- '''
- - illustrates the technique of building a module of variables that are
- used as constants from data retrieved from a relational database.
- '''
- import sys
- import imp
- import string
- def _BuildInMemoryConstantModule(moduleName, dbData):
- '''
- Builds an in memory constant module from the specified args. To use
- the module, import in within your code. Note however that the module
- must have been built prior to the processing of the import statement
- moduleName - name of module to generate
- dbData - list of tuples of data retrieved from database, the data would look
- like the following, with a tuple values for each row
- [ (1, 'Global'), (2, 'Radial'), (3, 'Whisper') ]
- '''
- # assumption is that the module only gets built once, so we're not checking
- # that it previously exists
- mod = imp.new_module(moduleName)
- sys.modules[moduleName] = mod
- for row in dbData:
- # assumption is that every table used to generate a constant module will have
- # an id and description as its first 2 columns
- (constantValue, constantName) = row[0:2]
- # modify the constant name to a constant form, making all letters upper
- # case and replacing all spaces with underscores
- constantName = string.upper(string.replace(constantName, ' ', '_'))
- # insert it into the module
- setattr(mod, constantName, constantValue)
- def _BuildOnDiskConstantModule(filePath, dbData):
- '''
- Builds a constant module to an on disk file given the specified args. To use it,
- simply import it from within your code.
- filePath - file path in form '[path]/[moduleName].py', e.g. 'C:/mycode/'
- dbData - list of tuples of data retrieved from database, the data would look
- like the following, with a tuple values for each row
- [ (1, 'Global'), (2, 'Radial'), (3, 'Whisper') ]
- '''
- try:
- fstream = open(filePath, 'w')
- except IOError:
- print 'failed to open %s for write' % filePath
- return
- else:
- # write a header for the file
- fstream.write('# This file is auto generated from the database.n')
- fstream.write('n')
- for row in dbData:
- # assumption is that every table used to generate a constant module will have
- # an id and description as its first 2 columns
- (constantValue, constantName) = row[0:2]
- # modify the constant name to a constant form, making all letters upper
- # case and replacing all spaces with underscores
- constantName = string.upper(string.replace(constantName, ' ', '_'))
- # write the assignement statement out to the file, with a newline character to end
- fstream.write(constantName)
- fstream.write(' = ')
- fstream.write(str(constantValue))
- fstream.write('n')
- def Test():
- '''
- Demonstrates the creation of contant modules
- '''
- # create contant module on disk
- dbData = [ (1, 'Global'), (2, 'Radial'), (3, 'Whisper') ]
- _BuildOnDiskConstantModule('', dbData)
- import chattype1
- print 'Imported module from disk:'
- print 'value of GLOBAL = %s' % chattype1.GLOBAL
- print 'value of RADIAL = %s' % chattype1.RADIAL
- print 'value of WHISPER = %s' % chattype1.WHISPER
- del sys.modules['chattype1']
- print 'n'
- # create constant module in memory
- dbData = [ (5, 'Global'), (6, 'Radial'), (7, 'Whisper') ]
- _BuildInMemoryConstantModule('chattype2', dbData)
- import chattype2
- print 'Imported in memory module:'
- print 'value of GLOBAL = %s' % chattype2.GLOBAL
- print 'value of RADIAL = %s' % chattype2.RADIAL
- print 'value of WHISPER = %s' % chattype2.WHISPER
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- Test()