- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Formula Name: AFL-Excel
- // Author/Uploader: Witold Dabrowski
- // E-mail:
- // Date/Time Added: 2002-08-31 06:29:37
- // Origin:
- // Keywords:
- // Level: semi-advanced
- // Flags: exploration
- // Formula URL:
- // Details URL:
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // This example show how to control Excel directly from the AFL script via
- // OLE-Automation interface. In this script I count %DD and plot Equity and
- // %DD charts in Excel.
- //
- // In script there is commentary in polish - sorry ;-)
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Buy = Cover =
- Cross(C,MA(C,5));
- Sell = Short =
- Cross(MA(C,5),C);
- PositionSize = IIf(Buy,BuyPrice,ShortPrice);
- E = Equity(1);
- Papier = Name();
- EnableScript("vbscript");
- <%
- 'Wymiana zmiennych mi阣zy skryptem AFL i VB
- E = AFL("E")
- Papier = AFL("Papier")
- 'Uruchamianie Excela
- Set Excel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
- 'Ustawianie Excela w stan gotowo渃i
- Excel.WorkBooks.Add
- Set Sheet = Excel.WorkBooks(1).WorkSheets(1)
- 'Pisanie do kom髍ek Excela
- Sheet.Cells(1,1) = Papier
- Sheet.Cells(1,2) = "Equity"
- Sheet.Cells(1,3) = "DrawDown"
- 'Inicjacja maksimum Euqity - b阣zie potrzebne
- ' do obliczania DrawDownu
- MaxE = E(0)
- 'Wpisywanie stanu Equity i DrawDownu do Excela
- For i = 0 to UBound(E)
- Y = i+2
- Sheet.Cells(Y,2).Value = E(i)
- If E(i) > MaxE then
- MaxE = E(i)
- End If
- Drawdown = 0 - ((MaxE - E(i))/MaxE * 100)
- Sheet.Cells(Y,3).Value = Drawdown
- Next
- 'A teraz wykresy
- Sheet.Activate
- Sheet.Columns(2).Select
- '...Equity...
- Excel.Charts.Add
- Set EquityCharts = Excel.Charts(1)
- EquityCharts.Name = Papier + " Equity"
- EquityCharts.Type = 1
- EquityCharts.HasLegend = 0
- EquityCharts.HasTitle = 0
- Sheet.Activate
- Sheet.Columns(3).Select
- '... i DrawDown (w procentach)
- Excel.Charts.Add
- Set EquityCharts = Excel.Charts(2)
- EquityCharts.Name = Papier + " DrawDown"
- EquityCharts.Type = 1
- EquityCharts.HasLegend = 0
- EquityCharts.HasTitle = 0
- 'La Grande Finale - pokazujemy Excel 渨iatu.
- 'Mo縩a to wrzuci