- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Formula Name: Fund Screener
- // Author/Uploader: Dima Rasnitsyn
- // E-mail:
- // Date/Time Added: 2001-10-13 12:58:30
- // Origin:
- // Keywords: funds, stocks, rate of change, rank
- // Level: medium
- // Flags: exploration
- // Formula URL:
- // Details URL:
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Rank mutual funds [or securities] based on their rates of change (or
- // smoothed ROCs), and see how much time passed since buy/sell signals
- // generated by various systems.
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // FundScreaner by Dr. S.N.Berger & D.Rasnitsyn
- // The Idea of this screaner is to identify the strongest securities (by their ROC), and also see how much time passed since the latest buy/sell signal generated by different trading systems for each of them.
- // The columns contain:
- // Weighted smoothed ROC (weight coefficients are configurable)
- // average of Monthly, quartely, semi-anual, and anual ROCs (this score is used by FundX)
- // 5 day smoothed ROC
- // 10 day smoothed ROC
- // 22 day (1 month) smoothed ROC
- // 9 week (2 month) smoothed ROC
- // 13 week -"-
- // 26 week -"-
- // The next columns show The number of days since the latest buy (positive) or sell (negative) signal generated by particular trading system:
- // N/D - system based on Jaco MRI, Williams AC+, MACD, and Relative slope
- // Dags [sorry if the name is misspelled] peaker
- // Stochastics divergence
- // Any other???
- //
- // Proposed usage:
- // 1) Screen all monitored funds / securities
- // 2) Sort by Weighted ROC, scroll down for a dosen, and replace minWeightedROC by the smallest acceptable value
- // 3) Sort by CPR, and repeat the same.
- // 4) If you want to put the down limit on 10 day or monthly ROC, do the same for these columns
- // 5) Repeat exploration. Only the funds/stocks with ROCs more then defined values will be in the screen.
- // 6) Check how many days passed since the alst buy/sell signal for the security. Probably it's not too late to rotate...
- //
- //
- // The following sections defines filter criteria.
- // Display only funds with ...
- // Filter date: 10000 * (year - 1900) + 100 * month + day, so 2001-12-31 becomes 1011231 and 1995-12-31 becomes 951231
- // < 0 means the latest available date; 2001-04-05 - 1010405
- filterdate = -1;
- //minRelStrengthSP =-1000; // relative strength over S&P500 >= this value
- min10dayROC =-100; // Minimum 10 day rate of change < [-1000 means better then S&P 500]
- min22dayROC =-1000; // Minimum 22 day rate of change < [-1000 means better then S&P 500]
- min13weekROC = -1000; // Minimum 13 week rate of change < [-1000 means better then S&P 500]
- min9weekROC = -1000; // Minimum 9 week rate of change < [-1000 means better then S&P 500]
- minWeightedROC = -1000; // Minimum weighted ROC !! FUNDS WITH EMPTY WEIGHTED ROC (due to lack of 26 week data) ARE ALWAYS INCLUDED !!
- minCPR = -1000; // Minimum CPR !! FUNDS WITH EMPTY WEIGHTED ROC (due to lack of 26 week data) ARE ALWAYS INCLUDED !!
