Reaction Trend
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Formula Name: Reaction Trend System
- // Author/Uploader: Ed
- // E-mail:
- // Date/Time Added: 2004-05-20 13:32:18
- // Origin: translated from J. Welles Wilder Jr. using New Concepts in Technical Trading 1978
- // Keywords: trading system trend
- // Level: advanced
- // Flags: system
- // Formula URL:
- // Details URL:
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // see code for details.
- //
- // Think most of the bugs are out but if you find any please let me know. Also
- // suggestions to write it more efficiently are welcome.
- //
- // Best to use hourly intraday data. Should work in any timeframe but it
- // should be used with intraday data.
- //
- // If you want to do a backtest do not forget to select the timeframe in the
- // settings!!!
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /*
- Reaction Trend System ---- to be used with Intraday Data
- Originally develloped by: J. Welles Wilder Jr.
- Translated from: New Concepts in Technical Trading systems (1978)
- Translation in Amibroker-AFL by Edward Pottasch (May 2004), Email:
- Shapes in Chart:
- 1) hollow yellow down arrow: Reaction mode short position
- 2) hollow white up arrow: COVER of short positions of BOTH modes (either trend and reaction mode)
- 3) solid yellow down arrow: sell of long positions of BOTH modes (either trend and reaction mode)
- 4) solid white up arrow: Reaction mode long position
- 5) solid yellow down triangle: Trend mode short position
- 6) solid white up triangle: Trend mode long position
- Digits in Chart:
- 1) "1": a "B" day (see rules in code below or in WW's book).
- 2) "2": a "O" day
- 3) "3": a "S" day
- Colors of Digits:
- 1) white: normal color
- 2) yellow: highest or lows day during trend mode. Represents a discontinuity in phase
- 3) lightblue: always drawn below a yellow digit. It means that even though the phase
- is as the yellow digit shows the phase of the lightblue digit is used (which was the phase
- before the discontinuity). This is an exceptional situation where the outbreak to the
- trend mode coincides with the highest or lowest day.
- Short description of the system.
- phase == 1: B day (1 digit in chart)
- - LONG positions are initiated only on a "B" day
- - SHORT positions are reversed on a "B" day
- - breakout of HBOP or LBOP initiate a long or short position on a "B" day
- - we must exit a short position entered in the reaction mode. If target not hit exit at close
- phase == 2: O day (2 digit in chart)
- - No positions are initiated on an "O" day except those initiated by the breakout points
- - LONG positions may be close on an "O" day.
- - breakout of HBOP or LBOP initiate a long or short position on an "O" day
- phase == 3: S day (3 digit in chart)
- - SHORT positions are initiated only on an "S" day
- - LONG positions are reversed on a "S" day
- - breakout of HBOP or LBOP initiate a long or short position on a "S" day
- - we must exit a long position entered in the reaction mode. If target not hit exit at close
- remarks:
- A)
- Any timeframe may be used but I suggest hourly data because it is still fast and provides
- basicly the same information as any other timeframe.
- B)
- I am not sure if Wilder's original idea was to open a reaction mode position in the same
- day where the trend mode position was closed but the code is set up to do such a thing.
- C) Backtesting using minute, hourly etc. timeframes may give a slightly different result.
- Sorry but it is inherent to the system.
- D) Assumed is that the close is at 16:00. Certain exits will take place between 15:55 and 16:00
- if there is a trade. Otherwise no exit occurs. So for now this program should only be used with
- densely traded stocks where there are a couple of trades in the last minutes.
- */
- // set to use all bars required for looping
- setbarsrequired(100000,100000);
- // set timeframe
- TimeFrameSet( inDaily );
