- VERSION 5.00
- Object = "{F9043C88-F6F2-101A-A3C9-08002B2F49FB}#1.1#0"; "COMDLG32.OCX"
- Begin VB.Form ppal
- AutoRedraw = -1 'True
- BackColor = &H00FFFFFF&
- Caption = "VLC skin Curve Maker"
- ClientHeight = 7140
- ClientLeft = 165
- ClientTop = 450
- ClientWidth = 10440
- Icon = "Bezier.frx":0000
- LinkTopic = "Form1"
- ScaleHeight = 476
- ScaleMode = 3 'Pixel
- ScaleWidth = 696
- StartUpPosition = 2 'CenterScreen
- Begin VB.PictureBox Pict
- AutoSize = -1 'True
- BorderStyle = 0 'None
- Height = 975
- Left = 2640
- ScaleHeight = 65
- ScaleMode = 3 'Pixel
- ScaleWidth = 73
- TabIndex = 4
- Top = 1800
- Visible = 0 'False
- Width = 1095
- End
- Begin VB.PictureBox toolbox
- Align = 1 'Align Top
- BorderStyle = 0 'None
- Height = 900
- Left = 0
- ScaleHeight = 900
- ScaleWidth = 10440
- TabIndex = 0
- Top = 0
- Width = 10440
- Begin VB.HScrollBar Size
- Height = 255
- Left = 4920
- Max = 5
- Min = 1
- TabIndex = 3
- Top = 480
- Value = 1
- Width = 2655
- End
- Begin VB.HScrollBar Color
- Height = 255
- Left = 4920
- Max = 15
- TabIndex = 2
- Top = 120
- Width = 2655
- End
- Begin VB.TextBox Result
- Height = 615
- Left = 120
- Locked = -1 'True
- MultiLine = -1 'True
- TabIndex = 1
- Top = 120
- Width = 4575
- End
- End
- Begin MSComDlg.CommonDialog Cmd
- Left = 7560
- Top = 120
- _ExtentX = 847
- _ExtentY = 847
- _Version = 327680
- End
- Begin VB.Menu m_file
- Caption = "&File"
- Begin VB.Menu m_load
- Caption = "Load..."
- End
- Begin VB.Menu m_saveas
- Caption = "Save as..."
- End
- Begin VB.Menu m_sep1
- Caption = "-"
- End
- Begin VB.Menu m_quit
- Caption = "Quit"
- End
- End
- Begin VB.Menu m_picture
- Caption = "Picture"
- Begin VB.Menu m_loadpicture
- Caption = "Load..."
- End
- End
- Begin VB.Menu m_tool
- Caption = "Tool"
- Visible = 0 'False
- Begin VB.Menu m_addpoint
- Caption = "AddPoint"
- End
- Begin VB.Menu m_center
- Caption = "Center"
- End
- End
- Begin VB.Menu m_point
- Caption = "Point"
- Visible = 0 'False
- Begin VB.Menu m_deletept
- Caption = "Delete"
- End
- End
- End
- Attribute VB_Name = "ppal"
- Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
- Attribute VB_Creatable = False
- Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
- Attribute VB_Exposed = False
- Dim xe As Single
- Dim ye As Single
- Dim Sel As Long
- Dim MouseX As Long
- Dim MouseY As Long
- Dim SelectPt As Long
- Dim PictureFile As String
- Dim CurveFile As String
- Dim OffsetX As Long
- Dim OffsetY As Long
- Sub form_draw()
- Dim i As Long
- Me.Cls
- BitBlt ppal.hdc, OffsetX, OffsetY, Pict.Width, Pict.Height, imgDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY
- If MaxPt < 0 Then Exit Sub
- Call bezier_draw(40, OffsetX, OffsetY)
- Me.DrawWidth = 1
- For i = 0 To MaxPt
- Me.Line (OffsetX + Pt(i).x - 6, OffsetY + Pt(i).y - 6)-(OffsetX + Pt(i).x + 6, OffsetY + Pt(i).y + 6), QBColor(Color.Value), B
- Next i
- Me.DrawWidth = Size.Value
- End Sub
- Sub RefreshResult()
- Dim i As Long
- Result.Text = "abs="""
- For i = 0 To MaxPt
- If i > 0 Then Result.Text = Result.Text & ","
- Result.Text = Result.Text & Pt(i).x
- Next i
- Result.Text = Result.Text & """" & Chr$(13) & Chr$(10) & "ord="""
- For i = 0 To MaxPt
- If i > 0 Then Result.Text = Result.Text & ","
- Result.Text = Result.Text & Pt(i).y
- Next i
- Result.Text = Result.Text & """"
- End Sub
- Private Sub Color_Change()
- form_draw
- End Sub
- Private Sub Form_Load()
- PictureFile = "none"
- MaxPt = -1
- OffsetX = 0
- OffsetY = 0
- 'Pict.Width = 0
- 'Pict.Height = 0
- Call m_center_Click
- End Sub
- Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
- Dim i As Long
- If Button = 2 Then
- For i = 0 To MaxPt
- If Pt(i).x + OffsetX > x - 5 And Pt(i).x + OffsetX < x + 5 Then
- If Pt(i).y + OffsetY > y - 5 And Pt(i).y + OffsetY < y + 5 Then
- SelectPt = i + 1
