- /*
- Copyright (c) 2000, Sean O'Neil
- All rights reserved.
- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
- and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * Neither the name of this project nor the names of its contributors
- may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
- without specific prior written permission.
- */
- #ifndef __Matrix_h__
- #define __Matrix_h__
- #include "Noise.h" // Has some useful defines and inline functions
- class CMatrix;
- class CQuaternion;
- class C3DObject;
- /*******************************************************************************
- * Template Class: TVector
- ********************************************************************************
- * This template class implements a simple 3D vector with x, y, and z coordinates.
- * Several functions and operators are defined to make working with vectors easier,
- * and because it's templatized, any numeric type can be used with it. Macros are
- * defined for the most common types.
- *******************************************************************************/
- #define CVector TVector<float>
- #define CDoubleVector TVector<double>
- #define CIntVector TVector<int>
- #define CByteVector TVector<unsigned char>
- template <class T> class TVector
- {
- public:
- T x, y, z;
- // Constructors
- TVector() {}
- TVector(const T a, const T b, const T c) { x = a; y = b; z = c; }
- TVector(const T t) { *this = t; }
- TVector(const T *pt) { *this = pt; }
- TVector(const TVector<T> &v) { *this = v; }
- // Casting and unary operators
- operator TVector<float>() { return TVector<float>((float)x, (float)y, (float)z); }
- operator TVector<double>() { return TVector<double>((double)x, (double)y, (double)z); }
- operator T*() { return &x; }
- T &operator[](const int n) { return (&x)[n]; }
- operator const T*() const { return &x; }
- T operator[](const int n) const { return (&x)[n]; }
- TVector<T> operator-() const { return TVector<T>(-x, -y, -z); }
- // Equal and comparison operators
- void operator=(const T t) { x = y = z = t; }
- void operator=(const T *pt) { x = pt[0]; y = pt[1]; z = pt[2]; }
- void operator=(const TVector<T> &v) { x = v.x; y = v.y; z = v.z; }
- bool operator==(TVector<T> &v) const { return (Abs(x - v.x) <= (T)0.001f && Abs(y - v.y) <= 0.001f && Abs(z - v.z) <= 0.001f); }
- bool operator!=(TVector<T> &v) const { return !(*this == v); }
- // Arithmetic operators (vector with scalar)
- TVector<T> operator+(const T t) const { return TVector<T>(x+t, y+t, z+t); }
- TVector<T> operator-(const T t) const { return TVector<T>(x-t, y-t, z-t); }
- TVector<T> operator*(const T t) const { return TVector<T>(x*t, y*t, z*t); }
- TVector<T> operator/(const T t) const { return TVector<T>(x/t, y/t, z/t); }
- void operator+=(const T t) { x += t; y += t; z += t; }
- void operator-=(const T t) { x -= t; y -= t; z -= t; }
- void operator*=(const T t) { x *= t; y *= t; z *= t; }
- void operator/=(const T t) { x /= t; y /= t; z /= t; }
- // Arithmetic operators (vector with vector)
- TVector<T> operator+(const TVector<T> &v) const { return TVector<T>(x+v.x, y+v.y, z+v.z); }
- TVector<T> operator-(const TVector<T> &v) const { return TVector<T>(x-v.x, y-v.y, z-v.z); }
- TVector<T> operator*(const TVector<T> &v) const { return TVector<T>(x*v.x, y*v.y, z*v.z); }
- TVector<T> operator/(const TVector<T> &v) const { return TVector<T>(x/v.x, y/v.y, z/v.z); }
- void operator+=(const TVector<T> &v) { x += v.x; y += v.y; z += v.z; }
- void operator-=(const TVector<T> &v) { x -= v.x; y -= v.y; z -= v.z; }
- void operator*=(const TVector<T> &v) { x *= v.x; y *= v.y; z *= v.z; }
- void operator/=(const TVector<T> &v) { x /= v.x; y /= v.y; z /= v.z; }
- // Dot and cross product operators
- T operator|(const TVector<T> &v) const { return x*v.x + y*v.y + z*v.z; }
- TVector<T> operator^(const TVector<T> &v) const { return TVector<T>(y*v.z - z*v.y, z*v.x - x*v.z, x*v.y - y*v.x); }
- void operator^=(const TVector<T> &v) { *this = *this ^ v; }
- // Magnitude/distance methods
- T MagnitudeSquared() const { return x*x + y*y + z*z; }
- T Magnitude() const { return (T)sqrt(MagnitudeSquared()); }
- T DistanceSquared(const TVector<T> &v) const{ return (*this - v).MagnitudeSquared(); }
- T Distance(const TVector<T> &v) const { return (*this - v).Magnitude(); }
- TVector<T> Midpoint(const TVector<T> &v) const { return CVector((*this - v) / 2 + v); }
- TVector<T> Average(const TVector<T> &v) const { return CVector((*this + v) / 2); }
- // Advanced methods (should only be used with float or double types)
- void Normalize() { *this /= Magnitude(); }
- double Angle(const TVector<T> &v) const { return acos(*this | v); }
- TVector<T> Reflect(const TVector<T> &n) const
- {
- T t = (T)Magnitude();
- TVector<T> v = *this / t;
- return (v - n * (2 * (v | n))) * t;
- }
- TVector<T> Rotate(const T tAngle, const CVector &n) const
- {
- T tCos = (T)cos(tAngle);
- T tSin = (T)sin(tAngle);
- return TVector<T>(*this * tCos + ((n * *this) * (1 - tCos)) * n + (*this ^ n) * tSin);
- }
- };
- // Returns the normal vector of two vectors (the normalized cross product)
- template <class T> inline TVector<T> NormalVector(const TVector<T> &v1, const TVector<T> &v2)
- {
- TVector<T> v = v1 ^ v2;
- v.Normalize();
- return v;
- }
- // Returns the normal vector of a triangle or 3 points on a plane (assumes counter-clockwise orientation)
- template <class T> inline TVector<T> NormalVector(const TVector<T> &p1, const TVector<T> &p2, const TVector<T> &p3)
- {
- return NormalVector(p2-p1, p3-p1);
- }
- // Returns the direction vector between two points
- template <class T> inline TVector<T> DirectionVector(const TVector<T> &p1, const TVector<T> &p2)
- {
- TVector<T> v = p2 - p1;
- v.Normalize();
- return v;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- * Template Class: TVector4
- ********************************************************************************
- * This template class implements a simple 4D vector with x, y, z, and w
- * coordinates. Like TVector, it is templatized and macros are defined for the
- * most common types.