- //calculate the average + the four price action points.
- // average
- xx = (H + L + C) / 3;
- // four price action points
- // 1) Buy point
- B1 = 2 * Ref(xx,-1) - Ref(H,-1);
- // 2) Sell point
- S1 = 2 * Ref(xx,-1) - Ref(L,-1);
- // 3) High break out point
- HBOP = 2 * Ref(xx,-1) - 2 * Ref(L,-1) + Ref(H,-1);
- // 4) Low break out point
- LBOP = 2 * Ref(xx,-1) - 2 * Ref(H,-1) + Ref(L,-1);
- // short trail stop: highest high made in previous 2 days (used in trend mode only)
- trailstop_short = Ref(HHV(H,2),-1);
- // long trail stop: lowest low made in previous 2 days (used in trend mode only)
- trailstop_long = Ref(LLV(L,2),-1);
- // declare some arrays
- phase_arr = C;
- phase_arr = 0;
- phase_arr_l1 = phase_arr; // additional layer of phase changes
- stop_short = phase_arr; stop_long = stop_short;
- short_index_position = phase_arr; long_index_position = short_index_position;
- b_day = phase_arr; s_day = phase_arr;
- // first determine "B" and "S" days
- idx = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < BarCount; i++) {
- // short trend mode
- if (L[ i ] <= LBOP[ i ] AND i >= idx) {
- // indicate the short trend mode outbreak
- short_index_position[ i ] = 1;
- // variables tracking lowest day in short trend mode
- idx_b = i;
- loi = L[ i ];
- // exit at trailing stop
- for (j = i + 1; j < BarCount; j++) {
- if (L[ j ] < loi) {
- loi = L[ j ];
- // track index of lowest point in trend mode
- idx_b = j;
- } else
- if (H[ j ] >= trailstop_short[ j ]) {
- stop_short[ j ] = 1;
- // idx is used to make sure we finish a position before starting a new one
- idx = j;
- // used to exit the j-for loop
- j = BarCount - 1;
- }
- }
- // save index position of lowest point in short trend mode
- b_day[ idx_b ] = 1;
- } else if (H[ i ] >= HBOP[ i ] AND i >= idx) {
- // indicate the long trend mode outbreak
- long_index_position[ i ] = 1;
- // variables tracking highest day in long trend mode
- idx_s = i;
- hii = H[ i ];
- // exit at trailing stop
- for (j = i + 1; j < BarCount; j++) {
- if (H[ j ] > hii) {
- hii = H[ j ];
- // track index of highest point in trend mode
- idx_s = j;
- } else
- if (L[ j ] <= trailstop_long[ j ]) {
- stop_long[ j ] = 1;
- // idx is used to make sure we finish a position before starting a new one
- idx = j;
- // used to exit the j-for loop
- j = BarCount - 1;
- }
- }
- // save index position of highest point in long trend mode
- s_day[ idx_s ] = 1;
- }
- }
- // fill in the rest of the phase array. Sequence: 1 - 2 - 3 - 1 - 2 - etc
- for (i = 1; i < BarCount; i++) {
- if (b_day[ i ] == 1) {
- phase_arr[ i ] = 1;
- // if b_day equal to the day of outbreak store the original phase
- if (b_day[ i ] == 1 AND short_index_position[ i ] == 1) {
- if (phase_arr[ i - 1 ] == 1) {
- phase_arr_l1[ i ] = 2;
- } else
- if (phase_arr[ i - 1 ] == 2) {
- phase_arr_l1[ i ] = 3;
- } else
- if (phase_arr[ i - 1 ] == 3) {
- phase_arr_l1[ i ] = 1;
- } else
- if (phase_arr[ i - 1 ] == 0) {
- phase_arr_l1[ i ] = 1;
- }
- }
- } else if (s_day[ i ] == 1) {
- phase_arr[ i ] = 3;
- // if s_day equal to the day of outbreak store the original phase
- if (s_day[ i ] == 1 AND long_index_position[ i ] == 1) {
- if (phase_arr[ i - 1 ] == 1) {
- phase_arr_l1[ i ] = 2;
- } else
- if (phase_arr[ i - 1 ] == 2) {
- phase_arr_l1[ i ] = 3;
- } else
- if (phase_arr[ i - 1 ] == 3) {
- phase_arr_l1[ i ] = 1;
- } else
- if (phase_arr[ i - 1 ] == 0) {
- phase_arr_l1[ i ] = 1;
- }
- }
- } else if (b_day[ i ] == 0 AND s_day[ i ] == 0 AND phase_arr[ i - 1 ] == 3) {
- phase_arr[ i ] = 1;
- } else if (b_day[ i ] == 0 AND s_day[ i ] == 0 AND phase_arr[ i - 1 ] == 2) {
- phase_arr[ i ] = 3;
- } else if (b_day[ i ] == 0 AND s_day[ i ] == 0 AND phase_arr[ i - 1 ] == 1) {
- phase_arr[ i ] = 2;
- }
- }
- // restore to current time frame
- TimeFrameRestore();
- // expand arrays
- xx = TimeFrameExpand( xx, inDaily,mode = expandFirst );
- B1 = TimeFrameExpand( B1, inDaily,mode = expandFirst );
- S1 = TimeFrameExpand( S1, inDaily,mode = expandFirst );
