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Visual C++
- /****************************************************************************
- FileEditCtrl.cpp : implementation file for the CFileEditCtrl control class
- written by PJ Arends
- For updates check
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This code is provided as is, with no warranty as to it's suitability or usefulness
- in any application in which it may be used. This code has not been tested for
- UNICODE builds, nor has it been tested on a network ( with UNC paths ).
- This code may be used in any way you desire. This file may be redistributed by any
- means as long as it is not sold for profit, and providing that this notice and the
- authors name are included.
- If any bugs are found and fixed, a note to the author explaining the problem and
- fix would be nice.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- created : October 2000
- Revision History:
- Some changes by : Philippe Lhoste - -
- Perry Rapp -
- Remon -
- November 11, 2000 - allowed the control to work with dialog templates
- November 22, 2000 - register the control's window class, can now be added to dialog as custom control
- January 4, 2001 - near total rewrite of the control, now derived from CEdit
- - control can now be added to dialog template using an edit control
- - browse button now drawn in nonclient area of control
- January 5, 2001 - removed OnKillFocus(), replaced with OnDestroy()
- January 15, 2001 - added DDX_ and DDV_ support
- - modified GetStartPosition() and GetNextPathName()
- - modified how FECOpenFile() updates the control text when multiple files are selected
- - added FillBuffers()
- - added support for relative paths
- - added OnChange handler
- - added drag and drop support
- January 26, 2001 - fixed bug where SHBrowseForFolder does not like trailing slash
- January 27, 2001 - fixed bug where if control is initialized with text, FillBuffers was not called.
- January 28, 2001 - removed GetFindFolder() and SetFindFolder() replaced with GetFlags() and SetFlags()
- - modified the DDX_ and DDV_ functions to accept these flags
- - modified the Create() function to accept these flags
- - allowed option for returned folder to contain trailing slash
- - allowed browse button to be on the left side of the control
- - added ScreenPointInButtonRect() to better tell if mouse cursor is over the button
- - modified how OnDropFiles() updates the control text when multiple files are dropped
- February 25, 2001 - fixed EN_CHANGE notification bug. Now parent window recieves this notification message
- April 12, 2001 - added OnSize handler, fixed button drawing problem when control size changed
- April 21, 2001 - added a tooltip for the browse button
- May 12, 2001 - removed OnDestroy, replaced with PostNCDestroy
- - added tooltip support to client area
- - modified the FECBrowseForFolder and FECFolderProc functions
- - added a one pixel neutral area between the client area and browse button when the
- button is on the right hand side of the control. (looks better IMO)
- May 29, 2001 - PL -- removed the filename from the m_pCFileDialog->m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir
- variable, so when browsing back for file, we open the correct folder.
- - used smaller (exact size) arrays for file, extension and path components.
- - some cosmetic changes.
- May 29, 2001 - FECFolderProc now checks for UNC path. SHBrowseForFolder can not be initialized with UNC
- June 2, 2001 - modified ButtonClicked function. Now sends a WM_NOTIFY message to parent window before
- showing dialog, allows parent window to cancel action by setting result to nonzero. also
- sends WM_NOTIFY message to parent window after dialog closes with successful return
- June 9, 2001 - added OnNcLButtonDblClk handler. Double click on button treated as two single clicks
- June 23, 2001 - placed a declaration for the FECFolderProc global callback function into the header file
- - fixed bug that occured when removing the filename from the
- m_pCFileDialog->m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir variable when there was no file to remove
- August 2, 2001 - replaced SetWindowText() with OnSetText() message handler. now correctly handles
- WM_SETTEXT messages
- August 12, 2001 - added GetValidFolder() function and modified FECOpenFile() function. we now start
- browsing in the correct folder -- it finally works!!! {:o)
- - modified SetFlags() so the button could be moved by setting the FEC_BUTTONLEFT flag
- - removed the m_bCreatingControl variable
- - removed the call to SetWindowPos() from the Create() and DDX_FileEditCtrl() functions.
- Now done in SetFlags() function
- August 14, 2001 - modified FECOpenFile(). Now sets the file name in CFileDialog to first file name in
- CFileEditCtrl
- August 18, 2001 - Set the tooltip font to the same font used in the CFileEditCtrl
- September 2, 2001 - added the ModifyFlags() function and changed how the flags are handled
- - modified the GetFlags() function
- - added the FEC_MULTIPLE and FEC_MULTIPLEFILES flags
- - added support for wildcards ( '*' and '?') in filenames
- Involved : modifying the GetStartPosition(), GetNextPathName(), SetFlags(), and
- FillBuffers() functions
- adding the ExpandWildCards() function
- replacing the m_lpstrFiles variable with the m_Files array
- adding the FEC_WILDCARDS flag.
- September 3, 2001 - added ability to dereference shortcut files (*.lnk)
- - added the FEC_NODEREFERENCELINKS flag.
- - added the DereferenceLink() function.
- September 5, 2001 - fixed the Create() function - now destroys the control if the SetFlags() function fails
- September 8, 2001 - added the AddFiles() function to be better able to handle shortcut (*.lnk) files
- modified the OnDropFiles() function to be better able to handle shortcut (*.lnk) files
- September 12, 2001 - PR -- added #include <shlobj.h> to the FileEditCtrl.h header file
- - UNICODE fixes, added _T() macro in Create() function and in TRACE() calls.
- - Perry states that the code now works perfectly with UNICODE builds and UNC paths.
- {:o) {:o) {:o) {:o) {:o) {:o) {:o) {:o) {:o) {:o) {:o) {:o)
- September 18, 2001 - added ability to use icons or bitmaps on the browse button
- Involved : adding SetButtonImage() function.
- modifying the DrawButton() function
- adding the FECButtonImage class.
- September 20, 2001 - fixed resource leak in FECButtonImage class
- - cleaned up the FECButtonImage class code
- - added ability to resize the browse button
- Involved : adding m_nButtonWidth variable
- adding SetButtonWidth() and GetButtonWidth() functions
- modifying OnNcCalcSize() and DrawButton() functions
- September 24, 2001 - fixed bug in GetNextPathName() and ExpandWildCards() where multiple files could not
- start from the current drive ie folderfile.ext as second file would give an error
- September 26, 2001 - fixed bug in GetNextPathName() to allow incomplete relative paths (ie ....) when
- browsing for files.
- October 5, 2001 - PR -- Added #include <afxcmn.h> to the CFileEditCtrl.h header file
- October 14, 2001 - rewrote the FECButtonImage::DrawImage() function, it now handles disabled transparent
- bitmaps better (the transparent colour can be any colour, no longer just light colours),
- and now also handles pattern and bitmap background brushes
- - various other touch ups (comments mostly)
- November 20, 2001 - added ability to dereference *.pif (shortcut to MS-DOS) files
- November 26, 2001 - added abilty to be flat, hot to mouse (FEC_FLAT flag)
- Involved : adding OnKillFocus(), OnLButtonDown(), and OnNCMouseMove() message handlers
- adding Redraw() and SetReadOnly() member functions
- modifying OnEnable(), OnMouseMove(), OnNCPaint(), and OnSetFocus() message handlers
- modifying DrawButton() and SetFlags() member functions
- modifying the CFECButtonImage::DrawImage() function
- December 1, 2001 - clean up code from November 26, 2001
- December 5, 2001 - added the FEC_GRAYSCALE flag. Flat buttons can be drawn in full colour or grayscale.
- December 8, 2001 - greatly improved the button drawing code.
- December 18, 2001 - removed the CFECButtonImage class, replaced with the CPJAImage class.
- - rewrote the SetButtonImage() function.
- - rewrote the DrawButton() function.
- January 7, 2002 - Remon -- added the FEC_NM_DROP notification. The control now sends a WM_NOTIFY message to its
- parent window after a file or folder has been dropped onto it.
- January 14, 2002 - fixed a bug that prevented the tooltips from displaying properly.
- February 18, 2002 - replaced SetReadOnly() with OnSetReadOnly(), the control now properly handles the
- March 27, 2002 - fixed border drawing when control is drawn flat. Now the control does not appear to
- change size when it switches from edit mode to readonly or disabled.
- March 28, 2002 - moved the FEC_NM_POSTBROWSE notification. Now it is sent after the dialog closes,
- but before the edit control's text is updated. The parent window can now return
- a nonzero value to stop the edit control from updating.
- Involved : modifying the ButtonClicked(), FECBrowseForFolder() and FECOpenFile() functions
- adding the pNewText pointer to the FEC_NOTIFY structure
- - modified FEC_NM_DROP notification. The parent window can now return a nonzero
- value to stop the edit control from updating.
- April 1, 2002 - Removed the CStringArray used to store file names, now using a linked list (CStringList)
- Involved : modifying the AddFile(), GetStartPosition(), GetNextPathName, and FillBuffers() functions
- April 2, 2002 - Added the ability for the CFECFileDialog to dynamicly manage the memory needed by the
- lpstrFile member of the OPENFILENAME structure. ( thanks to Philippe Lhoste )
- Involved : adding the DoModal(), OnFileNameChange() and Reset() functions to the CFECFileDialog class
- modifying the FECOpenFile() function.
- November 23, 2002 - The April 2, 2002 changes did not work with WinNT and above. No idea why not. I fixed it by adding
- the GetStartPosition() and GetNextPathName() functions and a destructor to the CFECFileDialog class.
- I also removed the Reset() function, and modified the DoModal() and FECOpenFile() functions.
- December 4, 2002 - Added the FEC_FILEOPEN and FEC_FILESAVEAS flags. FEC_FILEOPEN replaces the FEC_FILE flag.
- The FEC_FILESAVEAS flag causes the browse button to open the 'File Save As' dialog.
- - Improved the drawing code for flat control
- ****************************************************************************/
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "FileEditCtrl.h"
- // see
- //#include <ImageViewer.h>
- #ifndef __ATLCONV_H__
- #include <atlconv.h> // for T2COLE() macro in DereferenceLinks() function
- #endif // __ATLCONV_H__
- #ifndef _INC_CDERR
- #include <cderr.h> // for FNERR_BUFFERTOSMALL
- #endif // _INC_CDERR
- // resource.h is only needed for the string table resources. If you do not put the
- // FEC_IDS_* strings in a string table, you do not need to include resource.h
- #include "....resource.h"
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #endif
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // These strings should be entered into a string table resource with the
- // FEC_IDS_* identifiers defined here, although this class will work
- // properly if they are not.
