UltraEdit editor highlight wordfile.afl
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Formula Name: UltraEdit editor highlight wordfile
- // Author/Uploader: Dave Merrill
- // E-mail:
- // Date/Time Added: 2004-11-15 13:57:33
- // Origin: Ported to UltraEdit from my update of Geoff Mulhall's original ConTEXT version in the library.
- // Keywords: UltraEdit editor highlight wordfile
- // Level: semi-advanced
- // Flags: system,exploration,indicator,commentary,function
- // Formula URL: http://www.amibroker.com/library/formula.php?id=404
- // Details URL: http://www.amibroker.com/library/detail.php?id=404
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // UltraEdit is a full-featured shareware programmer's editor. This file
- // teaches it AFL's keywords, so it can color, format, captitalize, and
- // auto-complete them like AmiBroker does. I think it's up to date as of
- // AmiBroker version 4.63.1 Beta.
- //
- // I often keep my standard AFL #include file open in it while working in AB.
- // Try showing the function list in UltraEdit with an AFL file open. This
- // wordfile should let UE find all your functions and procedures, so you can
- // see their parameters or navigate quickly to them.
- //
- // UltraEdit is available at http://www.ultraedit.com.
- //
- //
- // Since there doesn't appear to be any direct way to capture all the keywords
- // used by the current version of AB, maintenance of this file is dependant on
- // someone noticing missing items. So, any additions and corrections are most
- // welcome (:-). Please write directly to dmerrill at usa dot net, in case I
- // don't come back here right away.
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /L20"AFL" Line Comment = // Block Comment On = /* Block Comment Off = */ Escape Char = File Extensions = AFL
- /Delimiters = ~!@%^&*()-+=|/{}[]:;"'<> , .?
- /Function String = "%function^([~^{]+)"
- /Function String 1 = "%procedure^([~^{]+)"
- /Indent Strings = "{"
- /Unindent Strings = "}"
- /C1"Logical"
- False
- Null
- OR
- True
- /C2"Flow of control, scope"
- do
- else
- for
- function
- global
- if
- local
- procedure
- return
- while
- /C3"Preprocessor"
- #include
- #pragma
- /C4"Built-in function"
- ADLine
- AMA2
- AccDist
- AddColumn
- AddTextColumn
- AddToComposite
- AdvIssues
- AdvVolume
- AlertIf
- ApplyStop
- BBandBot
- BBandTop
- BarIndex
- BarsSince
- BeginValue
- CategoryAddSymbol
- CategoryGetName
- CategoryGetSymbols
- CategoryRemoveSymbol
- Chaikin
- ClipboardGet
- ClipboardSet
- Correlation
- CreateObject
- CreateStaticObject
- Cross
- Cum
- Date
- DateNum
- DateTime
- Day
- DayOfWeek
- DayOfYear
- DecIssues
- DecVolume
- Divergence
- EnableRotationalTrading
- EnableScript
- EnableTextOutput
- EncodeColor
- EndValue
- Equity
- ExRem
- ExRemSpan
- Flip
- Foreign
- FullName
- GapDown
- GapUp
- GetBaseIndex
- GetCategorySymbols
- GetChartID
- GetDatabaseName
- GetExtraData
- GetOption
- GetRTData
- GetScriptObject
- GetTradingInterface
- GroupID
- HHVBars
- Highest
- HighestBars
- HighestSince
- HighestSinceBars
- Hold
- Hour
- IIf
- InWatchList
- IndustryID
- Inside
- Interval
- IsContinuous
- IsEmpty
- IsFavorite
- IsFinite
- IsIndex
- IsNan
- IsNull
- IsTrue
- LLVBars
- LastValue
- LinRegIntercept
- LinRegSlope
- LineArray
- LinearReg
- Lowest
- LowestBars
- LowestSince
- LowestSinceBars
- MA
- MarketID
- Max
- Median
- Min
- Minute
- Month
- Name
- NoteGet
- NoteSet
- Now
- NumToStr
- Nz
- Optimize
- OscP
- OscV
- Outside
- Param
- ParamColor
- ParamDate
- ParamField
- ParamList
- ParamStr
- ParamStyle
- ParamTime
- ParamToggle
- ParamTrigger
- Peak
- PeakBars
- Percentile
- Plot
- PlotForeign
- PlotGrid
- PlotOHLC
- PlotShapes
- PlotVAPOverlay
- Prec
- Prefs
- RSIa
- Random
- Ref
- RelStrength
- RestorePriceArrays
