TWS auto-export Executions-file
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Formula Name: TWS auto-export Executions-file parser
- // Author/Uploader: Herman van den Bergen
- // E-mail:
- // Date/Time Added: 2005-04-10 18:00:26
- // Origin:
- // Keywords: TWS trade-executions converter and trade-plotter
- // Level: advanced
- // Flags: function
- // Formula URL:
- // Details URL:
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Intended for real-time traders using the Interactive Brokers TWS. This
- // function converts the auto-exported trade executions file from the TWS to
- // csv format, creates an AmiBroker compatible format for further processing,
- // and plots real trades at execution prices on your chart. This is
- // experimental code provided for experienced afl programmers only.
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Important: This is experimental, as-is, code for you to play with and improve.
- // Converts and Plots trades listed in the auto-exported TWS Trade-Executions file.
- // This code is intended for Real-Time trading, I use it in the 3-min timeframe.
- // Configure your TWS to auto-export the trade-executions list (TWSTrades.txt) each Minute.
- // Change the destination path/name for your csv output file for your setup.
- // One array is returned by the function: negative prices are Shorts, pos prices are Long.
- // Note that you must have real executed trades exported to plot them
- // The program doesn't concatenate trading days yet but creates timestamped csv files.
- // The trade list is copied to StaticVarSetText("TWSTrades") for further processing or
- // display in the interpretation window. Coded by Herman van den Bergen - 10APR2005.
- function PlotTWSExecutions()
- {
- InputPath = "C:\Jts\TWSTrades.txt";
- OutPutFilename = "TWSTrades"+NumToStr(Now(3),1.0,False)+".csv";
- OutputPath = "C:\Program Files\AmiBroker\TWSTrades\"+OutPutFilename;
- fdelete( OutPutPath );
- fh1 = fopen( InputPath, "r");
- fh2 = fopen( OutputPath, "a");
- if( fh1 AND fh2 )
- {
- TradeList= ""; TradeNum = 0;
- while( ! feof( fh1 ) )
- {
- Line1 = fgets( fh1 );
- Line2 = "";
- Len = StrLen(Line1);
- for(p=0; p<=Len; p++)
- {
- Char = StrMid(Line1,p,1);
- if( Char == ";" ) Char = ",";
- Line2 = Line2 + Char;
- }
- if( Line2 != "" )
- {
- TradeNum++;
- fputs( Line2, fh2);
- Ticker = StrExtract(Line2,0);
- Action = StrExtract(Line2,1); if( Action=="SLD" ) ActionNum = -1; else if(Action=="BOT") ActionNum=1;
- Shares = StrExtract(Line2,2); SharesS = StrToNum(Shares);
- Price = StrExtract(Line2,3); PriceNum = StrToNum(Price);
- TimeStr = StrExtract(Line2,4);
- DateStr = StrExtract(Line2,5);
- ABDateNum = 10000*(StrToNum(StrLeft(DateStr,4))-1900)+
- 100*StrToNum(StrMid(DateStr,4,2))+
- StrToNum(StrRight(DateStr,2));
- ABDateNumStr = NumToStr(ABDateNum ,1.0,False);
- TradeNumStr = NumToStr(TradeNum,1.0,False);
- ABTime = "";TimeOffSet = 040000; // Adjust to your location
- for(t=0; t<=StrLen(TimeStr); t++)
- {
- Char = StrMid(TimeStr,t,1);
- if( Char == ":" ) Char="";
- ABTime = ABTime + Char;
- }
- ABTimeNum = StrToNum(ABTime)-TimeOffSet;
- VarSet("TradeTime"+TradeNum, ABTimeNum);
- VarSet("TradePrice"+TradeNum, ActionNum * PriceNum);
- VarSet("TradeDate"+TradeNum, ABDateNum);
- ABTimeStr = NumToStr(ABTimeNum,1.0,False);
- DateStr = StrExtract(Line2,5);
- Trade = TradeNumStr+" ,"+ABTimeStr+", "+ABDateNumStr+" "+Action + ", "+ SharesS+", "+Price +"n";
- TradeList= TradeList + Ticker + ", "+ Trade;
- }
- }
- StaticVarSetText("TWSTrades",TradeList);
- fclose(fh1);
- fclose(fh2);
- }
- else TradeList = "TradeList could not be converted";
- FirstVisibleBar = Status( "FirstVisibleBar");
- Lastvisiblebar = Status("LastVisibleBar");
- TN = TimeNum();
- PriceArray = Null;
- TradeNum = 1;
- TTS = VarGet("TradeTime"+TradeNum);
- DN=DateNum();
- for( b = Firstvisiblebar; b < Lastvisiblebar; b++)
- {
- TDN = VarGet("TradeDate"+TradeNum);
- if( TDN == DN[b] )
- {
- TTSs = NumToStr(TTS,1.0,False);
- while( TTS > TN[b-1] AND TTS <= TN[b] )
- {
- PriceNum = VarGet("TradePrice"+TradeNum);
- if( PriceNum <0 ) ActionNum = -1; else ActionNum = 1;
- PriceArray[b] = PriceNum;
- TTS = VarGet("TradeTime"+(++TradeNum));
- }
- }
- }
- return PriceArray;
- }
- TWSTradePrices= PlotTWSExecutions();
- Tradecolor = IIf(TWSTradePrices<0,4,5);
- Plot(C,"",1,128);
- PlotShapes(IIf(TWSTradePrices,shapeSmallCircle,shapeNone),TradeColor,0,abs(TWSTradePrices),0);
- TWSTradeList = StaticVarGetText("TWSTrades");