- // SymbianOSBasicsLab.cpp
- //
- // Copyright (c) 2003 Nokia Ltd. All rights reserved.
- #include <e32cons.h>
- // Function prototype
- LOCAL_C void UseBasicTypesL();
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // Main function called by E32
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
- {
- // Catch any Leaves thrown
- TRAPD(error, UseBasicTypesL());
- _LIT(KMsgPanic,"Error in Symbian OS Basics Lab: ");
- __ASSERT_ALWAYS(!error, User::Panic(KMsgPanic, error));
- return 0;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- //
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- LOCAL_C void UseBasicTypesL()
- {
- // Constant text used for the console app title
- _LIT(KLabTitle,"Symbian OS Basics Lab");
- //
- // 'C' class usage:
- //
- // CConsoleBase derives from CBase and so should be declared on the heap
- // Console::NewL is a special way of doing this we will cover in the
- // Memory and Resource Management lesson
- CConsoleBase* console = Console::NewL(KLabTitle, TSize(KConsFullScreen, KConsFullScreen));
- //
- // TInt usage
- //
- const TInt KOne = 1;
- const TInt KTwo = 2;
- // Edit 1: On the line below, declare a TInt called <sum> that adds KOne and KTwo
- _LIT(KSumOutput, "%d + %d is %dn");
- // Edit 2: Uncomment the next line that prints the variables to the screen
- // console->Printf(KSumOutput, KOne, KTwo, sum);
- _LIT(KMaxIntOutput, "TInt max: %dn");
- console->Printf(KMaxIntOutput, KMaxTInt);
- _LIT(KMinIntOutput, "TInt min: %dn");
- console->Printf(KMinIntOutput, KMinTInt);
- //
- // TBool usage
- //
- // Edit 3: Declare a TBool called <flag> and initialize to EFalse
- // Edit 4: Uncomment the next 5 lines
- // if (!flag)
- // {
- // _LIT(KFlagFalse, "flag is EFalsen");
- // console->Printf(KFlagFalse);
- // }
- // Edit 5: Toggle the value of <flag>
- // Edit 6: Uncomment the next 5 lines
- // if (flag)
- // {
- // _LIT(KFlagTrue, "flag is ETruen");
- // console->Printf(KFlagTrue);
- // }
- //
- // enum (TKeyCode) and TText usage
- //
- _LIT(KEnterSpace, "Press space to start timern");
- console->Printf(KEnterSpace);
- // Look at key input
- TKeyCode key = console->Getch();
- while (EKeySpace != key)
- {
- _LIT(KCharVal, "Char entered is '%c'n");
- // Edit 7: Delcare a TText called <keyVal> and set it to <key>.
- // Edit 8: Uncomment the next line
- // console->Printf(KCharVal, keyVal);
- key = console->Getch();
- }
- //
- // 'R' class usage
- //
- RTimer timer;
- if (KErrNone == timer.CreateLocal())
- {
- TRequestStatus status; // tracks the status of the request
- const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 KTimerInterval = 5000000;
- // Edit 9: Uncomment next line to request timeout of
- // KTimerInterval micro seconds
- // timer.After(status, KTimerInterval);
- // Edit 10: Uncomment next line to wait synchronously
- // for the timer to complete.
- // User::WaitForRequest(status);
- // Edit 11: Uncomment the next 2 lines that print to the screen
- // _LIT(KTimerComplete, "Timer completed after %d micro secsn");
- // console->Printf(KTimerComplete, KTimerInterval );
- }
- else
- {
- _LIT(KTimerError, "Error creating timern");
- console->Printf(KTimerError);
- }
- timer.Close();
- // Continue
- _LIT(KMsgPressAnyKey,"Press any key to end");
- console->Printf(KMsgPressAnyKey);
- console->Getch();
- delete console;
- }