资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- // Property.h: interface for the Property class.
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #if !defined(AFX_Property_H__D75B0E64_DC11_11D3_ACCF_C873CA3F5932__INCLUDED_)
- #define AFX_Property_H__D75B0E64_DC11_11D3_ACCF_C873CA3F5932__INCLUDED_
- #if _MSC_VER >= 1000
- #pragma once
- #endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000
- #define VC_EXTRALEAN // Exclude rarely-used stuff from Windows headers
- #include "afx.h"
- #pragma warning(disable : 4786)
- #include <vector>
- using namespace std;
- class Property : public CString
- {
- friend class Properties;
- public:
- Property();
- Property(LPCTSTR name, LPCTSTR value="");
- Property(LPCTSTR name, bool value);
- Property(LPCTSTR name, long value);
- Property(LPCTSTR name, double value);
- virtual ~Property();
- inline bool IsValid() const { return this==&InvalidProperty; }
- inline bool operator < (const Property& object) const { return false; }
- CString Name;
- // synonymous property methods (modify the AsString variable)
- __declspec(property(get=asstring,put=asstring)) bool AsString;
- __declspec(property(get=asbool,put=asbool)) bool AsBool;
- __declspec(property(get=asint,put=asint)) long AsInteger;
- __declspec(property(get=asfloat,put=asfloat)) double AsFloat;
- // conversion operators
- inline operator bool() const { return AsBool; }
- inline operator int() const { return AsInteger; }
- inline operator long() const { return AsInteger; }
- inline operator double() const { return (double)AsFloat; }
- // assignment operators
- inline Property& operator =(LPCTSTR s) { AsString=s; return *this; }
- inline Property& operator =(const bool b) { asbool(b); return *this; }
- inline Property& operator =(const long l) { asint(l); return *this; }
- inline Property& operator =(const double f) { asfloat((double)f); return *this; }
- static Property InvalidProperty;
- CString& asstring();
- void asstring(LPCTSTR s);
- bool asbool() const;
- void asbool(const bool b);
- long asint() const;
- void asint(const long i);
- double asfloat() const;
- void asfloat(const double f);
- };
- class Properties : public vector<Property>
- {
- public:
- Properties();
- Properties(const Properties& p);
- const Property& operator()(LPCTSTR name) const;
- Property& operator()(LPCTSTR name);
- bool contains(LPCTSTR name) const;
- static bool IsPropertyList(LPCTSTR s);
- Properties& operator +=(const Properties& p);
- Properties& operator =(const Properties& p);
- Properties& operator =(LPCTSTR plist);
- };
- #endif // !defined(AFX_Property_H__D75B0E64_DC11_11D3_ACCF_C873CA3F5932__INCLUDED_)