- *******************************************************************************/
- #define CVector4 TVector4<float>
- #define CDoubleVector4 TVector4<double>
- #define CIntVector4 TVector4<int>
- #define CByteVector4 TVector4<unsigned char>
- template <class T> class TVector4
- {
- public:
- T x, y, z, w;
- // Constructors
- TVector4() {}
- TVector4(const T a, const T b, const T c, const T d) { x = a; y = b; z = c; w = d; }
- TVector4(const T t) { *this = t; }
- TVector4(const T *pt) { *this = pt; }
- TVector4(const TVector<T> &v) { *this = v; }
- TVector4(const TVector4<T> &v) { *this = v; }
- // Casting and unary operators
- operator T*() { return &x; }
- T &operator[](const int n) { return (&x)[n]; }
- operator const T*() const { return &x; }
- T operator[](const int n) const { return (&x)[n]; }
- TVector4<T> operator-() const { return TVector4<T>(-x, -y, -z, -w); }
- // Equal and comparison operators
- void operator=(const T t) { x = y = z = w = t; }
- void operator=(const T *pt) { x = pt[0]; y = pt[1]; z = pt[2]; w = pt[3]; }
- void operator=(const TVector<T> &v) { x = v.x; y = v.y; z = v.z; w = 0; }
- void operator=(const TVector4<T> &v) { x = v.x; y = v.y; z = v.z; w = v.w; }
- bool operator==(TVector4<T> &v) const { return (Abs(x - v.x) <= (T)DELTA && Abs(y - v.y) <= (T)DELTA && Abs(z - v.z) <= (T)DELTA && Abs(w - v.w) <= (T)DELTA); }
- bool operator!=(TVector4<T> &v) const { return !(*this == v); }
- // Arithmetic operators (vector with scalar)
- TVector4<T> operator+(const T t) const { return TVector4<T>(x+t, y+t, z+t, w+t); }
- TVector4<T> operator-(const T t) const { return TVector4<T>(x-t, y-t, z-t, w-t); }
- TVector4<T> operator*(const T t) const { return TVector4<T>(x*t, y*t, z*t, w*t); }
- TVector4<T> operator/(const T t) const { return TVector4<T>(x/t, y/t, z/t, w/t); }
- void operator+=(const T t) { x += t; y += t; z += t; w += t; }
- void operator-=(const T t) { x -= t; y -= t; z -= t; w -= t; }
- void operator*=(const T t) { x *= t; y *= t; z *= t; w *= t; }
- void operator/=(const T t) { x /= t; y /= t; z /= t; w /= t; }
- // Arithmetic operators (vector with vector)
- TVector4<T> operator+(const TVector4<T> &v) const { return TVector4<T>(x+v.x, y+v.y, z+v.z, w+v.w); }
- TVector4<T> operator-(const TVector4<T> &v) const { return TVector4<T>(x-v.x, y-v.y, z-v.z, w-v.w); }
- TVector4<T> operator*(const TVector4<T> &v) const { return TVector4<T>(x*v.x, y*v.y, z*v.z, w*v.w); }
- TVector4<T> operator/(const TVector4<T> &v) const { return TVector4<T>(x/v.x, y/v.y, z/v.z, w/v.w); }
- void operator+=(const TVector4<T> &v) { x += v.x; y += v.y; z += v.z; w += v.w; }
- void operator-=(const TVector4<T> &v) { x -= v.x; y -= v.y; z -= v.z; w -= v.w; }
- void operator*=(const TVector4<T> &v) { x *= v.x; y *= v.y; z *= v.z; w *= v.w; }
- void operator/=(const TVector4<T> &v) { x /= v.x; y /= v.y; z /= v.z; w /= v.w; }
- // Magnitude/normalize methods
- T MagnitudeSquared() const { return x*x + y*y + z*z + w*w; }
- T Magnitude() const { return (T)sqrt(MagnitudeSquared()); }
- void Normalize() { *this /= Magnitude(); }
- };
- /*******************************************************************************
- * Class: CQuaternion
- ********************************************************************************
- * This class implements a 4D quaternion. Several functions and operators are
- * defined to make working with quaternions easier. Quaternions are often used to
- * represent rotations, and have a number of advantages over other constructs.
- * Their main disadvantage is that they are unintuitive.
- *
- * Note: This class is not templatized because integral data types don't make sense
- * and there's no need for double-precision.
- *******************************************************************************/
- class CQuaternion
- {
- public:
- float x, y, z, w;
- // Constructors
- CQuaternion() {}
- CQuaternion(const float a, const float b, const float c, const float d) { x = a; y = b; z = c; w = d; }
- CQuaternion(const CVector &v, const float f){ SetAxisAngle(v, f); }
- CQuaternion(const CVector &v) { *this = v; }
- CQuaternion(const CQuaternion &q) { *this = q; }
- CQuaternion(const CMatrix &m) { *this = m; }
- CQuaternion(const float *p) { *this = p; }
- // Casting and unary operators
- operator float*() { return &x; }
- float &operator[](const int n) { return (&x)[n]; }
- operator const float*() const { return &x; }
- float operator[](const int n) const { return (&x)[n]; }
- CQuaternion operator-() const { return CQuaternion(-x, -y, -z, -w); }
- // Equal and comparison operators
- void operator=(const CVector &v) { x = v.x; y = v.y; z = v.z; w = 0; }
- void operator=(const CQuaternion &q) { x = q.x; y = q.y; z = q.z; w = q.w; }
- void operator=(const CMatrix &m);
- void operator=(const float *p) { x = p[0]; y = p[1]; z = p[2]; w = p[3]; }
