(const void* pBuffer, int nBufLen, int nFlags = 0);
- int SendTo(const void* lpBuf, int nBufLen, const SOCKADDR* lpSockAddr, int nSockAddrLen, int nFlags = 0);
- int SendTo(const void* lpBuf, int nBufLen, UINT nHostPort, LPCTSTR lpszHostAddress = NULL, int nFlags = 0);
- enum { receives = 0, sends = 1, both = 2 };
- void ShutDown(int nHow = sends);
- //Operators
- operator SOCKET();
- protected:
- //Methods
- void ReadHTTPProxyResponse(DWORD dwTimeout, CString& sResponse);
- void ReadSocks5ConnectReply(DWORD dwTimeout);
- //Member variables
- SOCKET m_hSocket;
- };
- #endif //__SOCMFC_H__