- //
- // string usage:
- //
- // FEC_IDS_ALLFILES - default file filter for CFileDialog
- // FEC_IDS_BUTTONTIP - Text for the browse button tooltip
- // FEC_IDS_FILEDIALOGTITLE - default dialog caption for CFileDialog
- // FEC_IDS_SEPARATOR - character used to seperate files when FEC_MULTIPLE flag is used
- // FEC_IDS_NOFILE - Error message for DDV_FileEditCtrl() when no files or folders are entered
- // FEC_IDS_NOTEXIST - Error message for DDV_FileEditCtrl() when the specified file or folder could not be found
- // FEC_IDS_NOTFILE - Error message for DDV_FileEditCtrl() when the specified file is actually a folder
- // FEC_IDS_NOTFOLDER - Error message for DDV_FileEditCtrl() when the specified folder is actually a file
- // FEC_IDS_OKBUTTON - Text for the 'OK' (Open) button on CFileDialog
- //
- // FEC_IDS_ALLFILES will be defined in resource.h if these strings
- // are in a string table resource
- #if !defined FEC_IDS_ALLFILES
- #define FEC_NORESOURCESTRINGS /* so this class knows how to handle these strings */
- #define FEC_IDS_ALLFILES _T("所有文件 (*.*)|*.*||")
- #define FEC_IDS_BUTTONTIP _T("浏览")
- #define FEC_IDS_FILEDIALOGTITLE _T("浏览文件")
- #define FEC_IDS_SEPARATOR _T(";")
- #define FEC_IDS_NOFILE _T("Enter an existing file.")
- #define FEC_IDS_NOTEXIST _T("%s does not exist.")
- #define FEC_IDS_NOTFILE _T("%s is not a file.")
- #define FEC_IDS_NOTFOLDER _T("%s is not a folder.")
- #define FEC_IDS_OKBUTTON _T("OK")
- #endif
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Button states
- #define BTN_UP 0x01
- #define BTN_DOWN 0x02
- #define BTN_DISABLED 0x04
- #define BTN_FLAT 0x08
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // ToolTip IDs
- #define ID_BUTTONTIP 1
- #define ID_CLIENTTIP 2
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Brush sizes for drawing the button background
- #define BRUSHWIDTH 8
- #define BRUSHHEIGHT 8
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Helper functions
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // IsWindow (Global function)
- // Checks if the given window is active
- //
- // Parameters :
- // pWnd [in] - points to the CWnd object to check
- //
- // Returns :
- // TRUE if the window is active
- // FALSE if not
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- BOOL IsWindow(CWnd *pWnd)
- {
- if (!pWnd)
- return FALSE;
- return ::IsWindow(pWnd->m_hWnd);
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CFileEditCtrl
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl constructor (public member function)
- // Initializes all the internal variables
- //
- // Parameters :
- // bAutoDelete [in] - Auto delete flag
- //
- // Returns :
- // Nothing
- //
- // Note :
- // If bAutoDelete is TRUE, this class object will be deleted
- // when it's window is destroyed (in CFileEditCtrl::PostNCDestroy).
- // The only time this should be used is when the control is
- // created dynamicly in the
- // DDX_FileEditCtrl(CDataExchange*,int,CString&,DWORD) function.
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- CFileEditCtrl::CFileEditCtrl(BOOL bAutoDelete /* = FALSE */)
- {
- m_bAutoDelete = bAutoDelete;
- m_bButtonLeft = (DWORD)~0; // 0xFFFFFFFF
- m_bMouseCaptured = FALSE;
- m_bTextChanged = TRUE;
- m_dwFlags = 0;
- m_dwImageDrawFlags = 0;
- m_Files.RemoveAll();
- m_nButtonState = BTN_UP;
- m_nButtonWidth = -1;
- m_rcButtonRect.SetRectEmpty();
- m_szCaption.Empty();
- m_szClientTip.Empty();
- m_szFolder.Empty();
- m_bIsFocused = FALSE;
- m_bIsMouseOver = FALSE;
- m_strFilter = FEC_IDS_ALLFILES;
- #ifdef AFX_PJAIMAGE_H__F15965B0_B05A_11D4_B625_A1459D96AB20__INCLUDED_
- m_pButtonImage = NULL;
- #endif
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl destructor (public member function)
- // cleans up internal data variables
- //
- // Parameters :
- // None
- //
- // Returns :
- // Nothing
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- CFileEditCtrl::~CFileEditCtrl()
- {
- if (m_pBROWSEINFO)
- delete m_pBROWSEINFO;
- #ifdef AFX_PJAIMAGE_H__F15965B0_B05A_11D4_B625_A1459D96AB20__INCLUDED_
- if (m_pButtonImage)
- delete m_pButtonImage;
- #endif
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Message Map
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CFileEditCtrl member functions
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl::AddFile (protected member function)
- // Adds the specified file to the m_Files list. Removes the path info
- // if it is the same as the path in m_szFolder
- //
- // Parameters :
- // FileName [in] - The file to add
- //
- // Returns :
- // Nothing
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void CFileEditCtrl::AddFile(CString File)
- {
- DWORD Flags = GetFlags();
- if (Flags & FEC_FILE && !(Flags & FEC_NODEREFERENCELINKS))
- { // resolve shortcuts (*.lnk or *.pif)
- CString Ext = File.Right(4);
- Ext.MakeLower();
- if (_T(".lnk") == Ext || _T(".pif") == Ext)
- DereferenceLink(File);
- }
- int FolderLength = m_szFolder.GetLength();
- if (File.Left(FolderLength) == m_szFolder)
- File.Delete(0, FolderLength);
- m_Files.AddTail(File);
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl::ButtonClicked (protected member function)
- // Called when the user clicks on the browse button.
- //
- // Parameters :
- // None
- //
- // Returns :
- // Nothing
- //
- // Note :
- // Sends a WM_NOTIFY message to the parent window both before and after the dialogs have run.
- // The NMHDR parameter points to a FEC_NOTIFY structure.
- //
- // Before : Sends the FEC_NM_PREBROWSE notification. Returning non-zero aborts this function.
- // After : Sends the FEC_NM_POSTBROWSE notification. (update Mar 28, 2002 - now sent by called functions)
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void CFileEditCtrl::ButtonClicked()
- {
- CWnd *pParent = GetParent();
- if (IsWindow(pParent))
- {
- if (pParent->SendMessage (WM_NOTIFY, (WPARAM)GetDlgCtrlID(), (LPARAM)¬ify) != 0)
- return; // SendMessage returned nonzero, do not show dialog
- }
- DWORD Flags = GetFlags();
- if (Flags & FEC_FOLDER)
- FECBrowseForFolder();
- else if (Flags & (FEC_FILEOPEN | FEC_FILESAVEAS))
- FECOpenFile();
- else
- ASSERT (FALSE); // control flags not properly set (should never get here)
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl::Create (public member function)
- // Creates the CFileEditCtrl in any window.
- //
- // Parameters :
- // dwFlags [in] - CFileEditCtrl flags ( FEC_* )
- // dwExStyle [in] - Windows extended styles ( WS_EX_* )
- // lpszWindowName [in] - The initial text in the control
- // dwStyle [in] - Windows and Edit control styles ( WS_* and ES_* )
- // rect [in] - The position and size of the control
- // pParentWnd [in] - Pointer to the control's parent window
- // nID [in] - the control's ID
- //
- // Returns :
- // TRUE if the control was successfully created
- // FALSE if not
- //
- // Note :
- // See the FileEditCtrl.h file for descriptions of the flags used
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- BOOL CFileEditCtrl::Create(DWORD dwFlags,
- DWORD dwExStyle,
- LPCTSTR lpszWindowName,
- DWORD dwStyle,
- const RECT& rect,
- CWnd* pParentWnd,
- {
- BOOL bResult = CreateEx(dwExStyle,
- _T("EDIT"),
- lpszWindowName,
- dwStyle,
- rect,
- pParentWnd,
- nID);
- if (bResult)
- { // call CFileEditCtrl::SetFlags() to initialize the internal data structures
- bResult = SetFlags(dwFlags);
- if (bResult)
- { // set the font to the font used by the parent window
- if (IsWindow(pParentWnd))
- SetFont(pParentWnd->GetFont());
- }
- else // SetFlags() failed - destroy the window
- DestroyWindow();
- }
- return bResult;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl::DereferenceLinks (protected member function)
- // Gets the file path name pointed to by shortcut (*.lnk or *.pif) file
- //
- // Parameters :
- // FileName [in] : the shortcut file to be dereferenced
- // [out] : if successful, the complete path name of the file the
- // shortcut points to, or unchanged if not successful
- //
- // Returns :
- // TRUE if the link was dereferenced
- // FALSE if not
- //
- // Note :
- // Thanks to Michael Dunn for his article "Introduction to COM - What It Is and How to Use It."