- // Smoothing factor (as EMA) for ROC parameters
- // SET TO 1 if want to disable smoothing
- //
- ROC5DayEMA = 9;
- ROC10DayEMA =9;
- ROC22DayEMA = 9;
- ROC9WeekEMA =9;
- ROC13WeekEMA =9;
- ROC26WeekEMA =9;
- //
- // WEIGHT coefficients for the weighted ROC calculation
- //
- weightROC5DayEMA = 10;
- weightROC10DayEMA = 15;
- weightROC22DayEMA = 15;
- weightROC9WeekEMA = 10;
- weightROC13WeekEMA = 5;
- weightROC26WeekEMA = 1;
- r5 = ema ( close, ROC5DayEMA);
- r10 = ema ( close, ROC10DayEMA);
- r22 = ema (close , ROC22DayEMA);
- r9w = ema (close , ROC9WeekEMA);
- r13w= ema (close, ROC13WeekEMA);
- r13w = IIF (isEmpty (r13w), r9w, r13w);
- r26w= ema (close, ROC26WeekEMA);
- r26w = IIF (isEmpty (r26w), r13w, r26w);
- r52w= ema (close, ROC26WeekEMA);
- r52w = IIF (isEmpty (r52w), r26w, r52w);
- numcolumns = 12;
- column2 = ROC5d = roc (r5 , 5 ) ;
- column2name = "5 d %";
- column3 = ROC10d = roc (r10 , 10 ) ;
- column3name = "10 d %";
- column4 = ROC22d = roc (r22, 22) ;
- column4name = "22 d %";
- column5 = ROC9w = roc (r9w, 5*9) ;
- column5name = "9 w %";
- column6 = ROC13w = roc (r13w, 5*13);
- column6name = "13 w %";
- column7 = ROC26w = roc (r26w, 5*26);
- column7name = "26 w % ";
- ROC52w = roc (r52w, 5*52);
- // Experimental: relation to S&P 500 10 day ROC
- //column10 = RSSP = ROC10d * 100 / (ema (roc(foreign ("^SPC", "close") , 10 ), ROC10DayEMA));
- //column10name = "RS S&P %";
- column0 = weightedROC = (weightROC5DayEMA *ROC5d + weightROC10DayEMA *ROC10d + weightROC22DayEMA *ROC22d + weightROC9WeekEMA *ROC9w + weightROC13WeekEMA *ROC13w + weightROC26WeekEMA * ROC26w)/(weightROC5DayEMA + weightROC10DayEMA + weightROC22DayEMA + weightROC9WeekEMA + weightROC13WeekEMA + weightROC26WeekEMA);
- column0name = "Wght ROC%";
- column1 = fundXCPR = (roc (c, 22) + roc (c, 13*5) + roc (c, 26*5) + roc (c, 52*5)) / 4;
- column1name = "CPR";
- //
- // Calculate S&P ROCs for filtering
- //
- r5sp = roc (foreign ("^SPC", "close"), 5 ) ;
- r10sp = roc (foreign ("^SPC", "close"), 10 ) ;
- r22sp = roc (foreign ("^SPC", "close"), 22) ;
- r9wsp = roc (foreign ("^SPC", "close"), 5*9) ;
- r13wsp = roc (foreign ("^SPC", "close"), 5*13);
- r26wsp = roc (foreign ("^SPC", "close"), 5*26);
- r52wsp = roc (foreign ("^SPC", "close"), 5*52);
- ROC5dSP = ema (r5sp , ROC5DayEMA) ;
- ROC10dSP = ema (r10sp , ROC10DayEMA) ;
- ROC22dSP = ema (r22sp , ROC22DayEMA) ;
- ROC9wSP = ema (r9wsp , ROC9WeekEMA);
- ROC13wSP = ema (r13wsp, ROC13WeekEMA);
- ROC26wSP = ema (r26wsp, ROC26WeekEMA);
- ROC52wSP = ema (r52wsp, ROC26WeekEMA);
- min10dayROC = IIF (min10dayROC <= -1000, ROC10dSP, min10dayROC );
- min22dayROC = IIF (min22dayROC <= -1000, ROC22dSP, min22dayROC );
- min9weekROC = IIF (min9weekROC <= -1000, ROC9wSP , min9weekROC );
- min13weekROC = IIF (min13weekROC <= -1000, ROC13wSP, min13weekROC);
- minWeightedROC = IIF (minWeightedROC <= -1000, (weightROC5DayEMA *ROC5dSP + weightROC10DayEMA *ROC10dSP + weightROC22DayEMA *ROC22dSP + weightROC9WeekEMA *ROC9wSP + weightROC13WeekEMA *ROC13wSP + weightROC26WeekEMA * ROC26wSP)/(weightROC5DayEMA + weightROC10DayEMA + weightROC22DayEMA + weightROC9WeekEMA + weightROC13WeekEMA + weightROC26WeekEMA), minWeightedROC);
- minCPR = IIF (minCPR <= -1000, (r22sp + r13wsp + r26wsp + r52wsp) / 4, minCPR);
- filter = IIF (filterdate <= 0, cum(1) == lastvalue (cum(1)), datenum() == filterdate) AND ROC10d >= min10dayROC AND ROC22d >= min22dayROC AND ROC9w >= min9weekROC AND ROC13w >= min13weekROC AND (isEmpty(weightedROC) OR weightedROC >= minWeightedROC) AND (isEmpty (fundXCPR) OR fundXCPR >= minCPR);
- "CPR: " + writeval (fundXCPR) + ", S&P CPR: " + writeval (minCPR);
- buy = filter;
- sell = 0;
- short =cover = 0;
- // ======== Signals from different systems =====================
- // 1. Nate/Dima system
- /*
- * combination of Jaco MRI, Williams, and MACD
- */
- // Adjustable criteria
- moBuyCriteria = 60; // 70?
