Ichimoku charts.afl
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Formula Name: Ichimoku charts
- // Author/Uploader: Tomasz Janeczko
- // E-mail: tj@amibroker.com
- // Date/Time Added: 2001-06-16 08:25:56
- // Origin: Presented in TASC magazine issue 10/2000
- // Keywords: japanese charting
- // Level: medium
- // Flags: indicator
- // Formula URL: http://www.amibroker.com/library/formula.php?id=11
- // Details URL: http://www.amibroker.com/library/detail.php?id=11
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Ichimoku charts - yet another Japanese charting technique is enjoying new
- // wave of popularity. Just a few months ago, in the October 2000 issue of
- // Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities (TASC) magazine an article
- // covering this charting method was presented. I will not dig into details -
- // they are described fairly enough in the TASC magazine - instead I am going
- // to focus on AFL implementation, but a bit of introduction is needed:
- //
- // "Literally, ichimoku means 'one look'; a chart of this style is referred to
- // as [...] the table of equilibrium prices at a glance. [..] All the
- // computations involved no more than taking midpoints of historical highs and
- // lows in various ways. Nevertheless, the completed chart presents a
- // panoramic view of price movement"
- //
- // OK. This sounds a little bit complicated, but in fact the whole algorithm
- // is not difficult at all. An ichimoku chart consists of:
- //
- // the standard line calculated as one half of the sum of highest high and
- // lowest low price over past 26 days
- //
- // the turning line calculated as one half of the sum of highest high and
- // lowest low price over past 9 days
- //
- // the delayed line which is close price shifted 25 days prior to today
- //
- // the first preceding span line which is calculated as the average of
- // standard line and turning line and then shifted 25 days ahead of today
- //
- // the second preceding span line which is calculated as the average of
- // highest high and lowest low prices over past 52 days and then shifted 26
- // days ahead of today
- //
- // Implementing above rules in AFL gives the following formula:
- //
- // SL = ( HHV( H, 26 ) + LLV( L, 26) )/2;
- //
- // TL = ( HHV( H, 9 ) + LLV( L, 9 ) )/2;
- //
- // DL = Ref( C, 25 );
- //
- // Span1 = Ref( ( SL + TL )/2, -25 );
- //
- // Span2 = Ref( (HHV( H, 52) + LLV(L, 52))/2, -25);
- //
- // where SL is the standard line, TL - turning line, DL - delayed line, Span1
- // and Span2 - the first and the second preceding span lines.
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SL = ( HHV( H, 26 ) + LLV( L, 26) )/2;
- TL = ( HHV( H, 9 ) + LLV( L, 9 ) )/2;
- DL = Ref( C, 25 );
- Span1 = Ref( ( SL + TL )/2, -25 );
- Span2 = Ref( (HHV( H, 52) + LLV(L, 52))/2, -25);
- maxgraph = 6;
- graph0 = SL;
- graph1 = TL;
- graph2 = DL;
- graph3 = Span1;
- graph4 = Span2;
- graph5 = close;
- graph0style = graph1style = graph2style = graph3style = graph4style = 1;
- graph5style = 5;
- graph0color = 7;
- graph1color = 5;
- graph2color = 13;
- graph3color = 6;
- graph4color = 6;
- graph5color = 2;