- // found at
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- BOOL CFileEditCtrl::DereferenceLink(CString &FileName)
- {
- BOOL ret = FALSE; // assume failure
- IShellLink *pIShellLink;
- IPersistFile *pIPersistFile;
- // initialize the COM libraries
- CoInitialize (NULL);
- // create an IShellLink object
- HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ShellLink,
- IID_IShellLink,
- (void **) &pIShellLink);
- if (SUCCEEDED (hr))
- {
- // get the IPersistFile interface for this IShellLink object
- hr = pIShellLink->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistFile, (void **)&pIPersistFile);
- if (SUCCEEDED (hr))
- {
- int len = FileName.GetLength();
- WCHAR *pWFile = new WCHAR[len + 1];
- wcscpy(pWFile, T2COLE(FileName));
- // open and read the .lnk or .pif file
- hr = pIPersistFile->Load(pWFile, 0);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
- {
- TCHAR buffer[_MAX_PATH];
- // get the file path name
- hr = pIShellLink->GetPath(buffer, _MAX_PATH, NULL, 0 /*SLGP_UNCPRIORITY*/);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
- {
- FileName = buffer;
- ret = TRUE;
- }
- }
- delete[] pWFile;
- }
- // release the IShellLink interface
- pIShellLink->Release();
- }
- // close the COM libraries
- CoUninitialize();
- return ret;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl::DrawButton (protected member function)
- // Draws the button on the control
- //
- // Parameters :
- // nButtonState [in] - the state of the button ( Up, Down, or Disabled )
- //
- // Returns :
- // Nothing
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void CFileEditCtrl::DrawButton(int nButtonState)
- { // if the button is too small, do not draw it
- if (m_rcButtonRect.Width() < 3 || m_rcButtonRect.Height() < 3)
- return;
- ASSERT(IsWindow(this));
- // if the control is disabled, ensure the button is drawn disabled
- if (GetStyle() & WS_DISABLED)
- nButtonState = BTN_DISABLED;
- nButtonState |= m_nButtonState & BTN_FLAT;
- CRect DrawRect(m_rcButtonRect);
- DrawRect.OffsetRect(0 - m_rcButtonRect.left, 0 -;
- CWindowDC WndDC(this); // get the DC for drawing
- // Create a memory DC to prevent flicker
- CDC MemDC;
- MemDC.CreateCompatibleDC(&WndDC);
- int savedDC = MemDC.SaveDC();
- CBitmap Bitmap;
- Bitmap.CreateCompatibleBitmap(&WndDC, m_rcButtonRect.Width(), m_rcButtonRect.Height());
- MemDC.SelectObject(&Bitmap);
- // use HS_DIAGCROSS pattern brush to test brush alignment
- CBrush theBrush(/*HS_DIAGCROSS,*/ GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE)); // the colour of the button background
- CPoint BrushOrg;
- CPoint Origin = WndDC.GetBrushOrg();
- BrushOrg.x = (BRUSHWIDTH - (m_rcButtonRect.left - Origin.x) % BRUSHWIDTH);
- BrushOrg.y = (BRUSHHEIGHT - ( - Origin.y) % BRUSHHEIGHT);
- MemDC.SetBrushOrg(BrushOrg);
- MemDC.SelectObject(&theBrush);
- MemDC.FillRect(&DrawRect, &theBrush);
- if (nButtonState & BTN_DOWN)
- {
- // draw the border
- CPen thePen(PS_SOLID, 1, GetSysColor(COLOR_3DSHADOW));
- CPen *pOldPen = MemDC.SelectObject(&thePen);
- MemDC.Rectangle(DrawRect);
- MemDC.SelectObject(pOldPen);
- thePen.DeleteObject();
- #ifdef AFX_PJAIMAGE_H__F15965B0_B05A_11D4_B625_A1459D96AB20__INCLUDED_
- if (m_pButtonImage)
- { // draw the image
- if (DrawRect.Width() > 5 && DrawRect.Height() > 5)
- m_pButtonImage->DrawImage(&MemDC,
- 3,
- 3,
- DrawRect.Width() - 5,
- DrawRect.Height() - 5,
- m_dwImageDrawFlags);
- }
- else // draw the dots
- #endif
- DrawDots(&MemDC, GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT), 1);
- }
- else // draw button as up
- {
- // draw the border
- if (nButtonState & BTN_FLAT)
- {
- CPen thePen(PS_SOLID, 1, GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW));
- CPen *pOldPen = MemDC.SelectObject(&thePen);
- if (m_rcButtonRect.left < 4) // button on left side of control
- MemDC.Rectangle(DrawRect.left - 1, - 1, DrawRect.right, DrawRect.bottom + 1);
- else
- MemDC.Rectangle(DrawRect.left, - 1, DrawRect.right + 1, DrawRect.bottom + 1);
- MemDC.SelectObject(pOldPen);
- thePen.DeleteObject();
- }
- else
- MemDC.DrawEdge(DrawRect, EDGE_RAISED, BF_RECT);
- if (nButtonState & BTN_DISABLED)
- {
- #ifdef AFX_PJAIMAGE_H__F15965B0_B05A_11D4_B625_A1459D96AB20__INCLUDED_
- if (m_pButtonImage)
- { // draw the image
- if (DrawRect.Width() > 5 && DrawRect.Height() > 5)
- m_pButtonImage->DrawImage(&MemDC,
- 2,
- 2,
- DrawRect.Width() - 5,
- DrawRect.Height() - 5,
- PJAI_DISABLED | m_dwImageDrawFlags);
- }
- else
- #endif
- { // draw the dots
- DrawDots(&MemDC, GetSysColor(COLOR_3DHILIGHT), 1);
- DrawDots(&MemDC, GetSysColor(COLOR_3DSHADOW));
- }
- }
- else if (nButtonState & BTN_UP)
- {
- #ifdef AFX_PJAIMAGE_H__F15965B0_B05A_11D4_B625_A1459D96AB20__INCLUDED_
- if (m_pButtonImage)
- { // draw the image
- if (DrawRect.Width() > 5 && DrawRect.Height() > 5)
- m_pButtonImage->DrawImage(&MemDC,
- 2,
- 2,
- DrawRect.Width() - 5,
- DrawRect.Height() - 5,
- (((m_nButtonState & BTN_FLAT) && (GetFlags() & FEC_GRAYSCALE)) ? PJAI_GRAYSCALE : 0) | m_dwImageDrawFlags);
- }
- else // draw the dots
- #endif
- {
- COLORREF dotcolour = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT);
- if ((m_nButtonState & BTN_FLAT) && (GetFlags() & FEC_GRAYSCALE))
- {
- int grayscale = (((GetBValue(dotcolour) * 11) + (GetGValue(dotcolour) * 59) + (GetRValue(dotcolour) * 30)) / 100);
- dotcolour = RGB(grayscale, grayscale, grayscale);
- }
- DrawDots(&MemDC, dotcolour);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ASSERT(FALSE); // Invalid nButtonState
- }
- }
- // ShowDC(MemDC);
- // Blit the button image onto the screen
- WndDC.BitBlt(m_rcButtonRect.left,
- m_rcButtonRect.Width(),
- m_rcButtonRect.Height(),
- &MemDC,
- 0,
- 0,
- // clean up the memory DC
- MemDC.RestoreDC(savedDC);
- Bitmap.DeleteObject();
- // update m_nButtonState
- m_nButtonState = nButtonState;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl::DrawDots (protected member function)
- // Draws the dots on the button
- //
- // Parameters :
- // pDC [in] - Pointer to the device context needed for drawing
- // CR [in] - The colour of the dots
- // nOffset [in] - How far down and to the right to shift the dots
- //
- // Returns :
- // Nothing
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void CFileEditCtrl::DrawDots(CDC *pDC, COLORREF CR, int nOffset /* = 0 */)
- {
- int width = m_rcButtonRect.Width(); // width of the button
- div_t divt = div(width, 4);
- int delta = divt.quot; // space between dots
- int left = width / 2 - delta - (divt.rem ? 0 : 1); // left side of first dot
- width = width / 10; // width and height of one dot
- int top = m_rcButtonRect.Height() / 2 - width / 2; // top of dots
- left += nOffset; // draw dots shifted? (for button pressed)
- top += nOffset;
- // draw the dots
- if (width < 2)
- {
- pDC->SetPixelV(left, top, CR);
- left += delta;
- pDC->SetPixelV(left, top, CR);
- left += delta;
- pDC->SetPixelV(left, top, CR);
- }
- else
- {
- CPen thePen(PS_SOLID, 1, CR); // set the dot colour
- CPen *pOldPen = pDC->SelectObject(&thePen);
- CBrush theBrush(CR);
- CBrush *pOldBrush = pDC->SelectObject(&theBrush);
- pDC->Ellipse(left, top, left + width, top + width);
- left += delta;
- pDC->Ellipse(left, top, left + width, top + width);
- left += delta;
- pDC->Ellipse(left, top, left + width, top + width);
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldBrush); // reset the DC
- theBrush.DeleteObject();
- pDC->SelectObject(pOldPen);
- thePen.DeleteObject();
- }
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl::ExpandWildCards (protected member function)
- // resolves any wildcards ('*' and/or '?') found in the file name
- // calls AddFile() to add the files to the m_Files list
- //
- // Parameters :
- // FileName [in] - the file name
- //
- // Returns :
- // Nothing
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void CFileEditCtrl::ExpandWildCards(const CString &FileName)
- {
- DWORD Flags = GetFlags();
- if (!(Flags & FEC_WILDCARDS) || -1 == FileName.FindOneOf(_T("*?")))
- { // wildcards not permitted or not found
- AddFile(FileName);
- return;
- }
- CString Temp;
- CString Path;
- if (_T('\') == FileName[0] || (FileName.GetLength() > 1 && _T(':') == FileName[1]))
- Temp = FileName;
- else
- Temp = m_szFolder + FileName;
- _tfullpath(Path.GetBuffer(_MAX_PATH), Temp, _MAX_PATH);
- Path.ReleaseBuffer();
- CFileFind cff;
- BOOL Finding = cff.FindFile(Path);
- while (Finding)
- {
- Finding = cff.FindNextFile();
- Path = cff.GetFilePath();
- if (!cff.IsDirectory())
- {
- AddFile(Path);
- if (!(Flags & FEC_MULTIPLE))
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl::FECBrowseForFolder (protected member function)
- // Set up and call SHBrowseForFolder().
- // Update the control to the users selection
- //
- // Parameters :
- // None
- //
- // Returns :
- // TRUE if user clicks OK in SHBrowseForFolder dialog
- // FALSE otherwise
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- BOOL CFileEditCtrl::FECBrowseForFolder()
- {
- BOOL bReturnValue = FALSE;
- #if defined _DEBUG
- if (m_pBROWSEINFO->lpfn == FECFolderProc)
- ASSERT((CWnd *)m_pBROWSEINFO->lParam == this);
- #endif
- ITEMIDLIST *idl = SHBrowseForFolder(m_pBROWSEINFO);
- if (idl) // SHBrowseForFolder returned successfully
- {
- CString Buffer = _T("");
- BOOL result = SHGetPathFromIDList(idl, Buffer.GetBuffer(_MAX_PATH)); // get path string from ITEMIDLIST
- Buffer.ReleaseBuffer();
- if (result)
- {
- if (GetFlags() & FEC_TRAILINGSLASH) // add a trailing slash if it is not already there
- {
- if (_T('\') != Buffer[Buffer.GetLength() - 1])
- Buffer+= _T("\");
- }
- LRESULT retval = 0;
- CWnd *pParent = GetParent();
- if (IsWindow(pParent))
- { // notify parent window that the control text is about to be updated
- notify.pNewText = &Buffer;
- retval = pParent->SendMessage (WM_NOTIFY, (WPARAM)GetDlgCtrlID(), (LPARAM)¬ify);
- }
- if (0 == retval)
- {
- SetWindowText(Buffer); // update edit control text
- bReturnValue = TRUE;
- }
- }
- if (SHGetMalloc(&lpm) == NOERROR)
- lpm->Free(idl); // free memory returned by SHBrowseForFolder
- }
- else
- { // notify parent window that ShBrowseForFolder was cancelled
- CWnd *pParent = GetParent();
- if (IsWindow(pParent))
- {
- pParent->SendMessage (WM_NOTIFY, (WPARAM)GetDlgCtrlID(), (LPARAM)¬ify);
- }
- }
- SetFocus(); // ensure focus returns to this control
- return bReturnValue;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // FECFolderProc (Global CALLBACK function)
- // This is the default callback procedure for the SHBrowseForFolder function.