- HBOP = TimeFrameExpand( HBOP, inDaily,mode = expandFirst );
- LBOP = TimeFrameExpand( LBOP, inDaily,mode = expandFirst );
- trailstop_short = TimeFrameExpand( trailstop_short, inDaily,mode = expandFirst );
- trailstop_long = TimeFrameExpand( trailstop_long, inDaily,mode = expandFirst );
- phase_arr = TimeFrameExpand( phase_arr, inDaily,mode = expandFirst );
- phase_arr_l1 = TimeFrameExpand( phase_arr_l1, inDaily,mode = expandFirst );
- b_day = TimeFrameExpand( b_day, inDaily,mode = expandFirst );
- s_day = TimeFrameExpand( s_day, inDaily,mode = expandFirst );
- // time bar is used on B and S days + position to close out on last bar if target not hit
- timebar = Cross(TimeNum(),155500);
- // adjust phase array for charting purposes
- hlp_phase = phase_arr; hlp_phase = 0; hlp_b = hlp_phase; hlp_s = hlp_phase; hlp_phase_l1 = hlp_phase;
- for (i = 1; i < BarCount; i++) {
- if (HBOP[ i ] != HBOP[ i - 1]) {
- hlp_phase[ i ] = phase_arr[ i ];
- hlp_phase_l1[ i ] = phase_arr_l1[ i ];
- hlp_b[ i ] = b_day[ i ];
- hlp_s[ i ] = s_day[ i ];
- }
- }
- // change the phase_arr back to original phase at places where phase change equals outbreak because
- // you need the original phase to determine reaction mode behaviour
- phase_arr = IIF(phase_arr_l1 != 0,phase_arr_l1,phase_arr);
- // calculate the positions
- // flag settings
- reaction_position_buy = 0;
- reaction_position_short = 0;
- trend_position_buy = 0;
- trend_position_short = 0;
- // help arrays
- tpsl = C; tpsl = 0; // trend position long index storage array
- tpss = C; tpss = 0; // trend position short index storage array
- // reset arrays
- Buy = C; Buy = 0; Sell = Buy; Short = Buy; Cover = Buy;
- for (i = 0; i < BarCount; i++) {
- /* "B" day + no position. 4 areas are of importance for the open price as an entry point
- 1) Open between HBOP and B1 (Area 1)
- 2) Open between B1 and LBOP (Area 2)
- 3) Open higher than HBOP (Area 3)
- 4) Open lower than LBOP (Area 4)
- */
- if (phase_arr[ i ] == 1 AND reaction_position_buy == 0 AND trend_position_buy == 0 AND
- reaction_position_short == 0 AND trend_position_short == 0) {
- // open in Area 1
- if (O[ i ] > B1[ i ] AND O[ i ] < HBOP[ i ]) {
- // check for entry of Area 2
- if (L[ i ] <= B1[ i ]) {
- Buy[ i ] = 1;
- BuyPrice[ i ] = B1[ i ];
- reaction_position_buy = 1;
- // check for entry of Area 3 (breakout)
- if (L[ i ] <= LBOP[ i ]) {
- // sell the reaction mode long position you just entered
- Sell[ i ] = 1;
- SellPrice[ i ] = LBOP[ i ];
- reaction_position_buy = 0;
- // take a short position in the trend mode
- Short[ i ] = 1;
- ShortPrice[ i ] = LBOP[ i ];
- trend_position_short = 1;
- tpss[ i ] = 1;
- } else
- // check for enrty of Area 4 (breakout)
- if (H[ i ] >= HBOP[ i ]) {
- // only change the mode since we are already long
- reaction_position_buy = 0;
- trend_position_buy = 1;
- tpsl[ i ] = 1;
- }
- } else
- // check for entry of Area 4
- if (H[ i ] >= HBOP[ i ]) {
- Buy[ i ] = 1;
- BuyPrice[ i ] = HBOP[ i ];
- trend_position_buy = 1;
- tpsl[ i ] = 1;
- }
- } else
- // open in Area 2
- if (O[ i ] <= B1[ i ] AND O[ i ] > LBOP[ i ]) {
- Buy[ i ] = 1;
- BuyPrice[ i ] = O[ i ];
- reaction_position_buy = 1;
- // check for entry of Area 3 (breakout)
- if (L[ i ] <= LBOP[ i ]) {
- // sell the reaction mode long position you just entered
- Sell[ i ] = 1;
- SellPrice[ i ] = LBOP[ i ];
- reaction_position_buy = 0;
- // take a short position in the trend mode
- Short[ i ] = 1;
- ShortPrice[ i ] = LBOP[ i ];
- trend_position_short = 1;
- tpss[ i ] = 1;
- } else
- // check for enrty of Area 4 (breakout)
- if (H[ i ] >= HBOP[ i ]) {
- // only change the mode since we are already long
- reaction_position_buy = 0;
- trend_position_buy = 1;
- tpsl[ i ] = 1;
- }
- } else
- // open in Area 3
- if (O[ i ] <= LBOP[ i ]) {
- // take a short position in the trend mode
- Short[ i ] = 1;
- ShortPrice[ i ] = O[ i ];
- trend_position_short = 1;
- tpss[ i ] = 1;
- } else
- // open in Area 4
- if (O[ i ] >= HBOP[ i ]) {