- // Arithmetic operators (quaternion and scalar)
- CQuaternion operator+(const float f) const { return CQuaternion(x+f, y+f, z+f, w+f); }
- CQuaternion operator-(const float f) const { return CQuaternion(x-f, y-f, z-f, w-f); }
- CQuaternion operator*(const float f) const { return CQuaternion(x*f, y*f, z*f, w*f); }
- CQuaternion operator/(const float f) const { return CQuaternion(x/f, y/f, z/f, w/f); }
- void operator+=(const float f) { x+=f; y+=f; z+=f; w+=f; }
- void operator-=(const float f) { x-=f; y-=f; z-=f; w-=f; }
- void operator*=(const float f) { x*=f; y*=f; z*=f; w*=f; }
- void operator/=(const float f) { x/=f; y/=f; z/=f; w/=f; }
- // Arithmetic operators (quaternion and quaternion)
- CQuaternion operator+(const CQuaternion &q) const { return CQuaternion(x+q.x, y+q.y, z+q.z, w+q.w); }
- CQuaternion operator-(const CQuaternion &q) const { return CQuaternion(x-q.x, y-q.y, z-q.z, w-q.w); }
- CQuaternion operator*(const CQuaternion &q) const; // Multiplying quaternions is a special operation
- void operator+=(const CQuaternion &q) { x+=q.x; y+=q.y; z+=q.z; w+=q.w; }
- void operator-=(const CQuaternion &q) { x-=q.x; y-=q.y; z-=q.z; w-=q.w; }
- void operator*=(const CQuaternion &q) { *this = *this * q; }
- // Magnitude/normalize methods
- float MagnitudeSquared() const { return x*x + y*y + z*z + w*w; }
- float Magnitude() const { return sqrtf(MagnitudeSquared()); }
- void Normalize() { *this /= Magnitude(); }
- // Advanced quaternion methods
- CQuaternion Conjugate() const { return CQuaternion(-x, -y, -z, w); }
- CQuaternion Inverse() const { return Conjugate() / MagnitudeSquared(); }
- CQuaternion UnitInverse() const { return Conjugate(); }
- CVector RotateVector(const CVector &v) const { return (*this * CQuaternion(v) * UnitInverse()); }
- void SetAxisAngle(const CVector &vAxis, const float fAngle)
- {
- // 4 muls, 2 trig function calls
- float f = fAngle * 0.5f;
- *this = vAxis * sinf(f);
- w = cosf(f);
- }
- void GetAxisAngle(CVector &vAxis, float &fAngle) const
- {
- // 4 muls, 1 div, 2 trig function calls
- fAngle = acosf(w);
- vAxis = *this / sinf(fAngle);
- fAngle *= 2.0f;
- }
- void Rotate(const CQuaternion &q) { *this = q * *this; }
- void Rotate(const CVector &vAxis, const float fAngle)
- {
- CQuaternion q;
- q.SetAxisAngle(vAxis, fAngle);
- Rotate(q);
- }
- CVector GetViewAxis() const
- {
- // 6 muls, 7 adds
- float x2 = x + x, y2 = y + y, z2 = z + z;
- float xx = x * x2, xz = x * z2;
- float yy = y * y2, yz = y * z2;
- float wx = w * x2, wy = w * y2;
- return -CVector(xz+wy, yz-wx, 1-(xx+yy));
- }
- CVector GetUpAxis() const
- {
- // 6 muls, 7 adds
- float x2 = x + x, y2 = y + y, z2 = z + z;
- float xx = x * x2, xy = x * y2;
- float yz = y * z2, zz = z * z2;
- float wx = w * x2, wz = w * z2;
- return CVector(xy-wz, 1-(xx+zz), yz+wx);
- }
- CVector GetRightAxis() const
- {
- // 6 muls, 7 adds
- float x2 = x + x, y2 = y + y, z2 = z + z;
- float xy = x * y2, xz = x * z2;
- float yy = y * y2, zz = z * z2;
- float wy = w * y2, wz = w * z2;
- return CVector(1-(yy+zz), xy+wz, xz-wy);
- }
- };
- extern CQuaternion Slerp(const CQuaternion &q1, const CQuaternion &q2, const float t);
- /*******************************************************************************
- * Class: CMatrix
- ********************************************************************************
- * This class implements a 4x4 matrix. Several functions and operators are
- * defined to make working with matrices easier. The values are kept in column-
- * major order to make it easier to use with OpenGL. For performance reasons,
- * most of the functions assume that all matrices are orthogonal, which means the
- * bottom row is [ 0 0 0 1 ]. Since I plan to use the GL_PROJECTION matrix to
- * handle the projection matrix, I should never need to use any other kind of
- * matrix, and I get a decent performance boost by ignoring the bottom row.
- *
- * Note: This class is not templatized because integral data types don't make sense
- * and there's no need for double-precision.
- *******************************************************************************/
- class CMatrix
- {
- public:
- // This class uses column-major order, as used by OpenGL
- // Here are the ways in which the matrix values can be accessed:
- // | f11 f21 f31 f41 | | f1[0] f1[4] f1[8] f1[12] | | f2[0][0] f2[1][0] f2[2][0] f2[3][0] |
- // | f12 f22 f32 f42 | | f1[1] f1[5] f1[9] f1[13] | | f2[0][1] f2[1][1] f2[2][1] f2[3][1] |
- // | f13 f23 f33 f43 | = | f1[2] f1[6] f1[10] f1[14] | = | f2[0][2] f2[1][2] f2[2][2] f2[3][2] |
- // | f14 f24 f34 f44 | | f1[3] f1[7] f1[11] f1[15] | | f2[0][3] f2[1][3] f2[2][3] f2[3][3] |
- union
- {
- struct { float f11, f12, f13, f14, f21, f22, f23, f24, f31, f32, f33, f34, f41, f42, f43, f44; };
- float f1[16];
- float f2[4][4];
- };
- CMatrix() {}
