Zig Zag.afl
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Formula Name: Zig Zag
- // Author/Uploader: Jeff
- // E-mail: jparent@nobid.com
- // Date/Time Added: 2005-06-14 22:15:57
- // Origin:
- // Keywords:
- // Level: medium
- // Flags: indicator
- // Formula URL: http://www.amibroker.com/library/formula.php?id=472
- // Details URL: http://www.amibroker.com/library/detail.php?id=472
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // normal zig zag with following differences:
- //
- // - uses log difference instead of percentage
- //
- // - has trigger point indicating when highs and /lows were detected
- //
- // log difference is better because it is symmetrical, log(5/10) and log(10/5)
- // has same absolute value, whereas 5/10 and 10/5 have different values.
- //
- // trigger is when you can make a trade. usually a rookie mistake, trades are
- // shown to be made at the peaks and troughs of a move, especially in
- // backtesting.
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // 'thold' is the threshold for the zig-zag turning points
- // it is set to a minimum of 2.5% (approx, uses log difference
- // which is more accurate) or a volatility measure
- // based on 2 day range over the past 100 days
- min_thold=0.025;
- thold=Max(min_thold,Median(ln(HHV(H,2)/LLV(L,2)),100));
- thold=IIf(IsEmpty(thold),min_thold,thold);
- // 't' is a multiplier of 'thold'
- // the larger the value of 't', the more significant the
- // turning point. Adjust it by opening the Parameter window
- // (press ctrl-R)
- t=Param("significance",2,2,6,1);
- // initialization of variables
- d=init=trig=HH=LL=z=0;
- // main body
- // this program is different than the canned zigzag in that
- // it is symmetrical, it does not use percentages, but rather
- // log differences. close price is not used either. high and
- // low trades are used. an additional item is the trigger
- // indicator. it shows the point where the zig or zag was
- // identified.
- for(i=1;i<BarCount;i++){
- if (log(H[i]/L[init])>HH) HH=log(H[i]/L[init]);
- if (log(L[i]/H[init])<LL) LL=log(L[i]/H[init]);
- if (HH>(t*thold[init]) && d<=0)
- { z[init]--; trig[i]=-0.5; d=1;init=i;HH=0;LL=0; }
- if (H[i]>H[init] && d==1){init=i;LL=0;}
- if (LL<(-t*thold[init]) && d>=0)
- { z[init]++; trig[i]=0.5; d=-1;init=i;HH=0;LL=0; }
- if (L[i]<L[init] && d==-1){init=i;HH=0;}
- }
- z_up=z>0; z_dn=z<0;
- Plot(z_up,"zig",colorGreen,1);
- Plot(-z_dn,"zag",colorRed,1);
- Plot(trig,"trigger",colorBlue,1);