- // take a long position in the trend mode
- Buy[ i ] = 1;
- BuyPrice[ i ] = O[ i ];
- trend_position_buy = 1;
- tpsl[ i ] = 1;
- }
- } else
- /* "O" day + no position. 3 entry areas of importance
- 1) open between LBOP and HBOP (Area 1)
- 2) open higher than HBOP (Area 2)
- 3) open lower than LBOP (Area 3)
- */
- if (phase_arr[ i ] == 2 AND reaction_position_buy == 0 AND trend_position_buy == 0 AND
- reaction_position_short == 0 AND trend_position_short == 0) {
- // open in Area 1
- if (O[ i ] > LBOP[ i ] AND O[ i ] < HBOP[ i ]) {
- // entry of Area 3
- if (L[ i ] <= LBOP[ i ]) {
- // take a short position in trend mode
- Short[ i ] = 1;
- ShortPrice[ i ] = LBOP[ i ];
- trend_position_short = 1;
- tpss[ i ] = 1;
- } else
- // entry of Area 4
- if (H[ i ] >= HBOP[ i ]) {
- // take a long position in the trend mode
- Buy[ i ] = 1;
- BuyPrice[ i ] = HBOP[ i ];
- trend_position_buy = 1;
- tpsl[ i ] = 1;
- }
- } else
- // open in Area 3
- if (O[ i ] <= LBOP[ i ]) {
- // take a short position in the trend mode
- Short[ i ] = 1;
- ShortPrice[ i ] = O[ i ];
- trend_position_short = 1;
- tpss[ i ] = 1;
- } else
- // open in Area 2
- if (O[ i ] >= HBOP[ i ]) {
- // take a long position in the trend mode
- Buy[ i ] = 1;
- BuyPrice[ i ] = O[ i ];
- trend_position_buy = 1;
- tpsl[ i ] = 1;
- }
- } else
- /* "S" day + no position. 4 areas of entry may be defined
- 1) open between LBOP and S1 (area 1)
- 2) open between S1 and HBOP (area 2)
- 3) open higher than HBOP (area 3)
- 4) open lower than LBOP (area 4)
- */
- if (phase_arr[ i ] == 3 AND reaction_position_buy == 0 AND trend_position_buy == 0 AND
- reaction_position_short == 0 AND trend_position_short == 0) {
- // open in area 1
- if (O[ i ] > LBOP[ i ] AND O[ i ] < S1[ i ]) {
- // check for entry of Area 2
- if (H[ i ] >= S1[ i ]) {
- Short[ i ] = 1;
- ShortPrice[ i ] = S1[ i ];
- reaction_position_short = 1;
- // check for entry of Area 3 (breakout)
- if (H[ i ] >= HBOP[ i ]) {
- // cover position first
- Cover[ i ] = 1;
- CoverPrice[ i ] = HBOP[ i ];
- reaction_position_short = 0;
- // take a long position in the trend mode
- Buy[ i ] = 1;
- BuyPrice[ i ] = HBOP[ i ];
- trend_position_buy = 1;
- tpsl[ i ] = 1;
- } else
- // check for enrty of Area 4 (breakout)
- if (L[ i ] <= LBOP[ i ]) {
- // only change the mode since we are already short
- reaction_position_short = 0;
- trend_position_short = 1;
- tpss[ i ] = 1;
- }
- } else
- // check for entry of Area 4
- if (L[ i ] <= LBOP[ i ]) {
- Short[ i ] = 1;
- ShortPrice[ i ] = LBOP[ i ];
- trend_position_short = 1;
- tpss[ i ] = 1;
- }
- } else
- // open in area 2
- if (O[ i ] >= S1[ i ] AND O[ i ] < HBOP[ i ]) {
- Short[ i ] = 1;
- ShortPrice[ i ] = O[ i ];
- reaction_position_short = 1;
- // check for entry of Area 3 (breakout)
- if (H[ i ] >= HBOP[ i ]) {
- // cover the reaction mode short position you just entered
- Cover[ i ] = 1;
- CoverPrice[ i ] = HBOP[ i ];
- reaction_position_short = 0;
- // take a long position in the trend mode
- Buy[ i ] = 1;
- BuyPrice[ i ] = HBOP[ i ];
- trend_position_buy = 1;
- tpsl[ i ] = 1;
- } else
- // check for enrty of Area 4 (breakout)
- if (L[ i ] <= LBOP[ i ]) {
- // only change the mode since we are already short
- reaction_position_short = 0;
- trend_position_short = 1;
- tpss[ i ] = 1;
- }
- } else
- // open in Area 4
- if (O[ i ] <= LBOP[ i ]) {
- // take a short position in the trend mode
- Short[ i ] = 1;
- ShortPrice[ i ] = O[ i ];
- trend_position_short = 1;
- tpss[ i ] = 1;
- } else
- // open in Area 3
- if (O[ i ] >= HBOP[ i ]) {
- // take a long position in the trend mode
- Buy[ i ] = 1;
- BuyPrice[ i ] = O[ i ];
- trend_position_buy = 1;
- tpsl[ i ] = 1;
- }
- } else
- /* "B" day PLUS short reaction mode position. 4 Entry areas of interest
- 1) open between B1 and HBOP (area 1)
- 2) open between LBOP and B1 (area 2)
- 3) open below LBOP (area 3)
- 4) open above HBOP (area 4)
- */
- if (phase_arr[ i ] == 1 AND reaction_position_buy == 0 AND trend_position_buy == 0 AND
