- ################################################################################
- # Automatically-generated file. Do not edit!
- ################################################################################
- # Add inputs and outputs from these tool invocations to the build variables
- CPP_SRCS += $(ROOT)/src/S60UIExample.cpp $(ROOT)/src/S60UIExampleApplication.cpp $(ROOT)/src/S60UIExampleHighScoreContainer.cpp $(ROOT)/src/S60UIExampleHighScoreView.cpp $(ROOT)/src/S60UIExampleInitialContainer.cpp $(ROOT)/src/S60UIExampleInitialView.cpp $(ROOT)/src/S60UIExamplePlayContainer.cpp $(ROOT)/src/S60UIExamplePlayView.cpp $(ROOT)/src/S60UIExampleappui.cpp $(ROOT)/src/S60UIExampledocument.cpp $(ROOT)/src/S60UIExamplemodel.cpp
- OBJS += ./src/S60UIExample.o ./src/S60UIExampleApplication.o ./src/S60UIExampleHighScoreContainer.o ./src/S60UIExampleHighScoreView.o ./src/S60UIExampleInitialContainer.o ./src/S60UIExampleInitialView.o ./src/S60UIExamplePlayContainer.o ./src/S60UIExamplePlayView.o ./src/S60UIExampleappui.o ./src/S60UIExampledocument.o ./src/S60UIExamplemodel.o
- DEPS += ${addprefix ./src/, S60UIExample.d S60UIExampleApplication.d S60UIExampleHighScoreContainer.d S60UIExampleHighScoreView.d S60UIExampleInitialContainer.d S60UIExampleInitialView.d S60UIExamplePlayContainer.d S60UIExamplePlayView.d S60UIExampleappui.d S60UIExampledocument.d S60UIExamplemodel.d }
- OBJS_FOR_DEL += .srcS60UIExample.o .srcS60UIExampleApplication.o .srcS60UIExampleHighScoreContainer.o .srcS60UIExampleHighScoreView.o .srcS60UIExampleInitialContainer.o .srcS60UIExampleInitialView.o .srcS60UIExamplePlayContainer.o .srcS60UIExamplePlayView.o .srcS60UIExampleappui.o .srcS60UIExampledocument.o .srcS60UIExamplemodel.o
- # Each subdirectory must supply rules for building sources it contributes
- src/S60UIExample.o: $(ROOT)/src/S60UIExample.cpp
- @echo 'Building file: $<'
- @echo 'Invoking: WINSCW C/C++ Compiler'
- @echo mwccsym2.exe -sym full -c -wchar_t off -align 4 -enum int -str pool -nostdinc -exc ms -inline off -msgstyle parseable -nowraplines -O0 -D_UNICODE -D__SYMBIAN32__ -D__CW32__ -D__WINS__ -D__EXE__ -D__WINSCW__ -D_DEBUG -D__SUPPORT_CPP_EXCEPTIONS__ -D__SERIES60_30__ -D__SERIES60_3X__ -include "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariantSymbian_OS_v9.1.hrh" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterinc" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterdata" -i- -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32include" -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariant" -w cmdline -w pragmas -w empty -w possible -w unusedarg -w unusedvar -w extracomma -w pedantic -w largeargs -w ptrintconv -w tokenpasting -w missingreturn -o $@ $<
- @mwccsym2.exe -sym full -c -wchar_t off -align 4 -enum int -str pool -nostdinc -exc ms -inline off -msgstyle parseable -nowraplines -O0 -D_UNICODE -D__SYMBIAN32__ -D__CW32__ -D__WINS__ -D__EXE__ -D__WINSCW__ -D_DEBUG -D__SUPPORT_CPP_EXCEPTIONS__ -D__SERIES60_30__ -D__SERIES60_3X__ -include "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariantSymbian_OS_v9.1.hrh" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterinc" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterdata" -i- -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32include" -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariant" -w cmdline -w pragmas -w empty -w possible -w unusedarg -w unusedvar -w extracomma -w pedantic -w largeargs -w ptrintconv -w tokenpasting -w missingreturn -o $@ $< && echo -n $(@:%.o=%.d) $(dir $@) > $(@:%.o=%.d) && mwccsym2.exe -MM -P -sym full -c -wchar_t off -align 4 -enum int -str pool -nostdinc -exc ms -inline off -msgstyle parseable -nowraplines -O0 -D_UNICODE -D__SYMBIAN32__ -D__CW32__ -D__WINS__ -D__EXE__ -D__WINSCW__ -D_DEBUG -D__SUPPORT_CPP_EXCEPTIONS__ -D__SERIES60_30__ -D__SERIES60_3X__ -include "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariantSymbian_OS_v9.1.hrh" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterinc" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterdata" -i- -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32include" -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariant" -w cmdline -w pragmas -w empty -w possible -w unusedarg -w unusedvar -w extracomma -w pedantic -w largeargs -w ptrintconv -w tokenpasting -w missingreturn $< >> $(@:%.o=%.d)
