Candle Stick
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Formula Name: Candle Stick Demo
- // Author/Uploader: Herman van den Bergen
- // E-mail:
- // Date/Time Added: 2005-01-28 16:27:56
- // Origin:
- // Keywords: Candle Pattern Demo
- // Level: medium
- // Flags: indicator
- // Formula URL:
- // Details URL:
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // This program takes a segment from your price chart and substitutes the last
- // bar visible with a representative Candle stick for the period selected. It
- // allows you to observe how candles are formed and how loss of
- // synchronization of the Candle period, or using different time frames, can
- // result in totally different chart patterns for the same price array.
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- _SECTION_BEGIN("Candle Stick Demo");
- // Candlestick demo by herman van den Bergen
- BI = BarIndex();
- barvisible = Status("barvisible");
- FirstBarIndx= LastValue( Lowest(ValueWhen(BarVisible,BI)));
- LastBarIndx = LastValue( Highest(ValueWhen(BarVisible,BI)));
- FirstBarVis = FirstBarIndx == BI;
- LastBarVis = LastBarIndx == BI;
- Width=Param("Bar Width",5,1,30,1);
- EndCandle = SelectedValue(BarIndex())+int(Width/2)+1;
- StartCandle = Endcandle-Width;
- CandleData = Flip(StartCandle == BI,EndCandle == BI);
- MAsk2 = IIf(BI>=StartCandle,1,Null);
- MAsk1 = IIf(CandleData OR LastBarVis, 1, Null);
- Oc = LastValue(ValueWhen(StartCandle == BI, O));
- Hc = LastValue(ValueWhen(CandleData , HHV(H,Width)));
- Lc = LastValue(ValueWhen(CandleData , LLV(L,Width)));
- CC = LastValue(ValueWhen(CandleData , C));
- O = IIf( LastBarVis, Oc, O);
- H = IIf( LastBarVis, HC, H);
- L = IIf( LastBarVis, LC, L);
- C = IIf( LastBarVis, CC, C);
- if( Param("Style: Candle/Bar",0,0,1,1) == 0 ) BarStyle = 64; else BarStyle = 128;
- Plot(C,"",1,BarStyle |styleNoLabel|styleThick);
- Plot(Mask2*Oc,"",7,styleStaircase);
- Plot(Mask2*CC,"",2,styleStaircase);
- Plot(Mask2*HC,"",8,styleStaircase);
- Plot(Mask2*LC,"",4,styleStaircase);
- Co1 = Param("BackGroundColor",47,0,64,1);
- Plot(Mask1*LC,"",Co1,styleArea);
- Co2 = Param("CandleAreaColor",39,0,64,1);
- Plot(Mask1*HC,"",Co2,styleArea);
- Title="nCandlestick Demon"+
- "Candle Date: "+Date()+"n"+
- "Candle Width: "+NumToStr(Width,1.0)+" barsn";
- GraphXSpace = 5;