Gartley 222 Pattern
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Formula Name: Gartley 222 Pattern Indicator
- // Author/Uploader: Daniel Ervi
- // E-mail:
- // Date/Time Added: 2004-04-09 17:07:48
- // Origin: Active Trader article, August 2003
- // Keywords: Gartey, Pattern, ZigZag
- // Level: semi-advanced
- // Flags: indicator
- // Formula URL:
- // Details URL:
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // A port of the Wealth-Lab code posted by Mark Conway to the Wealth-Lab
- // forums. It has been adapted to an AFL indicator, but with a little work it
- // could be made into a scan or even a trading system.
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Gartley 222 Pattern Indicator Plot
- //
- // Ported by Daniel Ervi from code originally posted for Wealth-Lab by Mark Conway.
- // Based on the August 2003 article in Active Trader Magazine.
- //
- // Usage: Gartley222(VPFactor, Tolerance, Lookback)
- // VPFactor adjusts swing size percentage (Zig Zag)
- // Tolerance adjusts percentage tolerance from ideal pattern specification
- // Lookback adjusts volatility calculation
- procedure Gartley222(VPFactor, Tolerance, Lookback)
- {
- F1 = 0.618;
- F2 = 0.786;
- F3 = 1.27;
- F4 = 1.618;
- // Setup volatility adjusted reversal array
- VP = 100 * ATR(Lookback) / Close;
- Reversal = int(VPFactor * VP);
- for(Bar = 50; Bar < BarCount; Bar++)
- {
- // Build Peak and Trough arrays
- P1 = Peak(High, Reversal[Bar]);
- P1Bar = Bar - PeakBars(High, Reversal[Bar]);
- P2 = Peak(High, Reversal[Bar], 2);
- P2Bar = Bar - PeakBars(High, Reversal[Bar], 2);
- T1 = Trough(Low, Reversal[Bar]);
- T1Bar = Bar - TroughBars(Low, Reversal[Bar]);
- T2 = Trough(Low, Reversal[Bar], 2);
- T2Bar = Bar - TroughBars(Low, Reversal[Bar], 2);
- // Test for a bullish 222
- // Trough X is T2
- // Peak A is P2
- // Trough B is T1
- // Peak C is P1
- // D is the Buy point
- D = Low[Bar];
- PTValid = (P1Bar[Bar] > T1Bar[Bar]) AND (T1Bar[Bar] > P2Bar[Bar]) AND (P2Bar[Bar] > T2Bar[Bar]);
- HLValid = (P1[Bar] < P2[Bar]) AND (T1[Bar] > T2[Bar]) AND (P1[Bar] > T1[Bar]);
- InZone = (D < T1[Bar]) AND (D > T2[Bar]);
- if(PTValid AND HLValid AND InZone)
- {
- XA = P2[Bar] - T2[Bar];
- AB = P2[Bar] - T1[Bar];
- BC = P1[Bar] - T1[Bar];
- CD = P1[Bar] - D;
- AD = P2[Bar] - D;
- ABdXA = AB / XA; // AB should be 61.8% of XA
- C1 = (ABdXA > F1 - Tolerance) AND (ABdXA < F1 + Tolerance);
- BCdAB = BC / AB; // BC should be 61.8-78.6% of AB
- C2 = (BCdAB > F1 - Tolerance) AND (BCdAB < F2 + Tolerance);
- CDdBC = CD / BC; // CD should be 127-161.8% of BC}
- C3 = (CDdBC > F3 - Tolerance) AND (CDdBC < F4 + Tolerance);
- ADdXA = AD / XA; // AD should be 78.6% of XA}
- C4 = (ADdXA > F2 - Tolerance) AND (ADdXA < F2 + Tolerance);
- if(C1 AND C2 AND C3 AND C4)
- {
- // Bullish Gartley found. Draw pattern.
