Bullish Percent Index 2 files combined.afl
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Formula Name: Bullish Percent Index 2 files combined
- // Author/Uploader: Graham Kavanagh
- // E-mail: gkavanag@bigpond.net.au
- // Date/Time Added: 2003-01-05 16:53:46
- // Origin: the other uploaded file
- // Keywords: Bullish Percent P&F
- // Level: semi-advanced
- // Flags: indicator
- // Formula URL: http://www.amibroker.com/library/formula.php?id=251
- // Details URL: http://www.amibroker.com/library/detail.php?id=251
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // The first loaded file was in zipped format to combine 2 formula. I have put
- // both into a single file and they will need to be split back into 2 files.
- // see the first upload for instruction on use
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //=========================================================
- // 2 formula loaded in this one window, split them into 2 ]
- //the first is for AA window ]
- //=========================================================/
- //P&F Chart based on Closing prices for Amibroker Indicator window. Produces composite ticker ~BPI
- // 05 Jan 2003
- //Reverse is 3 boxes.
- //Graham Kavanagh
- SetBarsRequired(100000,100000);
- //Size for P&F boxes to be manually entered below or can be assigend to individual stocks on watchlist.
- first=Cum(1);
- period=Min(20,first);
- mean = (HHV(C,period)+LLV(C,period))/2;
- range = (HHV(C,period)-LLV(C,period));
- Change0 = MA(abs(C-Ref(C,-1)),period);
- Ratio = IIf(range<mean, Max(range/mean,0.5),IIf(range>mean, Min(range/mean,1.1),range/mean));
- Change=Change0*ratio;
- box = IIf(C<=10,Max(int(change)+round(frac(Change)*10)/10,0.1),
- IIf(C>10 AND C<=50,Max(int(Change)+round(frac(Change)/5*10)/10*5,0.5),
- IIf(C>50 AND C<=500,Max(round(Change),1),
- IIf(C>500 AND C<=1000,Max(round(Change),2),
- IIf(C>1000 AND C<=2000,Max(round(Change/10)*10,5),
- Max(round(Change/10)*10,10) )))));
- Box=LastValue(box);
- EnableScript("jscript");
- <%
- Close = VBArray( AFL( "Close" ) ).toArray();
- PFO = new Array();
- PFC = new Array();
- Box = AFL("Box");
- // initialize first element
- j = 0;
- PFC[j] = Box*Math.ceil(Close[0]/Box);
- PFO[j] = PFC[j]+Box;
- down = 1; // By default the first bar is a down bar.
- up = 0;
- swap = 0;
- // perform the loop that produces PF Chart
- for( i = 0; i < Close.length; i++ )
- {
- Reverse = 3*Box ; // reversal requirement
- if( Close[i] <= PFC[j]-Box && down) //continue down
- {
- PFC[j] = Box*Math.ceil(Close[i]/Box);
- PFO[j] = PFC[j]+Box;
- }
- else
- {
- if( Close[i] >= PFC[j] + Reverse && down) //Change direction to up
- {
- j++;
- swap = 1;
- PFC[j] = Box*Math.floor(Close[i]/Box);
- PFO[j] = PFC[j] - Box;
- }
- }
- if( Close[i] >= PFC[j] + Box && up) //Continue up
- {
- PFC[j] = Box*Math.floor(Close[i]/Box);
- PFO[j] = PFC[j] - Box;
- }
- else
- {
- if( Close[i] <= PFC[j] - Reverse && up) //Change direction to down
- {
- j++;
- PFC[j] = Box*Math.ceil(Close[i]/Box);
- PFO[j] = PFC[j]+Box;
- swap = 1;
- }
- }
- if( swap )
- {
- swap = 0;
- if( up )
- {
- up = 0;
- down = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- up = 1;
- down = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- delta = Close.length - j-1;
- AFL.Var("PFO") = PFO;
- AFL.Var("PFC") = PFC;
- AFL.Var("Box") = Box;
- AFL.Var("delta") = delta;
- AFL.Var("Reverse") = Reverse;
- %>
- PFO = Ref( PFO, -delta );
- PFC = Ref( PFC, -delta );