- Second
- SectorID
- SelectedValue
- SetBarsRequired
- SetChartOptions
- SetForeign
- SetFormulaName
- SetOption
- SetTradeDelays
- Signal
- StDev
- StaticVarGet
- StaticVarGetText
- StaticVarSet
- StaticVarSetText
- Status
- StdErr
- StochD
- StochK
- StrExtract
- StrFind
- StrFormat
- StrLeft
- StrLen
- StrMid
- StrRight
- StrToNum
- Study
- Sum
- TimeFrameCompress
- TimeFrameExpand
- TimeFrameGetPrice
- TimeFrameRestore
- TimeFrameSet
- TimeNum
- Trin
- Trix
- Trough
- TroughBars
- Ultimate
- UncIssues
- UncVolume
- ValueWhen
- VarGet
- VarSet
- Version
- Wilders
- WriteIf
- WriteVal
- Year
- Zig
- _N
- abs
- acos
- atan
- ceil
- cos
- exp
- fclose
- fdelete
- feof
- fgets
- floor
- fmkdir
- fopen
- fputs
- frac
- frmdir
- int
- log
- log10
- printf
- round
- sign
- sin
- sqrt
- tan
- /C5"Reserved variable"
- Avg
- BarCount
- Buy
- BuyPrice
- C
- Close
- Column0
- Column0Format
- Column0
- Column0Format
- Column0Name
- Column1
- Column1Format
- Column1Name
- Column2
- Column2Format
- Column2Name
- Column3
- Column3Format
- Column3Name
- Column4
- Column4Format
- Column4Name
- Column5
- Column5Format
- Column5Name
- Column6
- Column6Format
- Column6Name
- Column7
- Column7Format
- Column7Name
- Column8
- Column8Format
- Column8Name
- Column9
- Column9Format
- Column9Name
- Column10
- Column10Format
- Column10Name
- Column11
- Column11Format
- Column11Name
- Column12
- Column12Format
- Column12Name
- Column13
- Column13Format
- Column13Name
- Column14
- Column14Format
- Column14Name
- Column15
- Column15Format
- Column15Name
- Column16
- Column16Format
- Column16Name
- Column17
- Column17Format
- Column17Name
- Column18
- Column18Format
- Column18Name
- Column19
- Column19Format
- Column19Name
- Column20
- Column20Format
- Column20Name
- Column21
- Column21Format
- Column21Name
- Column22
- Column22Format
- Column22Name
- Column23
- Column23Format
- Column23Name
- Column24
- Column24Format
- Column24Name
- Column25
- Column25Format
- Column25Name
- Column26
- Column26Format
- Column26Name
- Column27
- Column27Format
- Column27Name
- Column28
- Column28Format
- Column28Name
- Column29
- Column29Format
- Column29Name
- Cover
- CoverPrice
- Exclude
- Filter
- Graph0
- Graph0BarColor
- Graph0Color
- Graph0High
- Graph0Low
- Graph0Max
- Graph0Min
- Graph0Name
- Graph0Open
- Graph0Style
- Graph1
- Graph1BarColor
- Graph1Color
- Graph1High
- Graph1Low
- Graph1Max
- Graph1Min
- Graph1Name
- Graph1Open
- Graph1Style
- Graph2
- Graph2BarColor
- Graph2Color
- Graph2High
- Graph2Low
- Graph2Max
- Graph2Min
- Graph2Name
- Graph2Open
- Graph2Style
- Graph3
- Graph3BarColor
- Graph3Color
- Graph3High
- Graph3Low
- Graph3Max
- Graph3Min
- Graph3Name
- Graph3Open
- Graph3Style
- Graph4
- Graph4BarColor
- Graph4Color
- Graph4High
- Graph4Low
- Graph4Max
- Graph4Min
- Graph4Name
- Graph4Open
- Graph4Style
- Graph5
- Graph5BarColor
- Graph5Color
- Graph5High
- Graph5Low
- Graph5Max
- Graph5Min
- Graph5Name
- Graph5Open
- Graph5Style
- Graph6
- Graph6BarColor
- Graph6Color
- Graph6High
- Graph6Low
- Graph6Max
- Graph6Min
- Graph6Name
- Graph6Open
- Graph6Style
- Graph7
- Graph7BarColor
- Graph7Color
- Graph7High
- Graph7Low
- Graph7Max
- Graph7Min
- Graph7Name
- Graph7Open
- Graph7Style
- Graph8
- Graph8BarColor
- Graph8Color
- Graph8High
- Graph8Low
- Graph8Max
- Graph8Min
- Graph8Name
- Graph8Open
- Graph8Style
- Graph9
- Graph9BarColor
- Graph9Color
- Graph9High
- Graph9Low
- Graph9Max
- Graph9Min
- Graph9Name
- Graph9Open
- Graph9Style
- Graph10
- Graph10BarColor
- Graph10Color
- Graph10High
- Graph10Low
- Graph10Max
- Graph10Min
- Graph10Name
- Graph10Open
- Graph10Style
- Graph11
- Graph11BarColor
- Graph11Color
- Graph11High
- Graph11Low
- Graph11Max
- Graph11Min
- Graph11Name
- Graph11Open
- Graph11Style
- Graph12
- Graph12BarColor