- @echo 'Finished building: $<'
- @echo ' '
- src/S60UIExampleApplication.o: $(ROOT)/src/S60UIExampleApplication.cpp
- @echo 'Building file: $<'
- @echo 'Invoking: WINSCW C/C++ Compiler'
- @echo mwccsym2.exe -sym full -c -wchar_t off -align 4 -enum int -str pool -nostdinc -exc ms -inline off -msgstyle parseable -nowraplines -O0 -D_UNICODE -D__SYMBIAN32__ -D__CW32__ -D__WINS__ -D__EXE__ -D__WINSCW__ -D_DEBUG -D__SUPPORT_CPP_EXCEPTIONS__ -D__SERIES60_30__ -D__SERIES60_3X__ -include "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariantSymbian_OS_v9.1.hrh" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterinc" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterdata" -i- -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32include" -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariant" -w cmdline -w pragmas -w empty -w possible -w unusedarg -w unusedvar -w extracomma -w pedantic -w largeargs -w ptrintconv -w tokenpasting -w missingreturn -o $@ $<
- @mwccsym2.exe -sym full -c -wchar_t off -align 4 -enum int -str pool -nostdinc -exc ms -inline off -msgstyle parseable -nowraplines -O0 -D_UNICODE -D__SYMBIAN32__ -D__CW32__ -D__WINS__ -D__EXE__ -D__WINSCW__ -D_DEBUG -D__SUPPORT_CPP_EXCEPTIONS__ -D__SERIES60_30__ -D__SERIES60_3X__ -include "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariantSymbian_OS_v9.1.hrh" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterinc" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterdata" -i- -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32include" -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariant" -w cmdline -w pragmas -w empty -w possible -w unusedarg -w unusedvar -w extracomma -w pedantic -w largeargs -w ptrintconv -w tokenpasting -w missingreturn -o $@ $< && echo -n $(@:%.o=%.d) $(dir $@) > $(@:%.o=%.d) && mwccsym2.exe -MM -P -sym full -c -wchar_t off -align 4 -enum int -str pool -nostdinc -exc ms -inline off -msgstyle parseable -nowraplines -O0 -D_UNICODE -D__SYMBIAN32__ -D__CW32__ -D__WINS__ -D__EXE__ -D__WINSCW__ -D_DEBUG -D__SUPPORT_CPP_EXCEPTIONS__ -D__SERIES60_30__ -D__SERIES60_3X__ -include "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariantSymbian_OS_v9.1.hrh" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterinc" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterdata" -i- -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32include" -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariant" -w cmdline -w pragmas -w empty -w possible -w unusedarg -w unusedvar -w extracomma -w pedantic -w largeargs -w ptrintconv -w tokenpasting -w missingreturn $< >> $(@:%.o=%.d)
- @echo 'Finished building: $<'
- @echo ' '
- src/S60UIExampleHighScoreContainer.o: $(ROOT)/src/S60UIExampleHighScoreContainer.cpp
- @echo 'Building file: $<'
- @echo 'Invoking: WINSCW C/C++ Compiler'
- @echo mwccsym2.exe -sym full -c -wchar_t off -align 4 -enum int -str pool -nostdinc -exc ms -inline off -msgstyle parseable -nowraplines -O0 -D_UNICODE -D__SYMBIAN32__ -D__CW32__ -D__WINS__ -D__EXE__ -D__WINSCW__ -D_DEBUG -D__SUPPORT_CPP_EXCEPTIONS__ -D__SERIES60_30__ -D__SERIES60_3X__ -include "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariantSymbian_OS_v9.1.hrh" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterinc" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterdata" -i- -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32include" -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariant" -w cmdline -w pragmas -w empty -w possible -w unusedarg -w unusedvar -w extracomma -w pedantic -w largeargs -w ptrintconv -w tokenpasting -w missingreturn -o $@ $<