- CMatrix(const float f) { *this = f; }
- CMatrix(const float *pf) { *this = pf; }
- CMatrix(const CQuaternion &q) { *this = q; }
- // Init functions
- void ZeroMatrix()
- {
- f11 = f12 = f13 = f14 = f21 = f22 = f23 = f24 = f31 = f32 = f33 = f34 = f41 = f42 = f43 = f44 = 0;
- }
- void IdentityMatrix()
- {
- f12 = f13 = f14 = f21 = f23 = f24 = f31 = f32 = f34 = f41 = f42 = f43 = 0;
- f11 = f22 = f33 = f44 = 1;
- }
- operator float*() { return f1; }
- float &operator[](const int n) { return f1[n]; }
- float &operator()(const int i, const int j) { return f2[i][j]; }
- operator const float*() const { return f1; }
- float operator[](const int n) const { return f1[n]; }
- float operator()(const int i, const int j) const{ return f2[i][j]; }
- void operator=(const float f) { for(register int i=0; i<16; i++) f1[i] = f; }
- void operator=(const float *pf) { for(register int i=0; i<16; i++) f1[i] = pf[i]; }
- void operator=(const CQuaternion &q);
- CMatrix operator*(const CMatrix &m) const;
- void operator*=(const CMatrix &m) { *this = *this * m; }
- CVector operator*(const CVector &v) const { return TransformVector(v); }
- CVector TransformVector(const CVector &v) const
- {
- // 9 muls, 9 adds
- // | f11 f21 f31 f41 | | v.x | | f11*v.x+f21*v.y+f31*v.z+f41 |
- // | f12 f22 f32 f42 | | v.y | | f12*v.x+f22*v.y+f32*v.z+f42 |
- // | f13 f23 f33 f43 | * | v.z | = | f13*v.x+f23*v.y+f33*v.z+f43 |
- // | 0 0 0 1 | | 1 | | 1 |
- return CVector((f11*v.x+f21*v.y+f31*v.z+f41),
- (f12*v.x+f22*v.y+f32*v.z+f42),
- (f13*v.x+f23*v.y+f33*v.z+f43));
- }
- CVector TransformNormal(const CVector &v) const
- {
- // 9 muls, 6 adds
- // (Transpose rotation vectors, ignore position)
- // | f11 f12 f13 0 | | v.x | | f11*v.x+f12*v.y+f13*v.z |
- // | f21 f22 f23 0 | | v.y | | f21*v.x+f22*v.y+f23*v.z |
- // | f31 f32 f33 0 | * | v.z | = | f31*v.x+f32*v.y+f33*v.z |
- // | 0 0 0 1 | | 1 | | 1 |
- return CVector((f11*v.x+f12*v.y+f13*v.z),
- (f21*v.x+f22*v.y+f23*v.z),
- (f31*v.x+f32*v.y+f33*v.z));
- }
- // Translate functions
- void TranslateMatrix(const float x, const float y, const float z)
- {
- // | 1 0 0 x |
- // | 0 1 0 y |
- // | 0 0 1 z |
- // | 0 0 0 1 |
- f12 = f13 = f14 = f21 = f23 = f24 = f31 = f32 = f34 = 0;
- f11 = f22 = f33 = f44 = 1;
- f41 = x; f42 = y; f43 = z;
- }
- void TranslateMatrix(const float *pf) { TranslateMatrix(pf[0], pf[1], pf[2]); }
- void Translate(const float x, const float y, const float z)
- {
- // 9 muls, 9 adds
- // | f11 f21 f31 f41 | | 1 0 0 x | | f11 f21 f31 f11*x+f21*y+f31*z+f41 |
- // | f12 f22 f32 f42 | | 0 1 0 y | | f12 f22 f32 f12*x+f22*y+f32*z+f42 |
- // | f13 f23 f33 f43 | * | 0 0 1 z | = | f13 f23 f33 f13*x+f23*y+f33*z+f43 |
- // | 0 0 0 1 | | 0 0 0 1 | | 0 0 0 1 |
- f41 = f11*x+f21*y+f31*z+f41;
- f42 = f12*x+f22*y+f32*z+f42;
- f43 = f13*x+f23*y+f33*z+f43;
- }
- void Translate(const float *pf) { Translate(pf[0], pf[1], pf[2]); }
- // Scale functions
- void ScaleMatrix(const float x, const float y, const float z)
- {
- // | x 0 0 0 |
- // | 0 y 0 0 |
- // | 0 0 z 0 |
- // | 0 0 0 1 |
- f12 = f13 = f14 = f21 = f23 = f24 = f31 = f32 = f34 = f41 = f42 = f43 = 0;
- f11 = x; f22 = y; f33 = z; f44 = 1;
- }
- void ScaleMatrix(const float *pf) { ScaleMatrix(pf[0], pf[1], pf[2]); }
- void Scale(const float x, const float y, const float z)
- {
- // 9 muls
- // | f11 f21 f31 f41 | | x 0 0 0 | | f11*x f21*y f31*z f41 |
- // | f12 f22 f32 f42 | | 0 y 0 0 | | f12*x f22*y f32*z f42 |
- // | f13 f23 f33 f43 | * | 0 0 z 0 | = | f13*x f23*y f33*z f43 |
- // | 0 0 0 1 | | 0 0 0 1 | | 0 0 0 1 |
- f11 *= x; f21 *= y; f31 *= z;
- f12 *= x; f22 *= y; f32 *= z;
- f13 *= x; f23 *= y; f33 *= z;
- }
- void Scale(const float *pf) { Scale(pf[0], pf[1], pf[2]); }
- // Rotate functions
- void RotateXMatrix(const float fRadians)
- {
- // | 1 0 0 0 |
- // | 0 fCos -fSin 0 |
- // | 0 fSin fCos 0 |
- // | 0 0 0 1 |
- f12 = f13 = f14 = f21 = f24 = f31 = f34 = f41 = f42 = f43 = 0;
- f11 = f44 = 1;
- float fCos = cosf(fRadians);
- float fSin = sinf(fRadians);
- f22 = f33 = fCos;
- f23 = fSin;
- f32 = -fSin;
- }
- void RotateX(const float fRadians)
- {
- // 12 muls, 6 adds, 2 trig function calls
- // | f11 f21 f31 f41 | | 1 0 0 0 | | f11 f21*fCos+f31*fSin f31*fCos-f21*fSin f41 |
- // | f12 f22 f32 f42 | | 0 fCos -fSin 0 | | f12 f22*fCos+f32*fSin f32*fCos-f22*fSin f42 |
- // | f13 f23 f33 f43 | * | 0 fSin fCos 0 | = | f13 f23*fCos+f33*fSin f33*fCos-f23*fSin f43 |
- // | 0 0 0 1 | | 0 0 0 1 | | 0 0 0 1 |
- float fTemp, fCos, fSin;
- fCos = cosf(fRadians);
- fSin = sinf(fRadians);
- fTemp = f21*fCos+f31*fSin;
- f31 = f31*fCos-f21*fSin;
- f21 = fTemp;
- fTemp = f22*fCos+f32*fSin;
- f32 = f32*fCos-f22*fSin;
- f22 = fTemp;
- fTemp = f23*fCos+f33*fSin;
- f33 = f33*fCos-f23*fSin;
- f23 = fTemp;
- }
- void RotateYMatrix(const float fRadians)
- {
- // | fCos 0 fSin 0 |