- // It sets the initial selection to the directory specified in the edit control
- //
- // Parameters :
- // hwnd [in] - Handle of the SHBrowseForFolder dialog
- // nMsg [in] - Message to be handled
- // lpData [in] - the lparam member of the BROWSEINFO structure, must be a pointer
- // to the CFileEditCtrl
- //
- // Returns :
- // zero
- //
- // Note :
- // See 'SHBrowseForFolder' in MSDN for more info on the callback function for SHBrowseForFolder()
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int CALLBACK FECFolderProc(HWND hWnd, UINT nMsg, LPARAM, LPARAM lpData)
- {
- { // ensure we are passed a pointer to the CFileEditCtrl
- CWnd *pWnd = (CWnd *)lpData;
- ASSERT (pWnd->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CFileEditCtrl)));
- CFileEditCtrl* pCFEC = (CFileEditCtrl *)pWnd;
- CString szPath;
- POSITION pos = pCFEC->GetStartPosition();
- if (pos)
- {
- szPath = pCFEC->GetNextPathName(pos);
- if (_T("\\") != szPath.Left(2)) // SHBrowseForFolder does not like UNC path
- {
- int len = szPath.GetLength() - 1;
- if (2 != len && _T('\') == szPath[len])
- szPath.Delete(len); // remove trailing slash (SHBrowseForFolder does not like it)
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl::FECOpenFile (protected member function)
- // Set up the CFECFileDialog and call CFECFileDialog::DoModal().
- // Update the control to the users selection
- //
- // Parameters :
- // None
- //
- // Returns :
- // TRUE if the user clicked the OK button in the CFileDialog
- // FALSE otherwise
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- BOOL CFileEditCtrl::FECOpenFile()
- {
- m_strFilter,NULL);
- dlgOpen.m_ofn.lpstrTitle = m_szCaption;//标题条
- /*if (bOpen)
- m_pCFileDialog->m_ofn.Flags |= OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST;
- else
- m_pCFileDialog->m_ofn.Flags |= OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT;*/
- if (m_dwFlags & FEC_MULTIPLE)
- dlgOpen.m_ofn.Flags |= OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT;
- else
- dlgOpen.m_ofn.Flags &= ~OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT;
- dlgOpen.m_ofn.Flags |= OFN_NODEREFERENCELINKS;
- else
- dlgOpen.m_ofn.Flags &= ~OFN_NODEREFERENCELINKS;
- BOOL bReturnValue = FALSE;
- BOOL bDirectory = TRUE; // assume user of this class has set the initial directory
- TCHAR lpstrDirectory[_MAX_PATH] = _T("");
- if (NULL == dlgOpen.m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir) // user has not set the initial directory
- { // flag it, and set the initial directory
- bDirectory = FALSE; // to the directory in the edit control
- POSITION pos = GetStartPosition();
- if (pos)
- {
- _tcscpy(lpstrDirectory, GetNextPathName(pos));
- DWORD attrib = GetFileAttributes(lpstrDirectory);
- if (((0xFFFFFFFF != attrib) && (!(attrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)))
- || ((0xFFFFFFFF == attrib) && (!(dlgOpen.m_ofn.Flags & OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST))))
- // if ((file exists && is not a folder) || (does not exist && does not have to exist))
- {
- // set the filename editbox in CFileDialog to the name of the
- // first file in the control
- _tsplitpath(lpstrDirectory, NULL, NULL, Name, Ext);
- _tcscat(Name, Ext);
- _tcscpy(dlgOpen.m_ofn.lpstrFile, Name);
- }
- else
- // empty the filename edit box
- _tcscpy(dlgOpen.m_ofn.lpstrFile, _T(""));
- // Start browsing in the correct folder
- GetValidFolder(lpstrDirectory);
- dlgOpen.m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir = lpstrDirectory;
- }
- }
- if (IDOK == dlgOpen.DoModal()) // Start the CFECFileDialog
- { // user clicked OK, enter files selected into edit control
- CString szFileSeparator;
- szFileSeparator = FEC_IDS_SEPARATOR;
- #else
- szFileSeparator.LoadString(FEC_IDS_SEPARATOR);
- #endif
- ASSERT(szFileSeparator.GetLength() == 1); // must be one character only
- szFileSeparator += _T(" ");
- CString szPath;
- POSITION pos = dlgOpen.GetStartPosition();
- if (pos) // first file has complete path
- szPath = dlgOpen.GetNextPathName(pos);
- TCHAR lpstrName[_MAX_FNAME];
- TCHAR lpstrExt[_MAX_EXT];
- CString szTempPath;
- while (pos)
- { // remaining files are name and extension only
- szTempPath = dlgOpen.GetNextPathName(pos);
- _tsplitpath(szTempPath, NULL, NULL, lpstrName, lpstrExt);
- szPath += szFileSeparator + lpstrName + lpstrExt;
- }
- LRESULT result = 0;
- CWnd *pParent = GetParent();
- if (IsWindow(pParent))
- { // notify parent window that the control text is about to be updated
- notify.pNewText = &szPath;
- result = pParent->SendMessage (WM_NOTIFY, (WPARAM)GetDlgCtrlID(), (LPARAM)¬ify);
- }
- if (0 == result)
- { // update the window text
- SetWindowText(szPath);
- bReturnValue = TRUE;
- }
- }
- else
- { // CFileDialog cancelled
- CWnd *pParent = GetParent();
- if (IsWindow(pParent))
- { // notify parent window
- pParent->SendMessage (WM_NOTIFY, (WPARAM)GetDlgCtrlID(), (LPARAM)¬ify);
- }
- }
- SetFocus(); // ensure focus returns to this control
- return bReturnValue;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl::FillBuffers (protected member function)
- // Fills the m_szFolder and m_Files member variables
- //
- // Parameters :
- // None
- //
- // Returns :
- // Nothing
- //
- // Note :
- // The m_szFolder and m_Files member variables are used by the GetStartPosition()
- // and GetNextPathName() functions to retrieve the file names entered by the user.
- //
- // If the user entered a folder, m_Files will contain the complete path for the
- // folder, and m_szFolder will be empty
- //
- // If the user entered multiple files, m_szFolder will contain the drive and folder
- // path of the first file entered, and m_Files will contain all the files. The files
- // may contain any complete or relative paths. Any relative paths will be evaluated
- // as being relative to the path contained in m_szFolder.
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void CFileEditCtrl::FillBuffers()
- {
- ASSERT(IsWindow(this)); // Control window must exist
- m_szFolder = FEC_IDS_SEPARATOR;
- #else
- m_szFolder.LoadString(FEC_IDS_SEPARATOR);
- #endif
- TCHAR chSeparator = m_szFolder[0]; // get the character used to seperate the files
- m_szFolder.Empty(); // empty the buffers of old data
- m_Files.RemoveAll(); // Empty();
- int len = GetWindowTextLength();
- if (!len) // no files entered, leave buffers empty
- return;
- LPTSTR lpstrWindow = new TCHAR[len + 1]; // working buffer
- GetWindowText(lpstrWindow, len + 1);
- LPTSTR lpstrStart = lpstrWindow; // points to the first character in a file name
- LPTSTR lpstrEnd = NULL; // points to the next separator character
- LPTSTR lpstrNext = NULL;
- while (*lpstrStart == chSeparator || _istspace(*lpstrStart))
- lpstrStart = CharNext(lpstrStart); // skip over leading spaces and separator characters
- if (!*lpstrStart)
- { // no files entered, leave buffers empty
- delete lpstrWindow;
- return;
- }
- lpstrEnd = _tcschr(lpstrStart, chSeparator);// find separator character
- if (lpstrEnd)
- {
- lpstrNext = CharNext(lpstrEnd);
- *lpstrEnd = 0; // mark end of string
- }
- LPTSTR temp = lpstrStart + _tcslen(lpstrStart);// - 1;
- temp = CharPrev(lpstrStart, temp);
- while (_istspace(*temp)) // remove trailing white spaces from string
- {
- *temp = 0;
- temp = CharPrev(lpstrStart, temp);
- }
- DWORD dwFlags = GetFlags();
- CString File;
- if (dwFlags & FEC_FOLDER)
- {
- _tfullpath(File.GetBuffer(_MAX_PATH), lpstrStart, _MAX_PATH); // get absolute path
- File.ReleaseBuffer();
- int len = File.GetLength();
- if (dwFlags & FEC_TRAILINGSLASH) // add a trailing slash if it is not already there
- {
- if (_T('\') != File[len - 1])
- File += _T("\");
- }
- else // remove the trailing slash if it is there
- {
- if (3 != len && _T('\') == File[len - 1])
- File.Delete(len - 1);
- }
- AddFile(File);
- delete lpstrWindow;
- return;
- }
- _TCHAR drive[_MAX_DRIVE];
- _TCHAR folder[_MAX_DIR];
- _TCHAR file[_MAX_FNAME];
- _TCHAR ext[_MAX_EXT];
- _tsplitpath(lpstrStart, drive, folder, file, ext);
- m_szFolder = (CString)drive + folder; // drive and directory placed in m_szFolder
- File = (CString)file + ext;
- ExpandWildCards(File);
- if (dwFlags & FEC_MULTIPLE)
- {
- lpstrStart = lpstrNext; // reset to the start of the next string
- while (lpstrEnd)
- { // add the rest of the files as they have been typed (include any path information)
- while (*lpstrStart == chSeparator || _istspace(*lpstrStart))
- lpstrStart = CharNext(lpstrStart); // remove leading spaces and separator characters
- if (!*lpstrStart) // last file was followed by spaces and/or separator characters,
- break; // there are no more files entered
- lpstrEnd = _tcschr(lpstrStart, chSeparator); // find next separator character
- if (lpstrEnd)
- {
- lpstrNext = CharNext(lpstrEnd);
- *lpstrEnd = 0; // mark end of string
- }
- temp = lpstrStart + _tcslen(lpstrStart);
- temp = CharPrev(lpstrStart, temp);
- while (_istspace(*temp)) // remove trailing white spaces from string
- {
- *temp = 0;
- temp = CharPrev(lpstrStart, temp);
- }
- ExpandWildCards(lpstrStart);
- lpstrStart = lpstrNext; // reset to the start of the next string
- }
- }
- delete lpstrWindow; // delete working buffer
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl::GetBrowseInfo (public member function)
- // Retrieve a pointer to the BROWSEINFO structure
- //
- // Parameters :
- // None
- //
- // Returns :
- // A pointer to the BROWSEINFO structure if the FEC_FOLDER flag was set
- // NULL otherwise
- //
- // Note :
- // If the default SHBrowseForFolder settings do not fit your use, Use the pointer
- // returned by this function to set up the SHBrowseForFolder using your own settings
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- BROWSEINFO* CFileEditCtrl::GetBrowseInfo() const
- {
- return m_pBROWSEINFO;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl::GetButtonWidth (public member function)
- // Retrieves the width, in pixels, of the browse button
- //
- // Parameters :
- // None
- //
- // Returns :
- // The width of the browse button
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int CFileEditCtrl::GetButtonWidth()
- {
- return m_rcButtonRect.Width();
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl::GetFlags (public member function)
- // Retrieves the current flags
- //
- // Parameters :
- // None
- //
- // Returns :
- // the current flags
- //
- // Note :
- // See the FileEditCtrl.h file for descriptions of the flags used
- // Because some flags can be changed via GetOpenFileName(), always use this
- // function to get the current state of the flags. Do not use m_dwFlags directly.