- @mwccsym2.exe -sym full -c -wchar_t off -align 4 -enum int -str pool -nostdinc -exc ms -inline off -msgstyle parseable -nowraplines -O0 -D_UNICODE -D__SYMBIAN32__ -D__CW32__ -D__WINS__ -D__EXE__ -D__WINSCW__ -D_DEBUG -D__SUPPORT_CPP_EXCEPTIONS__ -D__SERIES60_30__ -D__SERIES60_3X__ -include "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariantSymbian_OS_v9.1.hrh" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterinc" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterdata" -i- -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32include" -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariant" -w cmdline -w pragmas -w empty -w possible -w unusedarg -w unusedvar -w extracomma -w pedantic -w largeargs -w ptrintconv -w tokenpasting -w missingreturn -o $@ $< && echo -n $(@:%.o=%.d) $(dir $@) > $(@:%.o=%.d) && mwccsym2.exe -MM -P -sym full -c -wchar_t off -align 4 -enum int -str pool -nostdinc -exc ms -inline off -msgstyle parseable -nowraplines -O0 -D_UNICODE -D__SYMBIAN32__ -D__CW32__ -D__WINS__ -D__EXE__ -D__WINSCW__ -D_DEBUG -D__SUPPORT_CPP_EXCEPTIONS__ -D__SERIES60_30__ -D__SERIES60_3X__ -include "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariantSymbian_OS_v9.1.hrh" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterinc" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterdata" -i- -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32include" -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariant" -w cmdline -w pragmas -w empty -w possible -w unusedarg -w unusedvar -w extracomma -w pedantic -w largeargs -w ptrintconv -w tokenpasting -w missingreturn $< >> $(@:%.o=%.d)
- @echo 'Finished building: $<'
- @echo ' '
- src/S60UIExampleHighScoreView.o: $(ROOT)/src/S60UIExampleHighScoreView.cpp
- @echo 'Building file: $<'
- @echo 'Invoking: WINSCW C/C++ Compiler'
- @echo mwccsym2.exe -sym full -c -wchar_t off -align 4 -enum int -str pool -nostdinc -exc ms -inline off -msgstyle parseable -nowraplines -O0 -D_UNICODE -D__SYMBIAN32__ -D__CW32__ -D__WINS__ -D__EXE__ -D__WINSCW__ -D_DEBUG -D__SUPPORT_CPP_EXCEPTIONS__ -D__SERIES60_30__ -D__SERIES60_3X__ -include "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariantSymbian_OS_v9.1.hrh" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterinc" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterdata" -i- -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32include" -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariant" -w cmdline -w pragmas -w empty -w possible -w unusedarg -w unusedvar -w extracomma -w pedantic -w largeargs -w ptrintconv -w tokenpasting -w missingreturn -o $@ $<
- @mwccsym2.exe -sym full -c -wchar_t off -align 4 -enum int -str pool -nostdinc -exc ms -inline off -msgstyle parseable -nowraplines -O0 -D_UNICODE -D__SYMBIAN32__ -D__CW32__ -D__WINS__ -D__EXE__ -D__WINSCW__ -D_DEBUG -D__SUPPORT_CPP_EXCEPTIONS__ -D__SERIES60_30__ -D__SERIES60_3X__ -include "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariantSymbian_OS_v9.1.hrh" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterinc" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterdata" -i- -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32include" -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariant" -w cmdline -w pragmas -w empty -w possible -w unusedarg -w unusedvar -w extracomma -w pedantic -w largeargs -w ptrintconv -w tokenpasting -w missingreturn -o $@ $< && echo -n $(@:%.o=%.d) $(dir $@) > $(@:%.o=%.d) && mwccsym2.exe -MM -P -sym full -c -wchar_t off -align 