Bullish Percent Index 2004.afl
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Formula Name: Bullish Percent Index 2004
- // Author/Uploader: Graham Kavanagh
- // E-mail: gkavanagh@e-wire.net.au
- // Date/Time Added: 2004-07-20 19:53:56
- // Origin:
- // Keywords: Bullish Percent Index
- // Level: semi-advanced
- // Flags: indicator
- // Formula URL: http://www.amibroker.com/library/formula.php?id=367
- // Details URL: http://www.amibroker.com/library/detail.php?id=367
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Replaces the previous BPI I placed here
- //
- // Creates a composite of the Bullish signals for a group of stocks. The file
- // here is 3 parts combined - Create composite - Plot line chart - Plot
- // P&F of BPI
- //
- // Change the Box sizings to suit your market stocks.
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ///////////////////////////////////////
- ///////////////////////////////////////
- // Bullish Percent Index
- // Buy Signals generated via P&F
- // Graham Kavanagh 09 Jul 2004
- // Select your group of stocks and run Scan in AA window
- SetBarsRequired(10000,10000);
- function ToBox( Price )
- {
- Boxes =
- Min( Price, 0.25 )/0.0625 +
- Max( ( Min( Price, 1 )-0.25 ) ,0 )/0.125 +
- Max( ( Min( Price, 5 )-1 ) ,0 )/0.25 +
- Max( ( Min( Price, 20 )-5 ) ,0 )/0.5 +
- Max( ( Min( Price, 100 )-20 ) ,0 )/1 +
- Max( ( Min( Price, 200 )-100 ) ,0 )/2 +
- Max( ( Min( Price, 500 )-200 ) ,0 )/4 +
- Max( ( Min( Price, 1000 )-500 ) ,0 )/5 +
- Max( ( Min( Price, 25000 )-1000 ) ,0 )/50 +
- Max( ( Price-25000 ) ,0 )/500 ;
- return Boxes;
- }
- // round boxes down for High and up for Low
- Lx = ceil(ToBox(L));
- Hx = floor(ToBox(H));
- // set variable values for locating peak/troughs of columns
- Bar = BarIndex();
- BarDate = DateNum();
- BarTurn = 0;
- DateTurn = 0;
- DateEnd = 0;
- BarEnd = 0;
- fall = 1;
- rise = 0;
- PFC[0] = Lx[0];
- reverse = 3;
- dirn = -1; // -1=down, 1=up
- for( i = 1; i < BarCount; i++ )
- {
- if( Lx[i]<=(PFC[i-1]-1) && V[i]>0 && dirn==-1) //continue down
- {
- PFC[i] = Lx[i];
- DateEnd[i] = BarDate[i];
- BarEnd[i] = Bar[i];
- fall[i] = 1;
- rise[i] = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- if( Hx[i]>=(PFC[i-1]+Reverse) && Lx[i]>PFC[i-1] && V[i]>0 && dirn==-1) //Change direction to up
- {
- dirn = 1;
- PFC[i] = Hx[i];
- BarTurn[i] = Bar[i];
- DateTurn[i] = BarDate[i];
- DateEnd[i] = BarDate[i];
- BarEnd[i] = Bar[i];
- fall[i] = 0;
- rise[i] = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- if( Hx[i]>=(PFC[i-1]+1) && V[i]>0 && dirn==1) //Continue up
- {
- PFC[i] = Hx[i];
- DateEnd[i] = BarDate[i];
- BarEnd[i] = Bar[i];
- fall[i] = 0;
- rise[i] = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- if( Lx[i]<=(PFC[i-1]-Reverse) && Hx[i]<PFC[i-1] && V[i]>0 && dirn==1) //Change direction to down
- {
- dirn = -1;
- PFC[i] = Lx[i];
- BarTurn[i] = Bar[i];
- DateTurn[i] = BarDate[i];
- DateEnd[i] = BarDate[i];
- BarEnd[i] = Bar[i];
- fall[i] = 1;
- rise[i] = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- PFC[i] = PFC[i-1];
- rise[i] = rise[i-1];
- fall[i] = fall[i-1];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //Convert boxes to prices for check plotting
- b1=0 + 0.25 / 0.0625;
- b2=b1 + (1-0.25) / 0.125;
- b3=b2 + (5-1) / 0.25;
- b4=b3 + (20-5) / 0.5;
- b5=b4 + (100-20) / 1;
- b6=b5 + (200-100) / 2;
- b7=b6 + (500-200) / 4;
- b8=b7 + (1000-500) / 5;
- b9=b8 + (25000-100) / 50;
- function ToPrice( Value )
- {
- Price =
- Min( Value, b1 ) * 0.0625 +
- Min( Max( Value-b1, 0 ), b2-b1 ) * 0.125 +
- Min( Max( Value-b2, 0 ), b3-b2 ) * 0.25 +
- Min( Max( Value-b3, 0 ), b4-b3 ) * 0.5 +
- Min( Max( Value-b4, 0 ), b5-b4 ) * 1 +
- Min( Max( Value-b5, 0 ), b6-b5 ) * 2 +
- Min( Max( Value-b6, 0 ), b7-b6 ) * 4 +
- Min( Max( Value-b7, 0 ), b8-b7 ) * 5 +
- Min( Max( Value-b8, 0 ), b9-b8 ) * 50 +