- reaction_position_short == 1 AND trend_position_short == 0) {
- // open in area 1
- if (O[ i ] > B1[ i ] AND O[ i ] < HBOP[ i ]) {
- // enter area 2
- if (L[ i ] <= B1[ i ]) {
- // cover short position
- Cover[ i ] = 1;
- CoverPrice[ i ] = B1[ i ];
- reaction_position_short = 0;
- // reverse short into a long
- Buy[ i ] = 1;
- BuyPrice[ i ] = B1[ i ];
- reaction_position_buy = 1;
- // price enters area 3
- if (L[ i ] <= LBOP[ i ]) {
- // close long position
- Sell[ i ] = 1;
- SellPrice[ i ] = LBOP[ i ];
- reaction_position_buy = 0;
- // open short trend mode position
- Short[ i ] = 1;
- ShortPrice[ i ] = LBOP[ i ];
- trend_position_short = 1;
- tpss[ i ] = 1;
- } else
- // price enters area 4
- if (H[ i ] >= HBOP[ i ]) {
- // just change the mode
- reaction_position_buy = 0;
- trend_position_buy = 1;
- tpsl[ i ] = 1;
- }
- } else
- // stay in area 1 and cover position at the close
- if (L[ i ] > B1[ i ] AND H[ i ] < HBOP[ i ] AND timebar[ i ] == 1) {
- // cover at close
- Cover[ i ] = 1;
- CoverPrice[ i ] = C[ i ];
- reaction_position_short = 0;
- } else
- // price enters area 4
- if (H[ i ] >= HBOP[ i ]) {
- // cover short position
- Cover[ i ] = 1;
- CoverPrice[ i ] = HBOP[ i ];
- reaction_position_short = 0;
- // go long in trend mode
- Buy[ i ] = 1;
- BuyPrice[ i ] = HBOP[ i ];
- trend_position_buy = 1;
- tpsl[ i ] = 1;
- }
- } else
- // open in area 2
- if (O[ i ] > LBOP[ i ] AND O[ i ] <= B1[ i ]) {
- // cover the short position
- Cover[ i ] = 1;
- CoverPrice[ i ] = O[ i ];
- reaction_position_short = 0;
- // reverse position
- Buy[ i ] = 1;
- BuyPrice[ i ] = O[ i ];
- reaction_position_buy = 1;
- // price enters area 3
- if (L[ i ] <= LBOP[ i ]) {
- // close long position
- Sell[ i ] = 1;
- SellPrice[ i ] = LBOP[ i ];
- reaction_position_buy = 0;
- // open short trend mode position
- Short[ i ] = 1;
- ShortPrice[ i ] = LBOP[ i ];
- trend_position_short = 1;
- tpss[ i ] = 1;
- } else
- // price enters area 4
- if (H[ i ] > HBOP[ i ]) {
- // just change the mode
- reaction_position_buy = 0;
- trend_position_buy = 1;
- tpsl[ i ] = 1;
- }
- } else
- // open in area 3
- if (O[ i ] <= LBOP[ i ]) {
- // position is already short, just change the mode
- reaction_position_short = 0;
- trend_position_short = 1;
- tpss[ i ] = 1;
- } else
- // open in area 4
- if (O[ i ] >= HBOP[ i ]) {
- // close the short position
- Cover[ i ] = 1;
- CoverPrice[ i ] = O[ i ];
- reaction_position_short = 0;
- // and go long in trend mode
- Buy[ i ] = 1;
- BuyPrice[ i ] = O[ i ];
- trend_position_buy = 1;
- tpsl[ i ] = 1;
- }
- } else
- /* "O" day PLUS long reaction mode position, 4 areas of interest
- 1) open between LBOP and S1 (area 1)
- 2) open between S1 and HBOP (area 2)
- 3) open above HBOP (area 3)
- 4) open below LBOP ( area 4)
- */
- if (phase_arr[ i ] == 2 AND reaction_position_buy == 1 AND trend_position_buy == 0 AND
- reaction_position_short == 0 AND trend_position_short == 0) {
- // open in area 1
- if (O[ i ] > LBOP[ i ] AND O[ i ] < S1[ i ]) {
- // entry of area 2
- if (H[ i ] >= S1[ i ]) {
- Sell[ i ] = 1;
- SellPrice[ i ] = S1[ i ];
- reaction_position_buy = 0;
- // enter area 3
- if (H[ i ] >= HBOP[ i ]) {
- // go long in trend mode
- Buy[ i ] = 1;
- BuyPrice[ i ] = HBOP[ i ];
- trend_position_buy = 1;
- tpsl[ i ] = 1;
- } else
- // enter area 4
- if (L[i ] <= LBOP[ i ]) {
- // go short in trend mode
- Short[ i ] = 1;
- ShortPrice[ i ] = LBOP[ i ];
- trend_position_short = 1;
- tpss[ i ] = 1;
- }
- } else
- // entry of area 4
- if (L[ i ] <= LBOP[ i ]) {
- // sell currect position
- Sell[ i ] = 1;
- SellPrice[ i ] = LBOP[ i ];
- reaction_position_buy = 0;
- // enter the short trend mode
- Short[ i ] = 1;
- ShortPrice[ i ] = LBOP[ i ];
- trend_position_short = 1;
- tpss[ i ] = 1;
- }
- } else
- // open in area 2
- if (O[ i ] >= S1[ i ] AND O[ i ] < HBOP[ i ]) {
- // sell position straight away
- Sell[ i ] = 1;
- SellPrice[ i ] = O[ i ];
- reaction_position_buy = 0;
- // enter area 3
