- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Formula Name: Automatic Trend-line
- // Author/Uploader: Tomasz Janeczko
- // E-mail:
- // Date/Time Added: 2001-06-16 07:56:58
- // Origin: Created by Tomasz Janeczko
- // Keywords: trend
- // Level: medium
- // Flags: indicator
- // Formula URL:
- // Details URL:
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // A trend line is a sloping line drawn between two prominent points on a
- // chart. Rising trend lines are usually drawn between two troughs (low
- // points) to illustrate price support while falling trend lines are usually
- // drawn between two peaks (high points) to illustrate upside price
- // resistance. The consensus is that once a trend has been formed (two or more
- // peaks/troughs have touched the trend line and reversed direction) it will
- // remain intact until broken.
- //
- // The trend line is described by well-know linear equation:
- //
- // y = ax + b
- //
- // where x represents time (bar number), y represents price, a defines the
- // slope of the line and b defines initial offset. The main problem in
- // defining appropriate AFL formula is finding the values of these two latter
- // coefficients. If a trend line is drawn between two important lows the slope
- // of the line could be calculated by subtracting the second low price from
- // the first low price and dividing the result by a number of bars between the
- // lows:
- //
- // a = ( low2 - low1 ) / ( bars2 - bars1 )
- //
- // Calculating offset (b) value is trivial when we shift the time scale so x=0
- // is located at the first low. In this case b=low1.
- //
- // So our mathematical formula for the trendline between two important lows
- // will look like this:
- //
- // y = ( x - bars1 ) * ( low2 - low1 ) / ( bars2 - bars1 ) + low1
- //
- // While determining low prices is simple (just point your mouse over the
- // dominant low and read the low price from a data tooltip that appears on the
- // screen), determining the bar number is not that simple. You can of course
- // count bars by hand but this is simply too much work (especially when you
- // don't have Florida volunteers for a recount :-) ). Luckily we have AFL that
- // allows us to do it in automatic way. All we have to do is to make a running
- // total of bars (our x coordinate) using cum() function:
- //
- // x = cum( 1 );
- //
- // and then find out where low occured using valuewhen() function:
- //
- // bar1 = valuewhen( low == low1, x, 1 );
- //
- // bar2 = valuewhen( low == low2, x, 1 );
- //
- // For more detailed description please check out:
- //
- // <a href="">Newsletter
- // 04/2000</a>
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- x = Cum(1);
- perchg = 0.3*LastValue( Highest( ROC( Low, 50 ) ));
- startvalue = LastValue( Trough( Low, perchg, 1 ) );
- endvalue1 = LastValue( Trough( Low, perchg, 2 ) );
- startbar = LastValue( ValueWhen( Low == startvalue, x, 1 ) );
- endbar = LastValue( ValueWhen( Low == endvalue1, x, 1 ) );
- Aa = (endvalue1-startvalue)/(endbar-startbar);
- b = startvalue;
- trendline = Aa * ( x - startbar ) + b;
- Plot( Close, "Price", colorBlue, styleCandle );
- Plot( IIf( x >= endbar, trendline, Null ), "Trendline", colorRed );