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Visual C++
- /*
- Module : ThrdPool.h
- Purpose: Interface for an MFC wrapper class for thread pools
- Created: PJN / 15-04-2001
- Copyright (c) 2002 - 2005 by PJ Naughter. (Web:, Email:
- All rights reserved.
- Copyright / Usage Details:
- You are allowed to include the source code in any product (commercial, shareware, freeware or otherwise)
- when your product is released in binary form. You are allowed to modify the source code in any way you want
- except you cannot modify the copyright details at the top of each module. If you want to distribute source
- code with your application, then you are only allowed to distribute versions released by the author. This is
- to maintain a single distribution point for the source code.
- */
- /////////////////////////////// Defines ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #ifndef __THRDPOOL_H__
- #define __THRDPOOL_H__
- #endif
- ////////////////////////////////// Macros / Defines ///////////////////////////////////////////////
- //////////////////////////////////// Classes //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //Forward declaration
- class CThreadPoolServer;
- //Represents an instances of a request as stored on the thread pools queue
- class THRDPOOL_EXT_CLASS CThreadPoolRequest
- {
- public:
- //Constructors / Destructors
- CThreadPoolRequest();
- CThreadPoolRequest(const CThreadPoolRequest& request);
- virtual ~CThreadPoolRequest();
- //methods
- CThreadPoolRequest& operator=(const CThreadPoolRequest& request);
- //Member variables
- BOOL m_bDirectedRequest; //If this to be a directed request i.e. targetted at a specific thread
- #if _MSC_VER >= 1300
- INT_PTR m_nDirectedRequestIndex; //The index of the associated thread if this is a directed request
- #else
- int m_nDirectedRequestIndex; //The index of the associated thread if this is a directed request
- #endif
- DWORD m_dwID; //Any item data you want to associate with the request
- void* m_pData; //Any opaque data you want to associate with the requested
- };
- //Class which you derive from to implement your own thread pool behaviour
- class THRDPOOL_EXT_CLASS CThreadPoolClient : public CObject
- {
- public:
- //Constructors / Destructors
- CThreadPoolClient();
- virtual ~CThreadPoolClient();
- //Methods
- virtual void SetRequestToStop(); //Called by the manager when CThreadPoolServer::Stop is called. You can use this or
- //the member variable m_bRequestToStop to effect a premature exit from it, rather than
- //waiting for a stop request to arrive via the thread pool queue
- protected:
- //Virtual methods
- virtual BOOL InitInstance(); //Similiar to the MFC function of the same name
- virtual int ExitInstance(); //Similiar to the MFC function of the same name
- virtual BOOL Run(const CThreadPoolRequest& request); //The function which is called to handle client requests
- //Member variables
- CWinThread* m_pWorkerThread; //The actual worker thread object
- CThreadPoolServer* m_pPoolServer; //Reference to this objects manager
- volatile BOOL m_bRequestToStop; //Set to TRUE by the manager when CThreadPoolServer::Stop is called. You can use this inside of
- //your derived Run method to effect a premature exit from it, rather than waiting for a Stop
- //request to arrive via the thread pool queueu
- CEvent m_evtInitCompleted; //Signalled when InitInstance has completed, Use by CThreadPoolServer::WaitForThreadsInitInstance
- BOOL m_bInitOK; //Has InitInstance completed successfully
- int m_nStartupThreadPriority; //The thread priority which this thread started with
- UINT m_nStackSize; //The size of the stack this thread started with
- int m_nThreadIndex; //The thread index of this thread in the thread pool
- //The worker thread
- static UINT _Run(LPVOID pParam);
- };
- //Base class which implements a Queue for the thread pool
- class THRDPOOL_EXT_CLASS CThreadPoolQueue : public CObject
- {
- public:
- //Constructors / Destructors
- CThreadPoolQueue();
- virtual ~CThreadPoolQueue();
- //Methods
- virtual BOOL Create(DWORD /*dwMaxQSize*/) { return FALSE; };
- virtual BOOL PostRequest(const CThreadPoolRequest& /*request*/, DWORD /*dwMilliseconds*/ = INFINITE) { return FALSE; };
- virtual BOOL PostRequestWithoutLimitCheck(const CThreadPoolRequest& /*request*/) { return FALSE; };
- virtual BOOL GetRequest(CThreadPoolRequest& /*request*/, int /*nThreadIndexForDirectedRequest*/, DWORD /*dwMilliseconds*/ = INFINITE) { return FALSE; };
- virtual BOOL IsCreated() const { return FALSE; };
- virtual BOOL SupportsDirectedRequests() const { return FALSE; };
- protected:
- };
- //The class which manages the thread pool
- class THRDPOOL_EXT_CLASS CThreadPoolServer
- {
- public:
- //Constructors / Destructors
- CThreadPoolServer();
- virtual ~CThreadPoolServer();
- //Methods
- virtual BOOL Start(CRuntimeClass* pRuntimeClient, CRuntimeClass* pRuntimeQueue, int nPoolSize, int nQueueSize, BOOL bSuspended = FALSE,
- int nPriority = THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL, UINT nStackSize = 0); //Starts up the thread pool
- virtual void Stop(); //Closes down the thread pool
- virtual CThreadPoolClient* GetAtClient(int nIndex);
- virtual BOOL WaitForThreadsInitInstance();
- BOOL SetMaxThreadClientLifetime(BOOL bEnableThreadLifetime, DWORD dwMinutes);
- BOOL GetEnabledThreadClientLifetime() const { return m_bMaxLifetime; };
- DWORD GetMaxThreadClientLifetime() const { return m_dwMaxLifetime; };
- int GetPoolSize() const { return (int) m_Threads.GetSize(); };
- CThreadPoolQueue* GetQueue() const { return m_pQueue; };
- protected:
- //typedefs
- typedef HANDLE (*lpfnCreateWaitableTimer)(LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, BOOL, LPCTSTR);
- //Methods
- static UINT _Monitor(LPVOID pParam);
- virtual UINT Monitor();
- virtual BOOL RecycleThread();
- //Member variables
- CArray<CThreadPoolClient*, CThreadPoolClient*&> m_Threads; //The actual thread pool
- CThreadPoolQueue* m_pQueue; //The queue class instance
- CCriticalSection m_csThreads; //Serializes access to "m_Threads"
- BOOL m_bMaxLifetime; //Should threads be limited to a certain lifetime
- DWORD m_dwMaxLifetime; //Lifetime of threads if m_bMaxLifetime is TRUE
- CWinThread* m_pLifetimeMonitorThread; //The thread which recycles the client threads
- CEvent m_evtRequestLifetimeThread; //Event which gets set to request the lifetime monitoring thread to exit
- int m_nLifetimeThreadIndex; //The index of the next thread to be recycled
- lpfnCreateWaitableTimer m_lpfnCreateWaitableTimer; //Waitable timer function pointers
- lpfnSetWaitableTimer m_lpfnSetWaitableTimer; //Waitable timer function pointers
- };
- #endif //__THRDPOOL_H__