- // Copyright: (c) 2006 Nokia Ltd. All rights reserved.
- #include <e32cons.h>
- #include "descriptorlab.h"
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // Main function called by E32
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
- {
- CTrapCleanup* cleanup=CTrapCleanup::New();
- // Catch any Leaves thrown
- error,
- CDescriptorLab* lab = CDescriptorLab::NewLC();
- lab->StartL();
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
- );
- _LIT(KMsgPanic,"Error in Descriptor Lab: ");
- __ASSERT_ALWAYS(!error, User::Panic(KMsgPanic, error));
- delete cleanup;
- return 0;
- }
- // ---------------------------------------------------------
- // CDescriptorLab::NewLC()
- // Two-phase constructor
- // ---------------------------------------------------------
- //
- CDescriptorLab* CDescriptorLab::NewLC()
- {
- CDescriptorLab* self = new (ELeave) CDescriptorLab;
- CleanupStack::PushL(self);
- self->ConstructL();
- return self;
- }
- // ---------------------------------------------------------
- // CDescriptorLab::~CDescriptorLab()
- // Destructor
- // ---------------------------------------------------------
- //
- CDescriptorLab::~CDescriptorLab()
- {
- delete iConsole;
- }
- // ---------------------------------------------------------
- // CDescriptorLab::CDescriptorLab()
- // Default C++ constructor
- // ---------------------------------------------------------
- //
- CDescriptorLab::CDescriptorLab()
- {
- }
- // ---------------------------------------------------------
- // CDescriptorLab::ConstructL()
- // Second-phase constructor
- // ---------------------------------------------------------
- //
- void CDescriptorLab::ConstructL()
- {
- _LIT(KLabTitle,"Descriptors Lab");
- iConsole = Console::NewL(KLabTitle, TSize(KConsFullScreen, KConsFullScreen));
- }
- // ---------------------------------------------------------
- // CDescriptorLab::StartL()
- // ---------------------------------------------------------
- //
- void CDescriptorLab::StartL()
- {
- UseBufferDes();
- UseHeapDesL();
- // Continue
- _LIT(KMsgPressAnyKey,"Press any key to end");
- iConsole->Printf(KMsgPressAnyKey);
- iConsole->Getch();
- }
- // ---------------------------------------------------------
- // CDescriptorLab::UseBufferDes()
- // ---------------------------------------------------------
- //
- void CDescriptorLab::UseBufferDes()
- {
- // Edit 1: Uncomment the following line to declare a literal string
- //_LIT(KBufferTitle, "BUF DESCRIPTOR EG:n");
- iConsole->Printf(KBufferTitle);
- const TInt KBufSize = 12;
- _LIT(KEnterString, "Enter upto %d chars. Finish with space:n");
- iConsole->Printf(KEnterString, KBufSize);
- // Look at key input
- // Edit 2: Declare a TBuf named buf of max size KBufSize.
- // Initialise the length of the buffer to 0
- // Edit 3: Uncomment the following 2 lines of code to get a string
- // of upto KBufSize characters from the user. A character is then
- // got from the user and the number of occurances of that character
- // in the string buf printed to the screen.
- //GetStringFromUser(buf);
- //CharOccurance(buf);
- }
- // ---------------------------------------------------------
- // CDescriptorLab::UseHeapDesL()
- // ---------------------------------------------------------
- //
- void CDescriptorLab::UseHeapDesL()
- {
- _LIT(KHeapTitle, "nHEAP DESCRIPTOR EG:n");
- iConsole->Printf(KHeapTitle);
- _LIT(KEnterString, "Enter as many chars as you wish.nFinish with space:n");
- iConsole->Printf(KEnterString);
- // Edit 9: Declare a HBufC* called buf that is initialised to the return
- // value of a call to HBufC* CDescriptorLab::StringFromUserL()
- // Edit 10: Call CDescriptorLab::CharOccurance() passing the dereferenced
- // value of buf
- // Edit 11: delete the memory associated with buf
- }
- // ---------------------------------------------------------
- // CDescriptorLab::GetStringFromUser(TDes& aBuf)
- // ---------------------------------------------------------
- //
- void CDescriptorLab::GetStringFromUser(TDes& aBuf)
- {
- // Get a character from the user
- TText key = CharFromUser();
- // Edit 4: Declare a TInt maxLen that is initialised
- // to the maximum length of the descriptor parameter.
- // Hint: use aBuf.MaxLength()
- while (key != EKeySpace && aBuf.Length() < maxLen)
- {
- // Edit 5: Append the user entered character onto the end
- // of the descriptor passed in as a parameter
- // Hint: Use aBuf.Append(key)
- _LIT(KCharEntered, "%c");
- iConsole->Printf(KCharEntered, key);
- key = CharFromUser();
- }
- }
- // ---------------------------------------------------------
- // CDescriptorLab::StringFromUserL()
- // ---------------------------------------------------------
- //
- HBufC* CDescriptorLab::StringFromUserL()
- {
- const TInt KGranularity = 10;
- // Edit 12: Declare a HBufC* called heapBuf and construct
- // via HBufC::NewL(KGranularity)
- // Edit 13: Declare a TPtr called ptr that is initialised to heapBuf->Des()
- TText key = CharFromUser();
- while (key != EKeySpace)
- {
- if (ptr.Length() == ptr.MaxLength())
- {
- TInt newLen = ptr.MaxLength() + KGranularity;
- // Edit 14: Uncomment the line below to increase the maxlength of
- // heapBuf and retain the existing contents and length
- // heapBuf = heapBuf->ReAllocL(newLen);
- // Edit 15: Reset ptr to point to the new location of heapBuf
- // Hint: call ptr.Set(heapBuf->Des()) rather than
- // ptr = heapBuf->Des() as the latter will cause a panic
- }
- ptr.Append(key);
- _LIT(KCharEntered, "%c");
- iConsole->Printf(KCharEntered, key);
- key = CharFromUser();
- }
- return heapBuf;
- }
- // ---------------------------------------------------------
- // CDescriptorLab::CharFromUser()
- // ---------------------------------------------------------
- //
- TText CDescriptorLab::CharFromUser()
- {
- TKeyCode key = iConsole->Getch();
- TText ret = static_cast<TText>(key);
- return ret;
- }
- // ---------------------------------------------------------
- // CDescriptorLab::CharOccurance(TDesC& aSearchStr)
- // ---------------------------------------------------------
- //
- void CDescriptorLab::CharOccurance(TDesC& aSearchStr)
- {
- _LIT(KEnterChar, "nEnter search char:");
- iConsole->Printf(KEnterChar);
- TText key = CharFromUser();
- _LIT(KCharEntered, "%c");
- iConsole->Printf(KCharEntered, key);
- TInt numChars = 0;
- // Edit 6: Declare a TPtrC called subStr and initialise it to
- // the aSearchStr parameter
- // Edit 7: Uncomment the line of code below to find the position of the
- // first occurence of the char entered by the user in aSearchString
- //TInt pos = subStr.Locate(key);
- while (KErrNotFound != pos)
- {
- numChars++;
- // Edit 8: Uncomment the line of code below to reset subStr to point to the
- // remainder of aSearchStr after the position of the last found char
- //subStr.Set(subStr.Mid(pos + 1));
- pos = subStr.Locate(key);
- }
- _LIT(KNumChars, "nNumber of '%c's inn"%S" = %dn");
- iConsole->Printf(KNumChars, key, &aSearchStr, numChars);
- }