- if (H[ i ] >= HBOP[ i ]) {
- // go long in trend mode
- Buy[ i ] = 1;
- BuyPrice[ i ] = HBOP[ i ];
- trend_position_buy = 1;
- tpsl[ i ] = 1;
- } else
- // enter area 4
- if (L[i ] <= LBOP[ i ]) {
- // go short in trend mode
- Short[ i ] = 1;
- ShortPrice[ i ] = LBOP[ i ];
- trend_position_short = 1;
- tpss[ i ] = 1;
- }
- } else
- // open in area 3
- if (O[ i ] >= HBOP[ i ]) {
- // position is already long, just change the mode
- reaction_position_buy = 0;
- trend_position_buy = 1;
- tpsl[ i ] = 1;
- } else
- // open in area 4
- if (O[ i ] <= LBOP[ i ]) {
- // close the long position
- Sell[ i ] = 1;
- SellPrice[ i ] = O[ i ];
- reaction_position_buy = 0;
- // and go short in trend mode
- Short[ i ] = 1;
- ShortPrice[ i ] = O[ i ];
- trend_position_short = 1;
- tpss[ i ] = 1;
- }
- } else
- /* "S" day + long reaction mode position, 4 areas of interest
- 1) open between LBOP and S1 (area 1)
- 2) open between S1 and HBOP
- 3) open above HBOP (area 3)
- 4) open below LBOP (area 4)
- */
- if (phase_arr[ i ] == 3 AND reaction_position_buy == 1 AND trend_position_buy == 0 AND
- reaction_position_short == 0 AND trend_position_short == 0) {
- // open in area 1
- if (O[ i ] > LBOP[ i ] AND O[ i ] < S1[ i ]) {
- // entry of area 2
- if (H[ i ] >= S1[ i ]) {
- // sell position
- Sell[ i ] = 1;
- SellPrice[ i ] = S1[ i ];
- reaction_position_buy = 0;
- // reverse position
- Short[ i ] = 1;
- ShortPrice[ i ] = S1[ i ];
- reaction_position_short = 1;
- // enter area 3
- if (H[ i ] >= HBOP[ i ]) {
- // close out short position
- Cover[ i ] = 1;
- CoverPrice[ i ] = HBOP[ i ];
- reaction_position_short = 0;
- // go long in trend mode
- Buy[ i ] = 1;
- BuyPrice[ i ] = HBOP[ i ];
- trend_position_buy = 1;
- tpsl[ i ] = 1;
- } else
- // enter area 4
- if (L[i ] <= LBOP[ i ]) {
- // just change mode, we are short already
- reaction_position_short = 0;
- trend_position_short = 1;
- tpss[ i ] = 1;
- }
- }
- // price never enters the sell area
- if (H[ i ] < S1[ i ] AND L[ i ] > LBOP[ i ] AND timebar[ i ] == 1) {
- // cover at close
- Sell[ i ] = 1;
- SellPrice[ i ] = C[ i ];
- reaction_position_buy = 0;
- } else
- // price enters area 4
- if (L[ i ] <= LBOP[ i ]) {
- // sell long position
- Sell[ i ] = 1;
- SellPrice[ i ] = LBOP[ i ];
- reaction_position_buy = 0;
- // go short in trend mode
- Short[ i ] = 1;
- ShortPrice[ i ] = LBOP[ i ];
- trend_position_short = 1;
- tpss[ i ] = 1;
- }
- } else
- // open in area 2
- if (O[ i ] >= S1[ i ] AND O[ i ] < HBOP[ i ]) {
- // sell position straight away
- Sell[ i ] = 1;
- SellPrice[ i ] = O[ i ];
- reaction_position_buy = 0;
- // and reverse
- Short[ i ] = 1;
- ShortPrice[ i ] = O[ i ];
- reaction_position_short = 1;
- // enter area 3
- if (H[ i ] >= HBOP[ i ]) {
- // close out short position
- Cover[ i ] = 1;
- CoverPrice[ i ] = HBOP[ i ];
- reaction_position_short = 0;
- // go long in trend mode
- Buy[ i ] = 1;
- BuyPrice[ i ] = HBOP[ i ];
- trend_position_buy = 1;
- tpsl[ i ] = 1;
- } else
- // enter area 4
- if (L[i ] <= LBOP[ i ]) {
- // just change mode, we are short already
- reaction_position_short = 0;
- trend_position_short = 1;
- tpss[ i ] = 1;
- }
- } else
- // open in area 3
- if (O[ i ] >= HBOP[ i ]) {
- // position is already long, just change the mode
- reaction_position_buy = 0;
- trend_position_buy = 1;
- tpsl[ i ] = 1;
- } else
- // open in area 4
- if (O[ i ] <= LBOP[ i ]) {
- // close the long position
- Sell[ i ] = 1;
- SellPrice[ i ] = O[ i ];
- reaction_position_buy = 0;
- // and go short in trend mode
- Short[ i ] = 1;
- ShortPrice[ i ] = O[ i ];
- trend_position_short = 1;
- tpss[ i ] = 1;
- }
- } else
- /* long trend mode position, exit at the trailing stop, 4 entry areas of interest
- 1) open between trailstop_long and HBOP (area 1)
- 2) open between trailstop_long and LBOP (area 2)
- 3) open above HBOP (area 3)
- 4) open below LBOP (area 4)
- */
- if ( (phase_arr[ i ] == 1 OR phase_arr[ i ] == 2 OR phase_arr[ i ] == 3) AND