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- DWORD CFileEditCtrl::GetFlags()
- {
- DWORD Flags = m_dwFlags;
- /* if (m_pCFileDialog)
- { // coordinate the FEC_* flags with the OFN_* flags
- if (m_pCFileDialog->m_ofn.Flags & OFN_NODEREFERENCELINKS)
- else
- if (m_pCFileDialog->m_ofn.Flags & OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT)
- Flags |= FEC_MULTIPLE;
- else
- Flags &= ~FEC_MULTIPLE;
- }*/
- return Flags;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl::GetNextPathName (public member function)
- // Returns the file name at the specified position in the buffer.
- //
- // Parameters :
- // pos [in] - The position of the file name to retrieve
- // [out] - the position of the next file name
- //
- // Returns :
- // The complete path name of the file or folder
- //
- // Note :
- // The starting position is retrieved using the GetStartPosition() function.
- // pos will be set to NULL when there are no more files
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- CString CFileEditCtrl::GetNextPathName(POSITION &pos)
- {
- ASSERT(pos); // pos must not be NULL
- CString ReturnString;
- CString Temp = m_Files.GetNext(pos);
- if (0 == Temp.GetLength())
- Temp = m_szFolder;
- else if ((Temp.GetLength() > 1 && _T(':') != Temp[1]) // not drive
- && _T('\') != Temp[0]) // nor current drive nor UNC
- Temp.Insert(0, m_szFolder);
- _tfullpath(ReturnString.GetBuffer(_MAX_PATH), Temp, _MAX_PATH); // get absolute path from any relative paths
- ReturnString.ReleaseBuffer();
- DWORD Flags = GetFlags();
- if (Flags & FEC_FILE)
- {
- Temp = ReturnString.Right(4);
- Temp.MakeLower();
- if ((_T(".lnk") == Temp || _T(".pif") == Temp) && !(Flags & FEC_NODEREFERENCELINKS))
- // resolve shortcuts (*.lnk or *.pif files)
- DereferenceLink(ReturnString);
- }
- return ReturnString;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl::GetOpenFileName (public member function)
- // Retrieves a pointer to the OPENFILENAME structure
- //
- // Parameters :
- // None
- //
- // Returns :
- // A pointer to the OPENFILENAME structure if the FEC_FILE flag was set
- // NULL otherwise
- //
- // Note :
- // If the default CFileDialog settings do not fit your use, Use the pointer
- // returned by this function to set up the CFileDialog using your own settings
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- OPENFILENAME* CFileEditCtrl::GetOpenFileName() const
- {
- // if (m_pCFileDialog)
- // return (&m_pCFileDialog->m_ofn);
- return NULL;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl::GetStartPosition (public member function)
- // If the control is active, calls FillBuffers() if the text has changed
- // returns the position of the first file in the buffers
- //
- // Parameters :
- // None
- //
- // Returns :
- // A MFC POSITION structure that points to the first file in the control
- //
- // Note :
- // Use this function to get the starting position for the GetNextPathName() function
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- POSITION CFileEditCtrl::GetStartPosition()
- {
- if (IsWindow(this) && m_bTextChanged)
- {
- FillBuffers();
- m_bTextChanged = FALSE;
- }
- return m_Files.GetHeadPosition();
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl::GetValidFolder (protected member function)
- // Removes all files and nonexistant folders from the given path
- // Adds a slash to the end of the path string if it is not already there
- //
- // Parameters :
- // Path [in] - The path to check
- // [out] - The new path
- //
- // Returns :
- // TRUE if the original path is valid
- // FALSE if the original path was invalid and has been changed
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- BOOL CFileEditCtrl::GetValidFolder(LPTSTR Path)
- {
- CString buffer = Path;
- BOOL valid = TRUE;
- int pos = -1;
- do {
- DWORD attrib = GetFileAttributes(buffer);
- if (0xffffffff != attrib && (attrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY))
- { // the path is a valid folder
- if (_T('\') != buffer[buffer.GetLength() - 1])
- buffer += _T("\");
- _tcscpy (Path, buffer);
- return valid;
- }
- valid = FALSE;
- pos = buffer.ReverseFind(_T('\'));
- if (pos > 0)
- {
- int len = buffer.GetLength();
- buffer.Delete(pos, len - pos);
- }
- } while (pos > 0);
- // no valid folder, set 'Path' to empty string
- *Path = _T(' ');
- return valid;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl::ModifyFlags (public member function)
- // Modifies the control flags
- //
- // Parameters :
- // remove [in] - The flags to remove
- // add [in] - The flags to add
- //
- // Returns :
- // TRUE if the flags are successfully modified
- // FALSE if not
- //
- // Note :
- // See the FileEditCtrl.h file for descriptions of the flags used
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- BOOL CFileEditCtrl::ModifyFlags(DWORD remove, DWORD add)
- {
- DWORD Flags = GetFlags();
- Flags &= ~remove;
- Flags |= add;
- return SetFlags(Flags);
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl::OnChange (protected member function)
- // Handles the EN_CHANGE message
- // Sets the m_bTextChanged flag
- //
- // Parameters :
- // None
- //
- // Returns :
- // FALSE
- //
- // Note :
- // Returning FALSE allows the parent window to also handle the EN_CHANGE message
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- BOOL CFileEditCtrl::OnChange()
- {
- m_bTextChanged = TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl::OnDropFiles (protected member function)
- // Handles the WM_DROPFILES message
- // Sets the control text to display the files dropped onto the control
- //
- // Parameters :
- // hDropInfo [in] - handle to the drop structure supplied by windows
- //
- // Returns :
- // Nothing
- //
- // Note :
- // The control must have the WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES extended windows
- // style bit set in order for drag and drop to work
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void CFileEditCtrl::OnDropFiles(HDROP hDropInfo)
- {
- if (this == GetCapture())
- ReleaseCapture();
- int FolderLength = 0;
- CString szDroppedFiles = _T(""); // the new window text
- CString DropBuffer; // buffer to contain the dropped files
- CString szSeparator;
- szSeparator = FEC_IDS_SEPARATOR; // get the file separator character
- #else
- szSeparator.LoadString(FEC_IDS_SEPARATOR);
- #endif
- ASSERT(szSeparator.GetLength() == 1); // must be one character only
- szSeparator += _T(" ");
- DWORD Flags = GetFlags();
- UINT nDropCount = DragQueryFile(hDropInfo, 0xffffffff, NULL, 0);
- if (nDropCount && ((Flags & FEC_FOLDER) || ((Flags & FEC_FILE) && !(Flags & FEC_MULTIPLE))))
- // if (files dropped && (finding folder || (finding files && finding only one file)))
- nDropCount = 1;
- for (UINT x = 0; x < nDropCount; x++)
- {
- DragQueryFile(hDropInfo, x, DropBuffer.GetBuffer(_MAX_PATH), _MAX_PATH);
- DropBuffer.ReleaseBuffer();
- if ((Flags & FEC_FILE) && !(Flags & FEC_NODEREFERENCELINKS))
- { // resolve any shortcut (*.lnk or *.pif) files
- CString Ext = DropBuffer.Right(4);
- Ext.MakeLower();
- if (_T(".lnk") == Ext || _T(".pif") == Ext)
- DereferenceLink(DropBuffer);
- }
- if (0 == x)
- { // first file has complete path, get the length of the path
- _tsplitpath(DropBuffer, Drive, Path, NULL, NULL);
- FolderLength = _tcslen(Drive) + _tcslen(Path);
- }
- else
- { // all the rest of the files will drop the path if it
- // is the same as the first file's path
- if (DropBuffer.Left(FolderLength) == szDroppedFiles.Left(FolderLength))
- DropBuffer.Delete(0, FolderLength);
- szDroppedFiles += szSeparator;
- }
- szDroppedFiles += DropBuffer;
- }
- DragFinish(hDropInfo);
- // notify parent window that a drop occured (thanks Remon)
- LRESULT result = 0;
- CWnd *pParent = GetParent();
- if (IsWindow(pParent))
- {
- FEC_NOTIFY notify(this, FEC_NM_DROP);
- notify.pNewText = &szDroppedFiles;
- result = pParent->SendMessage(WM_NOTIFY, (WPARAM)GetDlgCtrlID(), (LPARAM)¬ify);
- }
- if (0 == result)
- SetWindowText(szDroppedFiles);
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl::OnEnable (protected member function)
- // Handles the WM_ENABLE message
- // enables or disables the control, and redraws the button to reflect the new state
- //
- // Parameters :
- // bEnable [in] - Enabled flag, TRUE to enable, FALSE to disable
- //
- // Returns :
- // Nothing
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void CFileEditCtrl::OnEnable(BOOL bEnable)
- {
- CEdit::OnEnable(bEnable);
- Redraw(TRUE);
- DrawButton(BTN_UP);
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl::OnKeyDown (protected member function)
- // Handles the WM_KEYDOWN message
- // Checks for the <CTRL> + 'period' keystroke, calls ButtonClicked() if found
- //
- // Parameters :
- // nChar [in] - The virtual key code
- // nRepCnt [in] - not used here, passed on to the base class
- // nFlags [in] - not used here, passed on to the base class
- //
- // Returns :
- // Nothing
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void CFileEditCtrl::OnKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags)
- {
- #ifndef VK_OEM_PERIOD
- #define VK_OEM_PERIOD 0xBE
- #endif
- if ((VK_OEM_PERIOD == nChar || VK_DECIMAL == nChar) && GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < 0)
- ButtonClicked();
- else
- CEdit::OnKeyDown(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags);
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl::OnKillFocus (protected member function)
- // Handles the WM_KILLFOCUS message
- // Redraws the border on a flat control
- //
- // Parameters :
- // pNewWnd [in] - not used here, passed on to the base class
- //
- // Returns :
- // Nothing
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void CFileEditCtrl::OnKillFocus(CWnd *pNewWnd)
- {
- if (m_bMouseCaptured)
- {
- ReleaseCapture();
- m_bMouseCaptured = FALSE;
- if (!(m_nButtonState & BTN_UP))
- DrawButton(BTN_UP);
- }
- CEdit::OnKillFocus(pNewWnd);
- Redraw(TRUE);
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl::OnLButtonDown (protected member function)
- // Handles the WM_LBUTTONDOWN message
- // If the user clicks on the button, capture mouse input, set the focus
- // to this control, and draw the button as pressed
- //
- // Parameters :
- // nFlags [in] - not used here, passed on to the base class
- // point [in] - the location of the mouse cursor
- //
- // Returns :
- // Nothing
- //
- // Note:
- // If the FEC_FLAT flag is used, the mouse is captured in the WM_MOUSEMOVE
- // handler, so we have to use the WM_LBUTTONDOWN message instead of the
- // WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN message.