- // High-Low range sets the height of the P&F bar
- H = IIf(Ref(PFC,-1)>Ref(PFO,-1),Ref(HHV(PFC,1),-1)-Box,Max(PFO,PFC));
- L = IIf(Ref(PFC,-1)<Ref(PFO,-1),Ref(LLV(PFC,1),-1)+Box,Min(PFO,PFC));
- O = IIf(Ref(PFC,-1)>Ref(PFO,-1),Ref(HHV(PFC,1),-1)-Box,IIf(Ref(PFC,-1)<Ref(PFO,-1),Ref(LLV(PFC,1),-1)+Box,PFO));
- // the difference between Open AND Close should be set to box size
- // the sign decides if X or O are plotted
- C = O + Box * IIf( PFC > PFO, 1,-1);
- Bulls = IIf(H>Ref(H,-2),1,0);
- Stocks = IIf(H>0,1,0);
- xyz = "~BPI";
- Buy=0;
- AddToComposite(bulls,xyz,"C");
- AddToComposite(stocks,xyz,"V");
- Filter=1;
- AddColumn(Bulls,"bulls",1.0);
- AddColumn(Stocks ,"Stocks" ,1.0);
- //====================================================================
- //Move the rest of this formula to indicator window for teh P&F chart ]
- //====================================================================/
- // Indicator window formula
- //P&F Chart for Bullish Percent Index
- // 05 Jan 2003
- //Reverse is 3 boxes. Box size is 2%
- //Graham Kavanagh
- //Use on the composite ticker "~BPI" produced from AA scan BullishPercentIndexScan
- SetBarsRequired(100000,100000);
- Box=2;
- Close = C/V*100;
- Filter=1;
- AddColumn(Close,"close",1.0);
- CF = ceil(C/Box)*box;
- CR = floor(C/box)*box;
- EnableScript("jscript");
- <%
- Close = VBArray( AFL( "Close" ) ).toArray();
- CR = VBArray( AFL( "CR" ) ).toArray();
- CF = VBArray( AFL( "CF" ) ).toArray();
- PFO = new Array();
- PFC = new Array();
- Box = AFL("Box");
- // initialize first element
- j = 0;
- PFC[j] = CF[0];
- PFO[j] = CF[0]+Box;
- down = 1; // By default the first bar is a down bar.
- up = 0;
- swap = 0;
- // perform the loop that produces PF Chart
- for( i = 1; i < Close.length; i++ )
- {
- Reverse = 3*Box ; // reversal requirement
- if( Close[i] <= PFC[j]-Box && down) //continue down
- {
- PFC[j] = CF[i];
- PFO[j] = CF[i]+Box;
- }
- else
- {
- if( Close[i] >= PFC[j] + Reverse && down) //Change direction to up
- {
- j++;
- swap = 1;
- PFC[j] = CR[i];
- PFO[j] = CR[i] - Box;
- }
- }
- if( Close[i] >= PFC[j] + Box && up) //Continue up
- {
- PFC[j] = CR[i];
- PFO[j] = CR[i] - Box;
- }
- else
- {
- if( Close[i] <= PFC[j] - Reverse && up) //Change direction to down
- {
- j++;
- PFC[j] = CR[i];
- PFO[j] = CR[i]+Box;
- swap = 1;
- }
- }
- if( swap )
- {
- swap = 0;
- if( up )
- {
- up = 0;
- down = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- up = 1;
- down = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- delta = Close.length - j-1;
- AFL.Var("PFO") = PFO;
- AFL.Var("PFC") = PFC;
- AFL.Var("Box") = Box;
- AFL.Var("delta") = delta;
- AFL.Var("Reverse") = Reverse;
- %>
- PFO = Ref( PFO, -delta );
- PFC = Ref( PFC, -delta );
- // High-Low range sets the height of the P&F bar
- H = IIf(Ref(PFC,-1)>Ref(PFO,-1),Ref(HHV(PFC,1),-1)-Box,Max(PFO,PFC));
- L = IIf(Ref(PFC,-1)<Ref(PFO,-1),Ref(LLV(PFC,1),-1)+Box,Min(PFO,PFC));
- O = IIf(Ref(PFC,-1)>Ref(PFO,-1),Ref(HHV(PFC,1),-1)-Box,IIf(Ref(PFC,-1)<Ref(PFO,-1),Ref(LLV(PFC,1),-1)+Box,PFO));
- // the difference between Open AND Close should be set to box size
- // the sign decides if X or O are plotted
- C = O + Box * IIf( PFC > PFO, 1,-1);
- GraphXSpace = 5;
- Plot(C,"P&F Bullish Percent Index",IIf( PFC > PFO, 3, 4 ),64+4096+8192);
- Plot(Box,"Box size",1,16+2048+4096);
- Plot(Reverse/Box,"Reverse",1,styleNoLine+styleNoLabel+styleOwnScale);
- Plot(H,"L ="+WriteVal(L,1.1)+", H",1,styleNoLine+styleNoLabel+styleOwnScale);