- Graph12Color
- Graph12High
- Graph12Low
- Graph12Max
- Graph12Min
- Graph12Name
- Graph12Open
- Graph12Style
- Graph13
- Graph13BarColor
- Graph13Color
- Graph13High
- Graph13Low
- Graph13Max
- Graph13Min
- Graph13Name
- Graph13Open
- Graph13Style
- Graph14
- Graph14BarColor
- Graph14Color
- Graph14High
- Graph14Low
- Graph14Max
- Graph14Min
- Graph14Name
- Graph14Open
- Graph14Style
- Graph15
- Graph15BarColor
- Graph15Color
- Graph15High
- Graph15Low
- Graph15Max
- Graph15Min
- Graph15Name
- Graph15Open
- Graph15Style
- Graph16
- Graph16BarColor
- Graph16Color
- Graph16High
- Graph16Low
- Graph16Max
- Graph16Min
- Graph16Name
- Graph16Open
- Graph16Style
- Graph17
- Graph17BarColor
- Graph17Color
- Graph17High
- Graph17Low
- Graph17Max
- Graph17Min
- Graph17Name
- Graph17Open
- Graph17Style
- Graph18
- Graph18BarColor
- Graph18Color
- Graph18High
- Graph18Low
- Graph18Max
- Graph18Min
- Graph18Name
- Graph18Open
- Graph18Style
- Graph19
- Graph19BarColor
- Graph19Color
- Graph19High
- Graph19Low
- Graph19Max
- Graph19Min
- Graph19Name
- Graph19Open
- Graph19Style
- GraphXSpace
- GraphZOrder
- H
- High
- L
- Low
- MarginDeposit
- MaxGraph
- NumColumns
- O
- OI
- Open
- OpenInt
- PointValue
- PositionScore
- PositionSize
- RoundLotSize
- Sell
- SellPrice
- Short
- ShortPrice
- TickSize
- Title
- V
- Volume
- /C6"Built-in constant"
- atcFlagCompositeGroup
- atcFlagDefaults
- atcFlagDeleteValues
- atcFlagEnableInBacktest
- atcFlagEnableInExplore
- atcFlagResetValues
- atcFlagTimeStamp
- chartShowDates
- categoryFavorite
- categoryGroup
- categoryIndex
- categoryIndustry
- categoryMarket
- categorySector
- categoryWatchlist
- chartLogarithmic
- chartShowArrows
- colorAqua
- colorBlack
- colorBlue
- colorBlueGrey
- colorBrightGreen
- colorBrown
- colorCustom1
- colorCustom10
- colorCustom11
- colorCustom12
- colorCustom13
- colorCustom14
- colorCustom15
- colorCustom16
- colorCustom2
- colorCustom3
- colorCustom4
- colorCustom5
- colorCustom6
- colorCustom7
- colorCustom8
- colorCustom9
- colorCycle
- colorDarkBlue
- colorDarkGreen
- colorDarkGrey
- colorDarkOliveGreen
- colorDarkRed
- colorDarkTeal
- colorDarkYellow
- colorDefault
- colorGold
- colorGreen
- colorGrey40
- colorGrey50
- colorIndigo
- colorLavender
- colorLightBlue
- colorLightGrey
- colorLightOrange
- colorLightYellow
- colorLime
- colorOrange
- colorPaleBlue
- colorPaleGreen
- colorPaleTurquoise
- colorPink
- colorPlum
- colorRed
- colorRose
- colorSeaGreen
- colorSkyblue
- colorTan
- colorTeal
- colorTurquoise
- colorViolet
- colorWhite
- colorYellow
- compressHigh
- compressLast
- compressLow
- compressOpen
- compressVolume
- expandFirst
- expandLast
- expandPoint
- formatChar
- formatDateTime
- in15Minute
- in1Minute
- in5Minute
- inDaily
- inHourly
- inMonthly
- inWeekly
- maskAll
- maskDefault
- maskHistogram
- maskPrice
- scoreNoRotate
- shapeCircle
- shapeDigit0
- shapeDigit1
- shapeDigit2
- shapeDigit3
- shapeDigit4
- shapeDigit5
- shapeDigit6
- shapeDigit7
- shapeDigit8
- shapeDigit9
- shapeDownArrow
- shapeDownTriangle
- shapeHollowCircle
- shapeHollowDownArrow
- shapeHollowDownTriangle
- shapeHollowSmallCircle
- shapeHollowSmallDownTriangle
- shapeHollowSmallSquare
- shapeHollowSmallUpTriangle
- shapeHollowSquare
- shapeHollowStar
- shapeHollowUpArrow
- shapeHollowUpTriangle
- shapeNone
- shapePositionAbove
- shapeSmallCircle
- shapeSmallDownTriangle
- shapeSmallSquare
- shapeSmallUpTriangle
- shapeSquare
- shapeStar
- shapeUpArrow
- shapeUpTriangle
- styleArea
- styleBar
- styleCandle
- styleDashed
- styleDots
- styleHidden
- styleHistogram
- styleLeftAxisScale
- styleLine
- styleNoDraw
- styleNoLabel
- styleNoLine
- styleNoRescale
- styleNoTitle
- styleOwnScale
- stylePointAndFigure
- styleStaircase
- styleSwingDots
- styleThick