- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Formula Name: Sector Tracking
- // Author/Uploader: Ara Kaloustian
- // E-mail:
- // Date/Time Added: 2002-04-07 14:40:40
- // Origin: Written by Ara Kaloustian, 3/31/02
- // Keywords: Sectors
- // Level: medium
- // Flags: indicator
- // Formula URL:
- // Details URL:
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Tracks normalized relative performance of the most heavily traded sectors 4
- // sectors (XLE, XLK, XLB, XLF).
- //
- // Performance is tracked by comparing the daily performance of the sector to
- // the daily performance of the S&P500, then a 13 day exp moving average
- // and finally the sum of 9 days to smooth out the data.
- //
- // CAUTION: You may need to edit the symbol for S&P 500 index if different
- // for your data source than what I have used (SP-500).
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Look for relative strength of sectors wrt their S&P
- // Plot the 13 week EMA of incremental differences
- // This is useful for finding strengthening sectors / industries
- // Normalize data
- Title = "TC2k-Sector vs. S&P-500: Energy - Technology - Finance - Materials";
- Sum_Filter = 9;
- Index_Value = Foreign("SP-500","close");
- Energy_Ratio = Foreign("XLE","Close",fixup=1) / Index_Value;
- Tech_Ratio = Foreign("XLK","Close",fixup=1) / Index_Value;
- Finance_Ratio = Foreign("XLF","Close",fixup=1) / Index_Value;
- Materials_Ratio = Foreign("XLB","Close",fixup=1) / Index_Value;
- Energy_Perf = EMA(Energy_Ratio - Ref(Energy_Ratio,-1),13) * 10000;
- Tech_Perf = EMA(Tech_Ratio - Ref(Tech_Ratio,-1),13) * 10000;
- Finance_Perf = EMA(Finance_Ratio - Ref(Finance_Ratio,-1),13) * 10000;
- Materials_Perf = EMA(Materials_Ratio - Ref(Materials_Ratio,-1),13) * 10000;
- N_Energy_Perf = (Energy_Perf) / Foreign("XLE","Close",fixup=1);
- N_Tech_Perf = (Tech_Perf) / Foreign("XLK","Close",fixup=1);
- N_Finance_Perf = (Finance_Perf) / Foreign("XLF","Close",fixup=1);
- N_Materials_Perf = (Materials_Perf) / Foreign("XLB","Close",fixup=1);
- Energy_Sum = Sum(N_Energy_Perf,Sum_Filter);
- Tech_Sum = Sum(N_Tech_Perf,Sum_Filter);
- Finance_Sum = Sum(N_Finance_Perf,Sum_Filter);
- Materials_Sum = Sum(N_Materials_Perf,Sum_Filter);
- /*
- Backtest performance by selectig top sector to buy
- Buy when rel performance above 0 and slope maximum
- Sell when slope decreass relative to another sector
- Always be in the market
- */
- Filter = Close > 0;
- NumColumns = 4;
- Column0Name = "Energy";
- Column0 = Energy_Sum;
- Column1Name = "Tech";
- Column1 = Tech_Sum;
- Column2Name = "Finance";
- Column2 = Finance_Sum;
- Column3Name = "Materials";
- Column3 = MAterials_Sum;
- MaxGraph = 4;
- Graph0 = Energy_Sum;
- Graph0Color = 1; //Black - Energy
- Graph1 = Tech_Sum;
- Graph1Color = 2; //White - Tech
- Graph2 = Finance_Sum;
- Graph2Color = 4; //Red - Finance
- Graph3 = Materials_Sum;
- Graph3Color = 5; //Green - Mater.
- Graph0Style = 4;
- Graph1Style = 4;
- Graph2Style = 4;
- Graph3Style = 4;