Darvas Box.afl
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Formula Name: Darvas Box
- // Author/Uploader: Stephane
- // E-mail: s.carrasset@laposte.net
- // Date/Time Added: 2004-12-06 14:06:18
- // Origin:
- // Keywords:
- // Level: basic
- // Flags: indicator
- // Formula URL: http://www.amibroker.com/library/formula.php?id=414
- // Details URL: http://www.amibroker.com/library/detail.php?id=414
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // An explanation of the construction of the Darvas Box is available at:
- //
- // 1) <http://www.gerryco.com/tech/darvas.html>
- //
- // 2) <http://www.wealth-lab.com/cgi-bin/WealthLab.DLL/editsystem?id=2814>
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //////////begin/////////
- box1=0;
- box2=0;
- SetBarsRequired(10000,10000);
- procedure fillDarvas(start,end,swap,top, bottom )
- {
- for ( j = start; j < end; j++)
- {
- if( box1[j] == swap)
- box1[j]= top ;
- else
- box1[j]= bottom;
- if(box2[j] == swap)
- box2[j]= bottom ;
- else
- box2[j]= top;
- }
- }
- BoxArr1 = 0;
- BoxArr2 = 0;
- StateArray = 0;
- DBuy = 0;
- DSell = 0;
- TopArray = 0;
- BotArray = 0;
- tick=0;
- BoxTop = High[0];
- BoxBot = Low[0];
- swap=0;
- state = 0;
- BoxStart = 0;
- for (i=0; i<BarCount; i++)
- {
- if (state==5)
- {
- TopArray[i]=BoxTop;
- BotArray[i]=BoxBot;
- if (Low[i]<(BoxBot*(1-tick/100)) || High[i]>(BoxTop*(1+tick/100)))
- {
- fillDarvas(BoxStart,i,swap,BoxTop,BoxBot);
- state = 1;
- swap = !swap;
- BoxTop = High[i];
- BoxStart = i;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (High[i]<BoxTop)
- {
- if ((state<3) || (Low[i]>BoxBot))
- {
- state++;
- }
- else
- {
- state=3;
- }
- if (state==3)
- BoxBot=Low[i];
- }
- else
- {
- state=1;
- BoxTop=High[i];
- }
- }
- StateArray[i] = state;
- }
- fillDarvas(BoxStart,BarCount,swap,BoxTop,BoxBot);
- Plot(C,"",1,64);
- Plot( box1, "" , 1 + statearray, styleLine );
- Plot( box2, "" , 1 + statearray , styleLine );