- Me.PopupMenu m_point
- Exit Sub
- End If
- End If
- Next i
- MouseX = x
- MouseY = y
- Me.PopupMenu m_tool
- ElseIf Button = 1 Then
- For i = 0 To MaxPt
- If Pt(i).x + OffsetX > x - 5 And Pt(i).x + OffsetX < x + 5 Then
- If Pt(i).y + OffsetY > y - 5 And Pt(i).y + OffsetY < y + 5 Then
- SelectPt = i + 1
- Exit Sub
- End If
- End If
- Next i
- SelectPt = 0
- Me.MousePointer = 5
- MouseX = x
- MouseY = y
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
- If Button = 1 Then
- If SelectPt > 0 Then
- Pt(SelectPt - 1).x = x - OffsetX
- Pt(SelectPt - 1).y = y - OffsetY
- form_draw
- Else
- OffsetX = OffsetX - (x - MouseX)
- OffsetY = OffsetY - (y - MouseY)
- MouseX = x
- MouseY = y
- form_draw
- End If
- ElseIf Button = 0 Then
- For i = 0 To MaxPt
- If Pt(i).x + OffsetX > x - 5 And Pt(i).x + OffsetX < x + 5 Then
- If Pt(i).y + OffsetY > y - 5 And Pt(i).y + OffsetY < y + 5 Then
- SelectPt = i + 1
- Me.MousePointer = 10
- Exit Sub
- End If
- End If
- Next i
- Me.MousePointer = 0
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub Form_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
- If Button = 1 Then
- If SelectPt > 0 Then
- SelectPt = 0
- form_draw
- Call RefreshResult
- End If
- Me.MousePointer = 0
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub m_addpoint_Click()
- MaxPt = MaxPt + 1
- Call make_pt(MaxPt, MouseX - OffsetX, MouseY - OffsetY)
- Call form_draw
- Call RefreshResult
- End Sub
- Private Sub m_center_Click()
- OffsetX = (Me.ScaleWidth - Pict.Width) / 2
- OffsetY = (Me.ScaleHeight - Pict.Height - toolbox.Height) / 2
- form_draw
- End Sub
- Private Sub m_deletept_Click()
- Dim i As Long
- MaxPt = MaxPt - 1
- For i = SelectPt - 1 To MaxPt
- Pt(i).x = Pt(i + 1).x
- Pt(i).y = Pt(i + 1).y
- Next
- form_draw
- Call RefreshResult
- End Sub
- Private Sub m_load_Click()
- Dim F As FileSystemObject
- Set F = New FileSystemObject
- Cmd.filename = CurveFile
- Cmd.CancelError = False
- Cmd.DialogTitle = "Open Curve"
- Cmd.Filter = "Fichier VLC curve |*.curve.vlc"
- Cmd.FilterIndex = 0
- Cmd.InitDir = App.Path
- Cmd.ShowOpen
- If Not F.FileExists(Cmd.filename) Then Exit Sub
- CurveFile = Cmd.filename
- Dim i As Long, l As Long
- Open CurveFile For Binary As #1
- Get #1, , l
- PictureFile = Space$(l)
- Get #1, , PictureFile
- Get #1, , OffsetX
- Get #1, , OffsetY
- Get #1, , MaxPt
- For i = 0 To MaxPt
- Get #1, , Pt(i).x
- Get #1, , Pt(i).y
- Next i
- Close #1
- If PictureFile <> "none" Then Pict.Picture = LoadPicture(PictureFile)
- Call form_draw
- Call RefreshResult
- End Sub
- Private Sub m_loadpicture_Click()
- Dim F As FileSystemObject
- Set F = New FileSystemObject
- Cmd.CancelError = False
- Cmd.DialogTitle = "Open picture"
- Cmd.Filter = "Fichier bitmap |*.bmp"
- Cmd.FilterIndex = 0
- Cmd.InitDir = App.Path
- Cmd.ShowOpen
- If Not F.FileExists(Cmd.filename) Then Exit Sub
- PictureFile = Cmd.filename
- Pict.Picture = LoadPicture(Cmd.filename)
- Dim HBitmap As Long
- HBitmap = LoadImage(0, Cmd.filename, 0, 0, 0, 16)
- imgDC = CreateCompatibleDC(0)
- SelectObject imgDC, HBitmap
- Pict.AutoSize = True
- Call m_center_Click
- End Sub
- Private Sub m_quit_Click()
- End
- End Sub
- Private Sub m_saveas_Click()
- Dim F As FileSystemObject
- Set F = New FileSystemObject
- On Error GoTo error
- Cmd.CancelError = True
- Cmd.DialogTitle = "Save Curve"
- Cmd.Filter = "Fichier VLC curve |*.curve.vlc"
- Cmd.FilterIndex = 0
- Cmd.InitDir = App.Path
- Cmd.ShowSave
- CurveFile = Cmd.filename
- Dim i As Long
- Open CurveFile For Binary As #1
- Put #1, , CLng(Len(PictureFile))
- Put #1, , PictureFile
- Put #1, , OffsetX
- Put #1, , OffsetY
- Put #1, , MaxPt
- For i = 0 To MaxPt
- Put #1, , Pt(i).x
- Put #1, , Pt(i).y
- Next i
- Close #1
- error:
- End Sub
- Private Sub Size_Change()
- Me.DrawWidth = Size.Value
- form_draw
- End Sub