4 -enum int -str pool -nostdinc -exc ms -inline off -msgstyle parseable -nowraplines -O0 -D_UNICODE -D__SYMBIAN32__ -D__CW32__ -D__WINS__ -D__EXE__ -D__WINSCW__ -D_DEBUG -D__SUPPORT_CPP_EXCEPTIONS__ -D__SERIES60_30__ -D__SERIES60_3X__ -include "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariantSymbian_OS_v9.1.hrh" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterinc" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterdata" -i- -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32include" -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariant" -w cmdline -w pragmas -w empty -w possible -w unusedarg -w unusedvar -w extracomma -w pedantic -w largeargs -w ptrintconv -w tokenpasting -w missingreturn $< >> $(@:%.o=%.d)
- @echo 'Finished building: $<'
- @echo ' '
- src/S60UIExampleInitialContainer.o: $(ROOT)/src/S60UIExampleInitialContainer.cpp
- @echo 'Building file: $<'
- @echo 'Invoking: WINSCW C/C++ Compiler'
- @echo mwccsym2.exe -sym full -c -wchar_t off -align 4 -enum int -str pool -nostdinc -exc ms -inline off -msgstyle parseable -nowraplines -O0 -D_UNICODE -D__SYMBIAN32__ -D__CW32__ -D__WINS__ -D__EXE__ -D__WINSCW__ -D_DEBUG -D__SUPPORT_CPP_EXCEPTIONS__ -D__SERIES60_30__ -D__SERIES60_3X__ -include "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariantSymbian_OS_v9.1.hrh" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterinc" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterdata" -i- -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32include" -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariant" -w cmdline -w pragmas -w empty -w possible -w unusedarg -w unusedvar -w extracomma -w pedantic -w largeargs -w ptrintconv -w tokenpasting -w missingreturn -o $@ $<
- @mwccsym2.exe -sym full -c -wchar_t off -align 4 -enum int -str pool -nostdinc -exc ms -inline off -msgstyle parseable -nowraplines -O0 -D_UNICODE -D__SYMBIAN32__ -D__CW32__ -D__WINS__ -D__EXE__ -D__WINSCW__ -D_DEBUG -D__SUPPORT_CPP_EXCEPTIONS__ -D__SERIES60_30__ -D__SERIES60_3X__ -include "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariantSymbian_OS_v9.1.hrh" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterinc" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterdata" -i- -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32include" -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariant" -w cmdline -w pragmas -w empty -w possible -w unusedarg -w unusedvar -w extracomma -w pedantic -w largeargs -w ptrintconv -w tokenpasting -w missingreturn -o $@ $< && echo -n $(@:%.o=%.d) $(dir $@) > $(@:%.o=%.d) && mwccsym2.exe -MM -P -sym full -c -wchar_t off -align 4 -enum int -str pool -nostdinc -exc ms -inline off -msgstyle parseable -nowraplines -O0 -D_UNICODE -D__SYMBIAN32__ -D__CW32__ -D__WINS__ -D__EXE__ -D__WINSCW__ -D_DEBUG -D__SUPPORT_CPP_EXCEPTIONS__ -D__SERIES60_30__ -D__SERIES60_3X__ -include "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariantSymbian_OS_v9.1.hrh" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterinc" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterdata" -i- -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32include" -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariant" -w cmdline -w pragmas -w empty -w possible -w unusedarg -w unusedvar -w extracomma -w pedantic -w largeargs -w ptrintconv -w tokenpasting -w missingreturn $< >> $(@:%.o=%.d)
- @echo 'Finished building: $<'
- @echo ' '
- src/S60UIExampleInitialView.o: $(ROOT)/src/S60UIExampleInitialView.cpp
- @echo 'Building file: $<'
- @echo 'Invoking: WINSCW C/C++ Compiler'