- moSellCriteria = 20; // 30?
- rocPeriod = 10;
- jacoHold =20; // Hold period
- exitOnOverbought = 0;
- // Jaco MRI
- /* MRI developed by Jaco Jonker*/
- mo=close/ref(close,1)*100 - rsi(14);
- HV = hhv(mo,200);
- LV = llv(mo,200);
- AV = (HV+LV)/2;
- jacoBuy = isTrue (mo > moBuyCriteria);
- jacoBuy = hold (jacoBuy, jacoHold);
- jacoSell = isTrue (mo < moSellCriteria);
- jacoSell = hold (jacoSell, jacoHold);
- // Williams AC+
- outsidebar = outside();
- insidebar = H <= Ref(H,-1) and L >= Ref(L,-1);
- upbar = H > ref(H,-1) and L >= ref(L, -1);
- downbar = L < ref(L,-1) and H <= ref(H,-1);
- barcolor=iif(outsidebar, 1,
- iif(downbar, 4,
- iif(upbar, 5,
- iif(insidebar,6, 0 ) ) ) );
- var1=ma( A , 34);
- var2=ma( A,5);
- var3=var2-var1;
- var4=var3-ma(var3,5);
- wilBuy = var4 > 0;
- wilSell = var4 < 0;
- // Graph0=var4;
- // graph0style=2+4;
- // Graph1=wilders(var4,5);
- // Graph1Style=5;
- // Graph0Barcolor=Barcolor;
- // MACD
- macdBuy = macd() > signal();
- macdSell = macd() < signal();
- // MA (instead of Zig-Zag)
- mac = ma (c, 10);
- maBuy = close > mac AND ref (close > mac, -1); // AND mac >= ref (mac, -1);
- maSell = close < mac;
- /*Relative Slope*/
- /*by Dimitris Tsokakis*/
- K=EMA((H+L+C)/3,10);
- S1=2*(K-REF(K,-1))/(K+REF(K,-1));
- RS=100*EMA(S1,3);
- rocDirBuy = RS > 0; // slope is up
- rocDirSell = NOT rocDirBuy;
- //
- // BUY: Jaco MRI was in buy area recently (i.e. the fund was oversold); currently WIlliams AC+ and MACD are above their reference lines (probably should replace it by more sensitive slope of the oscilator as A.Elder recommends); price closes above 10 day MA, and Relative slope is positive
- buyLine = isTrue (jacoBuy AND wilBuy AND macdBuy AND maBuy AND rocDirBuy);
- SystemBuy = isTrue (cross (buyLine, 0));
- // SELL: Jaco MRI was in sell area recently (i.e. the fund was overbought); currently WIlliams AC+ and MACD are below their reference lines (probably should replace it by more sensitive slope of the oscilator as A.Elder recommends); price closes below 10 day MA, and Relative slope is negative
- sellLine = isTrue (jacoSell AND wilSell AND macdSell AND maSell AND rocDirSell);
- SystemSell = isTrue (cross (sellLine, 0));
- sinceBuy = barssince (SystemBuy);
- sinceBuy = IIF (IsEmpty (sinceBuy), 1000, sinceBuy);
- sinceSell = barssince (SystemSell);
- sinceSell = IIF (IsEmpty (sinceSell), 1000, sinceSell);
- sinceSignal = IIF (sinceBuy < sinceSell, sinceBuy, -sinceSell);
- column8 = sinceSignal;
- column8name = "N/D";
- column8format = 2.1;
- // ------------------ Peak based signals (based on Dags work) ======
- pv = peak(close, 2);
- buyPeak = isTrue (cross(close, pv + pv/500));
- sellPeak = isTrue (cross( pv + pv/1000, close));