- // | 0 1 0 0 |
- // | -fSin 0 fCos 0 |
- // | 0 0 0 1 |
- f12 = f14 = f21 = f23 = f24 = f32 = f34 = f41 = f42 = f43 = 0;
- f22 = f44 = 1;
- float fCos = cosf(fRadians);
- float fSin = sinf(fRadians);
- f11 = f33 = fCos;
- f13 = -fSin;
- f31 = fSin;
- }
- void RotateY(const float fRadians)
- {
- // 12 muls, 6 adds, 2 trig function calls
- // | f11 f21 f31 f41 | | fCos 0 fSin 0 | | f11*fCos-f31*fSin f21 f11*fSin+f31*fCos f41 |
- // | f12 f22 f32 f42 | | 0 1 0 0 | | f12*fCos-f32*fSin f22 f12*fSin+f32*fCos f42 |
- // | f13 f23 f33 f43 | * | -fSin 0 fCos 0 | = | f13*fCos-f33*fSin f23 f13*fSin+f33*fCos f43 |
- // | 0 0 0 1 | | 0 0 0 1 | | 0 0 0 1 |
- float fTemp, fCos, fSin;
- fCos = cosf(fRadians);
- fSin = sinf(fRadians);
- fTemp = f11*fCos-f31*fSin;
- f31 = f11*fSin+f31*fCos;
- f11 = fTemp;
- fTemp = f12*fCos-f32*fSin;
- f32 = f12*fSin+f32*fCos;
- f12 = fTemp;
- fTemp = f13*fCos-f33*fSin;
- f33 = f13*fSin+f33*fCos;
- f13 = fTemp;
- }
- void RotateZMatrix(const float fRadians)
- {
- // | fCos -fSin 0 0 |
- // | fSin fCos 0 0 |
- // | 0 0 1 0 |
- // | 0 0 0 1 |
- f13 = f14 = f23 = f24 = f31 = f32 = f34 = f41 = f42 = f43 = 0;
- f33 = f44 = 1;
- float fCos = cosf(fRadians);
- float fSin = sinf(fRadians);
- f11 = f22 = fCos;
- f12 = fSin;
- f21 = -fSin;
- }
- void RotateZ(const float fRadians)
- {
- // 12 muls, 6 adds, 2 trig function calls
- // | f11 f21 f31 f41 | | fCos -fSin 0 0 | | f11*fCos+f21*fSin f21*fCos-f11*fSin f31 f41 |
- // | f12 f22 f32 f42 | | fSin fCos 0 0 | | f12*fCos+f22*fSin f22*fCos-f12*fSin f32 f42 |
- // | f13 f23 f33 f43 | * | 0 0 1 0 | = | f13*fCos+f23*fSin f23*fCos-f13*fSin f33 f43 |
- // | 0 0 0 1 | | 0 0 0 1 | | 0 0 0 1 |
- float fTemp, fCos, fSin;
- fCos = cosf(fRadians);
- fSin = sinf(fRadians);
- fTemp = f11*fCos+f21*fSin;
- f21 = f21*fCos-f11*fSin;
- f11 = fTemp;
- fTemp = f12*fCos+f22*fSin;
- f22 = f22*fCos-f12*fSin;
- f12 = fTemp;
- fTemp = f13*fCos+f23*fSin;
- f23 = f23*fCos-f13*fSin;
- f13 = fTemp;
- }
- void RotateMatrix(const CVector &v, const float f)
- {
- // 15 muls, 10 adds, 2 trig function calls
- float fCos = cosf(f);
- CVector vCos = v * (1 - fCos);
- CVector vSin = v * sinf(f);
- f14 = f24 = f34 = f41 = f42 = f43 = 0;
- f44 = 1;
- f11 = (v.x * vCos.x) + fCos;
- f21 = (v.x * vCos.y) - (vSin.z);
- f31 = (v.x * vCos.z) + (vSin.y);
- f12 = (v.y * vCos.x) + (vSin.z);
- f22 = (v.y * vCos.y) + fCos;
- f32 = (v.y * vCos.z) - (vSin.x);
- f13 = (v.z * vCos.x) - (vSin.y);
- f32 = (v.z * vCos.y) + (vSin.x);
- f33 = (v.z * vCos.z) + fCos;
- }
- void Rotate(const CVector &v, const float f)
- {
- // 51 muls, 37 adds, 2 trig function calls
- CMatrix mat;
- mat.RotateMatrix(v, f);
- *this *= mat;
- }
- void ModelMatrix(const CQuaternion &q, const CVector &vFrom)
- {
- *this = q;
- f41 = vFrom.x;
- f42 = vFrom.y;
- f43 = vFrom.z;
- }
- void ModelMatrix(const CVector &vFrom, const CVector &vView, const CVector &vUp, const CVector &vRight)
- {
- f11 = vRight.x; f21 = vUp.x; f31 = -vView.x; f41 = vFrom.x;
- f12 = vRight.y; f22 = vUp.y; f32 = -vView.y; f42 = vFrom.y;
- f13 = vRight.z; f23 = vUp.z; f33 = -vView.z; f43 = vFrom.z;
- f14 = 0; f24 = 0; f34 = 0; f44 = 1;
- }
- void ModelMatrix(const CVector &vFrom, const CVector &vAt, const CVector &vUp)
- {
- CVector vView = vAt - vFrom;
- vView.Normalize();
- CVector vRight = vView ^ vUp;
- vRight.Normalize();
- CVector vTrueUp = vRight ^ vView;
- vTrueUp.Normalize();
- ModelMatrix(vFrom, vView, vTrueUp, vRight);
- }
- void ViewMatrix(const CQuaternion &q, const CVector &vFrom)
- {
- *this = q;
- Transpose();
- f41 = -(vFrom.x*f11 + vFrom.y*f21 + vFrom.z*f31);
- f42 = -(vFrom.x*f12 + vFrom.y*f22 + vFrom.z*f32);
- f43 = -(vFrom.x*f13 + vFrom.y*f23 + vFrom.z*f33);
- }
- void ViewMatrix(const CVector &vFrom, const CVector &vView, const CVector &vUp, const CVector &vRight)
- {
- // 9 muls, 9 adds
- f11 = vRight.x; f21 = vRight.y; f31 = vRight.z; f41 = -(vFrom | vRight);
- f12 = vUp.x; f22 = vUp.y; f32 = vUp.z; f42 = -(vFrom | vUp);
- f13 = -vView.x; f23 = -vView.y; f33 = -vView.z; f43 = -(vFrom | -vView);
- f14 = 0; f24 = 0; f34 = 0; f44 = 1;
- }
- void ViewMatrix(const CVector &vFrom, const CVector &vAt, const CVector &vUp)
- {
- CVector vView = vAt - vFrom;
- vView.Normalize();
- CVector vRight = vView ^ vUp;
- vRight.Normalize();
- CVector vTrueUp = vRight ^ vView;
- vTrueUp.Normalize();
- ViewMatrix(vFrom, vView, vTrueUp, vRight);
- }
- void ProjectionMatrix(const float fNear, const float fFar, const float fFOV, const float fAspect)
- {
- // 2 muls, 3 divs, 2 adds, 1 trig function call
- float h = 1.0f / tanf(DEGTORAD(fFOV * 0.5f));
- float Q = fFar / (fFar - fNear);
- f12 = f13 = f14 = f21 = f23 = f24 = f31 = f32 = f41 = f42 = f44 = 0;
- f11 = h / fAspect;
- f22 = h;
- f33 = Q;
- f34 = 1;
- f43 = -Q*fNear;
- }
- // For orthogonal matrices, I belive this also gives you the inverse.