- @echo mwccsym2.exe -sym full -c -wchar_t off -align 4 -enum int -str pool -nostdinc -exc ms -inline off -msgstyle parseable -nowraplines -O0 -D_UNICODE -D__SYMBIAN32__ -D__CW32__ -D__WINS__ -D__EXE__ -D__WINSCW__ -D_DEBUG -D__SUPPORT_CPP_EXCEPTIONS__ -D__SERIES60_30__ -D__SERIES60_3X__ -include "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariantSymbian_OS_v9.1.hrh" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterinc" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterdata" -i- -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32include" -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariant" -w cmdline -w pragmas -w empty -w possible -w unusedarg -w unusedvar -w extracomma -w pedantic -w largeargs -w ptrintconv -w tokenpasting -w missingreturn -o $@ $<
- @mwccsym2.exe -sym full -c -wchar_t off -align 4 -enum int -str pool -nostdinc -exc ms -inline off -msgstyle parseable -nowraplines -O0 -D_UNICODE -D__SYMBIAN32__ -D__CW32__ -D__WINS__ -D__EXE__ -D__WINSCW__ -D_DEBUG -D__SUPPORT_CPP_EXCEPTIONS__ -D__SERIES60_30__ -D__SERIES60_3X__ -include "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariantSymbian_OS_v9.1.hrh" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterinc" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterdata" -i- -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32include" -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariant" -w cmdline -w pragmas -w empty -w possible -w unusedarg -w unusedvar -w extracomma -w pedantic -w largeargs -w ptrintconv -w tokenpasting -w missingreturn -o $@ $< && echo -n $(@:%.o=%.d) $(dir $@) > $(@:%.o=%.d) && mwccsym2.exe -MM -P -sym full -c -wchar_t off -align 4 -enum int -str pool -nostdinc -exc ms -inline off -msgstyle parseable -nowraplines -O0 -D_UNICODE -D__SYMBIAN32__ -D__CW32__ -D__WINS__ -D__EXE__ -D__WINSCW__ -D_DEBUG -D__SUPPORT_CPP_EXCEPTIONS__ -D__SERIES60_30__ -D__SERIES60_3X__ -include "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariantSymbian_OS_v9.1.hrh" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterinc" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterdata" -i- -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32include" -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariant" -w cmdline -w pragmas -w empty -w possible -w unusedarg -w unusedvar -w extracomma -w pedantic -w largeargs -w ptrintconv -w tokenpasting -w missingreturn $< >> $(@:%.o=%.d)
- @echo 'Finished building: $<'
- @echo ' '
- src/S60UIExamplePlayContainer.o: $(ROOT)/src/S60UIExamplePlayContainer.cpp
- @echo 'Building file: $<'
- @echo 'Invoking: WINSCW C/C++ Compiler'
- @echo mwccsym2.exe -sym full -c -wchar_t off -align 4 -enum int -str pool -nostdinc -exc ms -inline off -msgstyle parseable -nowraplines -O0 -D_UNICODE -D__SYMBIAN32__ -D__CW32__ -D__WINS__ -D__EXE__ -D__WINSCW__ -D_DEBUG -D__SUPPORT_CPP_EXCEPTIONS__ -D__SERIES60_30__ -D__SERIES60_3X__ -include "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariantSymbian_OS_v9.1.hrh" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterinc" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterdata" -i- -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32include" -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariant" -w cmdline -w pragmas -w empty -w possible -w unusedarg -w unusedvar -w extracomma -w pedantic -w largeargs -w ptrintconv -w tokenpasting -w missingreturn -o $@ $<
- @mwccsym2.exe -sym full -c -wchar_t off -align 4 -enum int -str pool -nostdinc -exc ms -inline off -msgstyle parseable -nowraplines -O0 -D_UNICODE -D__SYMBIAN32__ -D__CW32__ -D__WINS__ -D__EXE__ -D__WINSCW__ -D_DEBUG -D__SUPPORT_CPP_EXCEPTIONS__ -D__SERIES60_30__ -D__SERIES60_3X__ -include "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariantSymbian_OS_v9.1.hrh" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterinc" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterdata" -i- -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32include" -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariant" -w cmdline -w pragmas -w empty -w possible -w