- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Formula Name: SAR-ForNextBarStop
- // Author/Uploader: Rick Charon
- // E-mail:
- // Date/Time Added: 2005-12-14 19:59:23
- // Origin:
- // Keywords: SAR Stop
- // Level: semi-advanced
- // Flags: indicator
- // Formula URL:
- // Details URL:
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // I want to use SAR indicator to calculate the stop to set for the next
- // trading day after
- //
- // the close of today. Because there is as yet no bar for next day, the built
- // in SAR
- //
- // indicator can't be used this way. I'm only using this for long positions,
- // and just to set
- //
- // the next day's stop. Most of this is code posted by Tomasz Janeczko,
- // AmiBroker's creator,
- //
- // at I altered/added the
- // little bit
- //
- // needed for my purposes. If you wanted to use this for shorts also, you need
- // to add a
- //
- // little.
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /* -***- -***-
- * * Tue Dec 13 16:36:41 2005 rpc -
- *
- * I want to use SAR indicator to calculate the stop to set for the next trading day after
- * the close of today. Because there is as yet no bar for next day, the built in SAR
- * indicator can't be used this way. I'm only using this for long positions, and just to set
- * the next day's stop. Most of this is code posted by Tomasz Janeczko, AmiBroker's creator,
- * at I altered/added the little bit
- * needed for my purposes. If you wanted to use this for shorts also, you need to add a
- * little.
- */
- StartAF = Param("AccelerationFactor", 0.02, 0.01, 0.10, 0.01);
- MaxAF = Param("MaxAcceleration", 0.2, 0.1, 0.5, 0.1);
- // Filter = 1;
- // AddColumn(curSAR, "curSAR");
- // AddColumn(plus1SAR, "plus1SAR");
- longPos = 1; // assume longPos for initial conditions
- psar = Close; // initialize
- psarNextBar = Close;
- af = StartAF; // init acelleration factor
- ep = Low[ 0 ]; // init extreme point
- hp = High [ 0 ];
- lp = Low [ 0 ];
- // if ( longPos ) {
- // psar [ i ] = psar [ i-1 ] + af * ( hp - psar [ i-1 ] );
- // }
- // else {
- // psar [ i ] = psar [ i-1 ] + af * ( lp - psar [ i-1 ] );
- // }
- function getPsar1(idx) {
- global longPos;
- global psar;
- local retVal;
- if(longPos) {
- retVal = psar [ idx-1 ] + af * ( hp - psar [ idx-1 ] );
- } else {
- retVal = psar [ idx-1 ] + af * ( lp - psar [ idx-1 ] );
- }
- return retVal;
- }
- for( i = 2; i < BarCount; i++ ) {
- psar[i] = getPsar1(i);
- reverse = 0;
- //check for reversal
- if ( longPos ) {
- if ( Low [ i ] < psar [ i ] ) {
- longPos = 0; reverse = 1; // reverse position to Short
- psar [ i ] = hp; // SAR is High point in prev trade
- lp = Low [ i ];
- af = StartAF;
- }
- }
- else {
- if ( High [ i ] > psar [ i ] ) {
- longPos = 1; reverse = 1; //reverse position to longPos
- psar [ i ] = lp;
- hp = High [ i ];
- af = StartAF;
- }
- }
- if ( reverse == 0 ) {
- if ( longPos ) {
- if ( High [ i ] > hp ) {
- hp = High [ i ];
- af = af + StartAF;
- if( af > MaxAF ) af = MaxAF;
- }
- if( Low[ i - 1 ] < psar[ i ] ) psar[ i ] = Low[ i - 1 ];
- if( Low[ i - 2 ] < psar[ i ] ) psar[ i ] = Low[ i - 2 ];
- }
- else {
- if ( Low [ i ] < lp ) {
- lp = Low [ i ];
- af = af + StartAF;
- if( af > MaxAF ) af = MaxAF;
- }
- if( High[ i - 1 ] > psar[ i ] ) psar[ i ] = High[ i - 1 ];
- if( High[ i - 2 ] > psar[ i ] ) psar[ i ] = High[ i - 2 ];
- }
- }
- //NextBarSar.
- psarNextBar[i] = getPsar1(i + 1);
- if( Low[ i ] < psarNextBar[ i ] ) psarNextBar[ i ] = Low[ i ];
- if( Low[ i - 1 ] < psarNextBar[ i ] ) psarNextBar[ i ] = Low[ i - 1 ];
- }
- //PLOT
- _N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));
- Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorBlack ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() );
- Plot( Close, "Price", colorBlack, styleCandle );
- Plot( psar, "PSAR", colorRed, styleDots | styleNoLine | styleThick );
- Plot( psarNextBar, "PSARNEXTBAR", colorBlue, styleDots | styleNoLine | styleThick );
- Filter = 1;
- AddColumn(psar, "psar");
- AddColumn(psarNextBar, "psarNextBar");