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void CFileEditCtrl::OnLButtonDown(UINT Flags, CPoint point)
- {
- CEdit::OnLButtonDown(Flags, point);
- if (GetFlags() & FEC_FLAT && !(m_nButtonState & BTN_DISABLED))
- {
- ClientToScreen(&point);
- if (ScreenPointInButtonRect(point))
- {
- SetCapture(); // should already be captured, but just to make sure
- m_bMouseCaptured = TRUE;
- DrawButton(BTN_DOWN);
- }
- }
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl::OnLButtonUp (protected member function)
- // Handles the WM_LBUTTONUP message
- // Release the mouse capture and draw the button as normal. If the
- // cursor is over the button, call ButtonClicked()
- //
- // Parameters :
- // nFlags [in] - not used here, passed on to the base class
- // point [in] - the location of the mouse cursor
- //
- // Returns :
- // Nothing
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void CFileEditCtrl::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
- {
- CEdit::OnLButtonUp(nFlags, point);
- if (m_bMouseCaptured)
- {
- ReleaseCapture();
- m_bMouseCaptured = FALSE;
- if (BTN_UP != m_nButtonState)
- DrawButton(BTN_UP);
- ClientToScreen(&point);
- if (ScreenPointInButtonRect(point))
- ButtonClicked();
- }
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl::OnMouseMove (protected member function)
- // Handles the WM_MOUSEMOVE message
- // If the mouse has been captured, draws the button as up or down
- // as the mouse moves on or off the button. Also handles drawing the
- // flat/raised border as the mouse moves off/over the control
- //
- // Parameters :
- // nFlags [in] - not used here, passed on to the base class
- // point [in] - The location of the mouse cursor
- //
- // Returns :
- // Nothing
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void CFileEditCtrl::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
- {
- CEdit::OnMouseMove(nFlags, point);
- ClientToScreen(&point);
- if (m_bMouseCaptured)
- {
- if (ScreenPointInButtonRect(point))
- {
- if (BTN_DOWN != m_nButtonState)
- DrawButton(BTN_DOWN);
- }
- else if (BTN_UP != m_nButtonState)
- DrawButton(BTN_UP);
- }
- else if (GetFlags() & FEC_FLAT && this != GetFocus())
- {
- if (this != GetCapture())
- { // capture the mouse, draw 3D border
- SetCapture();
- Redraw(FALSE);
- }
- CRect rc;
- GetWindowRect(&rc);
- if (!rc.PtInRect(point))
- { // mouse moved off control, release mouse, draw flat border
- ReleaseCapture();
- Redraw(TRUE);
- }
- else
- { // set the correct mouse cursor
- GetClientRect(&rc);
- ClientToScreen(&rc);
- if (rc.PtInRect(point))
- SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_IBEAM));
- else
- SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW));
- }
- }
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl::OnNcCalcSize (protected member function)
- // Handles the WM_NCCALCSIZE message
- // Calculates the size and position of the button and client areas
- //
- // Parameters :
- // bCalcValidRects [in] - specifies if the rgrc[1] and rgrc[2] rectangles in the
- // NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS structure are valid
- // lpncsp [in] - Pointer to a NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS structure supplied by windows
- //
- // Returns :
- // Nothing
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void CFileEditCtrl::OnNcCalcSize(BOOL bCalcValidRects, NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS FAR* lpncsp)
- {
- CEdit::OnNcCalcSize(bCalcValidRects, lpncsp);
- // if m_nButtonWidth is -1, set the button width to 80% of the control height
- // else set the button width to m_nButtonWidth
- int ButtonWidth = (m_nButtonWidth == -1) ? (lpncsp->rgrc[0].bottom - lpncsp->rgrc[0].top) * 8/10 : m_nButtonWidth;
- // set button area equal to client area of edit control
- m_rcButtonRect = lpncsp->rgrc[0];
- if (FEC_BUTTONLEFT == m_bButtonLeft) // draw the button on the left side of the control
- { // shrink left side of client area by the button width
- lpncsp->rgrc[0].left += ButtonWidth;
- // shrink the button so its right side is at the left side of client area
- m_rcButtonRect.right = lpncsp->rgrc[0].left;
- }
- else // draw the button on the right side of the control
- { // shrink right side of client area by the button width
- lpncsp->rgrc[0].right -= ButtonWidth;
- // shrink the button so its left side is at the right side of client area
- m_rcButtonRect.left = lpncsp->rgrc[0].right;
- }
- if (bCalcValidRects)
- // convert button coordinates from parent client coordinates to control window coordinates
- m_rcButtonRect.OffsetRect(-lpncsp->rgrc[1].left, -lpncsp->rgrc[1].top);
- m_rcButtonRect.NormalizeRect();
- if (IsWindow(m_ToolTip))
- m_ToolTip.DestroyWindow();
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl::OnNcHitTest (protected member function)
- // Handles the WM_NCHITTEST message
- // Ensures the control gets mouse messages when the mouse cursor is on the button
- //
- // Parameters :
- // point [in] - The location of the mouse cursor
- //
- // Returns :
- // The HitTest value for the mouse cursor location
- //
- // Note :
- // If the mouse is over the button, OnNcHitTest() would normally return
- // HTNOWHERE, and we would not get any mouse messages. So we return
- // HTBORDER to ensure we get them.
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- UINT CFileEditCtrl::OnNcHitTest(CPoint point)
- {
- UINT where = CEdit::OnNcHitTest(point);
- if (HTNOWHERE == where && ScreenPointInButtonRect(point))
- where = HTBORDER;
- return where;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl::OnNcLButtonDblClk (protected member function)
- // Handles the WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK message
- // Have a double click on the button be treated as two single clicks
- //
- // Parameters :
- // nHitTest [in] - not used here, passed on to the base class
- // point [in] - the location of the mouse cursor
- //
- // Returns :
- // Nothing
- //
- // Note :
- // When this control sends a FEC_NM_PREBROWSE notification message to its
- // parent window, and the parent window returns a nonzero value, the browse
- // dialogs do not execute. This function makes the button go down and up on
- // the second click of a double click
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void CFileEditCtrl::OnNcLButtonDblClk(UINT nHitTest, CPoint point)
- {
- if (ScreenPointInButtonRect (point))
- OnNcLButtonDown(nHitTest, point);
- else
- CEdit::OnNcLButtonDblClk(nHitTest, point);
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl::OnNcLButtonDown (protected member function)
- // Handles the WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN message
- // If the user clicks on the button, capture mouse input, set the focus
- // to this control, and draw the button as pressed
- //
- // Parameters :
- // nHitTest [in] - not used here, passed on to the base class
- // point [in] - the location of the mouse cursor
- //
- // Returns :
- // Nothing
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void CFileEditCtrl::OnNcLButtonDown(UINT nHitTest, CPoint point)
- {
- CEdit::OnNcLButtonDown(nHitTest, point);
- if (ScreenPointInButtonRect(point) && !(m_nButtonState & BTN_DISABLED))
- {
- SetFocus();
- SetCapture();
- m_bMouseCaptured = TRUE;
- DrawButton(BTN_DOWN);
- }
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl::OnNcMouseMove (protected member function)
- // Handles the WM_NCMOUSEMOVE message
- // Redraws the flat border as the mouse moves onto the control
- //
- // Parameters :
- // nHitTest [in] - not used here, passed on to the base class
- // point [in] - the location of the mouse cursor
- //
- // Returns :
- // Nothing
- //
- // Note :
- // Because the mouse is captured, all subsequent moves are handled by OnMouseMove()
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void CFileEditCtrl::OnNcMouseMove(UINT nHitTest, CPoint point)
- {
- CEdit::OnNcMouseMove(nHitTest, point);
- if (GetFlags() & FEC_FLAT && this != GetFocus())
- {
- SetCapture();
- Redraw(FALSE);
- }
- }
- void CFileEditCtrl::DrawEdge(void)
- {
- HDC hDC;
- RECT Rect;
- LONG lExStyle, lStyle;
- HANDLE hHandle;
- lStyle = ::GetWindowLong(this->m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE);
- lExStyle = ::GetWindowLong(this->m_hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE);
- if ((::GetWindowLong(this->m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE) & WS_BORDER) ||
- (lExStyle & WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) || (lExStyle & WS_EX_STATICEDGE))
- {
- // 由于绘制的东西很少,所以直接绘制而不使用 MEMDCXP 方式
- hDC = ::GetWindowDC(this->m_hWnd);
- // 获取窗口大小
- ::GetWindowRect(this->m_hWnd, &Rect);
- Rect.right -= Rect.left;
- Rect.bottom -=;
- = Rect.left = 0;
- // 绘制外框
- hHandle = (HANDLE) CreateSolidBrush(
- (lStyle & WS_DISABLED) ? (GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE) - 0x00202020) : 0x00BD9E7B);
- FrameRect(hDC, &Rect, (HBRUSH) hHandle);
- DeleteObject((HGDIOBJ) hHandle);
- // 绘制内框
- if ((lExStyle & WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) || (lExStyle & WS_EX_STATICEDGE))
- {
- InflateRect(&Rect, -1, -1);
- hHandle = (HANDLE) GetSysColorBrush(
- FrameRect(hDC, &Rect, (HBRUSH) hHandle);
- if ((lExStyle & WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) && (lExStyle & WS_EX_STATICEDGE))
- {
- InflateRect(&Rect, -1, -1);
- FrameRect(hDC, &Rect, (HBRUSH)hHandle);
- }
- }
- // 释放设备场景
- ::ReleaseDC(this->m_hWnd, hDC);
- }
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl::OnNcPaint (protected member function)
- // Handles the WM_NCPAINT message
- // Redraws the control's border as needed
- //
- // Parameters :
- // None
- //
- // Returns :
- // Nothing
- //
- // Note:
- // If the control is flat, we have to draw a COLOR_WINDOW coloured
- // border around the control
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void CFileEditCtrl::OnNcPaint()
- {
- DrawEdge();
- /* if (m_nButtonState & BTN_FLAT)
- { // draw the flat border
- CRect WindowRect;
- GetWindowRect(&WindowRect);
- CRect ClientRect;
- GetClientRect(&ClientRect);
- ClientToScreen(&ClientRect);
- int Border = -;
- CWindowDC DC(this);
- int saved = DC.SaveDC();
- CPen thePen(PS_SOLID, 1, GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW)); // border colour
- DC.SelectObject(&thePen);
- DC.Rectangle(Border - 1, Border - 1, WindowRect.Width() - Border + 1, WindowRect.Height() - Border + 1);
- DC.RestoreDC(saved);
- DeleteObject(thePen);
- }
- else
- CEdit::OnNcPaint(); // draws the 3D border around the control*/
- DrawButton(m_nButtonState); // draw the button in its current state
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl::OnSetFocus (protected member function)
- // Handles the WM_SETFOCUS message
- // Selects (hilites) all the text in the control
- //
- // Parameters :
- // pOldWnd [in] - not used here, passed on to the base class
- //
- // Returns :
- // Nothing
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void CFileEditCtrl::OnSetFocus(CWnd* pOldWnd)
- {
- CEdit::OnSetFocus(pOldWnd);
- Redraw(FALSE);
- m_bIsFocused = TRUE;
- // DrawEdge();
- SetSel(0, -1);
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl::OnSetReadOnly (protected member function)
- // Handles the EM_SETREADONLY message
- //
- // Parameters :
- // None
- //
- // Returns :
- // Whatever the default windows procedure returns
- //
- // Note :
- // If the control has the FEC_FLAT flag set, the border must
- // be redrawn when the readonly state is changed
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- LRESULT CFileEditCtrl::OnSetReadOnly(WPARAM, LPARAM)
- {
- LRESULT retval = Default();
- Redraw(TRUE);
- return retval;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl::OnSetText (protected member function)
- // Handles the WM_SETTEXT message
- // Sets the m_bTextChanged flag
- //
- // Parameters :
- // None
- //
- // Returns :
- // Whatever the default windows procedure returns
- //
- // Note :
- // OnChange() does not seem to get called every time a WM_SETTEXT message
- // is sent to this control, so I duplicated it's functionality here.