unusedarg -w unusedvar -w extracomma -w pedantic -w largeargs -w ptrintconv -w tokenpasting -w missingreturn -o $@ $< && echo -n $(@:%.o=%.d) $(dir $@) > $(@:%.o=%.d) && mwccsym2.exe -MM -P -sym full -c -wchar_t off -align 4 -enum int -str pool -nostdinc -exc ms -inline off -msgstyle parseable -nowraplines -O0 -D_UNICODE -D__SYMBIAN32__ -D__CW32__ -D__WINS__ -D__EXE__ -D__WINSCW__ -D_DEBUG -D__SUPPORT_CPP_EXCEPTIONS__ -D__SERIES60_30__ -D__SERIES60_3X__ -include "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariantSymbian_OS_v9.1.hrh" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterinc" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterdata" -i- -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32include" -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariant" -w cmdline -w pragmas -w empty -w possible -w unusedarg -w unusedvar -w extracomma -w pedantic -w largeargs -w ptrintconv -w tokenpasting -w missingreturn $< >> $(@:%.o=%.d)
- @echo 'Finished building: $<'
- @echo ' '
- src/S60UIExamplePlayView.o: $(ROOT)/src/S60UIExamplePlayView.cpp
- @echo 'Building file: $<'
- @echo 'Invoking: WINSCW C/C++ Compiler'
- @echo mwccsym2.exe -sym full -c -wchar_t off -align 4 -enum int -str pool -nostdinc -exc ms -inline off -msgstyle parseable -nowraplines -O0 -D_UNICODE -D__SYMBIAN32__ -D__CW32__ -D__WINS__ -D__EXE__ -D__WINSCW__ -D_DEBUG -D__SUPPORT_CPP_EXCEPTIONS__ -D__SERIES60_30__ -D__SERIES60_3X__ -include "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariantSymbian_OS_v9.1.hrh" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterinc" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterdata" -i- -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32include" -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariant" -w cmdline -w pragmas -w empty -w possible -w unusedarg -w unusedvar -w extracomma -w pedantic -w largeargs -w ptrintconv -w tokenpasting -w missingreturn -o $@ $<
- @mwccsym2.exe -sym full -c -wchar_t off -align 4 -enum int -str pool -nostdinc -exc ms -inline off -msgstyle parseable -nowraplines -O0 -D_UNICODE -D__SYMBIAN32__ -D__CW32__ -D__WINS__ -D__EXE__ -D__WINSCW__ -D_DEBUG -D__SUPPORT_CPP_EXCEPTIONS__ -D__SERIES60_30__ -D__SERIES60_3X__ -include "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariantSymbian_OS_v9.1.hrh" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterinc" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterdata" -i- -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32include" -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariant" -w cmdline -w pragmas -w empty -w possible -w unusedarg -w unusedvar -w extracomma -w pedantic -w largeargs -w ptrintconv -w tokenpasting -w missingreturn -o $@ $< && echo -n $(@:%.o=%.d) $(dir $@) > $(@:%.o=%.d) && mwccsym2.exe -MM -P -sym full -c -wchar_t off -align 4 -enum int -str pool -nostdinc -exc ms -inline off -msgstyle parseable -nowraplines -O0 -D_UNICODE -D__SYMBIAN32__ -D__CW32__ -D__WINS__ -D__EXE__ -D__WINSCW__ -D_DEBUG -D__SUPPORT_CPP_EXCEPTIONS__ -D__SERIES60_30__ -D__SERIES60_3X__ -include "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariantSymbian_OS_v9.1.hrh" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterinc" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterdata" -i- -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32include" -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariant" -w cmdline -w pragmas -w empty -w possible -w unusedarg -w unusedvar -w extracomma -w pedantic -w largeargs -w ptrintconv -w tokenpasting -w missingreturn $< >> $(@:%.o=%.d)
- @echo 'Finished building: $<'
- @echo ' '
- src/S60UIExampleappui.o: $(ROOT)/src/S60UIExampleappui.cpp
- @echo 'Building file: $<'
- @echo 'Invoking: WINSCW C/C++ Compiler'
