- unit RotateUnit;
- interface
- uses
- Windows, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, ExtCtrls;
- type
- TRotationType = (ra90, ra180, ra90rev, raFlipVert, raFlipHorz);
- TRotBitmap = class(TBitmap)
- public
- procedure Rotate(aRotAngle: TRotationType);
- end;
- TRotImage = class(TImage)
- public
- procedure RotateBitmap(aRotAngle: TRotationType);
- end;
- implementation
- procedure TRotBitmap.Rotate(aRotAngle: TRotationType);
- type TBMInfo = record
- bmType,
- bmWidth,
- bmHeight,
- bmWidthBytes: longint;
- bmPlanes,
- bmBitsPixel: word;
- end;
- var xmul, nWidth,
- x, y, n: smallint;
- bmInfo: TBMInfo;
- bmData: array of byte;
- bmNewData: array of byte;
- begin
- GetObject(Handle, SizeOf(bmInfo), @bmInfo);
- setLength(bmData, bmInfo.bmWidthBytes*bmInfo.bmHeight);
- setLength(bmNewData, bmInfo.bmWidthBytes*bmInfo.bmHeight);
- GetBitmapBits(Handle, bmInfo.bmWidthBytes*bmInfo.bmHeight, bmData);
- if aRotAngle in [ra90, ra90rev]
- then begin
- Height := bmInfo.bmWidth;
- Width := bmInfo.bmHeight;
- end;
- nWidth:=Width;
- if frac(bmInfo.bmBitsPixel/8)>0 then raise Exception.Create('Unsupported pixel format!');
- xmul:=bmInfo.bmBitsPixel div 8;
- with bmInfo do
- case aRotAngle of
- ra90 : for y:=0 to bmHeight-1 do
- for x:=0 to bmWidth-1 do
- for n:=0 to xmul-1 do
- bmNewData[x*(nWidth*xmul) + bmHeight*xmul-(y+1)*xmul+n]:=
- bmData[y*bmWidthBytes + x*xmul+n];
- ra90rev : for y:=0 to bmHeight-1 do
- for x:=0 to bmWidth-1 do
- for n:=0 to xmul-1 do
- bmNewData[(bmWidth-1-x)*(nWidth*xmul) + y*xmul+n]:=
- bmData[y*bmWidthBytes + x*xmul+n];
- ra180 : for y:=0 to bmHeight-1 do
- for x:=0 to bmWidth-1 do
- for n:=0 to xmul-1 do
- bmNewData[(bmHeight-1-y)*(nWidth*xmul) + bmWidthBytes-(x+1)*xmul+n]:=
- bmData[y*bmWidthBytes+x*xmul+n];
- raFlipVert : for y:=0 to bmHeight-1 do
- System.Move(bmData[y*bmWidthBytes],
- bmNewData[(bmHeight-1-y)*(nWidth*xmul)], bmWidthBytes);
- raFlipHorz : for y:=0 to bmHeight-1 do
- for x:=0 to bmWidth-1 do
- for n:=0 to xmul-1 do
- bmNewData[y*(nWidth*xmul)+bmWidthBytes-(x+1)*xmul+n]:=
- bmData[y*bmWidthBytes+x*xmul+n];
- end;
- for y:=0 to Height-1 do
- System.Move(bmNewData[y*(nWidth*xmul)], ScanLine[y]^, nWidth*xmul);
- setLength(bmData, 0);
- setLength(bmNewData, 0);
- end;
- procedure TRotImage.RotateBitmap(aRotAngle: TRotationType);
- var bm: TRotBitmap;
- begin
- if Picture.Bitmap.Empty
- then raise Exception.Create('Bitmap is empty!');
- bm:=TRotBitmap.Create;
- bm.Assign(Picture.Bitmap);
- bm.Rotate(aRotAngle);
- Picture.Bitmap.Assign(bm);
- bm.Free;
- end;
- end.