- reaction_position_buy == 0 AND trend_position_buy == 1 AND
- reaction_position_short == 0 AND trend_position_short == 0) {
- // open in area 1
- if (O[ i ] > trailstop_long[ i ] AND O[ i ] < HBOP[ i ]) {
- // enter area 2
- if (L[ i ] <= trailstop_long[ i ]) {
- // long position in trend mode is stopped out
- Sell[ i ] = 1;
- SellPrice[ i ] = trailstop_long[ i ];
- trend_position_buy = 0;
- // enter area 4
- if (L[ i ] <= LBOP[ i ]) {
- Short[ i ] = 1;
- ShortPrice[ i ] = LBOP[ i ];
- trend_position_short = 1;
- tpss[ i ] = 1;
- }
- }
- // enter area 3 **** nothing done here
- } else
- // open in area 2
- if (O[ i ] <= trailstop_long[ i ] AND O[ i ] > LBOP[ i ]) {
- // long position in trend mode is stopped out at the open
- Sell[ i ] = 1;
- SellPrice[ i ] = O[ i ];
- trend_position_buy = 0;
- // enter area 4
- if (L[ i ] <= LBOP[ i ]) {
- // take a short position
- Short[ i ] = 1;
- ShortPrice[ i ] = LBOP[ i ];
- trend_position_short = 1;
- tpss[ i ] = 1;
- } else
- // enter area 3
- if (H[ i ] >= HBOP[ i ]) {
- Buy[ i ] = 1;
- BuyPrice[ i ] = HBOP[ i ];
- trend_position_buy = 1;
- tpsl[ i ] = 1;
- }
- } else
- // open in area 3 *** nothing done here
- // open in area 4
- if (O[ i ] <= LBOP[ i ]) {
- // sell the long position
- Sell[ i ] = 1;
- SellPrice[ i ] = O[ i ];
- trend_position_buy = 0;
- // now go short in trend mode
- Short[ i ] = 1;
- ShortPrice[ i ] = LBOP[ i ];
- trend_position_short = 1;
- tpss[ i ] = 1;
- }
- } else
- /* short trend mode position, exit at the trailing stop, 4 entry areas of interest
- 1) open between LBOP and trailstop_short (area 1)
- 2) open between trailstop_short and HBOP (area 2)
- 3) open below LBOP (area 3)
- 4) open above HBOP (area 4)
- */
- if ( (phase_arr[ i ] == 1 OR phase_arr[ i ] == 2 OR phase_arr[ i ] == 3) AND
- reaction_position_buy == 0 AND trend_position_buy == 0 AND
- reaction_position_short == 0 AND trend_position_short == 1) {
- // open in area 1
- if (O[ i ] < trailstop_short[ i ] AND O[ i ] > LBOP[ i ]) {
- // entry of area 2
- if (H[ i ] >= trailstop_short[ i ]) {
- // cover short position, short trend mode is stopped out
- Cover[ i ] = 1;
- CoverPrice[ i ] = trailstop_short[ i ];
- trend_position_short = 0;
- // enter are 4
- if (H[ i ] >= HBOP[ i ]) {
- // enter long position
- Buy[ i ] = 1;
- BuyPrice[ i ] = HBOP[ i ];
- trend_position_buy = 1;
- tpsl[ i ] = 1;
- }
- }
- // entry of area 3 *** nothing done here
- } else
- // open in area 2
- if (O[ i ] >= trailstop_short[ i ] AND O[ i ] < HBOP[ i ]) {
- // cover short position, stopped
- Cover[ i ] = 1;
- CoverPrice[ i ] = O[ i ];
- trend_position_short = 0;
- // enter area 4
- if (H[ i ] >= HBOP[ i ]) {
- // go long
- Buy[ i ] = 1;
- BuyPrice[ i ] = HBOP[ i ];
- trend_position_buy = 1;
- tpsl[ i ] = 1;
- } else
- // enter area 3
- if (L[ i ] <= LBOP[ i ]) {
- // go short
- Short[ i ] = 1;
- ShortPrice[ i ] = LBOP[ i ];
- trend_position_short = 1;
- tpss[ i ] = 1;
- }
- } else
- // open in area 3 *** nothing done here
- // open in area 4
- if (O[ i ] >= HBOP[ i ]) {
- // cover short position
- Cover[ i ] = 1;
- CoverPrice[ i ] = O[ i ];
- trend_position_short = 0;
- // go long
- Buy[ i ] = 1;
- BuyPrice[ i ] = O[ i ];
- trend_position_buy = 1;
- tpsl[ i ] = 1;
- }
- }
- // *** extra code that is needed for intraday data ***
- // "B" day PLUS LONG reaction mode position. 3 Entry areas of interest
- //1) open between LBOP and HBOP (area 1)
- //2) open below LBOP (area 2)
- //3) open above HBOP (area 3)
- //check for outbreak on "B" day having a long position
- if (phase_arr[ i ] == 1 AND reaction_position_buy == 1 AND trend_position_buy == 0 AND
- reaction_position_short == 0 AND trend_position_short == 0) {
- // open in area 1
- if (O[ i ] > LBOP[ i ] AND O[ i ] < HBOP[ i ]) {
- // enter area 2
- if (L[ i ] <= LBOP[ i ]) {
- // sell long position
- Sell[ i ] = 1;
- SellPrice[ i ] = LBOP[ i ];
- reaction_position_buy = 0;
- // go short in trend mode
- Short[ i ] = 1;
- ShortPrice[ i ] = LBOP[ i ];
- trend_position_short = 1;