- //
- // CWnd does not have an OnSetText() handler function, so I called Default()
- // to ensure this message is properly handled
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- {
- m_bTextChanged = TRUE;
- return Default();
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl::OnSize (protected member function)
- // Handles the WM_SIZE message
- // Forces a recalculation of the button's and client area's size and position
- // also recalculates the tooltips bounding rectangles
- //
- // Parameters :
- // nType [in] - not used here, passed on to the base class
- // cx [in] - not used here, passed on to the base class
- // cy [in] - not used here, passed on to the base class
- //
- // Returns :
- // Nothing
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void CFileEditCtrl::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy)
- {
- CEdit::OnSize(nType, cx, cy);
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl::OnTTNNeedText (protected member function)
- // Handles the TTN_NEEDTEXT message from the tooltip control
- // Sets the tooltip text
- //
- // Parameters :
- // pTTTStruct [in] - pointer to a TOOLTIPTEXT structure
- //
- // Returns :
- // TRUE
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- BOOL CFileEditCtrl::OnTTNNeedText(UINT, NMHDR *pTTTStruct, LRESULT *)
- {
- DWORD Flags = GetFlags();
- if ((Flags & FEC_BUTTONTIP) && ID_BUTTONTIP == pTTT->hdr.idFrom)
- {
- #else
- pTTT->hinst = AfxGetResourceHandle();
- #endif
- }
- if ((Flags & FEC_CLIENTTIP) && ID_CLIENTTIP == pTTT->hdr.idFrom)
- {
- pTTT->lpszText = m_szClientTip.GetBuffer(m_szClientTip.GetLength());
- m_szClientTip.ReleaseBuffer();
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl::PostNcDestroy (protected member function)
- // deletes this control object if the m_bAutoDelete flag is set
- //
- // Parameters :
- // None
- //
- // Returns :
- // Nothing
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void CFileEditCtrl::PostNcDestroy()
- {
- if (m_bAutoDelete)
- delete this;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl::PreTranslateMessage (public member function)
- // Sets up and passes messages to the tooltip control
- //
- // Parameters :
- // pMsg [in] - the current windows message
- //
- // Returns :
- // whatever CEdit::PreTranslateMessage() returns
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- BOOL CFileEditCtrl::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)
- { // not using GetFlags() because this is faster
- if (m_dwFlags & (FEC_BUTTONTIP | FEC_CLIENTTIP))
- {
- if (!IsWindow (m_ToolTip))
- {
- // create and activate the tooltip control
- m_ToolTip.Create(this);
- m_ToolTip.Activate(TRUE);
- m_ToolTip.SetFont(GetFont());
- // Setup the button tooltip
- CRect rc(m_rcButtonRect);
- CRect wnd;
- GetWindowRect(&wnd);
- rc.OffsetRect(wnd.left,;
- ScreenToClient(&rc);
- m_ToolTip.AddTool(this, LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK, &rc, ID_BUTTONTIP);
- // Setup the client area tooltip
- GetClientRect(&wnd);
- m_ToolTip.AddTool(this, LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK, &wnd, ID_CLIENTTIP);
- }
- m_ToolTip.RelayEvent(pMsg);
- }
- return CEdit::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl::Redraw (protected member function)
- // Redraws the control as either flat or 3D
- //
- // Parameters :
- // Flat [in] : The control's flat state
- //
- // Returns :
- // Nothing
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void CFileEditCtrl::Redraw(BOOL Flat)
- {
- if (IsWindow(this) && GetFlags() & FEC_FLAT)
- {
- if (Flat && this != GetFocus())
- { // draw flat
- m_nButtonState |= BTN_FLAT;
- // Get parent window to erase the border
- CWnd *pParent = GetParent();
- if (IsWindow(pParent))
- {
- CRect rc;
- GetWindowRect(&rc);
- pParent->ScreenToClient(&rc);
- pParent->RedrawWindow(&rc);
- }
- }
- else
- { // draw 3D
- m_nButtonState &= ~BTN_FLAT;
- }
- }
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl::ScreenPointInButtonRect (protected member function)
- // determine if the mouse cursor is on the button
- //
- // Parameters :
- // point [in] - The location of the mouse cursor in screen coordinates
- //
- // Returns :
- // TRUE if the mouse cursor is on the button
- // FALSE if it is not
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- BOOL CFileEditCtrl::ScreenPointInButtonRect(CPoint point)
- {
- CRect ControlRect;
- GetWindowRect(&ControlRect);
- // convert point from screen coordinates to window coordinates
- point.Offset(-ControlRect.left,;
- return m_rcButtonRect.PtInRect(point);
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl::SetButtonImage (public member function)
- // Set the image to be used on the browse button
- //
- // Parameters :
- // hImage [in] - handle of the image (can be a HBITMAP or HICON)
- // PJAIFlags [in] - The image flags (see the note below)
- // Transparent [in] - the transparent colour, if CLR_DEFAULT is used, the colour
- // of the top left pixel is used as the transparent colour
- //
- // Returns :
- // TRUE if a new image is set, FALSE if not
- //
- // Note :
- // Flags used in the PJAIFlags parameter :
- // PJAI_ICON - the image is a HICON
- // PJAI_BITMAP - the image is a HBITMAP
- // PJAI_STRETCHED - the image will be stretched (or shrunk) to fit on the button
- // PJAI_TRANSPARENT - the HBITMAP image will be drawn transparently. The transparent
- // colour is specified using the Transparent parameter.
- // PJAI_AUTODELETE - the image handle will be deleted and the memory freed when
- // when a new image is set or the CFileEditCtrl is deleted. If
- // this flag is not set, the user of this class is responsible
- // for deleting the handle.
- //
- // The PJAImage.h file must be included (see lines 37 to 41 of FileEditCtrl.h) in
- // order for this function to work.
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #ifdef AFX_PJAIMAGE_H__F15965B0_B05A_11D4_B625_A1459D96AB20__INCLUDED_
- BOOL CFileEditCtrl::SetButtonImage(HANDLE hImage, DWORD PJAIFlags, COLORREF Transparent/* = CLR_DEFAULT*/)
- {
- BOOL ret = FALSE;
- if (m_pButtonImage)
- {
- delete m_pButtonImage;
- m_pButtonImage = NULL;
- }
- if (hImage)
- {
- m_pButtonImage = new CPJAImage();
- if (m_pButtonImage->SetImage(hImage, PJAIFlags))
- {
- ret = TRUE;
- m_dwImageDrawFlags = PJAIFlags;
- m_pButtonImage->SetTransparentColour(Transparent);
- if (!(m_dwImageDrawFlags & PJAI_STRETCHED))
- m_dwImageDrawFlags |= PJAI_CENTERED;
- }
- }
- if (IsWindow(this))
- return ret;
- }
- #endif
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl::SetButtonWidth (public member function)
- // Sets the width, in pixels, of the browse button
- //
- // Parameters :
- // width [in] - The new width of the button
- //
- // Returns :
- // The previous width of the button
- //
- // Note :
- // Setting the width to -1 causes the control to use the default width
- // which is calculated to be 80% of it's height
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- int CFileEditCtrl::SetButtonWidth(int width/* = -1*/)
- {
- int oldWidth = GetButtonWidth();
- m_nButtonWidth = width;
- return oldWidth;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl::SetClientTipText (public member function)
- // Sets the text to be used by the client area tooltip
- //
- // Parameters :
- // text [in] - The text to set
- //
- // Returns :
- // Nothing
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void CFileEditCtrl::SetClientTipText(CString text)
- {
- m_szClientTip = text;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // CFileEditCtrl::SetFlags (public member function)
- // Sets all the internal flags
- // Initializes and sets up the OPENFILENAME or BROWSEINFO structures
- // Forces the control to be redrawn if the button position changes
- //
- // Parameters :
- // dwFlags [in] - The flags to set
- //
- // Returns :
- // TRUE if successful
- // FALSE if not
- //
- // Note :
- // See the FileEditCtrl.h file for descriptions of the flags used
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- BOOL CFileEditCtrl::SetFlags(DWORD dwFlags)
- {
- m_bTextChanged = TRUE;
- if (dwFlags & FEC_FOLDER)
- { // set the control to find folders
- {
- TRACE (_T("CFileEditCtrl::SetFlags() : Can not specify FEC_FILEOPEN or FEC_FILESAVEAS with FEC_FOLDERn"));
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (!m_pBROWSEINFO)
- { // create the BROWSEINFO structure
- if (!m_pBROWSEINFO)
- {
- TRACE (_T("CFileEditCtrl::SetFlags() : Failed to create the BROWSEINFO structuren"));
- return FALSE;
- }
- /* if (m_pCFileDialog)
- {
- delete m_pCFileDialog; // delete the CFileDialog
- m_pCFileDialog = NULL;
- }*/
- // set up the BROWSEINFO structure used by SHBrowseForFolder()
- ::ZeroMemory(m_pBROWSEINFO, sizeof(BROWSEINFO));
- m_pBROWSEINFO->hwndOwner = GetSafeHwnd();
- m_pBROWSEINFO->lParam = (LPARAM)this;
- m_pBROWSEINFO->lpfn = FECFolderProc;
- }
- }
- else if (dwFlags & (FEC_FILEOPEN | FEC_FILESAVEAS))
- {
- if (m_pBROWSEINFO)
- {
- delete m_pBROWSEINFO; // delete the BROWSEINFO structure
- }
- }
- /* else if (dwFlags & (FEC_FILEOPEN | FEC_FILESAVEAS))
- { // set the control to find files
