- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Formula Name: WLBuildProcess
- // Author/Uploader: Fred Tonetti
- // E-mail:
- // Date/Time Added: 2006-09-16 05:30:39
- // Origin:
- // Keywords: WatchList AddToComposite
- // Level: basic
- // Flags: exploration,function
- // Formula URL: http://www.amibroker.com/library/formula.php?id=710
- // Details URL: http://www.amibroker.com/library/detail.php?id=710
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Builds a user designated working watchlist using the tickers from an
- // external file, processes the users formula and adds to a composite which is
- // stored in the final watchlist. Any number of files can be processed
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Builds Composites From External Lists of Symbols
- //
- // This should be run as an Exploration on the current symbol only
- //
- // User Supplied Info:
- //
- // WatchLists
- // 62 - Work
- // 63 - Final
- //
- // The requirements of input files are that they all must
- // - Be in the same directory
- // - Have the same Prefix ( In this case ETF )
- // - Have the same FileType ( In this case .tls )
- // - Contain a sequential number as part of the name beginning with 1 i.e. ETF1, ETF2 etc ...
- //
- // FNMax = Number of Files to be Processed
- // FNLoc = File Location (Path)
- // FNPre = FileName Prefix
- // FNTyp = FileType
- //
- // FNNum = FileName Number ( Suffix ) ... Automatically generated from 1 to FNMax
- //
- // The resulting composites will be named ~FNPreFNNum and will be in the Final WatchList
- //
- WLWrk = 62;
- WLFin = 63;
- FNMax = 2;
- FNLoc = "C:/Work/";
- FNPre = "ETF";
- FNTyp = ".tls";
- // Clear Final WatchList
- IPList = GetCategorySymbols(categoryWatchlist, WLFin);
- _TRACE("Removing Tickers from W/L " + NumToStr(WLFin, 1.0));
- for (i = 0; i < 999999; i++)
- {
- Ticker = StrExtract(IPList, i);
- if (Ticker == "")
- i = 999999;
- else
- {
- CategoryRemoveSymbol(Ticker, categoryWatchlist, WLFin);
- _TRACE(" " + Ticker);
- }
- }
- Filter = BarIndex() == LastValue(BarIndex());
- // Loop to process all files
- for (FNNum = 1; FNNum <= FNMax; FNNum++)
- {
- // Clear Work WatchList
- IPList = GetCategorySymbols(categoryWatchlist, WLWrk);
- _TRACE("Removing Tickers from W/L " + NumToStr(WLWrk, 1.0));
- for (i = 0; i < 999999; i++)
- {
- Ticker = StrExtract(IPList, i);
- if (Ticker == "")
- i = 999999;
- else
- {
- CategoryRemoveSymbol(Ticker, categoryWatchlist, WLWrk);
- _TRACE(" " + Ticker);
- }
- }
- // Load WatchList
- IPFileName = FNLoc + FNPre + NumToStr(FNNum, 1.0) + FNTyp;
- fh = fopen(IPFileName, "r");
- if(fh)
- {
- _TRACE("Loading Tickers from " + IPFileName);
- while(! feof(fh))
- {
- Ticker = fgets(fh);
- Ticker = StrReplace(Ticker, "n", "");
- Ticker = StrReplace(Ticker, "r", "");
- if (Ticker != "")
- {
- CategoryAddSymbol(Ticker, categoryWatchlist, WLWrk);
- _TRACE(" " + Ticker);
- }
- }
- fclose(fh);
- }
- else
- {
- printf("ERROR: " + IPFileName + " does NOT exist");
- }
- // Process WatchList
- IPList = GetCategorySymbols(categoryWatchlist, WLWrk);
- CompNM = "~" + FNPre + NumToStr(FNNum, 1.0);
- _TRACE("Processing Tickers & Adding to Composite " + CompNM);
- for (i = 0; i < 999999; i++)
- {
- Ticker = StrExtract(IPList, i);
- if (Ticker == "")
- i = 999999;
- else
- {
- _TRACE(" " + Ticker);
- SetForeign(Ticker);
- // Whatever processing for each Ticker - In this case we're just grabbing Close
- AddToComposite(C, CompNM, "X", atcFlagCompositeGroup + atcFlagEnableInExplore);
- CategoryAddSymbol(CompNm, categoryWatchlist, WLFin);
- CategoryRemoveSymbol(CompNm, categoryGroup, 253);
- }
- }
- AddTextColumn(CompNm, "Completed");
- }