- Max( Value-b9, 0 ) * 500 ;
- return Price;
- }
- bullsig = PFC > ValueWhen( rise AND Ref(fall,1), PFC ) AND rise;
- Buy=1;
- AddToComposite( bullsig, "~BullPercent", "C" );
- AddToComposite( 1, "~BullPercent", "V" );
- //=================================%<-----------------------------------------
- ///////////////////////////////////////
- ///////////////////////////////////////
- // Bullish Percent Index Chart - Line
- // Graham Kavanagh 09 Jul 2004
- BPI = Foreign( "~BullPercent", "C" )/Foreign( "~BullPercent", "V" )*100;
- Plot( BPI, "BPI", colorRed, styleLine );
- GraphXSpace=5;
- Title = Name() + " " + Date() + ": BPI Line Chart, BPI = "+ WriteVal(BPI,1) + "% : Number of Stocks = " + Foreign( "~BullPercent", "V" ) + " : Number of Bull Signals = " + Foreign( "~BullPercent", "C" );
- Plot(30, "", colorGreen, styleLine);
- Plot(70, "", colorGreen, styleLine);
- Plot(100, "", colorWhite, styleNoLine);
- Plot(0, "", colorWhite, styleNoLine);
- //=================================%<-----------------------------------------
- ///////////////////////////////////////
- ///////////////////////////////////////
- // Bullish Percent Index Chart - P&F
- // Graham Kavanagh 09 Jul 2004
- SetBarsRequired(100000,100000);
- box = 2;
- reverse = 3;
- CX = Foreign( "~BullPercent", "C" )/Foreign( "~BullPercent", "V" )*100;
- CF = ceil(Cx/box);
- CR = floor(Cx/box);
- Bar = BarIndex();
- BarDate = DateNum();
- BarTurn = 0;
- DateTurn = 0;
- DateEnd = 0;
- BarEnd = 0;
- // initialize first element
- j = 0;
- PFC[j] = CF[0];
- PFO[j] = CF[0] + 1;
- down = 1; // By default the first bar is a down bar.
- up = 0;
- // perform the loop that produces PF Chart
- for( i = 1; i < BarCount; i++ )
- {
- if( CX[i] <= PFC[j] - 1 && down) //continue down
- {
- PFC[j] = CF[i];
- PFO[j] = CF[i] + 1;
- DateEnd[j] = BarDate[i];
- BarEnd[j] = Bar[i];
- }
- else
- {
- if( CX[i] >= PFC[j] + Reverse && down) //Change direction to up
- {
- j++;
- up = 1;
- down = 0;
- PFC[j] = CR[i];
- PFO[j] = CR[i] - 1;
- BarTurn[j] = Bar[i];
- DateTurn[j] = BarDate[i];
- DateEnd[j] = BarDate[i];
- BarEnd[j] = Bar[i];
- }
- else
- {
- if( CX[i] >= PFC[j] + 1 && up) //Continue up
- {
- PFC[j] = CR[i];
- PFO[j] = CR[i] - 1;
- DateEnd[j] = BarDate[i];
- BarEnd[j] = Bar[i];
- }
- else
- {
- if( CX[i] <= PFC[j] - Reverse && up) //Change direction to down
- {
- j++;
- up = 0;
- down = 1;
- PFC[j] = CR[i];
- PFO[j] = CR[i] + 1;
- BarTurn[j] = Bar[i];
- DateTurn[j] = BarDate[i];
- DateEnd[j] = BarDate[i];
- BarEnd[j] = Bar[i];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- delta = BarCount-1 - j;
- BarTurns = Ref( BarTurn, -delta);
- DateTurns = Ref( DateTurn, -delta);
- BarEnds = Ref( BarEnd, -delta);
- DateEnds = Ref( DateEnd, -delta);
- PFO = Ref( PFO, -delta );
- PFC = Ref( PFC, -delta );
- Rise = PFC>PFO;
- Fall = PFC<PFO;
- H = IIf( Ref(Rise, -1), Ref( HHV(PFC, 1), -1 ) - 1, Max(PFO, PFC) ) * box + box/2;
- L = IIf( Ref(Fall, -1), Ref( LLV(PFC, 1), -1 ) + 1, Min(PFO, PFC) ) * box - box/2;
- O = IIf( Ref(Rise, -1), Ref( HHV(PFC, 1), -1 ) - 1, IIf( Ref(Fall, -1), Ref( LLV(PFC, 1), -1 )+ 1, PFO ) ) * box;
- // the difference between Open AND Close is set to box size
- // the sign decides if X or O are plotted
- C = O + box * IIf( Rise, 1, -1 );
- Top = H - box/2;
- Bot = L + box/2;
- Title = Name() + " " + Date() + ": BPI PnF Chart, H: " + top + ", L: " + bot + ", Box " + box + ", Reversal " + reverse + ": Number of Stocks = " + Foreign( "~BullPercent", "V" ) + " : Number of Bull Signals = " + Foreign( "~BullPercent", "C" );
- GraphXSpace=5;
- Plot(C, "BPI", IIf( Rise, colorBlue, colorRed ), stylePointAndFigure);
- Plot(30-box/2, "", colorGreen, styleLine);
- Plot(70+box/2, "", colorGreen, styleLine);
- Plot(100, "", colorWhite, styleNoLine);
- Plot(0, "", colorWhite, styleNoLine);
- //--Indicator-End--