Steve Woods' Cumulative Vol. Percentage
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Formula Name: Steve Woods' Cumulative Vol. Percentage Indicator
- // Author/Uploader: Eric Tangen
- // E-mail:
- // Date/Time Added: 2002-07-12 08:47:28
- // Origin: Steve Woods "The Precision Profit Float Indicator"
- // Keywords: Float Steve Woods Cumulative Volume Percentage
- // Level: medium
- // Flags: indicator
- // Formula URL:
- // Details URL:
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // This is the third of Steve Woods' indicators - his Cumulative Volume
- // 'Percentage' indicator. It is a sawtooth histogram of volume summation
- // normalized to a fraction of one float. When the fraction becomes one float,
- // the summation is reset - hence the sawtooth appearance.
- //
- // The theory is that significant advances/declines occur during integer
- // multiples of one float and bases are also integer multiples of one float.
- //
- // The bar for the beginning of the summation is set at the beginning of the
- // AFL code.
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // File NAME: ...Afl/Indicators/
- // Name in Indicator Builder: FloatHistogram //
- // Plots the forward looking volume histogram; have to nail the beginning point manually below -
- StartBar = LastValue(ValueWhen(DateNum()==1020207,Cum(1),1) );// use the calendar version - it is easier
- // or do it the hard way by counting the bar number:
- // StartBar = LastValue(Cum(1)) - 120 ; //he '- x' is the number of bars from the rh edge of the chart
- // Change the '- x' to set the beginning bar for the indicator
- // Use the cum function to establish the first bar
- Title="(AmiSheet #) "+Name()+" "+FullName()+" Group: "+SectorID(1)+ " // 9_FloatHistogram // " ;
- BarCounter = Cum(1);
- AFL_float = GetExtraData("SharesFloat"); // Use QuotesPlus data feed for easy database access to the shares in
- // float number
- // Another method would be to set up foreign tickers to contain float data
- // Or one could enter the number in the AFL code for each stock examined
- float_scaled = 1000000*(AFL_float)+.001; // the .001 handles possible div by 0 issues if AFL_float = 0
- VolumefromBarCounter=(IIf(BarCounter >= StartBar ,V,-1E10 ));
- PerCentFloatfromBarCounter = frac(Cum(VolumefromBarCounter)/Float_Scaled);
- OneFloat = IIf(PerCentFloatfromBarCounter >= 0.95,1,-1E10 ); // early detection of float turnover
- //Plot( BarCounter, " ",9,2); // GraphColor = 9; //9=maize
- //Plot( VolumefromBarCounter, " ",9,2); // GraphColor = 9; //9=maize
- Plot( PerCentFloatfromBarCounter , " ",4,2);// Graph1Color = 4; //4=red //
- Plot(OneFloat, " ",6,2); // GraphColor = 6; //6=blue
- Plot((HHV(OneFloat,Cum(1)))+.25," ",1,256); // 256 = no draw: scale axis only
- Plot(0," ",1,256); // 256 = no draw: scale axis only
- /*
- AFL CHART COLORS Amibroker 4.0
- Plot( AFLarray, "ArrayString",0,4);// Graph1Color = 0; //0=Gray Thick Line Chart
- Plot( AFLarray, "ArrayString",1,4);// Graph1Color = 1; //1=black
- Plot( AFLarray, "ArrayString",2,4);// Graph1Color = 2; //2=white
- Plot( AFLarray, "ArrayString",3,4);// Graph1Color = 3; //3=blank (not transparent, use graph type 16 to delete)
- Plot( AFLarray, "ArrayString",4,4);// Graph1Color = 4; //4=red
- Plot( AFLarray, "ArrayString",5,4);// Graph1Color = 5; //5=bright green
- Plot( AFLarray, "ArrayString",6,4);// Graph1Color = 6; //6=blue
- Plot( AFLarray, "ArrayString",7,4);// Graph1Color = 7; //7=yellow
- Plot( AFLarray, "ArrayString",8,4);// Graph1Color = 8; //8=bright green
- Plot( AFLarray, "ArrayString",9,4);// Graph1Color = 9; //9=maize
- Plot( AFLarray, "ArrayString",10,4);// Graph1Color = 10; //10=cyan
- Plot( AFLarray, "ArrayString",11,4);// Graph1Color = 11; //11=magenta
- Plot( AFLarray, "ArrayString",12,4);// Graph1Color = 12; //12=violet (almost black)
- Plot( AFLarray, "ArrayString",13,4);// Graph1Color = 13; //13=peach
- Plot( AFLarray, "ArrayString",14,4);// Graph1Color = 14; //14=even lighter cyan
- Plot( AFLarray, "ArrayString",15,4);// Graph1Color = 15; //15=brick
- Plot( AFLarray, "ArrayString",16,4);// Graph1Color = 16; //16=black
- Plot( AFLarray, "ArrayString",17,4);// Graph1Color = 17; //17=brown
- Plot( AFLarray, "ArrayString",18,4);// Graph1Color = 18; //18=black
- Plot( AFLarray, "ArrayString",19,4);// Graph1Color = 19; //19=forest green
- Plot( AFLarray, "ArrayString",20,4);// Graph1Color = 20; //20=black
- Plot( AFLarray, "ArrayString",25,4);// Graph1Color = 25; //25=orange
- Plot( AFLarray, "ArrayString",26,4);// Graph1Color = 26; //26=olive green
- Plot( AFLarray, "ArrayString",27,4);// Graph1Color = 27; //27=medium green
- Plot( AFLarray, "ArrayString",28,4);// Graph1Color = 28; //28=blue-green
- Plot( AFLarray, "ArrayString",29,4);// Graph1Color = 29; //29=blue
- Plot( AFLarray, "ArrayString",30,4);// Graph1Color = 30; //30=blue-gray
- Plot( AFLarray, "ArrayString",37,4);// Graph1Color = 37; //37=lighter shade of 30 (blue-gray)
- 1 = normal line
- 2 = histogram
- 4 = thick line
- 8 = include dots
- 16 = no line
- 32 = semi log
- 64 = candlestick chart
- 128 = bar chart
- 256 = no draw: scale axis only
- 512 = Gann Staircase
- 1024 = Gann Swing Dots
- // Amibroker AFL code by Eric Tangen
- */