- tpss[ i ] =1;
- } else
- // enter area 3
- if (H[ i ] >= HBOP[ i ]) {
- reaction_position_buy = 0;
- trend_position_buy = 1;
- tpsl[ i ] = 1;
- }
- } else
- // open in area 2
- if (O[ i ] <= LBOP[ i ]) {
- // sell long position
- Sell[ i ] = 1;
- SellPrice[ i ] = O[ i ];
- reaction_position_buy = 0;
- // go short in trend mode
- Short[ i ] = 1;
- ShortPrice[ i ] = O[ i ];
- trend_position_short = 1;
- tpss[ i ] = 1;
- } else
- // open in area 3
- if (O[ i ] >= HBOP[ i ]) {
- // only change the mode
- reaction_position_buy = 0;
- trend_position_buy = 1;
- tpsl[ i ] = 1;
- }
- } else
- // *** extra code that is needed for intraday data ***
- // "S" day PLUS SHORT reaction mode position. 3 Entry areas of interest
- //1) open between LBOP and HBOP (area 1)
- //2) open below LBOP (area 2)
- //3) open above HBOP (area 3)
- //check for outbreak on "S" day having a short position
- if (phase_arr[ i ] == 3 AND reaction_position_buy == 0 AND trend_position_buy == 0 AND
- reaction_position_short == 1 AND trend_position_short == 0) {
- // open in area 1
- if (O[ i ] > LBOP[ i ] AND O[ i ] < HBOP[ i ]) {
- // enter area 2
- if (L[ i ] <= LBOP[ i ]) {
- // change mode only
- reaction_position_short = 0;
- trend_position_short = 1;
- tpss[ i ] = 1;
- } else
- // enter area 3
- if (H[ i ] >= HBOP[ i ]) {
- // cover short position
- Cover[ i ] = 1;
- CoverPrice[ i ] = HBOP[ i ];
- reaction_position_short = 0;
- // go long in trend mode
- Buy[ i ] = 1;
- BuyPrice[ i ] = HBOP[ i ];
- trend_position_buy = 1;
- tpsl[ i ] = 1;
- }
- } else
- // open in area 2
- if (O[ i ] <= LBOP[ i ]) {
- // only change the mode
- reaction_position_short = 0;
- trend_position_short = 1;
- tpss[ i ] = 1;
- } else
- // open in area 3
- if (O[ i ] >= HBOP[ i ]) {
- // cover short position
- Cover[ i ] = 1;
- CoverPrice[ i ] = O[ i ];
- reaction_position_short = 0;
- // go long in trend mode
- Buy[ i ] = 1;
- BuyPrice[ i ] = O[ i ];
- trend_position_buy = 1;
- tpsl[ i ] = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- // --------------------------------------
- // For Chart
- Plot(C,"",1,64);
- // define title
- Title=Name()+ ", O: "+WriteVal(O)+ ", H: "+WriteVal(H)+ ", L: "+WriteVal(L)+ ", C: "+WriteVal(C) +
- EncodeColor( colorOrange ) + ", HBOP: " + EncodeColor( colorWhite ) + WriteVal(HBOP) +
- EncodeColor( colorRed ) + ", S1: " + EncodeColor( colorWhite ) + WriteVal(HBOP) +
- EncodeColor( colorBrightGreen ) + ", B1: " + EncodeColor( colorWhite ) + WriteVal(HBOP) +
- EncodeColor( colorGreen ) + ", LBOP: " + EncodeColor( colorWhite ) + WriteVal(HBOP);
- // buy, sell, short and cover symbols
- PlotShapes(shapeUpArrow*Buy,colorWhite,0,BuyPrice,0);
- PlotShapes(shapeDownArrow*Sell,colorYellow,0,SellPrice,0);
- PlotShapes(shapeHollowDownArrow*Short,colorYellow,0,ShortPrice,-15);
- PlotShapes(shapeHollowUpArrow*Cover,colorWhite,0,CoverPrice,-15);
- // triagle show breakouts
- PlotShapes(shapeUpTriangle*tpsl,colorWhite,0,BuyPrice,0);
- PlotShapes(shapeDownTriangle*tpss,colorYellow,0,ShortPrice,-15);
- // 1 = "B" day, 2 = "O" day, 3 = "S" day
- PlotShapes(shapeDigit1 * (hlp_phase == 1),IIF(hlp_b == 1,colorYellow,colorWhite),0, HBOP,0);
- PlotShapes(shapeDigit2 * (hlp_phase == 2),colorWhite,0, HBOP,0);
- PlotShapes(shapeDigit3 * (hlp_phase == 3),IIF(hlp_s == 1,colorYellow,colorWhite),0, HBOP,0);
- // lightblue digits at days where original phase is used for the calculation.
- PlotShapes(shapeDigit1 * (hlp_phase_l1 == 1),colorLightBlue,0, HBOP,-15);
- PlotShapes(shapeDigit3 * (hlp_phase_l1 == 3),colorLightBlue,0, HBOP,-15);
- // draw levels
- Plot(B1,"",colorBrightGreen,1);
- Plot(S1,"",colorRed,1);
- Plot(HBOP,"",colorOrange,1);
- Plot(LBOP,"",colorGreen,1);
- // for analysis purposes
- Filter = 1;
- AddColumn(phase_arr,"Phase");
- Addcolumn(LBOP,"LBOP");
- AddColumn(O,"O");
- AddColumn(buy,"buy");
- AddColumn(sell,"sell");
- AddColumn(short,"short");
- AddColumn(cover,"cover");
- AddColumn(tpsl,"tpsl");
- AddColumn(tpss,"tpss");