- void Transpose()
- {
- float f;
- SWAP(f12, f21, f);
- SWAP(f13, f31, f);
- SWAP(f14, f41, f);
- SWAP(f23, f32, f);
- SWAP(f24, f42, f);
- SWAP(f34, f43, f);
- }
- };
- class CRay
- {
- public:
- CDoubleVector m_vOrigin;
- CDoubleVector m_vDirection;
- CRay() {}
- CRay(CDoubleVector p1, CDoubleVector p2) { Init(p1, p2); }
- void Init(CDoubleVector p1, CDoubleVector p2)
- {
- m_vOrigin = p1;
- m_vDirection = p2 - p1;
- m_vDirection.Normalize();
- }
- bool Intersect(CDoubleVector vCenter, double dRadius)
- {
- CDoubleVector vDir = vCenter - m_vOrigin;
- double v = m_vDirection | vDir;
- double b2 = (vDir|vDir) - v*v;
- double r2 = dRadius * dRadius;
- if(b2 > r2)
- return false;
- //vIntersection = m_vOrigin + m_vDirection * (v - sqrtf(r2 - b2));
- return true;
- }
- };
- /*******************************************************************************
- * Class: CLine
- ********************************************************************************
- * This class implements a 3-dimensional line. It is initialized with two points
- * on the line. It can be used to find the shortest distance between two lines or
- * between a point and a line, which can be useful for things like collision
- * detection.
- *******************************************************************************/
- class CLine
- {
- public:
- CVector m_vStart;
- CVector m_vDir;
- CLine() {}
- CLine(CVector &p1, CVector &p2) { Init(p1, p2); }
- void Init(CVector &p1, CVector &p2)
- {
- m_vStart = p1;
- m_vDir = p2 - p1;
- m_vDir.Normalize();
- }
- CVector ClosestPoint(CVector &p) { return m_vStart + (m_vDir * ((m_vDir | p) - (m_vDir | m_vStart))); }
- float Distance(CVector &p) { return p.Distance(ClosestPoint(p)); }
- float Distance(CLine &l)
- {
- CVector v = m_vDir ^ l.m_vDir;
- v.Normalize();
- return Abs((m_vStart - l.m_vStart) | v);
- }
- /*
- // Calculate the shortest distance between a point to a line
- (known) point p = p, or (px, py, pz)
- (known) point on line = a, or (ax, ay, az)
- (known) direction vector of line = n, or (nx, ny, nz)
- (unknown) point on line closest to p = P, or (Px, Py, Pz)
- // The vector from p to P must be perpendicular to n, which gives us:
- (px-Px, py-Py, pz-Pz) . (nx, ny, nz) = 0
- // To make sure P is actually on the line, it must also fit this line equation:
- (ax, ay, az) + k * (nx, ny, nz) = (Px, Py, Pz)
- // Expanding those equations gives us this:
- nx * (px - Px) + ny * (py - Py) + nz * (pz - Pz) = 0
- // and these:
- Px = ax + k * nx
- Py = ay + k * ny
- Pz = az + k * nz
- // Substituting and solving for k gives us:
- nx * (px - (ax + k * nx)) + ny * (py - (ay + k * ny)) + nz * (pz - (az + k * nz)) = 0
- nx*px - nx*ax - k*nx2 + ny*py - ny*ay - k*ny2 + nz*pz - nz*az - k*nz2 = 0
- k * (nx2 + ny2 + nz2) = nx*px - nx*ax + ny*py - ny*ay + nz*pz - nz*az
- k = (nx*px + ny*py + nz*pz - nx*ax - ny*ay - nz*az) / (nx2 + ny2 + nz2)
- k = (n.p - n.a) / (n.n)
- // If n is normalized then n.n will always equal 1, so...
- P = a + (n.p - n.a) * n
- distance = | P - p |
- */
- /*
- // Calculate the shortest distance between two lines (call them line A and line B)
- (known) point on A = AP, or (APx, APy, APz)
- (known) direction vector of A = AN, or (ANx, ANy, ANz)
- (known) point on B = BP, or (BPx, BPy, BPz)
- (known) direction vector of B = BN, or (BNx, BNy, BNz)
- (unknown) point on A closest to B = P1, or (P1x, P1y, P1z)
- (unknown) point on B closest to A = P2, or (P2x, P2y, P2z)
- // The vector from P1 to P2 is perpendicular to both lines:
- (P2x - P1x, P2y - P1y, P2z - P1z) . (ANx, ANy, ANz) = 0
- (P2x - P1x, P2y - P1y, P2z - P1z) . (BNx, BNy, BNz) = 0
- // To find P1 and P2, we need to find values k and l for the line equations:
- (APx, APy, APz) + k * (ANx, ANy, ANz) = (P1x, P1y, P1z)
- (BPx, BPy, BPz) + l * (BNx, BNy, BNz) = (P2x, P2y, P2z)
- // Expanding these equations gives us these:
- ANx * (P2x - P1x) + ANy * (P2y - P1y) + ANz * (P2z - P1z) = 0
- BNx * (P2x - P1x) + BNy * (P2y - P1y) + BNz * (P2z - P1z) = 0
- // And these:
- P1x = APx + k * ANx
- P1y = APy + k * ANy
- P1z = APz + k * ANz
- P2x = BPx + l * BNx
- P2y = BPy + l * BNy
- P2z = BPz + l * BNz
- // Substituting and solving for k and l gives us:
- ANx * ((BPx + l * BNx) - (APx + k * ANx)) + ANy * ((BPy + l * BNy) - (APy + k * ANy)) + ANz * ((BPz + l * BNz) - (APz + k * ANz)) = 0
- BNx * ((BPx + l * BNx) - (APx + k * ANx)) + BNy * ((BPy + l * BNy) - (APy + k * ANy)) + BNz * ((BPz + l * BNz) - (APz + k * ANz)) = 0
- (ANx*BPx + l*ANx*BNx - ANx*APx - k*ANx2) + (ANy*BPy + l*ANy*BNy - ANy*APy - k*ANy2) + (ANz*BPz + l*ANz*BNz - ANz*APz - k*ANz2) = 0
- (BNx*BPx + l*BNx2 - BNx*APx - k*ANx*BNx) + (BNy*BPy + l*BNy2 - BNy*APy - k*ANy*BNy) + (BNz*BPz + l*BNz2 - BNz*APz - k*ANz*BNz) = 0
- k = (ANx*BPx + l*ANx*BNx - ANx*APx + ANy*BPy + l*ANy*BNy - ANy*APy + ANz*BPz + l*ANz*BNz - ANz*APz) / (ANx2 + ANy2 + ANz2)
- k = (BNx*BPx + l*BNx2 - BNx*APx + BNy*BPy + l*BNy2 - BNy*APy + BNz*BPz + l*BNz2 - BNz*APz) / (ANx*BNx + ANy*BNy + ANz*BNz)
- (ANx*BNx + ANy*BNy + ANz*BNz) * (ANx*BPx + l*ANx*BNx - ANx*APx + ANy*BPy + l*ANy*BNy - ANy*APy + ANz*BPz + l*ANz*BNz - ANz*APz) = (ANx2 + ANy2 + ANz2) * (BNx*BPx + l*BNx2 - BNx*APx + BNy*BPy + l*BNy2 - BNy*APy + BNz*BPz + l*BNz2 - BNz*APz)
- (ANx*BNx*ANy*BPy + ANx*BNx*l*ANy*BNy - ANx*BNx*ANy*APy + ANx*BNx*ANz*BPz + ANx*BNx*l*ANz*BNz - ANx*BNx*ANz*APz) +