- @echo mwccsym2.exe -sym full -c -wchar_t off -align 4 -enum int -str pool -nostdinc -exc ms -inline off -msgstyle parseable -nowraplines -O0 -D_UNICODE -D__SYMBIAN32__ -D__CW32__ -D__WINS__ -D__EXE__ -D__WINSCW__ -D_DEBUG -D__SUPPORT_CPP_EXCEPTIONS__ -D__SERIES60_30__ -D__SERIES60_3X__ -include "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariantSymbian_OS_v9.1.hrh" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterinc" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterdata" -i- -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32include" -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariant" -w cmdline -w pragmas -w empty -w possible -w unusedarg -w unusedvar -w extracomma -w pedantic -w largeargs -w ptrintconv -w tokenpasting -w missingreturn -o $@ $<
- @mwccsym2.exe -sym full -c -wchar_t off -align 4 -enum int -str pool -nostdinc -exc ms -inline off -msgstyle parseable -nowraplines -O0 -D_UNICODE -D__SYMBIAN32__ -D__CW32__ -D__WINS__ -D__EXE__ -D__WINSCW__ -D_DEBUG -D__SUPPORT_CPP_EXCEPTIONS__ -D__SERIES60_30__ -D__SERIES60_3X__ -include "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariantSymbian_OS_v9.1.hrh" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterinc" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterdata" -i- -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32include" -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariant" -w cmdline -w pragmas -w empty -w possible -w unusedarg -w unusedvar -w extracomma -w pedantic -w largeargs -w ptrintconv -w tokenpasting -w missingreturn -o $@ $< && echo -n $(@:%.o=%.d) $(dir $@) > $(@:%.o=%.d) && mwccsym2.exe -MM -P -sym full -c -wchar_t off -align 4 -enum int -str pool -nostdinc -exc ms -inline off -msgstyle parseable -nowraplines -O0 -D_UNICODE -D__SYMBIAN32__ -D__CW32__ -D__WINS__ -D__EXE__ -D__WINSCW__ -D_DEBUG -D__SUPPORT_CPP_EXCEPTIONS__ -D__SERIES60_30__ -D__SERIES60_3X__ -include "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariantSymbian_OS_v9.1.hrh" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterinc" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterdata" -i- -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32include" -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariant" -w cmdline -w pragmas -w empty -w possible -w unusedarg -w unusedvar -w extracomma -w pedantic -w largeargs -w ptrintconv -w tokenpasting -w missingreturn $< >> $(@:%.o=%.d)
- @echo 'Finished building: $<'
- @echo ' '
- src/S60UIExampledocument.o: $(ROOT)/src/S60UIExampledocument.cpp
- @echo 'Building file: $<'
- @echo 'Invoking: WINSCW C/C++ Compiler'
- @echo mwccsym2.exe -sym full -c -wchar_t off -align 4 -enum int -str pool -nostdinc -exc ms -inline off -msgstyle parseable -nowraplines -O0 -D_UNICODE -D__SYMBIAN32__ -D__CW32__ -D__WINS__ -D__EXE__ -D__WINSCW__ -D_DEBUG -D__SUPPORT_CPP_EXCEPTIONS__ -D__SERIES60_30__ -D__SERIES60_3X__ -include "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariantSymbian_OS_v9.1.hrh" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterinc" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterdata" -i- -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32include" -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariant" -w cmdline -w pragmas -w empty -w possible -w unusedarg -w unusedvar -w extracomma -w pedantic -w largeargs -w ptrintconv -w tokenpasting -w missingreturn -o $@ $<
