Monthly bar
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Formula Name: Monthly bar chart
- // Author/Uploader: Graham Kavanagh
- // E-mail:
- // Date/Time Added: 2003-01-01 22:47:12
- // Origin:
- // Keywords: monthly
- // Level: medium
- // Flags: indicator
- // Formula URL:
- // Details URL:
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Weekly chart to be shown in indicator window. This is for fixed months
- // starting at first trading day of each month.
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //Monthly candlestick chart
- //by Graham Kavanagh 26 Dec 2002
- firstmonth = ValueWhen(Cum(1)==1,Month());
- numyear = Year()-ValueWhen(Cum(1)==1,Year());
- numbars = LastValue(numyear)*12 - (12-LastValue(Month())) + (12-firstmonth+1);
- nummonth = numyear*12 - (12-Month()) + (12-firstmonth+1);
- Monthbars =
- IIf(nummonth==1 AND nummonth!=Ref(nummonth,1),Cum(1),
- IIf(nummonth==numbars AND Cum(1)==LastValue(Cum(1)),
- LastValue(Cum(1)) - ValueWhen( Ref(nummonth,-1)==numbars-1,Cum(1) )+1,
- ValueWhen(nummonth<Ref(nummonth,1),Cum(1) )-ValueWhen(nummonth>Ref(nummonth,-1),Cum(1))+1 ));
- MonthBar = Monthbars;
- mO = IIf( nummonth==1 , Ref(O,-Cum(1)+1), ValueWhen(nummonth>Ref(nummonth,-1),O ) );
- mH = HHV(H,Monthbars);
- mL = LLV(L,Monthbars);
- mC = C;
- thismonth = Month();
- thisyear = Year();
- SetBarsRequired(100000,100000);
- EnableScript("jscript");
- <%
- mo = VBArray( AFL( "mO" ) ).toArray();
- mh = VBArray( AFL( "mH" ) ).toArray();
- ml = VBArray( AFL( "mL" ) ).toArray();
- mc = VBArray( AFL( "mC" ) ).toArray();
- Monthbars = VBArray( AFL( "Monthbars" ) ).toArray();
- Close = VBArray( AFL( "Close" ) ).toArray();
- thismonth = VBArray( AFL( "thismonth" ) ).toArray();
- thisyear = VBArray( AFL( "thisyear" ) ).toArray();
- Mtho = new Array();
- Mthh = new Array();
- Mthl = new Array();
- Mthc = new Array();
- mymonth = new Array();
- myyear = new Array();
- // initialize first element
- j = 0;
- Mtho[0] = mo[0];
- Mthh[0] = mh[0];
- Mthl[0] = ml[0];
- Mthc[0] = mc[0];
- mymonth[0] = thismonth[0];
- myyear[0] = thisyear[0];
- // perform the loop
- for( i = 1; i < Close.length; i++ )
- {
- if(Monthbars[i] > 0 )
- {
- Mtho[j] = mo[i] ;
- Mthh[j] = mh[i] ;
- Mthl[j] = ml[i] ;
- Mthc[j] = mc[i] ;
- mymonth[j] = thismonth[i];
- myyear[j] = thisyear[i];
- j++;
- }
- }
- delta = Close.length - j-1;
- AFL.Var("delta") = delta;
- AFL.Var("Mtho") = Mtho;
- AFL.Var("Mthh") = Mthh;
- AFL.Var("Mthl") = Mthl;
- AFL.Var("Mthc") = Mthc;
- AFL.Var("mymonth") = mymonth;
- AFL.Var("myyear") = myyear;
- %>
- Montho =IIf(Cum(1)<delta-LastValue(Cum(1)),0, Ref(mtho,-delta-1));
- Monthh =IIf(Cum(1)<delta-LastValue(Cum(1)),0, Ref(mthh,-delta-1));
- Monthl =IIf(Cum(1)<delta-LastValue(Cum(1)),0, Ref(mthl,-delta-1));
- Monthc =IIf(Cum(1)<delta-LastValue(Cum(1)),0, Ref(mthc,-delta-1));
- MonthDate = IIf(Cum(1)<delta-LastValue(Cum(1)),0, Ref(Mymonth,-delta-1));
- YearDate = IIf(Cum(1)<delta-LastValue(Cum(1)),0, Ref(myyear,-delta-1));
- GraphXSpace=5;
- PlotOHLC(monthO,monthH,monthL,monthC,"weekly",colorBlack,styleCandle);
- Title = "Monthly Chart, O:" + WriteVal(monthO,1.1) + ", H:" + WriteVal(Monthh,1.1) + ", L:" + WriteVal(monthL,1.1) + ", C:" + WriteVal(monthC,1.1) + ", for month: " + WriteVal(MonthDate,1.0) + "-" + WriteVal(YearDate,1.0);
- Filter=1;
- AddColumn(O," O ",1.1);
- AddColumn(H," H ",1.1);
- AddColumn(L," L ",1.1);
- AddColumn(C," C ",1.1);
- AddColumn(nummonth ,"nummth",1.0);
- AddColumn(Monthbar ,"mthbars",1.0);
- AddColumn(monthO,"mtho",1.1);
- AddColumn(Monthh,"mthh",1.1);
- AddColumn(monthL,"mthl",1.1);
- AddColumn(Monthc,"mthc",1.1);
- AddColumn(YearDate+Monthdate/100,"monthDate");