- (ANy*BNy*ANx*BPx + ANy*BNy*l*ANx*BNx - ANy*BNy*ANx*APx + ANy*BNy*ANz*BPz + ANy*BNy*l*ANz*BNz - ANy*BNy*ANz*APz) +
- (ANz*BNz*ANx*BPx + ANz*BNz*l*ANx*BNx - ANz*BNz*ANx*APx + ANz*BNz*ANy*BPy + ANz*BNz*l*ANy*BNy - ANz*BNz*ANy*APy) =
- (ANx2*BNy*BPy + ANx2*l*BNy2 - ANx2*BNy*APy + ANx2*BNz*BPz + ANx2*l*BNz2 - ANx2*BNz*APz) +
- (ANy2*BNx*BPx + ANy2*l*BNx2 - ANy2*BNx*APx + ANy2*BNz*BPz + ANy2*l*BNz2 - ANy2*BNz*APz) +
- (ANz2*BNx*BPx + ANz2*l*BNx2 - ANz2*BNx*APx + ANz2*BNy*BPy + ANz2*l*BNy2 - ANz2*BNy*APy)
- l * (2*ANx*BNx*ANy*BNy + 2*ANz*BNz*ANx*BNx + 2*ANy*BNy*ANz*BNz - ANx2*BNy2 - ANy2*BNx2 - ANz2*BNx2 - ANx2*BNz2 - ANy2*BNz2 - ANz2*BNy2) =
- (ANx2*BNy*BPy - ANx2*BNy*APy + ANx2*BNz*BPz - ANx2*BNz*APz) +
- (ANy2*BNx*BPx - ANy2*BNx*APx + ANy2*BNz*BPz - ANy2*BNz*APz) +
- (ANz2*BNx*BPx - ANz2*BNx*APx + ANz2*BNy*BPy - ANz2*BNy*APy) +
- (-ANx*BNx*ANy*BPy + ANx*BNx*ANy*APy - ANx*BNx*ANz*BPz + ANx*BNx*ANz*APz) +
- (-ANy*BNy*ANx*BPx + ANy*BNy*ANx*APx - ANy*BNy*ANz*BPz + ANy*BNy*ANz*APz) +
- (-ANz*BNz*ANx*BPx + ANz*BNz*ANx*APx - ANz*BNz*ANy*BPy + ANz*BNz*ANy*APy)
- // Next think about using AN ^ BN to get the direction vector between P1 and P2
- // Normalize that vector and call it n
- // The distance between the two lines might be the absolute value of (P2-P1).n
- // That still doesn't tell us where the closest points on the line are, but it might help find them
- */
- };
- /*******************************************************************************
- * Class: CPlane
- ********************************************************************************
- * This class implements a 3-dimensional plane equation. It can be initialized
- * with 3 points on the plane or a normal and a point on the plane, and it can
- * be used to find the distance from a point to a plane. I plan to add more to
- * this class later to make it more useful.
- *******************************************************************************/
- class CPlane
- {
- public:
- CVector m_vNormal;
- float D;
- CPlane() {}
- void Init(CVector &p1, CVector &p2, CVector &p3)
- { // Initializes the plane based on three points in the plane
- Init(NormalVector(p1, p2, p3), p1);
- }
- void Init(CVector &vNormal, CVector &p)
- { // Initializes the plane based on a normal and a point in the plane
- m_vNormal = vNormal;
- D = -(p | m_vNormal);
- }
- bool operator==(CPlane &p) { return (Abs(D - p.D) <= DELTA && m_vNormal == p.m_vNormal); }
- bool operator!=(CPlane &p) { return !(*this == p); }
- float Distance(CVector &p)
- { // Returns the distance between the plane and point p
- return (m_vNormal | p) + D; // A positive, 0, or negative result indicates the point is in front of, on, or behind the plane
- }
- bool Intersection(CVector &vPos, CVector &vDir)
- { // Returns true if the line intersects the plane and changes vPos to the location of the intersection
- float f = m_vNormal | vDir;
- if(ABS(f) < DELTA)
- return false;
- vPos -= vDir * (Distance(vPos) / f);
- return true;
- }
- };
- /****************************************************************************
- * Class: C3DObject
- *****************************************************************************
- * This class represents a basic 3D object in the scene. It has a 3D position,
- * orientation, velocity, and a parent which provides its frame of reference
- * in the scene.
- * Note: This class is derived from CQuaternion so it will inherit useful
- * functions like Rotate(), GetViewAxis(), GetUpAxis(), and GetRightAxis().
- ****************************************************************************/
- #define MIN_DISTANCE 0.01
- #define MAX_DISTANCE 1000.0 // Distance to desired far clipping plane
- #define MAX_DISCERNABLE 1000000.0 // Beyond this distance, everything is rendered at MAX_DISTANCE
- #define HALF_MAX (MAX_DISTANCE*0.5) // Everything between HALF_MAX and MAX_DISCERNABLE is scaled exponentially between HALF_MAX and MAX_DISTANCE
- class C3DObject : public CQuaternion
- {
- protected:
- C3DObject *m_pParent; // The object's parent
- float m_fBoundingRadius; // The object's bounding radius
- float m_fMass; // The object's mass (kg)
- CDoubleVector m_vPosition; // The object's position (km)
- CVector m_vVelocity; // The object's velocity (km/s)
- public:
- C3DObject() : CQuaternion(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), m_vPosition(0.0f), m_vVelocity(0.0f)
- {
- m_fMass = 0.0f;
- }
- C3DObject(const CMatrix &m) : CQuaternion(m), m_vPosition(m.f41, m.f42, m.f43), m_vVelocity(0.0f)
- {
- m_fMass = 0.0f;
- }
- void operator=(const CQuaternion &q) { CQuaternion::operator=(q); }
- void operator=(const CMatrix &m)
- {
- CQuaternion::operator=(m);
- SetPosition(CDoubleVector(m.f41, m.f42, m.f43));
- }
- void SetParent(C3DObject *p) { m_pParent = p; }
- C3DObject *GetParent() { return m_pParent; }
- void SetMass(float f) { m_fMass = f; }
- float GetMass() { return m_fMass; }
- void SetPosition(CDoubleVector &v) { m_vPosition = v; }
- CDoubleVector GetPosition() { return m_vPosition; }
- void SetVelocity(CVector &v) { m_vVelocity = v; }
- CVector GetVelocity() { return m_vVelocity; }
- CMatrix GetViewMatrix()
- {
- // Don't use the normal view matrix because it causes precision problems if the camera is too far away from the origin.