- @mwccsym2.exe -sym full -c -wchar_t off -align 4 -enum int -str pool -nostdinc -exc ms -inline off -msgstyle parseable -nowraplines -O0 -D_UNICODE -D__SYMBIAN32__ -D__CW32__ -D__WINS__ -D__EXE__ -D__WINSCW__ -D_DEBUG -D__SUPPORT_CPP_EXCEPTIONS__ -D__SERIES60_30__ -D__SERIES60_3X__ -include "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariantSymbian_OS_v9.1.hrh" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterinc" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterdata" -i- -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32include" -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariant" -w cmdline -w pragmas -w empty -w possible -w unusedarg -w unusedvar -w extracomma -w pedantic -w largeargs -w ptrintconv -w tokenpasting -w missingreturn -o $@ $< && echo -n $(@:%.o=%.d) $(dir $@) > $(@:%.o=%.d) && mwccsym2.exe -MM -P -sym full -c -wchar_t off -align 4 -enum int -str pool -nostdinc -exc ms -inline off -msgstyle parseable -nowraplines -O0 -D_UNICODE -D__SYMBIAN32__ -D__CW32__ -D__WINS__ -D__EXE__ -D__WINSCW__ -D_DEBUG -D__SUPPORT_CPP_EXCEPTIONS__ -D__SERIES60_30__ -D__SERIES60_3X__ -include "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariantSymbian_OS_v9.1.hrh" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterinc" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterdata" -i- -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32include" -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariant" -w cmdline -w pragmas -w empty -w possible -w unusedarg -w unusedvar -w extracomma -w pedantic -w largeargs -w ptrintconv -w tokenpasting -w missingreturn $< >> $(@:%.o=%.d)
- @echo 'Finished building: $<'
- @echo ' '
- src/S60UIExamplemodel.o: $(ROOT)/src/S60UIExamplemodel.cpp
- @echo 'Building file: $<'
- @echo 'Invoking: WINSCW C/C++ Compiler'
- @echo mwccsym2.exe -sym full -c -wchar_t off -align 4 -enum int -str pool -nostdinc -exc ms -inline off -msgstyle parseable -nowraplines -O0 -D_UNICODE -D__SYMBIAN32__ -D__CW32__ -D__WINS__ -D__EXE__ -D__WINSCW__ -D_DEBUG -D__SUPPORT_CPP_EXCEPTIONS__ -D__SERIES60_30__ -D__SERIES60_3X__ -include "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariantSymbian_OS_v9.1.hrh" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterinc" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterdata" -i- -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32include" -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariant" -w cmdline -w pragmas -w empty -w possible -w unusedarg -w unusedvar -w extracomma -w pedantic -w largeargs -w ptrintconv -w tokenpasting -w missingreturn -o $@ $<
- @mwccsym2.exe -sym full -c -wchar_t off -align 4 -enum int -str pool -nostdinc -exc ms -inline off -msgstyle parseable -nowraplines -O0 -D_UNICODE -D__SYMBIAN32__ -D__CW32__ -D__WINS__ -D__EXE__ -D__WINSCW__ -D_DEBUG -D__SUPPORT_CPP_EXCEPTIONS__ -D__SERIES60_30__ -D__SERIES60_3X__ -include "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariantSymbian_OS_v9.1.hrh" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterinc" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterdata" -i- -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32include" -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariant" -w cmdline -w pragmas -w empty -w possible -w unusedarg -w unusedvar -w extracomma -w pedantic -w largeargs -w ptrintconv -w tokenpasting -w missingreturn -o $@ $< && echo -n $(@:%.o=%.d) $(dir $@) > $(@:%.o=%.d) && mwccsym2.exe -MM -P -sym full -c -wchar_t off -align 4 -enum int -str pool -nostdinc -exc ms -inline off -msgstyle parseable -nowraplines -O0 -D_UNICODE -D__SYMBIAN32__ -D__CW32__ -D__WINS__ -D__EXE__ -D__WINSCW__ -D_DEBUG -D__SUPPORT_CPP_EXCEPTIONS__ -D__SERIES60_30__ -D__SERIES60_3X__ -include "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariantSymbian_OS_v9.1.hrh" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterinc" -i "C:gbtukmanpf01NOK124CoursesS60 5300-S60_C++_IntroductionWorkingLabCodeLab_05304-s2.cb1starterdata" -i- -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32include" -i "${EPOCROOT}epoc32includevariant" -w cmdline -w pragmas -w empty -w possible -w unusedarg -w unusedvar -w extracomma -w pedantic -w largeargs -w ptrintconv -w tokenpasting -w missingreturn $< >> $(@:%.o=%.d)
- @echo 'Finished building: $<'
- @echo ' '