- #
- #
- # Main driver program for a demo game server created
- # for the purpose of demonstrating the programming principles
- # illustrated in the articles,
- # Precise Game Event Broadcasting with Python
- # Creating a "Safe Sandbox" for Game Scripting
- #
- # In the book, "Massively Multiplayer Game Development".
- #
- # Implements server initialization and the main server loop.
- #
- # Author: Matthew Walker
- #
- #
- import gameserver.gameserver
- import gameserver.deferred
- import gameserver.objmgr
- import gameserver.gameobs
- def InitGame():
- """
- Perform any necessary startup functions.
- """
- # init the safe sandbox classes
- import gameserver.safesandbox
- sandboxclasses = []
- sandboxclasses.append(('gameserver.sandboxmodules.thetrap', 'TheTrap'))
- sandboxclasses.append(('gameserver.sandboxmodules.battle', 'Battle'))
- sandboxclasses.append(('', 'Town'))
- gameserver.safesandbox._InitSandboxClasses(sandboxclasses)
- # create the "world" areas; i.e. the sandboxes
- gameserver.gameobs.CreateRoom('TheTrap')
- gameserver.gameobs.CreateRoom('Battle')
- gameserver.gameobs.CreateRoom('Town')
- def ProcessRequests():
- """
- Handle all waiting calls whose time has come.
- Return the time until our next iteration.
- """
- waitTime = None
- try:
- waitTime = gameserver.deferred.ExecuteDeferredCalls()
- except:
- # anything can happen here
- import traceback
- traceback.print_exc()
- return waitTime
- def GameLoop (timeout=1.0, use_poll=0, map=None):
- """
- Main server loop for asynchronous processing.
- Steal the functionality straight from asyncore and
- modify it for our own purposes.
- This function handles both client requests and
- deferred calls.
- """
- import asyncore
- if map is None:
- map=asyncore.socket_map
- # pick the asyncore polling function to use
- if use_poll:
- if hasattr (select, 'poll'):
- WaitForRequests = asyncore.poll3
- else:
- WaitForRequests = asyncore.poll2
- else:
- WaitForRequests = asyncore.poll
- # loop forever, or until we are done
- waitTime = timeout
- while map:
- # receive client requests via asyncore
- WaitForRequests(waitTime, map)
- # fire waiting deferred calls
- waitTime = ProcessRequests()
- if not waitTime:
- waitTime = timeout
- #
- # command-line interface:
- # usage: python <port>
- #
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- import sys
- import string
- if len(sys.argv) < 2:
- print 'Usage: %s <server-port>' % sys.argv[0]
- else:
- game = gameserver.gameserver.GameServer(string.atoi (sys.argv[1]))
- InitGame()
- GameLoop()