- sinceBuy = barssince (buyPeak);
- sinceBuy = IIF (IsEmpty (sinceBuy), 100, sinceBuy);
- sinceSell = barssince (sellPeak);
- sinceSell = IIF (IsEmpty (sinceSell), 100, sinceSell);
- sinceSignal = IIF (sinceBuy < sinceSell, sinceBuy, -sinceSell);
- column9 = sinceSignal;
- column9name = "Peak";
- column9format = 2.0;
- // ============= Stochastics divergence =====================
- /*Positive Stochastic Divergence for use in
- Indicator Builder and Automatic Analysis (scan mode),
- by Dimitris Tsokakis*/
- ST33=STOCHD(14);
- TR1=LLVBARS(ST33,4);
- TR2=IIF(ST33<30 AND TR1>0 AND REF(TR1,-1)==0,ref(ST33,-1),0);
- TRC=IIF(TR2>0,C,0);
- vs=valuewhen(tr2, ref(st33,-1), 1);
- dvs=vs-ref(vs,-1);
- vc=valuewhen(trc, LLV(c,3), 1);
- dvc=vc-ref(vc,-1);
- diver=iif(dvs>0 and dvc<0,30,0);
- DD=IIF(DAS<20 AND C>=REF(C,-1),DIVER,0);
- buyStoch=DD>0 ;
- sinceBuy = barssince (buyStoch);
- sinceBuy = IIF (IsEmpty (sinceBuy), 100, sinceBuy);
- /*Negative Stochastic divergence for use in
- Indicator Builder and Automatic Analysis (scan mode),
- by Dimitris Tsokakis*/
- ST33=stochd(14);
- TR1=HHVBARS(ST33,4);
- TR2=IIF(ST33>70 AND TR1>0 AND REF(TR1,-1)==0,ref(ST33,-1),0);
- TRC=IIF(TR2>0,C,0);
- vs=valuewhen(tr2, ref(st33,-1), 1);
- dvs=vs-ref(vs,-1);
- vc=valuewhen(trc, HHV(H,3), 1);
- dvc=vc-ref(vc,-1);
- diver=iif(dvs<0 and dvc>0,90,0);
- ddd=IIF(DAS<20 AND C<REF(C,-1),DIVER,0);
- sellStoch = ddd > 0;
- sinceSell = barssince (sellStoch);
- sinceSell = IIF (IsEmpty (sinceSell), 100, sinceSell);
- sinceSignal = IIF (sinceBuy < sinceSell, sinceBuy, -sinceSell);
- column10 = sinceSignal;
- column10name = "Stoch";
- column10format = 2.0;
- Slw = optimize("slw",3,1,4,1);
- Pds1 =optimize("pds",5,1,16,1);
- Pds2 = optimize("pds",10,1,16,1);
- upM = optimize ("Up margine", 80, 75, 85, 1);
- dnM = optimize ("Down margine", 20, 24, 10, 1);
- A =ema((Close -LLV(Low,Pds1))/(HHV(H,Pds1)-LLV(L,Pds1)),Slw)*100;
- B=ema((A-LLV(A,pds1))/(HHV(A,Pds1)-LLV(A,Pds1)),Slw)*100;
- A1 =ema((Close -LLV(Low,Pds2))/(HHV(H,Pds2)-LLV(L,Pds2)),Slw)*100;
- B1=ema((A1-LLV(A1,pds2))/(HHV(A1,Pds2)-LLV(A1,Pds2)),Slw)*100;
- SHORT = B > upM AND B1 < dnM;
- BUY = B1 > upM AND B < dnM;
- confShort = Hold (Short, 5) AND B < Ref (B, -1) and (B - B1) > 40;
- confBuy = Hold (Buy, 5) AND B > Ref (B, -1) and (B1 - B) > 40;;
- SELL = COVER = 0;
- // Do not display confirmed buy/sell meanwhile
- sinceBuy = barssince (confBuy);
- sinceBuy = IIF (IsEmpty (sinceBuy), 100, sinceBuy);
- sinceSell = barssince (SHORT);
- sinceSell = IIF (IsEmpty (sinceSell), 100, sinceSell);
- sinceSignal = IIF (sinceBuy < sinceSell, sinceBuy, -sinceSell);
- column11 = sinceSignal;
- column11name = "5&10 Stch";
- column11format = 2.0;