- PlotXA = LineArray(T2Bar[Bar], T2[Bar], P2Bar[Bar], P2[Bar]);
- Plot(PlotXA, "", colorBlue, styleLine + styleThick);
- PlotAB = LineArray(P2Bar[Bar], P2[Bar], T1Bar[Bar], T1[Bar]);
- Plot(PlotAB, "", colorBlue, styleLine + styleThick);
- PlotBC = LineArray(T1Bar[Bar], T1[Bar], P1Bar[Bar], P1[Bar]);
- Plot(PlotBC, "", colorBlue, styleLine + styleThick);
- PlotCD = LineArray(P1Bar[Bar], P1[Bar], Bar, D);
- Plot(PlotCD, "", colorBlue, styleLine + styleThick);
- PlotBD = LineArray(T1Bar[Bar], T1[Bar], Bar, D);
- Plot(PlotBD, "", colorDarkBlue, styleSwingDots );
- PlotXD = LineArray(T2Bar[Bar], T2[Bar], Bar, D);
- Plot(PlotXD, "", colorDarkBlue, styleSwingDots );
- PlotXB = LineArray(T2Bar[Bar], T2[Bar], T1Bar[Bar], T1[Bar]);
- Plot(PlotXB, "", colorDarkBlue, styleSwingDots );
- }
- }
- // Test for a bearish 222
- // Peak X is P2
- // Trough A is T2
- // Peak B is P1
- // Trough C is T1
- // D is the Buy point
- D = High[Bar];
- PTValid = (T1Bar[Bar] > P1Bar[Bar]) AND (P1Bar[Bar] > T2Bar[Bar]) AND (T2Bar[Bar] > P2Bar[Bar]);
- HLValid = (T1[Bar] > T2[Bar]) AND (P1[Bar] < P2[Bar]) AND (T1[Bar] < P1[Bar]);
- InZone = (D > P1[Bar]) AND (D < P2[Bar]);
- if(PTValid AND HLValid AND InZone)
- {
- XA = P2[Bar] - T2[Bar];
- AB = P1[Bar] - T2[Bar];
- BC = P1[Bar] - T1[Bar];
- CD = D - T1[Bar];
- AD = D - T2[Bar];
- ABdXA = AB / XA; // AB should be 61.8% of XA
- C1 = (ABdXA > F1 - Tolerance) AND (ABdXA < F1 + Tolerance);
- BCdAB = BC / AB; // BC should be 61.8-78.6% of AB
- C2 = (BCdAB > F1 - Tolerance) AND (BCdAB < F2 + Tolerance);
- CDdBC = CD / BC; // CD should be 127-161.8% of BC}
- C3 = (CDdBC > F3 - Tolerance) AND (CDdBC < F4 + Tolerance);
- ADdXA = AD / XA; // AD should be 78.6% of XA}
- C4 = (ADdXA > F2 - Tolerance) AND (ADdXA < F2 + Tolerance);
- if(C1 AND C2 AND C3 AND C4)
- {
- // Bearish Gartley found. Draw pattern.
- PlotXA = LineArray(P2Bar[Bar], P2[Bar], T2Bar[Bar], T2[Bar]);
- Plot(PlotXA, "", colorRed, styleLine + styleThick);
- PlotAB = LineArray(T2Bar[Bar], T2[Bar], P1Bar[Bar], P1[Bar]);
- Plot(PlotAB, "", colorRed, styleLine + styleThick);
- PlotBC = LineArray(P1Bar[Bar], P1[Bar], T1Bar[Bar], T1[Bar]);
- Plot(PlotBC, "", colorRed, styleLine + styleThick);
- PlotCD = LineArray(T1Bar[Bar], T1[Bar], Bar, D);
- Plot(PlotCD, "", colorRed, styleLine + styleThick);
- PlotBD = LineArray(P1Bar[Bar], P1[Bar], Bar, D);
- Plot(PlotBD, "", colorDarkRed, styleSwingDots );
- PlotXD = LineArray(P2Bar[Bar], P2[Bar], Bar, D);
- Plot(PlotXD, "", colorDarkRed, styleSwingDots );
- PlotXB = LineArray(P2Bar[Bar], P2[Bar], P1Bar[Bar], P1[Bar]);
- Plot(PlotXB, "", colorDarkRed, styleSwingDots );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Gartley222(1.0, 0.1, 20);
- Plot(C,"Close", colorBlueGrey, styleBar);