- // Instead, pretend the camera is at the origin and offset all model matrices by subtracting the camera's position.
- CMatrix m = *this;
- m.Transpose();
- return m;
- }
- CMatrix GetModelMatrix(C3DObject *pCamera)
- {
- // Don't use the normal model matrix because it causes precision problems if the camera and model are too far away from the origin.
- // Instead, pretend the camera is at the origin and offset all model matrices by subtracting the camera's position.
- CMatrix m;
- m.ModelMatrix(*this, m_vPosition-pCamera->m_vPosition);
- return m;
- }
- static float GetScalingFactor(double dDistance, double dFactor=1.0)
- {
- if(dDistance > HALF_MAX)
- {
- dFactor *= (dDistance >= MAX_DISCERNABLE) ? MAX_DISTANCE : HALF_MAX + HALF_MAX * (1.0 - exp(-2.5 * dDistance / MAX_DISCERNABLE));
- dFactor /= dDistance;
- }
- return (float)dFactor;
- }
- float ScaleModelMatrix(CMatrix &m, double dDistance, double dFactor=1.0)
- {
- // This code scales the object's size and distance to the camera down when it's too far away.
- // This solves a problem with many video card drivers where objects too far away aren't rendering properly.
- // It also alleviates the Z-buffer precision problem caused by having your near and far clipping planes too far apart.
- float fFactor = GetScalingFactor(dDistance, dFactor);
- if(fFactor <= 1.0f)
- {
- m.f41 *= fFactor;
- m.f42 *= fFactor;
- m.f43 *= fFactor;
- m.Scale(fFactor, fFactor, fFactor);
- }
- return fFactor;
- }
- float GetScaledModelMatrix(CMatrix &m, C3DObject *pCamera, double dFactor=1.0)
- {
- CDoubleVector vPos = m_vPosition - pCamera->m_vPosition;
- double dDistance = vPos.Magnitude();
- m.ModelMatrix(*this, vPos);
- return ScaleModelMatrix(m, dDistance, dFactor);
- }
- void GetBillboardMatrix(CMatrix &m, C3DObject *pCamera, float fSize)
- {
- CDoubleVector vPos = m_vPosition - pCamera->m_vPosition;
- double dDistance = vPos.Magnitude();
- CVector vView = vPos / dDistance;
- CVector vRight = vView ^ CVector(0, 1, 0);
- vRight.Normalize();
- CVector vUp = vRight ^ vView;
- vUp.Normalize();
- m.ModelMatrix(vPos, vView, vUp, vRight);
- m.Scale(fSize, fSize, fSize);
- }
- float GetScaledBillboardMatrix(CMatrix &m, C3DObject *pCamera, float fSize, double dFactor=1.0)
- {
- CDoubleVector vPos = m_vPosition - pCamera->m_vPosition;
- double dDistance = vPos.Magnitude();
- CVector vView = vPos / dDistance;
- CVector vRight = vView ^ CVector(0, 1, 0);
- vRight.Normalize();
- CVector vUp = vRight ^ vView;
- vUp.Normalize();
- m.ModelMatrix(vPos, vView, vUp, vRight);
- float fFactor = ScaleModelMatrix(m, dDistance, dFactor);
- m.Scale(fSize, fSize, fSize);
- return fFactor;
- }
- float DistanceTo(C3DObject &obj) { return (float)m_vPosition.Distance(obj.m_vPosition); }
- CVector VectorTo(C3DObject &obj) { return obj.m_vPosition - m_vPosition; }
- float GravityPull(float fDistSquared) { return (GRAVCONST * m_fMass) / fDistSquared; }
- CVector GravityVector(C3DObject &obj)
- {
- CVector vGravity = obj.VectorTo(*this);
- float fDistSquared = vGravity.MagnitudeSquared();
- vGravity *= GravityPull(fDistSquared) / sqrtf(fDistSquared);
- return vGravity;
- }
- void Accelerate(CVector &vAccel, float fSeconds, float fResistance=0)
- {
- m_vVelocity += vAccel * fSeconds;
- if(fResistance > DELTA)
- m_vVelocity *= 1.0f - fResistance * fSeconds;
- m_vPosition += m_vVelocity * fSeconds;
- }
- // Kinetic energy (Joules) = 1/2 * mass * velocity^2 (mass in kg, velocity in m/s)
- // Kinetic energy (kilotons) = (KE in Joules) / (4.185e12 joules/KT)
- //float GetKEJoules(C3DObject &obj) { return 500000.0f * m_fMass * (m_vVelocity-obj.m_vVelocity).MagnitudeSquared(); }
- //float GetKEKilotons(C3DObject &obj) { return 1.19474e-7f * m_fMass * (m_vVelocity-obj.m_vVelocity).MagnitudeSquared(); }
- };
- #define COLOR_CTOF(x) (x/256.0f)
- #define COLOR_FTOC(x) (ColorClamp(x*256))
- inline unsigned char ColorClamp(int n) { return (unsigned char)(n < 0 ? 0 : n > 255 ? 255 : n); }
- inline unsigned char ColorClamp(float f) { return (unsigned char)(f < 0 ? 0 : f > 255 ? 255 : f); }
- class CColor
- {
- public:
- unsigned char r, g, b, a;
- CColor() {}
- CColor(int r, int g, int b, int a=255)
- {
- this->r = r;
- this->g = g;
- this->b = b;
- this->a = a;
- }
- CColor(float r, float g, float b, float a=1.0f)
- {
- this->r = COLOR_FTOC(r);
- this->g = COLOR_FTOC(g);
- this->b = COLOR_FTOC(b);
- this->a = COLOR_FTOC(a);
- }
- CColor operator*(const float f) const { return CColor(ColorClamp(r*f), ColorClamp(g*f), ColorClamp(b*f), ColorClamp(a*f)); }
- CColor operator+(const CColor c) const { return CColor(ColorClamp(r+c.r), ColorClamp(g+c.g), ColorClamp(b+c.b), ColorClamp(a+c.a)); }
- operator unsigned char*() { return &r; }
- };
- #endif //__Matrix_h__