- if ((dwFlags & FEC_FILEOPEN) && (dwFlags & FEC_FILESAVEAS))
- {
- TRACE (_T("CFileEditCtrl::SetFlags() : Can not specify FEC_FILEOPEN with FEC_FILESAVEAS"));
- return FALSE;
- }
- BOOL bOpen = dwFlags & FEC_FILEOPEN;
- if (!m_pCFileDialog)
- { // create the CFileDialog
- CString szFilter;
- szFilter = FEC_IDS_ALLFILES;
- #else
- szFilter.LoadString(FEC_IDS_ALLFILES);
- #endif
- m_pCFileDialog = new CFECFileDialog(bOpen,
- m_strFilter,
- this);
- if (!m_pCFileDialog)
- {
- TRACE (_T("CFileEditCtrl::SetFlags() : Failed to create the CFileDialogn"));
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (m_pBROWSEINFO)
- {
- delete m_pBROWSEINFO; // delete the BROWSEINFO structure
- }
- }
- m_pCFileDialog->SetOpenSave(bOpen);
- if (bOpen)
- m_pCFileDialog->m_ofn.Flags |= OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST;
- else
- m_pCFileDialog->m_ofn.Flags |= OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT;
- if (dwFlags & FEC_MULTIPLE)
- m_pCFileDialog->m_ofn.Flags |= OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT;
- else
- m_pCFileDialog->m_ofn.Flags &= ~OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT;
- m_pCFileDialog->m_ofn.Flags |= OFN_NODEREFERENCELINKS;
- else
- m_pCFileDialog->m_ofn.Flags &= ~OFN_NODEREFERENCELINKS;
- m_pCFileDialog->m_ofn.hwndOwner = GetSafeHwnd();
- #else
- m_szCaption.LoadString(FEC_IDS_FILEDIALOGTITLE);
- #endif
- m_pCFileDialog->m_ofn.lpstrTitle = (LPCTSTR)m_szCaption;
- }
- else
- {
- TRACE (_T("CFileEditCtrl::SetFlags() : Must specify either FEC_FILEOPEN, FEC_FILESAVEAS or FEC_FOLDER when setting flagsn"));
- return FALSE;
- }
- */
- // m_bButtonLeft will be 0xFFFFFFFF the first time SetFlags() is called
- // (dwFlags & FEC_BUTTONLEFT) will be either 0x00000000 or FEC_BUTTONLEFT
- if (m_bButtonLeft != (dwFlags & FEC_BUTTONLEFT))
- {
- // move the button to the desired side of the control
- m_bButtonLeft = dwFlags & FEC_BUTTONLEFT;
- // force a call to OnNcCalcSize to calculate the size and position of the button and client area
- if (m_dwFlags & FEC_FLAT)
- RedrawWindow(); // the text needs to be redrawn if moving the button on a flat control
- }
- // check to see if the FEC_FLAT flag has changed
- // if it has, redraw the control to reflect it's new state
- if ((dwFlags & FEC_FLAT) != (m_dwFlags & FEC_FLAT))
- {
- m_dwFlags |= FEC_FLAT; // needed to redraw the control's borders
- Redraw(dwFlags & FEC_FLAT);
- }
- m_dwFlags = dwFlags;
- return TRUE;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // DDV_FileEditCtrl & DDX_FileEditCtrl
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // DDV_FileEditCtrl (Global function)
- // Verifies that the files or folders entered actually exist
- //
- // Parameters :
- // pDX [in] - Pointer to the CDataExchange object
- // nIDC [in] - The controls resource ID
- //
- // Returns :
- // Nothing
- //
- // Note :
- // If the file or folder is invalid, pops up a messagebox informing the user,
- // then sets the focus to the offending CFileEditCtrl
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void DDV_FileEditCtrl(CDataExchange *pDX, int nIDC)
- {
- CWnd *pWnd = pDX->m_pDlgWnd->GetDlgItem(nIDC);
- ASSERT(pWnd);
- if (!pWnd->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CFileEditCtrl))) // is this control a CFileEditCtrl control?
- {
- TRACE(_T("Control %d not subclassed to CFileEditCtrl, must first call DDX_FileEditCtrl()"), nIDC);
- AfxThrowNotSupportedException();
- }
- if (!pDX->m_bSaveAndValidate) // not saving data
- return;
- CFileEditCtrl *pFEC = (CFileEditCtrl *)pWnd;
- pDX->PrepareEditCtrl(nIDC);
- POSITION pos = pFEC->GetStartPosition();
- if (!pos)
- { // no name entered
- AfxMessageBox(FEC_IDS_NOFILE);
- pDX->Fail();
- }
- while (pos)
- {
- CString szMessage;
- CString szFile = pFEC->GetNextPathName(pos);
- DWORD dwAttribute = GetFileAttributes(szFile);
- if (0xFFFFFFFF == dwAttribute) // GetFileAttributes() failed
- { // does not exist
- szMessage.Format(FEC_IDS_NOTEXIST, szFile);
- AfxMessageBox(szMessage);
- pDX->Fail();
- }
- if ((pFEC->GetFlags() & FEC_FOLDER) && !(dwAttribute & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY))
- { // not a folder
- szMessage.Format(FEC_IDS_NOTFOLDER, szFile);
- AfxMessageBox(szMessage);
- pDX->Fail();
- }
- if ((pFEC->GetFlags() & FEC_FILE) && (dwAttribute & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY))
- { // not a file
- szMessage.Format(FEC_IDS_NOTFILE, szFile);
- AfxMessageBox(szMessage);
- pDX->Fail();
- }
- }
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // DDX_FileEditCtrl (Global function)
- // Subclasses the control with the given ID
- // Transfers the data between the control and the supplied CString
- //
- // Parameters :
- // pDX [in] - Pointer to the CDataExchange object
- // nIDC [in] - The controls resource ID
- // rStr [in] - The CString that contains the initial control text, and receives the text
- // dwFlags [in] - The flags used to setup this control
- //
- // Returns :
- // Nothing
- //
- // Note :
- // See the FileEditCtrl.h file for descriptions of the flags used
- // the FEC_MULTIPLE flag can not be used (how can multiple files be returned in one CString?)
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void DDX_FileEditCtrl(CDataExchange *pDX, int nIDC, CString& rStr, DWORD dwFlags)
- {
- CWnd *pWnd = pDX->m_pDlgWnd->GetDlgItem(nIDC);
- ASSERT(pWnd);
- if (pDX->m_bSaveAndValidate) // update string with text from control
- {
- // ensure the control is a CFileEditCtrl control
- ASSERT(pWnd->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CFileEditCtrl)));
- // copy the first file listed in the control to the string
- rStr.Empty();
- CFileEditCtrl *pFEC = (CFileEditCtrl *)pWnd;
- POSITION pos = pFEC->GetStartPosition();
- if (pos)
- rStr = pFEC->GetNextPathName(pos);
- }
- else // create the control if it is not already created
- { // set the control text to the text in string
- CFileEditCtrl *pFEC = NULL;
- if (!pWnd->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CFileEditCtrl))) // not subclassed yet
- {
- // create then subclass the control to the edit control with the ID nIDC
- HWND hWnd = pDX->PrepareEditCtrl(nIDC);
- pFEC = new CFileEditCtrl(TRUE); // create the control with autodelete
- if (!pFEC) // failed to create control
- {
- AfxThrowNotSupportedException();
- }
- if (!pFEC->SubclassWindow(hWnd))
- { // failed to subclass the edit control
- delete pFEC;
- AfxThrowNotSupportedException();
- }
- // call CFileEditCtrl::SetFlags() to initialize the internal data structures
- dwFlags &= ~FEC_MULTIPLE; // can not put multiple files in one CString
- if (!pFEC->SetFlags(dwFlags))
- {
- delete pFEC;
- AfxThrowNotSupportedException();
- }
- }
- else // control already exists
- pFEC = (CFileEditCtrl *)pWnd;
- if (pFEC)
- pFEC->SetWindowText(rStr); // set the control text
- }
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // DDX_FileEditCtrl (Global function)
- // Subclasses the control with the given ID
- // Transfers the data between the control and the supplied CFileEditCtrl
- //
- // Parameters :
- // pDX [in] - Pointer to the CDataExchange object
- // nIDC [in] - The controls resource ID
- // rCFEC [in] - The CFileEditCtrl object that is to control this window
- // dwFlags [in] - The flags used to setup this control
- //
- // Returns :
- // Nothing
- //
- // Note :
- // See the FileEditCtrl.h file for descriptions of the flags used
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void DDX_FileEditCtrl(CDataExchange *pDX, int nIDC, CFileEditCtrl &rCFEC, DWORD dwFlags)
- {
- ASSERT(pDX->m_pDlgWnd->GetDlgItem(nIDC));
- if (NULL == rCFEC.m_hWnd) // not yet subclassed
- {
- ASSERT(!pDX->m_bSaveAndValidate);
- // subclass the control to the edit control with the ID nIDC
- HWND hWnd = pDX->PrepareEditCtrl(nIDC);
- if (!rCFEC.SubclassWindow(hWnd))
- { // failed to subclass the edit control
- AfxThrowNotSupportedException();
- }
- // call CFileEditCtrl::SetFlags() to initialize the internal data structures
- if (!rCFEC.SetFlags(dwFlags))
- {
- AfxThrowNotSupportedException();
- }
- }
- else if (pDX->m_bSaveAndValidate)
- rCFEC.GetStartPosition(); // updates the data from the edit control
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // FEC_NOTIFY structure
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // FEC_NOTIFY constructor (public member function)
- // Initializes the FEC_NOTIFY structure used when the CFileEditCtrl sends
- // a WM_NOTIFY message to it's parent window (in CFileEditCtrl::ButtonClicked())
- //
- // Parameters :
- // FEC [in] - pointer to the CFileEditCtrl sending the message
- // code [in] - The notification message being sent. (FEC_NM_PREBROWSE,
- //
- // Returns :
- // Nothing
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- tagFEC_NOTIFY::tagFEC_NOTIFY (CFileEditCtrl *FEC, UINT code)
- {
- pFEC = FEC;
- hdr.hwndFrom = FEC->GetSafeHwnd();
- hdr.idFrom = FEC->GetDlgCtrlID();
- hdr.code = code;
- pNewText = NULL;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // End of FileEditCtrl.cpp
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////