Pivot Point with SR Trendlines.afl
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Formula Name: Pivot Point with S/R Trendlines
- // Author/Uploader: andrew kaufmann
- // E-mail: sggin1@yahoo.com
- // Date/Time Added: 2004-11-08 08:13:56
- // Origin:
- // Keywords: Pivot,TimeFrameSet,TimeFrameRestore
- // Level: basic
- // Flags: indicator,function
- // Formula URL: http://www.amibroker.com/library/formula.php?id=399
- // Details URL: http://www.amibroker.com/library/detail.php?id=399
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // On charts less then an hour -e.g. 5 min chart, will plot the daily Pivot
- // point and the hourly pivot point as a Line. In, addition, there are 3
- // adjustable support and resistance trendlines drawn using highs and the lows
- // , % change is adjustable in the parameters.
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- per1=Param("#1 S/R %", .25,.05,5,.05);
- LB1=Param("#1 Lookback Period",2,2,30,1);
- per2=Param("#2 S/R %", .5 ,.05,5,.05);
- LB2=Param("#2 Lookback Period",2,2,30,1);
- per3=Param("#3 S/R %", 2,.05,5,.05);
- LB3=Param("#3 Lookback Period",2,2,30,1);
- color=ParamColor("S/R Color",colorBlue);
- colorPP=ParamColor("PP Color",colorGrey50);
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ////Pivot and Support Resistance Lines /////////////////////////////
- ////Plots a daily and hourly Pivot Point on 1min, 5min, etc... charts //
- //////// Also, 3 adjustable S/R lines///////////////////////////////////
- ////////////////////////////////////////
- /////////////////////////////PIVOT POINT////////////////////////////////
- TimeFrameSet(inDaily);
- AVGd = Ref((L + H + C),-1)/3;
- " PPd:t "+ AVGd;
- TimeFrameRestore();
- Plot( TimeFrameExpand(AVGd,inDaily,expandFirst),"",colorPP,styleStaircase);
- TimeFrameSet(inHourly);
- AVGh = Ref((L + H + C),-1)/3;
- " PPh:t "+ Avgh;
- TimeFrameRestore();
- Plot( TimeFrameExpand(AVGh,inHourly,expandFirst),"",colorPP,styleStaircase);
- //////////////////////////S?R LINES 1/////////////////////////////////////
- procedure SRlines(per,Lb)
- {
- ys0=LastValue(Trough(L,per,Lb));
- ys1=LastValue(Trough(L,per,Lb-1));
- xs0=BarCount - 1 - LastValue(TroughBars(L,per,Lb));
- xs1=BarCount - 1 - LastValue(TroughBars(L,per,Lb-1));
- yr0=LastValue(Peak(H,per,Lb));
- yr1=LastValue(Peak(H,per,Lb-1));
- xr0=BarCount - 1 - LastValue(PeakBars(H,per,Lb));
- xr1=BarCount - 1 - LastValue(PeakBars(H,per,Lb-1));
- sl = LineArray( xs0, ys0, xs1, ys1,1 );
- rL = LineArray( xr0, yr0, xr1, yr1,1 );
- Plot( sl, "S line", color,1 );
- Plot( rl, "R line", color,1 );
- }
- //////////////////////////S?R LINES 2/////////////////////////////////////
- SRlines(per1,Lb1);
- SRlines(per2,Lb2);
- SRlines(per3,Lb3);